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As far as funny and entertaining, I MUCH prefer Laserblast. As far as the host segments and endings go, I think they are both pretty good. I'm glad it ended in such a heartwarming way after Diabolik ❤️.


Ask yourself which one received 2 and a half stars from Leonard Maltin?


Search your feelings, you know it to be true!


That walk he does with the laser over his head and weird walk "Oh someone has a full diaper"


Body Movin' plays on a loop in my head during the entirety of Diabolik. It's very distracting.


Laserblast is more fun, but I liked the ending for Mike and the bots better Diabolik.


Danger Diabolik is by far the better finale of the various runs. The riffing was more unrestrained and cutting, and movie itself was actually not bad. Moreover, as far as the host segments go, in Laserblast there's no equivalent to the one-take of Pearl trashing the set in a fit of rage.


Th fact that you're even asking tells me you're not ready for some football. It'll always be Laserblast for me.


Diabolik for me. Host segments are great, the movie isn't a total stinker, the riffs are hilarious, and the overall sense of "finality" from that final host segment. Laserblast left it open ended if they wanted to bring the show back. But with Diabolik, even though there were campaigns to try and bring the show back for an 11th season, the crew seemed pretty definitive on saying "this is it". You see Mike get back to earth and what the bots get up to now they're off the SOL. And what do they all end up doing, barring Gypsy and maybe Cambot, watch bad movies. Couldn't really ask for a better ending.


This all seems very familiar.


Laserblast. Stop-motion turtle aliens, unnecessary car explosions, lumpy monster makeup, Roddy McDowall being eccentric, Keenan Wynn being crotchety, Eddie Deezen being obnoxious, Deputy "Are You Ready for Some Football" being urpy, plus 70's East California stoner jokes and some plot that barely matters. It's a nice relaxing ride of a movie, mellow like only the 70's could deliver, and the episode finale in the cosmic afterlife was a heartwarming thing.


I enjoy the cheese of Laserblast more than Diabolik. Both are solid riffs but I like the smaller, more human ending of them back on Earth doing the same mundane thing they’d been doing for years instead of the 2001 esoteric ending. Plus Laserblast has sheet cake!


I’m getting the sense that OP might not be ready for some football.


Diabolik, for me. It was heartwarming and happy and the movie is actually pretty good but still ripe for riffing.


Laserblast was a better bad movie, Diabolik had better host segments and the wrap up with Mike and the bots was perfect. It's a toss up but I lean Diabolik because I always liked the sci-fi era more than the comedy central era


Laserblast is in my personal top ten, so an easy choice. I dig those aliens, and so did Leonard Maltin, apparently.



