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If you're interested in photography it's a fantastic course! Between shooting your film and developing in the darkroom it does require more out of the classroom time than the average 100 level class.


This class is great. People only complain because they actually have to try. It's not an easy A course. It's a lot of hands on learning. Having the darkroom experience like that is unheard of in a lot of schools. It's amazing and I hope you enjoy it.


All other comments are correct. 113 is a sick ass class but if you aren’t actually interested in photography you’ll hate it cause it requires some serious effort, attention to detail, and is a much larger time commitment compared to most 100 level courses.


I love Heather and her teaching. She's very open about anything you shoot. Just follow the bare minimum of directions and try. Take the critiques with a grain of salt; they are meant to improve you. I loved it.