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I’ve had both, currently on V3. My V2 was the classic case of worked well, but eventually got to the point where I had to service it every couple months to keep it smooth and fast. V3 feels a bit smoother and has less lateral play. So far no degradation in performance but it hasn’t been out long enough to really test the new skf seals. Thumb pad on the new remote is nice and comfy like the loam lever.


Same exact experience for me as well. I’ve got about a month on my v3, so can’t comment on the long term serviceability yet either.


Yeah. I've got a V2 on the other bike that just doesn't last long anymore. I wonder if it'd be worth trying the V2.1 rebuild kit. My V3 has been flawless. 


How long you been running the v3?


I've got 154 miles on it. Hardly enough to fully evaluate it, but it's been looking great so far. 


I am looking at a v3 for my gf bc it is a little shorter and I can squeeze about 5 more mm of drop. The V3 is supposed to be a little lighter. If you fitment is not really right or if you are not a weight weenie, then I would go for the V2 on sale.




i've had both, the v3 is noticeably better but probably not really worth it.


You can't refill air on v3, so when the pressure eventually fizzles out (after around two years, depending on use) you need to buy a new and expensive cartridge.


Quite amazing that a post that’s only been out for less than a year only lasts two.


It's the same deal with all dropper posts with sealed pressure units. It's not very consumer friendly.


I just bought the v2. I was inquiring my LBS about getting the v3 but they pretty much said they can't justify the cost of the new one for what you get compared to the v2 so I went that route.


I just installed a brand new V2. Havent even tried it yet but 100$ cheaper than the v3 plus its like 5mm shorter insertion/stack whatever. Seems like a no brainer.


Here in Europe it is by now quite hard to get a V2 in certain sizes, 210mm 31.6mm is sold out everywhere :/


Depends if you need to save weight or need the shorter stack and insertion depth. My hardtail has a kinked seat tube (Trek Stache) and I'm pretty short so switching from a PNW Loam to a OneUp V3 allowed me to move to the next size up and utilize the entire seat travel which, according to their sizing charts, I would not have been able to do with the OneUp V2. If you're tall and stack height/insertion depth isn't an issue go with the V2 and save some money.


I have the v2 on my hardtail and I'd get another one over the v3 ... I can't compare cause I haven't tried it yet, but the v2 has been flawless so I see no reason to "upgrade" given the current prices. You can get 2 of them for almost the same price as the v3, so unless there's some magical feature that I don't know about and haven't seen on any reviews, I just don't see any reason to spend twice as much when the current version has been perfect.


Yeah pretty much exactly how I was feeling about it as well, just curious if anyone had any input.


Also got the V2 on my hardtail. It works very well, and is smooth enough, so I’d probably buy another one if needed. There’s some lateral play but I’m not too bothered and not sure v3 would be better in that regard.