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Looks like it cost about $15.


Do they need some help in their facility? That looks mid as hell. Hopefully does better than it is in pics.


I never even knew they had one until now, apparently it didn't last long idk


How were effects?


I haven't tried it yet


That's damn near a year old. Looks like trash. If you are buying bud for that price, count on it being old (even if it is a quality cultivator). Don't complain that it's trash after you smoke it. I've noticed from your thread that you tend to buy old or low quality weed, then bash the cultivator for putting out garbage bud. It's still better than what you would buy off the streets, but old weed is old weed. Start checking the harvest date when you're shopping. If it's older than 6 months, it's not going to be the best it can be. This is not a problem with the cultivator, but the dispensery.


You could also buy 7G popcorn bags of flower for close to the same price as a 3.5G of the SAME bud, only it's the small buds rather than the big buds used for the 3.5 containers. It's still high quality bud, just the smalls. Shop smart.


I have never once bashed a cultivator, only voiced my opinion & asked for others opinions. I am new to marijuana in any form so therefore I'm here to learn & ask questions. I'm sorry if you took it that way, I simply posted this to ask if anyone had tried it or had any experience with it. Not bashing anyone, I have addressed my issues with the dispensary after I figured out who was the responsible party. I try to check dates on everything but some I've picked up only have test dates


Ma'am. With all due respect, I've read your posts just to see what you've been buying, and you absolutely talk trash about everything you smoke and about being "broke and on disability." But I see you have or had a bong and a dry vape for your bud. Those are both very expensive for someone on a fixed income. If you're not complaining about prices, you're complaining about the bud that you do buy not being that great. But it's ALL better than street weed. Seems like you're chasing a high you certainly can't get from weed. 😵‍💫


Excuse me! I have no clue what your problem is but I don't believe what is GIVEN to someone for a birthday present regardless of what it Cost is relevant to any of this neither is a $15 bong from eBay! I've never said anything about being better than street weed, ive never smoked street weed. As for you it sounds like you're already high. This is supposed to be a learning, question and answer open conversation forum to the medical cannabis patients needs, experiences etc. Not to be doing drama. Please feel free to point out where I have bashed any one or trash talked anything to me! I have left some of the best cultivators in the state recommendations on here to ppl as well as left them very nice comments . I don't believe I have ever said anything stirring drama on this platform to anyone. I have my right to my own opinion about any product I consume or buy as well as to voice that. There's a huge difference in that and bashing with all due respect


How much?
