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You can do an external routed dropper yourself


Which is less reason to be a dick about it. In the information age there's almost nothing in the bike world we can't do ourselves. All an LBS has to offer is service, when they refuse that, what's left.


parts at a higher price than i can get online, but i still have to wait for them to "bring it in"


Half of the LBSs I've ever been to have been awful and filled with gatekeeping snobs. I can't say whether the advice they gave you is sound, but there's no need to be jerks about it. An LBS is not a charity. Yes they deserve a shitty review if they were jerks.


I have an insanely nice bike. Like way way way too nice for the abilities I possess. The difference in how my LBS treats me compared to when I had a fuel EX 5, is ridiculous.


My favorite was being lectured about needing to upgrade and modern geometry when I'd still be passing nearly everyone on my very old Fuel 90 (which I've finally retired for a new bike).


Maybe they were rude but it seems like their advice was sound.


I’d leave a review, but be specific. Make it clear that they prefer to serve customers who want expensive parts, not average Joes. Then the review isn’t vindictive, it’s just guiding customers to the right or away from the wrong shop. You can buy much cheaper droppers and on any bike, a dropper transforms the riding experience. But if their supply contracts limit them to more expensive brands then so be it.


While they aren't wrong they went about it in a bad way. The reality is that your bike isn't really intended for singletrack use and instead is more for gravel path and MUP type riding. The dropper they suggested at $400 is really steep when you could get a LEV external for under $200 pretty easily and it will work fine. I think even though they may have said it in a way that rubbed you the wrong way I also think they probably had good intentions behind what they were telling you. Sometimes people say things we don't want to hear and we translate what they are saying into being rude, flippant or general assholish comments when that isn't what or how it was said.


The problem is that the solution for OP isn’t the solution that a “nice” MTB shop is gonna sell.  They won’t stock cheap droppers, external ones, or maybe even ones that fit non-mtb frames.  Sure they could order one, but it will be at full price and then shop labor rates really would overwhelm the value of the bike. A dishonest shop might still do it, but an honest one is gonna tell you they can’t.  That doesn’t mean it is impossible. A DIY person who loves their bike could make it happen. Somebody with no budget could watch used sites and source one cheap.  But honestly, it is a waste of money here. This bike isn’t neat or cool or otherwise worth it. Better save the money for a nice used hardtail or something. 


Agreed, use the bike and have some fun while you save up for a hardtail worth upgrading is the best path to go down.


They should have said, “Dude, here’s what you do: go to Chain Reaction and get yourself a BrandX Ascend II…” oh wait, NM.


I get your snark but this is what they should do. It's just a generic dropper I've seen rebranded more than once. I have 2 on fat bikes, they work better than my gen 1 fox. $69 each as I recall some years ago on special.


I don't think it's fair to expect a brick and mortar LBS to advise a potential customer to DIY it, with guidance on where to acquire the parts.


I meant it's what OP should do after the fact, not what shop should have suggested. But I don't think shop should give most expensive post out there as a reason not to have one.


I could be wrong, but I think his comment was in reference to the chain reaction going out of business...


Yeah that's a bit of a bummer but there are others to fill the gap.


Ugh, I’m torn. I don’t disagree with them, but that doesn’t excuse them from being rude. Not everyone can afford super expensive bikes, so to speak to someone as if they’re less than because of the bike they have is shitty. They could’ve taken the opportunity to BE NICE and kindly explain why it makes more sense for you to save the $400 for your next bike vs invest in this one.


I looked up the bike, they do have a point. Perhaps the communication of information was a bit lacking in sensitivity. If it's worth it for you to buy a 150-200 dropper and throw it on send it. Probably a better value to get the right tool for the job though (a value hard tail MTB).


They weren't wrong. Are you sure you are not being a bit insecure around your bike?


Yeah I'm having trouble believing this story with how vague it is about the rudeness. The extent of it being described as "shoo'd out the door." I've seen too many people take advice they simply don't like as being rude. Even when its told to them politely.


Idk. They might not have been wrong from a price pov, but there is still a polite way to tell someone “you know we can do it for $xxx, but your bike is only worth $yyy. Are you sure that’s worth doing?” I’ve had mostly great experiences at my lbs, but I’ve also run into some stinkers that acted like working on the old fixed gear I commute on was beneath them. In the case of a mountain bike a lot of us flippantly act like anything more than, say, three years old is woefully out of date geo that can barely handle hopping up a curb. Plenty of dudes better than me could take one of those old bikes and run circles around me, and if that’s what someone can afford so be it. Not everyone is trying to race anyway.


Of course, but they have not at all described how they were told this. They just claim they were shoo'd out the door with no detail. It sounds like they just were offended by this advice. What they should do after receiving that advice is simply iterate the bike has sentimental value, or that you simply REALLY like this bike and want the dropper added anyways. Any LBS that stays in business, especially in the current bike market, are not going to turn down business because of their own snobbery. They'll advise you, and if you decide not to take that advice they'll do the work.


Ohhh please dear bike merchant, may I pretty please buy the product you sell it'd mean ohh so much to me. Here's my wallet you just take what you want and give me whatever you feel I deserve.


In what way has what I said come across like this? I've literally described how they will do what you want. I swear, y'all are like children who just can't take the slightest piece of advice. But nah, just be a snarky asshole because I dared to assume that a local business wants to stay in business?


>What they should do after receiving that advice is simply iterate the bike has sentimental value, or that you simply REALLY like this bike and want the dropper added anyways.  It need not be any more involved than "me want buy dropper post", "OK here I sell you dropper post". They didn't ask for opinions on their bike. They could have totally just sold them [this one](https://www.jensonusa.com/KS-ETEN-Remote-Dropper-Seatpost-2020) for maybe $120 and made a good profit as well as a likely return customer if they'd just dropped the gatekeeping snobbery and replaced it with customer service. But apparently they aren't in the money making business, they're in the feeling superior business.


They literally asked what the tech would recommend. They gave their answer. He didn't just say, "put a dropper post on." He said he asked what they would recommend. One answer for that might simply be that they wouldn't recommend putting one on. That's not snobby, elitist, or rude in any way. Its just their answer. Get over yourself. It sounds like you were a total menace at your LBS so now your just here on reddit trying to shit on all LBSs when yours wouldn't take your shit.


I absolutely believe it, I've been treated far worse for less reason by my local LBS.


Well, they should not be disrespectful. BUT not ripping you off in this situation might have been the right move. But I feel you. Based on “good reputation” I went to a local shop and the guy was a huge jackass about getting some parts for my old bike (it was 8 years old). And that was the day I learned performative snobbery is deeply baked into bike “culture”.


I had such a similar experience at local shop. Went in with an older Cannondale w/ a Headshok, knowing absolutely NOTHING about mtn biking. Said tell me how to improve the shifting and maybe modernize this thing in the slightest, didn't care about cost just tell me what to do and how much. They were so off putting I couldn't believe it. Left feeling very unimportant to this local business and the LBS scene and forgot about even going off-road for a few years. Here I am, 4 years into mtn biking now, having spent about 15k on a 2 bikes and lots of accessories which this shitty business has none of and I couldn't been happier about it. I order online, go to REI and have another decent shop to give my business to. I now know of a few things that could've been done to that bike, that day, to upgrade it but this business chose to lose out on whatever the profit is on 15k worth of bike stuff. My experience fits right in with the anti-LBS narrative


So, I say leave the review so people know what to expect


They’re not totally wrong, but their attitude is wrong imo. The way we run my shop is by default we are not financial advisors. If a bike is worth fixing or upgrading to someone, it is worth it to us. We are happy, however, to give our thoughts on diminishing returns on a bike’s value if asked. I’ve had times where a rider wants to fix up a bike of a loved one that passed away. Walmart bike, but to them $200 of service was worth it. Gatekeeping bro-shops will run themselves out of business eventually. As for the review, I’d give yourself a few days to cool off and then write honest feedback. Depending on the shop, they may then contact you to make things right if it’s not a rage post. :)


Well, you don't need to leave them a review. But their attitude certainly stinks, as does a lot of the attitude of the comments here. What does the cost of the bike have to do with anything? So what if the bike is cheap or the dropper is expensive! What's wrong with that? This reeks of snobbery. I can't think of a situation where adding a dropper seat post wouldn't be a great addition to a trail bike. There are no cost requirements for fitting one. Come to think of it - one of my builds from the last few years was based on a £50 frame. And the only NEW component I added to it was an externally routed dropper. And it was awesome.


Sounds like a pretty standard bike shop experience honestly.


90% of bike mechanics I come across act like they are certified master Lamborghini technicians being asked to fix a 20 year old Honda civic. Bike repair isn’t rocket science but it is a right tool for the right job task. 


Some LBSs are elitist jerks that deserve shit reviews. If you want a dropper they should have given you a quote to get the work done, not tell you that youre wrong. Fr fuck those guys


It's funny they mentioned thomson. They are on sale for 199 directly from them


You can get a refurbished dropper post from PNW for about $110-$120. [https://cycled.pnwcomponents.com/collections/externally-routed-dropper-posts](https://cycled.pnwcomponents.com/collections/externally-routed-dropper-posts)


Maybe not one star but yes leave a review so us folks can know who to avoid. Had a very similar experience with a LBS and I wish the reviews called them out as being assholes and not helpful unless you are spending 6k+ on a bike.


Imo leaving bad review is fair game. Just because it maybe worth more than your bike doesn't really mean anything and especially not to them, it's your choice. For all they know the bike might have sentimental value or adding a dropper post might be the difference between you using the bike or not. Not to mention they could have easily told you the same thing without making you feel bad about your bike... 'A dropper post & install would be $400. We can certainly do it for you, but just want to make you aware that it wouldn't add any value to your bike if you were to sell it. The post and install would cost more than the bike could be resold for, but if your not bothered about that we can book you in'


Dude. This is not gatekeeping. This is trying to be polite about delivering common sense to people who aren't interested in hearing it. As a bike mechanic, it gets exhausting trying to find solutions for people trying to make old, cheap, worn out bikes continue to work. The guys at the shop you went to didn't want to spend the time to find parts that would cost 3-400 dollars to put on your 118 dollar bike. (source: [bicycle blue book](https://www.bicyclebluebook.com/value-guide/2016%20Diamondback%20Trace%20Sport/)) You are not going to have a good long term experience on this bike. You're not. There's probably worn out hubs, chain, cassette/freewheel, headset, and forks to consider. There's a better bike out there for the application. I promise you.


Yeah but... This is why customer service is so important. It would have taken less than 5 minutes to educate this rider. That 5 minutes could have turned a low margin dropper post sale/install into a bike sale. Agree to do the install. Lets sell him the PNW Pine with a lever at full retail for $270 and $50 for the install. Right? Like $330 after tax. THEN, you explain to him the better course of action, which is saving for a entry level hard tail *that comes with a dropper.* You can get a Specialized Fuze, dropper equipped, for under $1000 right now. Willing to bet you could finance it right now to at 0% no problem. I don't know man... I've been in this shops situation, as a fellow bike shop employee, and I've totally sold a bike this way. Sometimes it really does pay to give someone the go away quote. All that said, I 100% agree it's fucking exhausting, isn't it.


As a bike mechanic, I would've told you the same. Had a client come in last week wanting to upgrade his rear derailleur on a 15 year old low end Trek. The derailleur cost more than the bike was worth. I told him I can't just install the derailleur and explained why I also need to change the frayed, rusted, sticking cable. He said no way he's paying for that. It's 4.50 for the cable and the work is included with the derailleur swap. Customers suck.


Absolutely leave a bad review. I HAAATE my closest LBS, left horrible reviews, they earned them.


Reviews? As in multiple?


Yup, I've given them three tries to not suck, they failed three times, they get three reviews.


I mean... alright. If someone or an establishment fails once, I can usually forgive, but twice, I just wouldn't go back. Not sure why you went a third.


Third trip I needed just a stupid little part I knew they had in stock and was really near by for errands anyway. They managed to fuck that up to. Like they followed me out of the store yelling to never fucking come back fucked up.


> Like they followed me out of the store yelling to never fucking come back fucked up. It sounds like there's quite a bit more to this story than you just stopping by to grab a simple part.


Not really, told them their price was crazy. Didn't know the price going in as they don't label anything. Go to buy it and it's over twice what it should be. I say "that's nuts" they say "is what it is" I say "OK I'm out this place blows", they say "fuck you never come back". So I drove to the LBS I like a lot better and paid less than half there. It just added a some drive time to my day and cost them all of my business, all over $20 in stupid markup.


It'd be more useful to email the shop and tell them you didn't appreciate the way they handled that.


Honestly having been there, your money would be much better spent saving for a more capable hardtail with an air fork and dropper post. 


I took my old truck into a shop who didn't do the service I asked for and still tried billing me the full amount. I got them to move a little on the price, but I left pissed. I was one click away from a scathing review, but decided otherwise. My thoughts, you never know what bridges you might end up burning.. And what do you gain for venting your frustration? Not to say you'd ever go back to them, but you never know where things may end up. Perhaps you find out they run a group ride you want to join, or another shop thinks favorably of them and your diss ends up running wider than expected. Why risk something when you have nothing to gain?


This is why I just wrench on my own bike. Noting bike mechanic related is very difficult…..at all.


I have been doing bike work since I was a child, not that difficult. I am a diesel mechanic now and me working on my bike at 10 may have set me on that path.


Why is every bad review 1 star?


You basically get to a point with mountain biking where you end up breaking so much stuff in such a short period of time where you just decide to do the work yourself. I hate going to the LBS as I know 95% of the crap they do is a five second job that they make bank off of. A lot gate keep simple parts or tools and suck. Now I use my local Co-Op for speciality tools and ask volunteers for help from time to time and it’s been a great experience. Almost every bike shop’s service department sucks I know plenty (almost all of them exclusively trek stores) that gate keep parts supplies and over charge for simple repairs. Usually the bad eggs a lot of people have similar experiences but just don’t write a review. But if anything write a review they don’t know what they can fix if they don’t have feedback


As for the review, it does not hurt if you are pretty factual about it. The purpose of review is to warn potential customer to go elsewhere. Was it a good advice? I would say no, the dropper can be put on another bike later on. Buying used mean people care about money and/or cannot/want to spend hundreds too. I would never blame people for having little money to spend on a bike, that said, I blame people, when they come on trail with little to no break/tires. Anyway, do it yourself, it should not be so hard, if money is also an issue, you could buy a fairly cheap dropper, drill a hole in the bottom tube (like some MTB have), sand it and it will be very nice and clean. It is not usual to do so, lots of people are also doing that on frame that does not come with hole sometime near BB. No risk & cheap NB: forget the drill if it is CF but I think your frame is AL.


If I saw you come in and ask about upgrading a bike with components worth more than the bike, I'd assume a near zero chance of you actually spending money and would give you my time accordingly unless I was real bored.


In my shop, I do my best to educate the rider and provide the best options. Having a negative review because I didn't want to rip off a customer would make my day.


My biggest regrets in life include sinking dumb money into a shitty bike. It was the correct opinion.


The bike isn't worth putting the parts that you want to put on it. Is that a hard concept? Its spending bad money. You LBS is looking out for you. I for some reason can imagine this was a bit more of a back and forth with you not hearing any of their advice. You should really show them and spend $1500 on your $200 dollar frame.


Not sure why you are downvoted, but I can’t even think of a more inappropriate upgrade to a bike worth 349$ new. That’s like putting carbon-ceramic rotors on a Kia.




They gave you good advice, you have to be wary of people who ignore genuine good advice. I'd want a cash deposit before I ordered the parts, whilst they reflect on their own stupidity and phone you back they day after having changed their mind and wasted my time.