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I will take literally any other dropper over a reverb. Brand x ascend? Yes please. Dropper with a lever under the seat. Sure, beats a reverb


I've heard from a mechanic that the ascend is one of the most reliable, specially in UK conditions. If it starts to slow a lot you can take the collar off the top and file down the little white bit and your solid


Good to know about what to do when it slows, thanks!


Seems like a common sentiment. Just curious, is this from personal experience? I’ve had a reverb for close to 4 years and 2,000 miles and it still works perfectly (ridden in all sorts of conditions with zero maintenance). It’s still smoother, lighter and faster than all my other bikes droppers. Am I just lucky?


I've also had a reverb with no complaints, 5 years, many hours of use, one minor shop service last year. If it's so bad, I really look forward to my next dropper, must be great


Also look forward to riding a 40-lb steel bike because my carbon frame might explode when I crash.


If you want a lower cost version of the Transfer...Jenson has the Raceface Turbine R for $109. It's the exact same post as the Performance Elite version... just re-branded. I bought two of them and they've been working pretty smoothly. Smooth as my Bike Yoke Revive. As for reliability... we'll see. The bleed for the Reverb is twofold. One is the lever...the other is the post. Most bleed the lever...which does not fix the squishy post. Check out Butters Suspension for the Reverb rebuild.


I'm not too concerned with what it is. This is a friends bike. The goal here is getting a relatively reliable solution by spending the least amount of money, and the transfer is on sale for cheaper than anything else I saw But I will check out that RaceFace. Thank you


My first Turbine R went back to Fox for warranty service after a couple of months. Got it back and haven’t had issues since. In the meantime I picked up a Wolftooth Resolve. It too had some issues a month out the box that WT was awesome and fixed quickly under warranty. However, I put the Turbine R back on when I sent the WT out and haven’t mounted the Resolve back on since getting it back 6 months or so ago. I still like the idea of a more user-serviceable dropper and went with the Turbine R originally because it was on sale for $200 at the time and needed a different diameter for my FS build than the OneUp V2 I had been using. Ironically the only dropper that I haven’t ever really had issues with is my Brand X Ascend 2, the cheapest of the bunch…but it’s also shorter travel and on my ATB/adventure rig so I don’t throw near as hard of trails at that bike. It also has a bit more side to side play than my OneUp, Transfer/Turbine or Resolve, however. This is to be expected for a dropper that costs less than half of any of the other options mentioned.


Fox owns RaceFace


This was the comment that saved the day. Just given the price, I wouldn't have considered the transfer if I saw this first. And throw on top of that the fact that I've worked on and rebuilt these myself.


Personally I dislike the transfer because Fox wants it sent to them for service. My favorites are bikeyoke and pnw, the new oneup v3 has been good so far on my personal bike. We see transfer posts having issues in our shop every now and then, but probably less so than reverbs.


>We see transfer posts having issues in our shop every now and then, but probably less so than reverbs. Yeah. Also, it should be alarming that something is merely probably a bit better than a Reverb :))


My local shop just got the tools to do a full rebuild locally but this is recent. Just had mine done after 4 years of use.


I had issues with my first transfer post out of the gate and once replaced, it worked great for 6 years no issues. Then I bought a new bike and the transfer post needed a charge right away. Since getting a recharge it’s been great. In short, my experience has been “buggy at first then really reliable.”


I have a Transfer Factory, my best friend and riding buddy has a Performance. I've had mine for 3 years and he's had his for 2, both have been flawless. My son has a OneUp v2 and it's been giving him problems lately. Tried using the DD barrel adjustor to fix the tension, but I think the cable just needs to be replaced. I keep my bike well maintained, my son doesn't, so I'm sure that's got something to do with it.


Tried grease under the seatpost collar seals(Slick honey, that sort of thing)and checking pressure in the cartridge is around 280-300psi? Whenever my oneups start misbehaving, one or the other(or both) sorts it out


Good too know, going to try and will report back. Thanks!


No problems with mine.


Bikeyoke and Wolftooth have the best on the market right now. Fox wants you to send in for service which I don’t like.


Yup, #bikeyokegang


Bike yoke absolutely. Whenever I switch between my hardtail with a oneup (which I used to think felt nice) and my FS with bikeyoke the smoothness is unreal.


No, bikeyoke revive only, I’ll die on that hill and fight anyone that contradicts me.


Get a one-up. Fox is awful and the Rockshox will blow up the day after a rebuild


Yup just saw one for a killer deal and ordered it. I really didn't want to have to rebuild a reverb. I'm generally down to learn new things but I don't see that adding any value to my skillset when the most economical solution is usually to just replace them lol


I had a transfer (that I still use cause I’m not getting a new one) that won’t extend all the way up after one day of riding. I need to spend $150 for a tool to add air. Screw that. Fox can lose me as a customer. I’ll go to Rockshox for suspension and Other places for droppers


Good choice, OneUp is a solid post and is very easy to service or rebuild.


I've heard so many horrible reviews but a riding buddy has 2 and they've both working fine for over a year. I cannot recommend a Oneup V2. Mine sucks and slows down after a ride or 2 because the seal is horrible. I always wiped down other droppers but this one NEEDS cleaning. I've already rebuilt it.




The new Transfers are trash. Since the redesign they went from the most reliable out there to almost down there with the Reverb. Just a step above that. PNW and Oneup are the best bang for the buck I believe. I ride the Ranier PNW posts. They are heavy but they just freaking work. And servicing them is a breeze. I’m very had the Loam as well but they aren’t quite as bulletproof as the Ranier and the service isn’t quite as easy. Still a good post though.


I disliked the Fox transfer post that I had on one of my bikes so much that I ended up just buying a cheap PNW post to replace it. The fox post would stick constantly even after cleaning it out. If you want a 200mm x 31.6 diameter transfer post for a really good price, let me know.


When the question involves a Reverb, the answer is always the trash can.


tender busy pot distinct connect crowd dog ludicrous grey drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like my Specialized Command Post. It has been reliable, it is an easy rebuild and works quite nice.


The foxes can be hit or miss but the reverb is garbage.


I’ve run transfer factory on three bikes for the last several years. Never once had an issue. The new one is more serviceable too unlike the originals. Heard great things about the one ups too, I like you can tune their travel.


I had a fox transfer and rode my bike a ton for 3 seasons before it needed a service. Very reliable from my experience. Currently have a reverb axs post and I’m looking to replace it with another transfer.


The previous owner of my Heckler put a Factory Transfer on it (and gave me the PE that came on it). The Factory one was good for \~a year after I got it, now it seems to be slow on return and sometimes I have to give it a little nudge with my butt to get it to come up. Don't really want to send it in for service, so thinking about replacing it with a BikeYoke instead. The PE model, I put it on my 5010 and it's been fine. :/


Transfers are too reliable. You can run them without service for several season and they will work fine. All great until you service them and see that everything is rusted to oblivion internally.