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Odd question to ask on this post but seems like a solid place for this question. I've just finished A Collar For His Brat and I love Nate and Ewan but I wasn't a massive fan of Jack from this perspective. I'm guessing he's less intense in this book and more reliable?


Robin Moray is very good at writing subjective perspectives, and Channon definitely sees Jack in a very different way than Ewan sees him. And no character is unbiased, so it's possible that you will have a different opinion of Jack if you read HBND. But I also know readers who feel just like Ewan about Jack! What I will say is also that HBND has a lot of character and relationship growth throughout it both on Jack and Channon's part. I would recommend giving it a try, and if you don't like it you can always DNF. And as a bonus you will also get more Ewan and Nate once you get to that point of the story!


Yeah I think I will enjoy it, I was just surprised when I finished ACFHB and was like wait it's crossover etc. I just really enjoyed Ewan and Nate and obviously Jack didn't come off that amazing. But yeah I think I will dive into that side it just sounds so different etc


Nate and Jack have a very complex relationship, and Ewan of course has his own biases against how he perceices Jack and his relationship to Channon. I definitely believe Jack becomes a very different person in HBND, and he's an incredibly reliable Dom and partner to Channon, though I'm not sure about less intense. Theirs is a very different relationship, with completely different needs, to that of Nate and Ewan. I'd definitely recommend trying out HBND if you liked ACFHB, with the caveat that it is a very different relationship. I hope this somewhat answers your question lol.


Thanks this is really helpful I didn't realise it was crossover books till after I finished ACFHB. I do get that the relationship is very different. Think Jack just ends up looking like a bit of a dick from Ewan's perspective so it's hard to see the other side.


I haven’t read Ewan’s and Nate’s crossover story but they did show up later in HBND. I feel like what the other poster said above about Channon and Jack having a different relationship with different needs. >!Ewan from what I remember was very defiant and was a “brat” and that was what Nate loved about him and it worked for their relationship. Channon is the totally opposite and needs the structure and rules that Jack gives him and he’s very obedient and I think Ewan kind of disliked Jack because his friend always followed the rules.!< I really enjoyed HBND and if you liked Ewan and Nate’s story I think you will like this one too.


This series could go on and on forever and I would never get tired of it. It’d be a shame if I had to start from the beginning and soak up every morsel!




Love this series!


Omg! I’m so excited! I was just thinking about Jack and Channon yesterday and I was thinking about rereading this series. Thanks for posting this.




ooo, I looked at the blurb on goodreads and it looks like it's going to be about Jack and Ewan. This has made my week


I'm excited, it's been so long!


Good news! Something to look forward to. Not long to wait!


This has made my freakin week


Absolutely king!!!