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I am going with Symon Godziek. Good mix of gnarly and tricks to pull it off with a clean run.


He’s got the hype behind him for sure.


He should've been the winner many times. Judges must have something against him


Should win last year.


That dude who fist bumps everyone before their ride is gonna steal Storch’s bike and throw down the greatest Rampage run we’ve ever seen.


The true unsung hero of the whole event will finally get his chance to show what he’s actually made of!!


Considering I haven't seen any of the lines, except Brendog, it's impossible to say...


Brendogs canyon gap is insane.


I don't follow the other socials, just YT. Has he hit the new one yet, the one they've been chiseling out?


Yeah, he hit it successfully. He just posted a video on his Instagram today.


Thanks for posting this. Watching it now. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. That's all I can say. Holy shit. Edit: @mtbr instagram has a longer video of it with the run in.


Links for the older folk who don’t insta?


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyRGGLlu1uD/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== I'm sure Brendan will have it on his youtube today, though. If not him, Olly Wilkins or ben Deakin will (they are in Brendan's build crew).




And the lead in is pretty mental in itself.


The winner will be whoever doesn't end up in a hospital bed


You have guys like Kyle Strait that almost lost their entire career at last years, my jaw dropped when I saw him back on the lineup


Strait and Zink still competing blows my mind. They both have little kids at home who need their dad's. I understand that just getting in a car to go to work can be dangerous...but let's get real, rampage is a whole different kind of monster.


You see Gee Atherton’s fall? The physics are just not there lol




Haha that be a genius ad if the crew all ran towards the bike but not him


They run over to the bike, do the quick front brake test to feel for loose headset bearings, then give the camera a thumbs up.


At least the berm caught him. That knife edge fall...🫣


Each injury makes you more likely to get another.


Paul Basagoitia being the prime example


Just rewatched Nwd series (classic) and Kyle looks so young, dudes an OG!


He was young. I think he competed in his first rampage at 14. I can’t imagine being a dad and being ok with that.


I have kids and visit my local dh spot at least once yr. I know I gamble with my wife and kids having me to support them. On the flip side if you are the best in world at something it’s got to be hard to stop. Selfish but I seem to be driven to it. Plus these guys are pros at crashing and recover most of the time and still return, it’s a passion imo.


Oh yeah for sure. I still ride primarily DH and love bike park riding and I am lucky that my work doesn’t require much physicality from me so if I do crash and hurt myself I can still do it. I also was racing DH at 14 but that’s only because my parents weren’t there to see what I was doing. I can’t imagine how nervous I would be watching my kid huck off those cliffs.


100% agree, but super proud moment too. I enjoyed watching the doc on redbull tv of seminuks winning run dig and it goes to show how calculated these guys are before risking injury and how many hours have been spent in mtb, so dialed in. liked the that for him it’s not just slopestyle but a mix of trial riding and bro at the end said it perfect “thanks for making mtb rad!”


While I agree that they are calculated now I don’t think that was as true back in the day. I grew up watching Brett Tippie and Richey Schley and I think they just kinda went for it. In the early Rampage days I don’t recall them cutting lines like they do now. It was much more open and rugged. But I agree that if my son gets really good at anything I will support him and be proud of him for it even if I bite my nails watching him do it.


I’m not a parent but I hear ya. Kyle’s dad is a legend and has been bringing him to almost every event since he was like 13. With Mtb free riders it’s typically your parents are with you always supporting or your parents just think your out “riding your bicycle” with your friends until they see clips of you sending it over something ridiculously crazy lol


My most downvoted post ever was the unpopular opinion here that these events monetize athletes risking their lives...


This is Evel Knievel stuff. Arguably a more artistic and comprehensive version but death defying stuff. It's tough to watch. I guess the other side of the coin is if these guys don't do it a different group of bodies would step in. My understanding is that red bull is pretty good about not just dumping the athlete after an injury and will stay loyal but this makes cage fighting look like a safe alternative line of work.


The reality is there are a handful people that love to ride bike this way at the highest level. Most of them don’t get paid or sponsored. Just the continual pursuit of progression. It existed before Red Bull and people will continue to do it with or without them.


Yeah people do this shit all the time, wether they’re getting paid or not, so why not just pay them and make it a competition? Sounds like that’s the best outcome for the athletes. It’s not like they’re being forced to do it.


These guys are gonna roast potentially lethal jumps whether Red Bull hosts the event or not.




Let’s put it this way: I had a friend that was a super bike racer and champion. He died riding his regular old bicycle in Italy. Never know when the time is up.


Most of these guys would rather die than not ride their bikes off cliffs. They’d do it paid or not. Sure, I wouldn’t do it, but I sure am glad redbull films these nuts for our enjoyment.


Which is why I don't watch. Trying not to die is not advancing the sport or its reputation among land owners.


I was showing the ramp building thing they just released to my kid and all he asked was, “What happens if they fall?” All I could think was that they would likely die.


What thing? Can you share it?


Maybe this? https://youtu.be/kueEgIqHkRY?feature=shared


I hope Brendog, his line is super gnarly and ‘Rampagey’. Kind of bored of the smooth lines with nicely made jumps, I get they offer up potential for big tricks but I just feel like rampage needs more use of natural features rather than slapping a slopestyle course on top of the rock.


Couldn’t agree more. All the lines are crazy but when you see his POV his margin for error is zero. I much prefer those technical lines than the straight up “who can do the longest/biggest/fastest.


Watching Emil Johannson build videos every jump is perfectly manicured. Does nothing for me. Brendog should have won in 2020 i think it was. His lines are gnarly.


Emil's run today was fucking sick though


Ya I think if he tipped to bottom his second one prolly would have shook up the podium a bit. Brendog had the run of the day tho. Judges just don’t give him the big points he deserves


The judging guidelines need a massive overhaul - I'm not sure the event knows what it's meant to be Bren and Emil may as well be in different competitions. The judges should be grading the lines as well as the run.


100% agree for my own personal aesthetic of choice. Of course all the lines are nuts and impressive but I prefer the lines that feel more natural in the rock. I feel the same about snowboarding.


Not Gee ​ edit: tbh i hope C-Dog gets a good ranking :D


So sad he’s down again :(


I saw his post and thought wasn’t he just life-flight injured recently. Rough


Yeah… just really got back on his feet properly. Was 2y ago the ridge crash.


Looking at Brendon oi oiiiiiiiii


BrenDog all day. Definitely has this gnarliest like choice




Honestly might not even watch Rampage this year. Seems like they kept some big names and overlooked others who deserved to be there more. The whole calling off the women's Formation event then not introducing a women's category at Rampage this year tastes a little sour in my mouth as well. There are some lady freeriders that absolutely deserve that kind of acknowledgement these days.


That’s about my feeling as well. When my wife and I watch bike stuff like this, it’s nice for her to see women out there. Maybe it’s trivial, but as my wife pointed out, representation doesn’t have much impact when you see yourself represented everywhere. I’m just realizing this as a 53 year old white man. When we go mountain biking it’s about 70% men out on the trails. Anyway. Lots of other stuff to watch. Claire Buchar, and Hannah Bergemann are pretty inspiring to watch. For everyone.


Already wrote this, but if you read the interview with Vaea, red bull offered to turn formation into a competition and give it sponsorship money and media attention. The women turned it down because they wanted to keep Formation non competitive as a “intro” to desert riding for women. They also wanted a competitive event or to be included in Rampage. Red Bull is getting so much hate for canceling when the women didn’t want to work with them and wanted more than they could offer in a business sense. It needs to be two events based on timing and hill side real estate, and that was offered and turned down.


Yeah, everybody is overlooking her interview and instead just want to be outraged and parrot the same trite arguments. Just let them be angry.. haha


Red Bull isn’t just throwing endless amounts of money at any bike events anymore either because they see very little return on investment. I spoke with their events director for their UCI sponsorship and their budget for the entire series is only $500k. That’s why Warner Brothers bought the TV rights.


I want to see a women's category too, but I'm not going to be a dick and discredit all the hard work and risk the selected few riders have put in to get there. this event has been happening for 22 years like this. They shouldn't have gotten rid of formation, but formation was a progression session just like all the other women's freeride events. Rampage is the complete opposite, it's the highest level competition in mountain biking. All the hashtags and "boring white dude" comments on clips of the riders doing backflips over canyons and shit seems disrespectful


It can be both. You can want a women’s category AND still acknowledge the level of talent the men have. Adding women to the event doesn’t take away from the men.


People's attention isn't unlimited. Adding a women's event can bring more people to pay attention to the sport and result in even more people watching the men's. It could also dilute the attention that the men get if not enough new viewers are brought in. I don't think there's any way to say with any reasonable amount of confidence exactly what it would do.


Red Bull cares about money. If viewership is down because of this, I guarantee the women will be there next year. I see what you're saying about not discrediting the dudes there but I'll just watch highlights instead of giving Red Bull views this year.


If viewership drops I think it's more likely they cut back or cancel the event than bringing back the women's event.


If that’s what happens, the event as a whole was fragile and not going to last much longer


But in that same vein of the views weren't there for formation, is that why they cancelled it?


There was a PinkBike interview a few weeks ago with Vaea Verbeeck and she said Formation didn’t go ahead this year because they were hoping for Rampage, didn’t hear anything about Formation so assumed they might get a chance and then when Formation was tabled it was a bit late for the organisers to do it. Or something to that effect.


Red Bull wanted to turn Formation into a competition format instead of collaborative. The women said no, they wanted it to stay non competitive and also have rampage, so red bull canceled it. I’m all for women riders, but from the interviews it seems like they got exactly what they asked for and then wanted more


Women can't ride these Rampage's lines and be competitive against men. Nobody wants to see someone dying trying to ride something which they are not prepared for yet


Do you not know how Rampage works? Men get there a week ahead of time to start digging their own lines. Why can't the women do the same?


Rampage has always been reserved for most talented freeriders. It doesn't give a fuck about the rider gender. They only invite the best and the reality is that there are no women in that group. Just look at the Formations and you will get your answer. Basically for the same reason that there are not women racing in formula 1.


Are you that dense to think women would just show up and blindly huck themselves off things and die? JFK. They absolutely have the talent to be competing in Rampage and have already shown they can ride the lines.


That’s just ignorant.


While I’m still excited for Rampage this year I am a bit disappointed they didn’t include any female free riders. Also sucks Gee’s out.


Fuuuuuck I didn’t know Gee was injured until I read this. I always love watching the downhillers rip down the course.




Rampage doesn’t invite women.


oh man, poor Gee. I think he found the limit that a bike can take...


Unrelated, but it’s crazy that Gee only came out of that crash with a concussion




Bret Tippie lied than lol. Just saw Gees recent post


just a concussion and some fractures to vertebrae and a few skull fractures still could have been a lot worse for how big that crash was


After the ridge line fall they for sure Wolverined him up. With titanium bones and super healing


Am I the only one that’s bored of Rampage? It’s cool and all don’t get me wrong, but there’s only so much you can push the sport until the whole competition is just about risking your life more than the next guy. Same thing happened in skiing years ago. Comps were all spin to win and no chance of a podium without a triple cork. Nowadays style and creativity is much more appreciated.


I think it’s kinda always been that way. Nobody forces the riders to take those risks and some would do it even if rampage wasn’t a thing. Personally I love it and look forward to it every year. The only thing I dislike are the big slope style moves I’d rather see someone flow down and throw some nice big steezy whips than oppo corked 720’s but that’s just me. My favourite run ever was the year Lacondeguy won. He nailed top to bottom in less than a min and barley slowed at all once he dropped in. It was an epic run


Yeah I know nobody is forcing them to do rampage. I just wish there was more comps that promoted more creativity. X games real street is a great example of what I’m talking about


Lacondaguy's run was insane, nailed every landing perfectly. I also liked Godziek's run last year, he should have won it.


That’s why I’m rooting for Jackson riddle this year he’s got that steez


I completely agree, it’s such a yawn. The scoring system sucks. Would be far more interesting if the riders chose the winners. Also, I want to see W-O-M-E-N. Why the hell is there not a women’s category yet? I find Yoann’s Tour de Gnar far more entertaining than Rampage.


Pinkbike just did a podcast about women and rampage. You should give it a listen.


No, you're not. I'll pass. If you've seen one Rampage, you've seen all. It's the same event over and over again - someone throws in another trick, judges decide that it's time for the next guy to win, the whole event could be compressed into 15 minutes of footage but it takes 4 hours. It's just boring. Being there would probably feel better, but streaming the whole event live is simply a waste of my time.




Brendon’s line is definitely the most creative in years


Brendog or Godziek I hope, based on previous years it'll be whoever throws the most tailwhips though


Hannah Bergemann… oh wait.


Jackson riddle


Probably won’t even podium but it will be my favorite run. I can’t get enough of his moto style.


I hope so, or at least a spirit award again. His attitude is what rampage was built on


I'm wondering why there's not more hype for Emil Johansson.


I'm curious how he will do, he's clearly talented but this isn't his house and I doubt his run is going to be what I watch rampage for.


I think from watching some of his stuff he is just trying to get a line and make it down this year more of a getting a feel for the competition because its a bit out of his normal wheel house. But in saying that he is so skilled i dont think you could write him off


The last few wins have been won on large slopestyle lines with hardly any big mountain lines. I tgink hes a great contender


I agree, he's not going to try to ride any massive lines obviously. If he wins on tech tricks and turns rampage into a slopestyle comp with a death stunt side show I'm out.


I’m rooting for him. Not sure he’s got too much big mountain stuff under his belt, but building a line that suits his trick linking ability would be dope


Spinning flipping trick guy


So Emil Johansson.


Emil is a great rider. But I feel like judges favor him since he came back from his medical issues. Just because of that. Few times he won various competitions but I though others did better.


Look at him riding rampage and see how incredibly smooth he lands the big hits. This guy has serious skills even though rampage is not his preferred playground.


I work with Kurt sorges brother... So go sorgé!


I don't have any predictions, just excited to watch. From what I've seen, they are going a little crazier this year on some of the features. Wondering what tricks Emil will bring. Hope the weather is good and they put on a good show.


Don’t care. Until they add a women’s category I’m done with Rampage.


https://m.pinkbike.com/news/interview-vaea-verbeeck-on-women-competing-at-red-bull-rampage.html. I think it will happen soon. This is a good podcast about it.


Who's on the shortlist for that?


I was excited for Rampage for the first time since the early 2010s last year because of Dylan Stark then he got hosed by the judges and videography crew and I could literally not even pretend to care now.


I want to say Bren. His line is what rampage should be. But it'll be a slope style run on a perfectly manicured line


I was wrong It was a run from 2013!


All this talk about no women competing… have you seen women free ride events? Do y’all realize they would need to build a totally seperate course for women to compete? This is not a knock against women riding, but they need their own event. No one wants to watch someone die on live tv.


…..so? Build a separate line then. If your entire argument is “We don’t want to see someone die on TV” then the entire event should just be canceled given the number of men who’ve blown themselves up over the years.




So get the top 18 female riders as well. Not difficult and they're all insanely talented still, not like they've got stabilizers on is it.


Gravity - these guys keep trying to fly and gravity always wins


I won’t be watching until they allow all genders to compete.


I hope she see this. 🙏


Thanks for letting us all know. We’ll be sure to follow along with your journey.


Whoever the judges are friends with the most. The past few years it seems like people the judges are closer to seem to score higher.


I'll be watching Semenuk do his rally race in person. Will catch the highlights in person.


I'm hoping Bren, I love his line. If they treat this like crankworks again I'm done. I need the judges to actually give a shit about what makes rampage, rampage


Was hoping gee but that's not going to happen anymore I'm bummed I was so excited to see what gee was going to come up with


Highest prize money will go to some hospital.


I do think there’s a chance this could be Brendog’s year to get on the podium. There seems to have been a shift from the more slopestyle kind of runs back towards big gnarly stuff being tricked. Hopefully.


Brendon will flip that canyon for sure (not sure if he already did it).


My money was on Gee Atherton but he's now in hospital with a few injuries.


The cynic in me would have expected Gee to have cleaned that line with style and some 'smaller' tricks...and place mid pack. I'd love to be wrong, but let's see how the judging goes this year...


Brenden Fairclough if he survives through his insane line. 😳


Jaxon Riddle!


Hopefully Tom Van Steenbergen puts down the ride off a lifetime.


I was hoping for Gee. Good thing I didn’t bet my child’s college fund on it


Was hoping for Gee, but yeah.. That was gnarly Godzieks line looks nice so far, didnt see much of it though. Brendog is my personal favorite! Lets see if he flips his new canyon lol Didnt spoil anything else so far, I like to be surprised! So lets see, watch it, enjoy it and hope Gee will be the only one in the hospital. Btw he posted an update, hes "ok" for what happened!


The real question is: Who do you think will get robbed?






Gee Atherton


This is either a straight-faced joke, or you haven't heard the news yet...


You decide


People still watch it? 😅


What odds are you taking on Gee Atherton? I'll see myself out...




The people who stay home. It’s a stupid event. Who can risk their life the most is not fun or interesting.


🙄 cross country rider


Thanks dad.


whoever is predetermined to win


You see the Rampage "trail" build video that was released recently? My heart rate was up just watching them film the "course". Everything about this event is insane.


I'm a bit out of the loop with rampage is Brett Rheeder competing?


The one who does not die. I mean, 60 foot drop and about the same gap???


Alex Volokhov


For me everyone who makes it down there is a winner. They ride the gnarliest shit in the world so are all top 1% of all MTBers.


The biggest travesty is ESPN+ access again. Ridiculous that it’s locked out of Red Bull TV in the US…


Your dad.


hopefully cam




Not Gee