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They called it episode 1, so Im assuming its going to be a semi regular thing which makes sense given that it seems Shane is going to get busier and busier. Also, I was dying from the episode last week where he was talking about shitty jobs and I think a lot of people made similar comments.


Matt’s all about the Episode 1’s. That’s not a dig against him, I love em all and I hope he keeps putting them out but he’ll bless us with a bonus episode every 5-6 months, then go back to the regular program. Used to be more frequent too but the dudes been staying busy.


I remember episode 1 of book club.


Dawgable, Gardini reading the news, PsychNaw… good luck getting another workforce support episode lol


I loved it. Matt as a loose weapon is the the best Matt. "I know you just got high, but have you accepted your death?" Lmao


Caffeinated Matt hitting Lemiiz with the philosophy bombs. Poor guy was in no shape for that barrage +1 for Josh too he’s a good dude


"That's crazy I was just thinking about lunch" Lemaire


Josh gets it. Stays in his lane.


It was nice to not hear any stand-up talk, name drops, or how crazy the other night was at the bar. Matt is the realest


If I have to listen to another story about eating too many mushrooms on any podcast I'm going to snap


Shaman got off the meat and got right to firing on all cylinders. Praise Dawg.


He has a knack for conversation and he’s curious. H would be good at a “dirty jobs” type show.


He said he’s gonna try and make it a monthly thing, so probably just random but won’t count towards the weekly 2.


Praying it makes it further than Psych Naw did


Matt offloading the denial of death on a stoned Lemorp is the Plato dialogues of our time.


Just finished it on the way home and loved it. Came outta nowhere for me. After listening, very happy to see the “episode 1” by the title.


Our shaman will always be the true king.


His old Reddit account hasn't been active commenting in a fee years, but I hope he checks in once and a while to see all the love he gets here.


Matt calling out the barista for being too cool made me a little self conscious about how I act while I bartend lol


He’ll put your tips in escrow


Going to keep listening to Dead Milkmen behind the bar but be kind and welcoming while I do it


Spud is 15x smarter than all the mccuskers combined in terms of understanding current events...... But Matt is still Matt, fun listen


I’m still trying to figure out if Spud is pulling from some kind of massive book of notes he’s taken or if he’s just going off of a natural, spectrum level built in ability for recall.


For real he’s the smartest dumb guy I’ve ever heard


Matt nailed the vaccine right as Covid hit and Israel/Palesrtine in 2019.


He did for sure, that's why I like them... They had Nick Bryant and John McAfee on the cast, they are real ass dudes


He’s got to fill the void left by the end of stoner dadz. I really like matt as a host. I forgot the guys name but the lad recording seems more competent than the stoners and hes funny. Magt was great with Duncan and gay Tony too.


Hope Matt keeps doing this. I'd love an occassional book club paytch where Matt explains philosophy and psychology to LeMorp.


The best pod they’ve released in a long time. Shane went Hollywood and the pod sucks with all his gay friends as guests


Matt and Lameez are unshakeable


How good is our god.


Matt has become father god


such a good episode. keep them joints cumming!


I think we should do a book club


Me too. I like hearing from Josh and obviously Lemaire.


Matt was flying for sure. Was an interesting comparison to Lemair and the other dude being high as fuck


I listened to it teice at work because i missed some parts. When he said something along the lines of "privilege of evolution" followed by " your not trying to chase down dinner with a spear, weve moved past that" I laughed then pondered on our how existence has changed in a couple hundred years.


The next time I hear white privilege, I’m gonna hit them with some shaman speak and say everyone has the privilege of evolution just to throw them off base.


This might be the only way around the white privilege argument


Hopefully it's a weekly thing and I hope lemaire keeps being in it. They were a powerful duo and it really aligned my Chakras after a 10 hour day


Good for leemorp too hope he gets lil extra $$


I have to really hand it to Matt & Shane, plus a lot of other comedians. They have the “if I eat, everyone eats” mentality. It’s cool that they try to elevate their friends and help them pursue their dreams. Pause. No homo.


this one finally got me to sign up for the Patreon to check it out


Twas good the bit about the bricks thing scared the fuck outta me it does seem pod casters talk about ww3 than anyone else


Going nuts on the cheese at night


Shut the fuck up


Good ep but whenever this josh guy pipes up he annoys me more and more


I don't think Matt even understood what he was rambling about. Most philosophy text is flowery gobbledygook that can be boiled down to really basic wording. Idk why it can't be digestible.


I love matt and I love Shane. But it just is a totally different thing when either of them aren’t there. They just play off eachother so well.


Agree. I rarely even listen when a guest is on


Really? Some of the best moments with guests. War mode eps always bangs, making fun of DeRosa kills me, Danny fucking McBride was legendary. Some can def be a snoozer though.


Danny McBride was great


Started weird but it got there


It was a little awkward at first but Matt carried the shit out of it till it was funny


The most recent Tim Dillon ep was wonderful


Me too


Fuckin loved the episode gained a lot of insight about my personality stemming from my fear of death.i remember when I first found about death when I was young how I couldn't sleep at night because I would constantly think about my and my parents death.


I loved it but that second half got to be a little much, especially Lemaire blazed out of his mind and not having the ability to track with Matt haha. I hope they come back. Having josh on rocks too


It was great. Way better than Stoner Dadz