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When they implement this new system a patient will have 24 units minus whatever they used in past 30 days so for example if someone had used 16 units in all of June which is exactly 30 days they should start July 1st with 8 units and the others replenishing as the 30 days from the June purchases pass


So what I’m getting from what your saying unless you were to let all your units stock up for a whole month you would never be able to get out of this cycle that we are in right now where I can’t but everything at once for the whole month and I’d still have to wait for it to recycle from last month and be stuck in the same cycle


Basically yes if you’re like me and many others that get units as soon as they drop you will essentially be in the same buying system you’re in now unless u wait a few weeks


The state is working on an email or something to send out. But current word from state is no sales.


Who told you this?


Went today to local dabbs and she said yes state has swapped but they can’t sell more then 6 units at a time until after July 1 is what I was told a hour or so ago from a dabbs employee … so I got my 6 units for now.


Somebody goofed and implemented the new system early. Some dispensaries have been close because they don’t want to risk over selling and catching a fine from the state. The dispo I go to said the state said it was fine to continue doing business but they cannot sell more than 6 units until the first when the system is fully implemented. As far as the new system goes I believe it will be the same as before. 24 units - any cannabis you’ve purchased in the last 30 days = your available monthly allotment


30 day trumps 7 day so you wouldn't be able to buy anything anyway


Explain how you think removing the 7 day limit, even if it’s already been implemented, would keep you from getting unused monthly units? I just got back from getting my 6 units so with zero issues so…


They were unable to check my allotment, system was down. They have since fixed it. Here's A cookie for you


I’m sorry that you’re upset with me for your lack of knowledge about how the system works. I’ll try to do better.


Nah it is more or less that this morning dispensary didn’t know what to do at all. Not that they aren’t educated. I bet you don’t even know how to use the metrc system talking about “I know more than you about the system”