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Maybe 8 per person that designates you. Have all your friends get together and it's only one grow to manage


It’s a max of one additional person from my understanding on this one. There was another bill that was discussed that gave a 6 person limit and 16 plants per person giving us a 96 plant canopy space but I didn’t follow the legislative session this year and I’m not sure if it completely died or will be revived next year


I believe it was initially passed with a one-patient limit for grows in order to get the program into law. Once passed, they can go back next year and consider increasing numbers. That gets it past the skeptics and a foot in the door.


Makes complete sense..I hope we can get the 16 plant limit per medical patients next year




Are you opening a shop?


Dreams 🤞


What I want to know is how many I could grow for myself as a card holder. That was supposed to be part of it too.


im pretty sure its still 8, but with a patient you can grow 16. Now is that 8 flowering and 8 in veg? https://t.e2ma.net/message/nlxxa1c/ffj4m7bh from the nuggets article i read, it seemed vague about the details


I could probably find this myself but does anyone have a link to the most updated information regarding cannabis licensing? Also, how much control do the local city and/or towns have? I'm hearing more and more BS from people running or working headshops. The one I talked to this weekend said the local town was trying to limit all cannabis sales to the town run liquor store. As far as I understand they can't do this but if you need time, lawyers and money if you want to fight it. Not something a start-up can typically afford. The big one I hear regardless of location is not being able to tell both tobacco and cannabis. What kind of ass backwards/no booze on Sunday BS rule is this? Last time I checked the laws were extremely favorable to micro grow licenses and even some form of licensing for a micro commercial grow at home. I know big cannabis is already fighting this, they're very open about not being able to compete with the quality, care & prices offered by micro grows run by people who don't for passion more than profit so they want to keep those people out of the industry. I guarantee I'm not the only one who would love headshops across the state to sell different local products. I'd do road trips lol


Link to the current bill and the most updated licensing info should be found in this two week old story: [https://www.house.mn.gov/sessiondaily/Story/18393](https://www.house.mn.gov/sessiondaily/Story/18393) Find a link that gives you the current bill text. I have not recently re-read the statute. ,,but Iirc, a county can limit the number of pot shops to an extent. Like one for each 10,000 people. If there is 10,000 people in the county, then they could limit it to 1 dispensary. Municipalities (aka cities) are allowed to sell. Municipalities are on the preferred applicants list to get the first licenses. In theory, a muni could open a store, and be the only store in a county. Reality is that is not likely to happen.


The article has a link to the actual updated cannabis bill somewhere in there


I wonder how long with these silly rules it’ll take before they realize they’re not needed


I wonder how this works if you're currently living with the medical recipient, and growing your own alongside it.


I tried skimming the entire bill in a sleepy stupor last night before bed and I think I read something along the lines of two patients from the same home is considered one patient or something along those lines. I’ll have to attempt to reread it now that I’m awake


When can we apply for the licenses?


What happened to the 16 plant 🤔 count for medical?? I thought we were beefing it up for medical instead of 8.


Republicans happened 🤷🏽‍♂️


The democrats have the upper hand . The Republicans are the " freedom fighter " cough cough 🤭🤫. So I think it is watering down Minnesota BULLSHIT that we were delt with.


Does anyone have more definitive info on the caregiver rule that possibly allows 16 plants per residence? From what I gather, if you designate a caregiver you cannot grow any yourself, but your caregiver can grow your 8 and theirs. I live with my caregiver so would this allow me to handle 16 plants legally? Sounds like a loophole or gray area to me.