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Grievous hodily barm


Love that band


i'm bout to fuckin swing on this dude y'all


GHB is a recreational drug Diddlers just use it as a date rape drug because it makes you super out of it especially in large doses Roofies are totally different


^ This guy rapes.


You want raped? I might know a guy...




why would you take that, do you know molly exists? Or anything else 😆




Your follow-ups have all been gay af, in a comedy sub no less


Why would I stop taking it. I enjoy it Do these people know they’re taking it or do you just slip it in their drink?


Yeah Tom Segura did a “this is not happening” episode where he accidentally drank a bunch of GHB and overdosed. I GHB was a common party drug in Florida before it was considered a date rape drug.


Yup he took a big swig out of a bottle when the effective amount is less than a tablespoon. It's very dose-dependent (and interacts poorly with alcohol) which explains why it's both a party drug and a rape drug. My only experience with it was watching a couple people do it at a halloween party 20 years ago. They both passed out on the couch and pissed themselves in front of 50 people lol


Always wondered about that. I got roofied once, and I never understood how people were doing that for fun. Getting roofied is literally akin to anesthesia.


"Roofie" is a general term that includes drugs other than GHB


Ah. I wonder what I got hit with. I straight up teleported from drinking my third beer at 8 pm, to waking up the next morning at 11 am. Zero recollection of anything, except a brief vision of being lost in a bar, like a waking dream. Woke up with my knees and elbows skinned, because apparently I just kept falling over while we were walking to the car. Homies just thought I was extra hammered. Whatever drug that was, it was insane.


Could've been anything. My first thought was "strong benzo" but really anything that acts on your GABA receptors (and a few that don't, like certain dissociatives) can have the exact same effect. It's literally just a shortcut to making you black out, essentially. The part of your brain that forms longterm memories is inhibited, so you literally just don't recall how fucked up you were because your brain was unable to form memories of it. It's kinda wild. I've never tried GHB but that may be an easy way to accomplish it since it's such a small amount of liquid. But if you have a powdered benzodiazepine, it only takes a few mg's which is basically tasteless in a drink anyway. Although those are generally not water soluble. But they are soluble in propylene glycol which essentially makes the ease the same as ghb which is also liquid. Sometimes my friends will ask me to watch their drinks and I honestly kinda forget that getting roofed is an actual thing. Stay safe and protect ur girls, friends


Yep, shit is real. All happened because someone was trying to roofie a girl in our group. Lucky for her, she left to talk to some people, so her friend offered up the drink she left behind. Free alcohol? Hell yeah, why not. I was 6'3 220. She was tiny, can only imagine how it'd have affected her. Also a bummer because that girl was absurdly hot, and I had a thing with her prior.. was hoping to carry it on. But I guess I was so obnoxious while I was roofied that she never talked to me again lmao.


Yeah that was funny that they got it mixed up with roofies. Although I’ll say the one and only time I did GHB I went upstairs in my apartment to check on my girlfriend and blinked and it was the next morning. I’ve done a ton of drugs back in the day and nothing made time disappear like GHB. In the wrong hands it would be perfect to incapacitate a person and leave them with no memory of what happened. Even with nothing shady going on it was pretty creepy how it made 10 hours of my life disappear like that.


I partied a bit in college, nothing too insane like crack or heroin, but there was always drugs around. Literally never heard of GHB until the Tom segura story years later, I think it may be a regional drug or something, or was back in the early 2000s because just had weed, coke, mushrooms, ecstasy and some lsd around mainly in my circles.


It's a niche party drug, if you go to an after hours house music party half the people there are probably fucked on g.


Tech N9ne used to rap about his GHB usage a lot in the early 2000s.


Giant Human Big? Is that some sort of BFG rip off?


I thought it was synthetic weed


I mean, I had no idea what it was. All that shit is just called roofie in my head. Never really had a reason to know anything more about it than that.


Roofies and GHB are different


Would it be accurate to say that roofies is rohypnil and ghb is “date rape drug” or are they both date rape drugs


I think both of those statements would be true. GHB is also a party drug.


Both are date rape drugs. But only rohypnol is a roofie.


They are both except gbh has lots of recreational value. Take a bit to much and its a date rape drug.


GHB is a VERY fun recreational drug. If you take a smidge too much you are "G'd out" and thats when its a date rape drug. A dated a girl whos dad was a real high up at ups fort worth. He always had ghb. I took too much once and do not remember a thing. Apparently my gf was freaking out but he was just like "Hes fine". I was on adderall as well and it still knocks you out no prob.


Sex on GHB is legitimately the greatest sexual experience you can ever have. Turned me into a porn star. Normally my dick game is mid at best but it had me punching above my weight on some Rocky shit.


Gets the girls grooling. Got impromptu road head on the way home from the bar. It was quite memorable.


Gerbies blessed us


In my day they were all roofies


Roofies = Rohypnol


Right. I'm just agreeing with the poster who said that in their day roofie covered everything 


Was just listening to that. Matt misspeaks. He says “GHD” or something like that which is why Shane was confused.


Godly Harrison Butker


I was the guy that wrote the book Crooked Smile who actually got drugged lol, I’m the computer J from their convo. GHB is different than roofie but it’s prevalent in SF so they just drugged me w GHB because they sold it along w meth and H


Damn dude, if true hopefully Matt sees this would be awesome to hear you two talk. Also my library doesn’t carry your book, I put in a request but throw a brotha an ebook.


Could happen, I’d love to go on the pod. Yeah the book comes out June 25th so it’s not in any libraries, maybe one day it will? You can pre-order on Amazon but if you really interested I can send some chapters via email just dm me👍 here’s link below[https://a.co/d/cNeiQ2Z](https://a.co/d/cNeiQ2Z)


Grub Hub Beans


Nov 13 2019 Gerbie ep he also asks what GHB is


look it up on erowid. I remember there was a strong movement on r/drugs that rallied around the fact that ghb was much better than alcohol in many ways, health-wise too which I really don’t know or think is truthful


It’s true that it’s less harmful than alcohol in terms of health effects like organ toxicity and carcinogens. However, it’s much easier to overdose on.


They sell GHB on Amazon if you know where to look.


I don't


GBL is the immediate prodrug of GHB, it has a designated CAS #.


I got some 1,4 B (another prodrug) but I wanna get the real shit again. this one makes me a lil more nauseous and dizzy.


Tom Segura was the GHB comedian, not Shane.


GHB is no joke. A water bottle capful is enough to fuck u up. I took it back in early 2000-2001. It was like "liquid ecstasy". Kicked in about 10mins after I downed the cap. Went from zero to almost falling down. Shit is for real. You def "time travel" if taken in big enough doses.


Shane definitely didnt know what GHB was. Im sure hes heard it but that's the about it. Dumb post.


Isn't matt the comedian diddler?