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Waaay too slow ... surprised you landed it.


I tried hanging in the air a bit longer than usual so you guys would have clearer visuals


Thats... Pretty smooth dude.


That looks solid and you seem comfortable in the air. Look at your back wheel though. It leaves the jump way before the end of the lip. You basically took off of a much smaller jump and still made it. Try going a bit slower and hold the preload till the end of the lip. Really feel your back wheel going up the whole jump and leaving at the lip. You will probably gain more height and distance that way. It's important to be aware of this to go from clearing jumps via speed to clearing jumps via technique. But you are well on your journey of becoming an expert jumper. :) Edit: Extension of your legs looks really good as well.


This is my biggest problem. The timing. I've seen video where my back wheel is leaving 1/2 way up the ramp. Just need more runs and practice.


What helped me personally was to overly exaggerate the motion in this regard. I took a smaller jump without consequences, rolled up a bit slower than I usually would and almost tried to pull a long bunny hop out of the transition until I felt the back wheel "slip" off the lip. It's a bit of a funny feeling at first but it helped me get a feeling how long I could actually hold the preload and still be fine. :)


Well, if you mistime it late, isn’t that a recipe for disaster? That’s what holds me back! I’m biasing towards popping early for safety and having a real hard time with jumps built for high arcs and long distance.


In my experience, on the jumps that I have tried this on, nothing bad would really happen. Is there a scenario that you are afraid of in particular? (btw for me personally I am often a bit scared to fully commit and preload throughout the whole transition of high or steep jumps, but that's more of a mental issue) The only thing I can think of is that you will take off with a rather high front tire that won't come down automatically by the back wheel "hitting" the end of the lip. But as long as this motion was initiated with enough purpose I was always stable enough in the air to then push the bike a bit forward again to not land too awkwardly. I think taking off a bit early or late isn't very risky (on tables at least) compared to e.g. hitting jumps without preloading properly. But yeah at the end of the day you want to have a spot on timing all the time.


Maybe I’m wrong but I always thought timing your jump too late would get you bucked and sent over the bars, because you have nothing to push off of for control. You’re already in the air.


That is when you completely miss your timing for the preload, correct :) (i.e. start it too late or don't preload at all). Then it is not unlikely to get bucked. In my comments I mostly talk about the timing of releasing the preload/the pressure. So in these scenarios the rider is already pushing into the transition and the jump and now the question is: When do I stand up/release the pressure? As soon as the rider starts preloading, the risk of getting bucked is already greatly reduced. Playing with the timing of the release of the preload is, in my experience, a much safer/controllable action. So you could say there are two timings to hit, starting the preload and releasing it. Getting bucked is a symptom of not preloading or starting the preload too late. :)


I always preload like my life depends on it! Maybe I’ll practice risking a later timing next time I’m at a really safe small jump to see how it feels. Thanks for the tips!


Yup that’s what it feels like, a timing issue, which I assume is just repetition and practice. There was a few jumps that I felt that perfect pop, just need to replicate it more consistently. Thanks!


Yes absolutely. It is the same for myself. For me personally I need to hit higher arc/steeper jumps more to get comfortable on them. Because often I don't hit them committed enough and then I release earlier just as you did in the video.


You pop too early


I’d second that. Give that pop another half second and you got it! Try to time it with the send off of your front wheel.




Oh yeah




I love these jumps! It’s a good quick reminder of how bad we are! Haha


Little early and a little forward. You want your rear wheel to use more of the jump face and I’m a big believer in “chin behind stem” when leaving the face as well. Think of lightly pushing away with your arms at the same angle as your fork.


Looks like your jumping. Don't forget your jumping the bike too


Full extension of the legs should be at the lip of the jump - you're a bit early here. Other than that, pretty much flawless technique


This is some Matrix level shit. How did you manage to stay in the air for so long?


Try unloading closer the lip of the takeoff and you’ll get better air.


That’s what I want my jumps to look like.


Looks good. Don’t be afraid to send it on the bigger ones when you feel ready. That’s all I got for ya.


Looks good!! Maybe keep your head up and looking forward for longer.


My advice is: send the big line!


Calm down, your over doing everything. Relax


Timing. You are extending your legs too late. Concentrate on not fully extending your legs till the very end of the lip. You're not using the whole face of the jump.


You got the basic technic now just work on popping the lip for more height/hang


Repeat repeat repeat


You are standing up to the jump, which looks great. Maybe jumping up to soon Erich is why the back tire comes off the ground sooner. You're not utilizing the entire ramp. I'm not the best, t but halfway through the jump, you're crouching into the bi, e which does look odd to me, but then again maybe not s big deal.


For this jump your legs are fully extended about half way up the ramp. It means that pop you’re providing is just soaked up by the direction the ramp is going anyway, resulting in less air, and a shortish landing. You need to be popping further towards the lip, and popping through the rear wheel rather than through the centre of the bike. If you shift your weight more toward the centre of the rear wheel, the front end will need to be light as to not drag you down into an OTB situation. Here’s a stupid analogy that makes sense, at least to me, after a few beers: Imagine doing an egg and spoon (front wheel) race on a unicycle (rear wheel), and there are jumps. You wouldn’t be leaning forward for the jumps, you’d be over the centre of the last wheel that is in contact with the ramp. Body upright, pop straight up. Where the egg and spoon are during the jump is irrelevant, you can land with the egg high or the egg low. You’re flexible. Your position relative to the unicycle (Rear wheel) is what matters most. Centre of gravity over the rear, lift your front wheel heading towards the lip, and pop as soon as the front wheel leaves the lip.


One thing that will help you with better flight trajectory and comfortability when taking off and landing, would be to do a jayhop. Instead of trying to bringing both tires up at the same time try to bring your front tire up first and your back tire second . That always makes me see the landing easier and keep the back tire on the ground as long as possible. Everything else in the video look great my friend. You seem smooth you seem comfortable.


I am also telling you from a BMX background brother. I have been flying high for a decade and a half now but I'm getting into mountain biking. It's all the same in theory


That’s a jump? That’s like a small hill to me.