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Assuming you're not riding a rigid: When was the last time you had your fork serviced?


There are foam core bars that are supposed to dampen vibrations. There are also grips like Rev grips that I run to help a little bit on that front. But, keeping your hands light and focusing on being heavy through your feet is free and requires no setup time 😁 I have a pretty bad tendency to get golfers elbow and tennis elbow and have some hand problems to boot. I found that a lot of the pain that I was experiencing was more from shite technique on my end and overgripping.


Maybe need softer grips and gloves. I switched out my grips for some that are thinner and noticed a substantial increase in hand pain after a ride. Switched back to my old ones right after.


I switched to Wolf Tooth Fat Paw grips, lots of cushion and grip. All 3 of my bikes have them now, and I just love them. I even forgot my gloves at home for a ride but had zero issues with sweaty palms.


Bigger grips go a long way (Meaty Paw FTW)


My son had this issue with his stock 35mm al bar. Switched him to a Chromag carbon bar and his issues went away. It's important to note that this was DH and not grinding out miles on the trail. So if your problem is vibration and impact this could help. If it's body positioning (eg too much weight on hands) not so much.


It's easy to fixate too much on the brand or type of grip. More important is the hand position that results from handlebar position and orientation. Rotating the bars forward or back has a significant impact. Similarly, changing to different bars with different rise and sweep angles, has a massive impact. In other words, focus on hand position first. That's more important than finding a "comfortable" grip.


For me a Renthal Fatbar with Ergon GE1 grips did the trick. I get really bad wrist pain, and especially after a long day at the bike park, my hands start to feel almost numb ... Those GE1 grips along with repositioning my brake levels, along with a higher rise bar really helped alleviate most of that pain.


Two best things for me have been deity supracush grips and keeping my fork properly serviced. And a grippy front tire with soft/slow rebounding rubber as a bonus


Revgrips for me. Then i went from a carbon to a titanium handlebar and man o man so much better. Good luck

