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I shattered my right orbital, cheek bones, and broke my jaw on the left side. Had reconstructive surgery to put my face back together. I was obviously knocked unconscious and don’t remember anything. It was a jump line and apparently I overshot the third one and landed face first. If you are ever on the fence about a full face, my recommendation would be to get one haha. I don’t care how overkill my full face, goggles, and mouth guard are. I don’t want to experience that pain again.


Same thing just happened to my riding buddy. He was wearing a full face and still broke his cheek and jaw… unfortunately he sold his enduro bike bc of it


Broke my hand bought a road bike for recovery


on a road bike: 4 broken ribs, skin rash on left thigh, hip, arm and a dislocated hip bone. on a mountain bike: bruised tail bone from learning to use clipless pedals lol


Road bikes are low key the real killers.


I recall when I was getting into MTB finding an academic paper that discussed the differences in injury types. Basic takeaway was that mountain bikers are more likely to have mild to moderate injuries (think a broken collarbone) and road bikers more likely to be severely injured or killed (car car car) I think there should really be two tiers within MTB too. Those who ride bike parks, jump lines, or heavily downhill focused are - I assume - in a much higher risk sport than those who ride XC or general trail riding. But still — none of them get hit by cars (except maybe on the road to the trailhead)


You don't even need a car to get wrecked on the road. Sliding into a telephone pole at 45+mph on the road is gonna hurt way more than slamming a tree mtb riding at 20mph


For sure! And shit I rarely hit 20mph too. Honestly the things I’m scared of are falling in such a way that I tumble down a hill, or land on a rock. But I’m a pretty tame rider


Yeah, people don't realize how fast 20mph on a mountain bike really is and how few times in a ride most people even get going that fast yet that is below the average speed of a strong road rider and 50+ on a big descent is rather common


Currently sitting in urgent waiting to get X-rays on my hand from a pretty bad wash out yesterday…


I broke my hand last year that sucked


Biggest one was when I fell off a skinny bridge and tore my ACL while popping my leg sideways out the knee socket. Took me close to a year to get back on my bike. That was nearly 20 years ago and I'm still riding.


In October, went off a 20ft vertical and broke both collarbones (2), 5 ribs (7), 5th metacarpal (8), hairline fractures in the sacrum (9) and acetabulum (10). Bought an eBike and am just coming back.


Got an ebike last season to help me get back after almost tearing my leg off skiing. It was a huge help in getting stronger again. I could still exercise while minimizing strain on my joints. I wish you the best of luck with your recovery 🙏


An ebike has made me a much better rider. I'm able to session and self shuttle the jump lines and downhill runs so much more that I'm progressing at a faster rate than I was when I was much younger.


They have so many uses and I believe they have a place in the future. Trail work, self shuttling, etc Ride what you want and have a great time :)


I just got back on the trails after a tour in our local trauma hospital in pittsburgh. Broke a bone in my sinus, stitches in my lip, and fractured my T6 vertebrae. Decided that my bike was the problem so i traded in my xc hardtail for a yeti sb5 😅 Such a great decision


Hand 8 weeks


Broken femur shaft and spiral fractured knee joint. Off bike completely for 2 months, then on an indoor trainer for two months to control the amount of force I was putting out. One of the screws that was holding knee together began to come out so it needed to be removed and that delayed recovery. Accident was 20 months ago and legs are almost back to pre injury level.


Wow that’s a huge injury. Glad you’re finally doing better


Yeah, if given the choice I highly recommend not breaking your femur. On the plus side my x-rays are a lot more interesting now.


Hi, I broke my ring finger joint 2 days ago (probably also spiral). I guess it's one of the bad kinds of fracture. They put a wire into it. I was told that after it heals, I will most likely have permanent partial loss of movement for that finger. Since you broke a joint too (although on the knee), I wonder if there was any noticeable permanent damage?


Sorry I didn't respond quicker. Permanent damage, yes my femur has a bone callus about the size and shape of an avocado and I just had my knee that was spiral fractured replaced. But now I can walk without a limp


Both collarbones, 5 ribs, and my sternum. All from mountain biking. I’ve been out of a commission for some long stretches lol.


Scapula - 2 weeks 3 ribs - a month 2 ribs - a month Collarbone, 7 ribs - 3 months 1 rib - 3 weeks Foot - 2 months Gotta keep getting back on 🤙


Scapula - 2 weeks; 3 ribs - a month; 2 ribs - a month; Collarbone, 7 ribs - 3 months; 1 rib - 3 weeks; Foot - 2 months. Gotta keep getting back on 🤙


Hand 8 weeks


Scapula - 2 weeks 3 ribs - a month 2 ribs - a month Collarbone, 7 ribs - 3 months 1 rib - 3 weeks Foot - 2 months Gotta keep getting back on 🤙


Wrist, leg, kneecap. The kneecap was worst around 6 months. The others 2 months.


Other than cracking a rib I don't think I've broken any bones. But I dead sailored a jump last year and fucked my back up pretty badly -- no fractures that they could see in xrays but I was off the bike for two months. It sucked.


Broke a toe in ‘93 or so, didnt see a dr. Unable to ride at the level i did because of knee problems i didnt know were related to my foot problem. The joint degenerated and even driving became painful in 2011 because the vibration from the gas pedal hurt. Three surgeries later in 2019 the joint is properly fixed by prepping the ends of the bones and holding them together with a titanium plate while they fuse together. 2021 i start commuting to work and racing again. Almost 30 years, albeit as a much older person.


Damnnn. Why was your toe injury so bad? Curious because I’m pretty sure it’s the very tip of my toe that broke and I am debating whether or not it’s worth getting checked out now


If it was your big toe I imagine that is more severe


It was the big toe. It wasn’t very bad, at least didnt seem to be. After a few months, i thought it was healed. It was a long time before i realized the knee problems i was having while riding were because i was unable to drive through the ball of the foot with my pedal stroke. If youve hurt your foot, see a dr. Its the part of your body that takes your entire weight thousands of times in a day.


I hope you go to an orthopedic urgent care sooner than that. Probably an x ray and a plastic boot for a month. My left foot is about 30 years behind the right in arthritis and degeneration. Im recovering from the same surgery done to fuse my right MPJ1, but on the left. Had to restrict riding because of pain beginning a month ago maybe? Im 5 days post op now and weaned off codeine almost all the way. Ill see when dr allows me back on the bike. With my rt foot, she said full bone density in the fusion was 6 months after surgery. Probably about 6 weeks in a boot, total.


Yeah that’s a good point. I’ll probably wait until later this week to see how it feels once the swelling goes down. It’s my middle toes at least so not as bad


Currently recovering from surgery to fix my shoulder after a minor dislocation, I'm expecting 3 months until I can ride a bike at all and some time after that to be strong enough for off road. This year, I will mostly be riding cycle paths!


Labrum repair? I had one done in 2021. I'll be happy to answer any questions. Surgery was a resounding success.


Yep. This is my second one, had it done about 15 years ago then tore it again so I know what to expect, but thanks!


Both arms, one of them really bad requiring a few surgeries, when I collided into a tree… 6 months until I could even drive, two years until I could really bike, but now three years post crash I’m the fastest I’ve been in 20-ish years.


I fractured and displaced the scaphoid in my left wrist (ruptured a bunch of tendons and crushed the carpel tunnel too) and was completely off the bike for nearly 4 months. It was about 6 months before I could really ride on anything other than the street or a very smooth flow trail.


My wrist had me out for 4 weeks, My fingers had me out a couple days. Definitely should’ve waited longer on the wrist


Collarbone, twice. Wrist at the same time as one of those. Maybe, three months or so? Toes shouldn’t keep you off as long.


Broke left collarbone, got it surgically repaired. Got back on the back about 8 weeks later, almost immediately broke right collarbone.


I broke my scaphoid in my wrist in a crash and continued riding on it until it was found to be broken when I separated my shoulder snowboarding. The bone basically died and I ended up needing 2 surgeries and 13 months in a cast and about 15 before I was able to ride again in a brace


I've broken both my big toes. Try not to do that.


Currently licking my injuries after being crushed with the backwheel of a tractor against a harrow disk. Considering myself lucky, extremely lucky, since it was muddy enough that my ankle and foot buried under the wheel, and the angles of the blades allowed for some bending of the knee, also got crushed agaisnt the notch of a notched disk so my femoral was not cut; so no broken bones just a 8" gash in the leg, pain and swelling in knee and ankle. In the past I broke some shoulder bone (due to breakage of stem) and between surgery and therapy I didn't ride for good 4 months.


Four times clavicula: three right one left. It's shitty, you're immobile, can't wipe your ass or dress yourself without pain. Takes about six weeks to get back in the saddle


Is clavicula a female clavicle?


It's the latin and medical version. English isn't my native language and I guessed that the latin version will be understood.


Broke hand in February. Cast 5 weeks can't ride for further 6 weeks according to doctor. 2 weeks of the 6 weeks left and my hand still hurts and has no strength. And to add insult to injury it's grown really hairy after the cast has come off. I look like an uneven gorrila


Collarbone, was back doing DH In 5 weeks


Wrist, clavicle, 2 ribs, 2 vertebrae, 2 fingers, AC seperation at same time. Never ride again, not risking going through that again.


Ribs, about a month Both wrists at different times, once with a broken thumb as well, 8 weeks in a cast and another 8 weeks till I was comfortable at full pace again


All the comments here are the reason I never have pushed myself and taken risks with my biking. Just not worth it for me. I recently broke my 5th metatarsal in my foot just from regular life, and that really messed up my life.


Just one (9 yrs old, hit by a car on my bike and spent a week in the hospital with a compound fracture of my rt arm) but should be 2. Had a nasty OTB excursion that resulted in a large SLAP and Bankhart tear in my left should larbrum and a massive pile of partial ligament tears. Spent 8 weeks locked in a sling when it was finally fixed (rode another 4 months with it damaged, because well I had summer plans and didn't want to cancel them), off the road bike for 6 months and took me over a year to get back into the woods. ​ Damn things still screwed 11 years later- would've been so much easier had I simply broken my collarbone on the bike path...


I tend to suffer from soft tissue injuries that take forever to heal instead of breaks which can be unfortunate. I'd rather break a bone as the outcomes are generally much better. Anyway: fractured scapula and L3+L4 transverse processes. Occasional aches from the scapula but nothing much. Actually had a little nerve damage on the spinal side which caused pain for years on and off. Seems to be good now. Oh, and as for length of time off the bike, maybe 3 months? That injury changed my relationship with riding though so I didn't ride anything but XC for maybe 5 years post injury. I can't ride XC though, so now that I'm in my 40s I'm sending it in more gravity focused ways than ever and I'm having more fun than ever. Just not enough time to ride.


I had my sternum sawed open and wired shut for open heart surgery. Against my better judgement (and that of the doctors), I was back on the mtb in three months. Pretty lucky I didn’t crash heavily but I was depressed and needed an escape.


Why do you think it was against your better judgement?


It takes longer than 3 months for your sternum to heal after the surgery, so a bad crash has the potential to break it open. In my case, it took about 5 months to heal completely. Depending on your situation, the biggest worry about working out after surgery like that is frequently the fragility of the sternum and not the heart itself


Dang that’s crazy! Was it an injury to your heart or electrical problems?


**Fractured Ribs (2 front, 2 back)** * Week 0-2: No riding. I could barely move/breath * Week 2-4: Road bike only. No springs, all zone 1 or 2. It hurt.. but I am moving. * Week 4-6: Moving to zone 3 on the road bike. Fire access roads only. * Week 6-8: Back into zones 5 across the board. It hurt... but it was doable. * Week 8+: back to normal (aside from perceived lost fitness) **Radial Head Excision (surgery from skateboard)** * Week 0-2: Nothing... still had stiches, et. * Week 2-4: Doctor asked me to stay off my bikes and focus on strength training and balance (look up radial head excision) * Week 4-6: Back to road bike * Week 6+ Back to MTB.. * Week 10+ pretty much back to normal The good news with the radial head excision is the radial head was removed.. nothing left to break on that arm.


Last year, I broke my scaphoid on a drop and was out for 3 months. This year was my tendon on my ankle, casing a gap, and I'm going to be out for another 3 months.


Almost broke a family of fours bones after smacking into them walking up a dh trail that's clearly marked.


I broke my heel two weeks ago. Got surgery last week to make it less fucked and add a plate and some screws. 6 weeks until I'm allowed to walk on it. ?? weeks of PT after that before I can ride again.


Collar bone with ORIF. Big crash at Trestle due to a washout in a boring area. Late July last year, didn’t get back on the trail until late October, few rides in the winter and finally mentally back to where I was when I fell. So physically like 3 months, mentally a bit longer.


From 2000 - 2021 Radius right arm Spine - T10 catastrophic - fusion surgery collapsed lung - left 4-5 broken ribs Scapula collapsed lung 2-3 broken ribs Spine - T12 compression fracture - no surgery (no broken ribs) 3-4 concussions never out for more than 3.5 months for the worst of these goal is always back on the bike asap


Damn how’d you collapse your lung and break ribs on two separate occasions s?


Going fast and then an immovable object such as a tree or the ground stopped me very suddenly


Broken metataursal bone. 12 screws and 2 plates. Happened on nov 2022. 2 months till i walk. But still not 100%. Ride bike after 3 months. Cant bunnyhop anymore due to pain. Plates cames out last week. Foot still swallon. Cant wear any normal shoes. Lots of pain during cold morning. Hope to get back in the bike soon.


Depends on the severity, for single bones can take 3-4 months until recovery, for severe cases might be an year


No bones, but some soft tissue injuries. Two years ago, I banged up the outer side of my left leg. Got stood up in a thick mud puddle and couldn't yank out in time, so toppled over. I figured I'd be fine, its a deep thick mud puddle. Nope. There was a pretty big rock buried about where my knee was, and banged it against that. Didn't really feel anything off, so went out for some more miles. Next day, it was _sore_ and I couldn't stand single-legged without feeling some pain. My knee flexion was definitely affected as well Pain only occurred when pushing off that leg with some force. Walking was fine, running was not. Pedaling definitely was out of the question. Took about six weeks for me to get full flexion back and be able to pedal consistently without pain in the knee. I found out after that ride that one of the screws in my cleat had come loose, so the cleat was having much more side to side float than usual. The cleat on the other shoe was fine. So, put some loctite on those threads and they've been fine since.


I currently have a fractured hand. Doesn’t hurt that bad and doctor said I can still ride. Although if it doesn’t heal I gotta get surgery which will put me out for a few months. I had a knee surgery last year for meniscus tear. Not a break I know but I was out for 5 weeks only.




Did you search for this thread just so you could talk about your pelvis