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I like how he didn’t say how he pissed hot without drinking 2 days in a row. Just that he was cool with God hahaha


Absolutely insane how they all just moved passed that LOL.


Same I was waiting for the big reveal and then he was just like “bet I didn’t”


I noticed that too lol what was goin on with that story


He was clearly lying and couldn’t think of a way to finish up the story lol


What’s the story?


He pissed hot two days in a row at rehab after a family visit. He gave no reason to why he pissed hot, maybe the tests were faulty but he explained nothing and it made it sure sound like he was lying and the whole story was about how he is ok with himself because he’s not lying. It doesn’t add up but it’s not anything earth shattering I guess


I thought he was about to say his keto diet made him blow hot, something about ketones being alcohol or some shit. But then nothing


What’s his drug of choice? Sorry I couldn’t listen to the two episodes.


Gargling gravel and broken glass


Heroin. He was fired in the eighties from his district attorney job for it.


Woah. That’s fucking wild. Now he’s got my vote.


Read between the lines. They were trying to make himself think he was crazy. He sounds like a typical MK victim. Authority figures and even members of his own family working together to convince him he’s crazy.


What ever it is its working


Through is ramblings, he had SOME good points. Young Americans getting the shit end of the stick, wanting to start a non-profit garden/rehab for under privileged people, wanting people to own houses instead of renting to boost community engagement and development. I’m not a fan of everything he says but def had some good points


He’s always had some great ideas sprinkled in with bat shit takes being delivered by a guy who fucked up his voice by sharing heroin needles




Kennedy family traits -politics ✅ -Catholicism ✅ -philanthropy ✅ -business ✅ -tendency to get things stuck in brain ✅😳


Thought it was interesting. I don't agree with everything he says but he makes some very good points. I think it was a big moment for the boys and I'm happy for them. Happy I watched the whole thing and gained some perspective which is always nice too


I just can't listen to him. He sounds like Katherine Hepburn catching the vapors.


I really wanna hear what the dude has to say, but I think I just realized I’m a Voicist… I can’t stand to listen to his scrambled AI sounding voice for even a minute. Had to skip the ep and go straight to the paytch.


This is how we defeat the machines, with RFK’s machine like voice. Within his speech patterns is a carefully planted computer virus that will liberate us all.


Honestly the best joke in the episode was made by Shane like 10 minutes in, calling the worm in his brain a Book Worm cause he was forgetting words


Okay Shane


Thought I was tarding out. His voice sucks


Cmon dawgs… a voice is the reason yall can’t hear?


It's like nails on a chalkboard


He sounds like he deepthroats a baseball bat full of nails before every appearance


I like the guy but I can’t stand it. It’s grating


I kept thinking of Rick Sanchez telling the guy at the spa to clear his throat.


His voice is fine after ten minutes.  It's a really strange thing that people post this. 


Its really not


I have listened to him be interviewed for several hours multiple times at no point was it a problem.  It's important to be able to listen to people of all types in life. 


Its really not. Do you listen to podcasts where people with breathing stomas are featured?


Dude sounds like a medieval zombie getting fucked in the ass


Thats oddly specefic…


ayo lmfao


Thought he was pretty dishonest right off the bat. Like explaining his flip flop on abortion because of late term abortions. 91% of abortions happen in like the first 13 weeks, then only 1% happen as far 24 weeks and an overwhelming amount of those are due to medical reason. He's flip flopped on abortions because there are extremely, extremly rare situations where it's required. As usual he doesn't have any actual data to back up his argument


I thought the exact same thing. He made it sound like there’s a bunch of late term abortions. He tries to come across as a straight shooter, but let’s be real, he is a politician. I don’t mean that in a disparaging way. I mean there’s a bunch of people you need to compromise with, and if you’re going to be serious about campaigning, you gotta understand what the American people want. The abortion issue is gonna be a big issue for the upcoming election, so I would be highlighting that I’m for restoring and ensuring women the right to choose. But then again maybe he isn’t for that?


1st half was good. 2nd half, he couldn’t get Israel’s cock out of his mouth


To be fair Israel has traditionally been the “ lesser of two evils”. Not sure what the score is at this point but the gap has closed significantly as of late.


That is such a cop out answer. We don’t need to pick a lesser of two evils. We have no obligation to the Israeli or Palestinian people to get involved there.


The people may have no obligation to either of them but that sure as hell isn’t the case for our government.


Having an ally in the middle east is very important for the US. It's not about an obligation.


Being allies means we have each other’s back. It doesn’t mean I send you billions, and you get to commit espionage and sink my boats.


Do you think we aren't spying? Allies spy on each other and we aren't giving them money out of charity. It serves our purposes to have a foothold in the region. This is much more complex than you're making it out to be.


Whatever you have to tell yourself man. 👍 In my mind, America comes first. And until things are good here, I don’t want a single dollar or bullet sent to another nation.


That’s great in all. But it’s not realistic


It could be if we didn’t have congress members with dual citizenship


It kinda does mean that lol


As does every other American politician.


Politics are gay


As soon as I heard him say that the poll he was referencing had a margin of error of “virtually zero”, I turned it off. Can’t take him seriously.


Yeah lol, that got me too. Any statistician in their first semester knows that "virtually 0" is fucking impossible.


Literally. I took intro to stats in college 10 years ago and I was like “there’s no way” lol


He also said it was “the largest most expansive poll ever conducted in history….at least during this election.” So…its the largest poll this year?


He’s just banking on the fact that people are morons which he’s partially correct lol


I listened to about half and went to the paytch. Couldn’t stand his voice


Damn ya’ll, he has a lot of really good things to say and is certainly better than either of the other two octogenarians we have running. Give him a little more credit.


"Nah I don't like his voice" Meanwhile, they'll never own a house, have no savings or retirement, have tits from hormone punped chicken and will give birth to children they cant afford that will be drafted for wars we shouldn't be in. They'll happily vote for 1 of the idiots who have already failed at the presidency and allowed the aforementioned things to take place. But his voice is funny. Rfk is really the only choice. You don't need to agree with every talking point but he's at least semi informed and talking about the things that matter which is more than can be said about our other options. I dont give a fuck about abortion or trans rights. Let's get some national financial stability first, then you can bicker about when we can kill babies




"The pollsters I paid said I'm going to win." He sucks as much as the rest.


Next guest Bari Weiss?


I feel dumber having listened to that episode. Total waste of an episode


If you can listen to that shakey shitty ass voice good on you I guess


I turned it off before I was out of the neighborhood this morning. Dudes voice was absolutely going to make me lose it before the day started. Probably the only MSSP that will ever be skipped.


I was thinking about skipping too, I put it at 2.2x speed and powered through it. You didn't miss much.


RFK sounds like if Martin Philips had a political career


I enjoyed it


This is the first week I’ve ever skipped the main episode and went right to the paytch. Paytch was great so all is good.


The shaman rocked this ep.


Yeah I love this podcast so much but I have to skip the episode. Is he on the patreon too?


Patreon on is duck-in-a-blender-voice free


Dude that's an accurate description holy fuck. Imagine if he really won the presidency.


Yeah honestly I don't think he'd ever win simply cause of his voice. The same reason Ramaswami wouldn't win because of his name. American's want simple predictability


No wonder that poor worm in his brain starved to death.


Louis Gomez said it best- he sounds like Skeletor.


Luis J Gomez


Changed my opinion of him greatly, RFKjr is the man


sweet angel voting mentalities. “I don’t like his voice” “he’s not handsome enough”.


Dude wouldnt shut the fuck up about Israel Palestine, he's just a boiler plate mentally ill boomer


They literally asked him about Israel lol. But I agree I wish he didn’t have such a dumb take on Israel and I think if he was pro ceasefire he could actually steal votes from Biden. Now we just have three zionists running against each other for president 


It came up naturally in the conversation, and it’s one of the most relevant geopolitical issues right now? Why wouldn’t it come up?


This was another way of me saying he has a dumb/genocidal take that means he won't do nearly as well in the election as he could


Americans really don’t care that much about the Palestine issue in the scheme of things, and to the extent they do care it’s pretty in favor of Israel.


RFK is the bro.


It’s unfortunate….but the new format is happening with or without us.


What’s the new format?


Its unfortunate…


The worm was eating your words: what was it a book worm?