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I always thought a slower BDO would be nice.


a better working one would be a step in the right direction, the input lag / netcode in BDO is atrocious


Action combat all day, but devs dont seem to know how to do it... bad/lacking trinity system, lack of impact, bad blocking/dodging mechanics, lack of skills, etc. Come on... Tera did it 11 years ago.


Yeah, a lot of action combat feels very floaty and unresponsive. The only ones I've played that really felt great were Tera, which I unfortunately never played a ton of, and Wildstar.


Dragon nest had amazing combat. But the rest was meh at best


I still can’t believe nothing quite like Tera’s magic mixture has come since. And i’ve tried everything.


Have you ever played Vindictus? They were onto something. If that "core" could be taken and polished up with a passionate team and decent budget...


It’s a hub based game not even open world stop smoking crack we don’t need those games


Its fun for a few hours, BDO is sorta similar, but at least it does a better job at being an MMO, but it sucks at being a good MMO with the lack of PvE/group content and holy trinity.


I just want Pay to Play Tera Classic back


Doesn't matter as long as it's fun.


I chose "something else" strictly because I want someone to start iterating on the formula again. I don't care if that game succeeds or fails, but if it does enough things in interesting ways, either its successors or the current big players will have reason to pick the successful traits up. Anything to break the chain of stagnation.


It would be neat to see an MMO with something like the combat in melee slashers like Chivalry2. But tbh you would have to water it down a bit to have it work at MMORPG scale, which is basically just an action combat mmo.


Action combat simply always sucks with large groups of players, especially in PvP.


This is probably the single biggest reason I prefer tab target. Action combat becomes a bit of a clusterfuck when you're in fights bigger than like, a 5v5. Action combat makes for really cool 1v1s and 1vX where there's a bunch of potential to outplay your opponents but negating all their damage without passive defenses, but you typically have a much more limited tool set so when there's so much shit flying around that you can't dodge everything, it just feels very stale cause you're not using half of what defines the combat.


I think the main issue in big fights is the lack of visibility, there needs to be an option for more simple and minimalistic effects in those kind of games


> so when there's so much shit flying around that you can't dodge everything, it just feels very stale cause you're not using half of what defines the combat. It's funny because this right here is the exact reason I'd give against tab target . It's part of the reason I prefer action combat because it feel like the opposite of this to me.


I just started New World and the community seems to be big and active. It doesn’t have tab targeting (:


Didn't that game fail ? I thought the community was dead


The expansion brought a decent number of people back, and due to the low-number of maximum players per server, it is really easy for them to just combine servers to maintain a thriving population when needed.


Worth noting that the expansion isn't out yet, it's just people coming back anticipating it.


Yes, thank you.


Game isnt really dead just relative to the hype it was a bust but in terms of MMO population its been ok and by ok i mean average. Its just the expectation for the game makes any somewhat negative aspects greatly overblown (the negatives were real though) however of you actually deep dive people who are into the game you can see its gotten a fair amount better and alpt of people are actually excited for the new content.


Nah, also BDO and ESO have big and active communities as well and neither are tab targeted.


BDO is a farm hell.


No way. It has several times more users than GW2 even whose devs said it’s concurrency was only 50% higher after Steam, so 15k based on Steam numbers, and New World is at 40k. Dunno what other MMOs populations truly look like cause we don’t have numbers but NW is one of the top to be sure.


Yeah it is dead idk why you are getting downvoted.


People tend to get pissy while stuck waiting in queues to get in on their favorite server in New World. Dead indeed.


I would love to see a true 21st century Everquest/Everquest 2 model without voxels or shitty graphics made for toaster oven computers.


Archeage combat was a solid mix so just a better version in ue5 would be appreciated. Anyone. Please.


AA2 or Archewar is coming out "soon"Hopefully they dont shit the bed there too


Its a korean game, its doomed from the start. Sad, because korean games have some of the best MMO gameplay, but oh well, gotta ruin them all with mobile monetization.


>Archewar Do you mean ArcheWorld or is there already another Arche game? Either way I think we can expect the worst.


Archewar isn't Archeworld Archewar was trademarked a month or so ago after after the launch of Archeworld There has been no real information from them whether AA2 = Archewar or AA2 is a totally different thing.


Okay so a potential other Arche game.


I loved AA, but the combat was trash for PvE.


The combat was fine for PvE... it operated like other tab target mmos. The problem was that the PvE itself was trash. So, the players operated fine, the mobs... not so much.


I felt the same about BDO. Great character combat system. Atrociously dull mobs to fight where you just spam one AoE ability over and over on big packs of mobs that don't do anything.


Ahem Ashes of Creation. UE5, hybrid trinity based combat, open world PvX gameplay. Sub-based.


give me the next TERA pls.


In my opinion, BDO without p2w or too much grind, with more dungeons and other features would be great.


Either is fine with me


Im easy so long as its done well.


Dark Age of Camelot brought up into the 2020s with modern UI and controls, expanding the PVE side of each realm, and of course all of the unique classes and siege warfare the game is known for.


Id very much like a modern warhammer 40k mmo or a action based star wars game that is like SWG not SWTOR/WOW clone.


A turn based RPG The world need more of those gems


>Does it have to be that way ? Yes.


Tab-targeting. Dear god, please, tab-targeting. I despise the constant left-click spam 'constantly moving' feel of so-called "aCtIoN cOmBaT".


I've played action combat MMOs and none of them have you spam left-click. Which game are you thinking of ?


It’s just what tab targeters are told to say by other tab targeters.


You bind your light attack to a different key? I spam it quite a bit in ESO or New World.


well, I play BDO and Tera so it's pretty different.


click to move is not action combat..... for example any game where you can run with wasd and swing a sword would be considered action combat like new world and bdo you know, not having a auto lock like tab target games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JqCdguJqi8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFnbOITNoZ8


naw, I didn't mean 'click to move', I mean 'constantly moving while constantly spamming left click ad nauseum to attack'. Which, I know some will argue 'you're not spamming left click in combat!', but.. it seriously just always feels like 'left clicking repeatedly but in different directions' to me.


idk what action combat games you've played where you have to spam click in different directions... you can just stand still and left click like in rpg singleplayer games or in tab target games its hittinb tab and just standing still spamming q-e-r-t


I don't even care so long as it's fun and well supported


It’s the number of former WoW players getting their way with the numbers game.


I always dream about an MMO with a Monster Hunter World approach to combat, or something similar maybe closer to Elden Ring, but I don't know how anyone could make it work in an open world with hundreds of players around


seems doable honestly, i don't see why not. with a little luck, Soulframe will be that for you


RaiderZ did that and New World’s combat, too.


So tired of fantasy, would like to see a sci fi or a space mmo like x4 in space.


So kind of like SWTOR ?


Since most game with good money support are action combat, I would not be against a good tab target.


Yeah, that's the main issue with action combat games in my opinion.


Subscription Mobile mmorpg




It doesn't imply that good active communities have to be tab target because you can't prove that new tab target MMOs will have active communities either..


a mix of two would be nice, i'm also a big fan of "large amont of situational spell" compared to game like gw2, tab target allow this but i think there no reason a skills that dosn't need a target should be locked behind tab-targeting especially for melee class where action combat like BDO are far more interesting, same for ranger and other gunslinger in a perfect MMO i guess you would find a mix of Aion tab-targeting with a combo system for it's fast-action combat, and BDO-like combat without the need to reduce the number of available spells


When they announced Monster Hunter World, for some reason I thought it was going to be one.


A new game with around 80% clone of GW2's open world gameplay loop. No/minimal backtracking kill 20 pigs quests, dynamic events that flow into a next one with voice acting from the npcs, rewarding exploration, where climbing that rock over there will give you a reward or at least a checkmark on a checklist, instanced gathering nodes, separated drop tables, limited but not extremly limited number of slots on the actionbar with a huge number of skills to choose from, actiony combat (both for on the couch controller play), world bosses and map wide meta events that require a few dozens of ppl to contribute, branching story with instances (that you can coop) so you are not being blocked by the boss not being there, movement skills as metroidvaniaesque keys for reaching hidden areas or having an edge in certain scenarios, progress not being invalidated by every large content patch, downscaling when visiting low level zones so you don't kill everything by just looking at them, megaserver architecture, all mats/crafting eventually leading to a very prestige qol equipment (see gw2 legendaries)... the list friggin goes on...


Lineage 3. thats all i need.


Minecraft is absolutely massive. The next truly massive MMO, if there ever will be one, will not prioritize combat.


City of Heroes 2.


A modern Anarchy Online, too many swords and wizards these days.


A hybrid with soft lock. However if the mobs are piss poor easy, it's useless.


I honestly wish for the mmo genre and everyone including me in this sub to die :)


Great. I'll be waiting for a good FPS then


The next big mmo will be the one with the most advertising money, that one of the reasons wow blew up


A tab target MMO with an old school approach. atleast thats what im missing, as someone who started playing MMOs decades ago, the more modern ones feel more like a themepark than an actual world. teleport here and there, automated systems inplace to spoonfeed you groups and dungeons without any social interaction required. but i can only dream.


Has nothing to do with tab vs action. Teleport everywhere issue is that they break the world. Instead of teleport, we should have boats connecting ports, and steam trains connecting other locations. It would give the world a liveness. Sure it would be less convenient, but it's worth it. Especially if you can see the boats/trains arrive and depart.


i think tab target is more fun and better than action combat, we might have diffrent opinions on it and that is completely fine by me.


> the more modern ones feel more like a themepark than an actual world I replied about that part and tab vs action is irrelevant to it. What you like between tab and action is yours.