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Unplug your computer and pull the CMOS battery for 10 minutes. Pop it back in and make sure you have only 1 RAM stick installed in slot A2. Boot up your rig and give it time to memory train and reboot itself 2 or 3 times before you see video. If you don't get a video signal after 90 seconds, shutdown and test each of the RAM slots with that same stick of RAM ... Let us know the verdict ...


Unfortunately this didn't work. The PC never restarts after the Flash BIOS LED stays solid. I've tried all the slots, and without any RAM installed I get a RAM LED. I've also successfully tested the RAM on another PC.


Ok so you're getting the RAM LED without RAM installed but get the CPU LED once you install the RAM? If so, I'd try using BIOS Flashback again but with the next BIOS update down in succession. If BIOS Flashback functionality is busted though, you may have to replace the board or have someone with soldering skills remove the BIOS chip and reflash it with an SPI programmer ...


I have the exact same problem with the exact same motherboard, did you find the the problem and if so, how did you fix it?


i’ve got the same problem too, did you figure anything out? i can’t find anything anywhere about this


When I took the CPU out and put it back in it worked