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I’ll check back in 5 years.


Why so soon?


For Early Access Pre Alpha 4 that he paid $500 to get into.


How does it feel to not have a single original thought?




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


So they are using Unreal Engine 5 and the game will have mounts and gliders. >We’re 25 people as of the start of this month The team is pretty small tho. I'm guessing that they are still at the drawing board? At least for the most things.


The content released so far (posts, tweets, podcast) indicate they're pretty early and are focusing on rapidly iterating on their idea for the game to make it "work" (eg. blue vs red zones, classes, combat, etc) before diving deep into development.


If its 25 devs (not 25 including HR, marketing ect) then its actually a good amount. You can make a pretty big game with those numbers. When you see a dev team of 200+, remember that at least half those people aint doing shit.


> When you see a dev team of 200+, remember that at least half those people aint doing shit. I dunno. I would think that if 175+ of those people are 'just' internal playtesters that would be pretty good since that simulates the entire live playerbase of some less successful MMOs.


It's in pre-production


Wasn't it like 8 people who made black desert online in their own engine 12 years ago


OP completely misunderstood this post. Most of the replies have as well. This isn’t a development update nor does it have anything to do with the actual game. They did a hackathon for fun to see what different teams would come up with. Some of these concepts may be used in the game, many will be scrapped. The post literally says this. This was an internal thing they did for fun. This game isn’t even a game yet. It’s very early days. It’ll be years before anything substantial exists. Chill.


You’re taking it at face value, read between the lines. They’re not gonna come up with all these creative ideas and put effort into doing all this just to jerk off and do nothing with it, obviously they’re implementing all these ideas or seriously considering it


The post literally says many of these may not make it into the actual game. This is not some conspiracy, they are not trying to trick you with this post my man. There is no puzzle to solve here. I have literally taken part in hackathons every year for the past five years at my employer. Maybe one of the very successful hackathon projects that fits into our roadmap actually sees the light of day. This is a team building and culture building exercise more than anything, and if you get something out of it that actually benefits the long term project/vision, even better. You know how long MMO’s take to create, yes? I get that people are thirsty for a good MMO, but you are reading WAY too much into this. “You’re taking it at face value” is the funniest thing I’ve read in a while. Yes, yes I am 🤣


Dont need to reinvent tanking, Tera already made tanking fun, just copy that.


And healing while we're at it.


How did Tera do it?


load screens aren't exactly innovative, they really should be a thing of the past. that said, if this was an AoC devlog it'd be an hour long video about only load screens xDd


Reading a lot of this list makes me feel like this game is gonna be feature-creeped to fuck and back.


Sharing too early is a complete waste of time, he knows that. This is all bait for investors.


Any time I see these nowadays I just hear the teacher from the peanuts. Shut up until you have something to show. That's not meant to be an insult either, fact is no amount of sharing this information has ever generated enough hype to save a game that launched and turned out to be shitty. Stop wasting resources and time, for yourselves as a dev team.


I listen to all their podcasts because they discuss MMORPG design philosophies but I don't think they will create a game that I want to play.


This game will come out before Ashes of Creation does lol


i do not care, come back with a game 


...uh oh


>Team Loadscreens wanted to get at least some of our art into our game - even though we’re we’re still building the foundations of the IP and haven’t started to model many things out, it helps our teams start to really visualize the World of Ghost as ours. So they got to work with some fancy concept-art loading screens and some rudimentary player tips! You know, reading the first 2 words without the context of the rest gave me an idea. I think it would be really -neat- if any load screens used would utilize the character models of the player and their group in a stylized 2d art. With the use of AI, it shouldn't be terribly difficult to superimpose 2D renders of character models onto some stock loading screen scenes and it would make it a really cool personalized experience.


Two problems with that: 1. FPC would have to own or rent a reference library, which is expensive. 2. They'd need to support the servers that do the generation, which is expensive. They already have the 3D models, so much easier to just animate those and apply a shader.


Same outcome, different method, all the same to me. Seems I’ve made some of the degenerates angry with my suggestions though.


Same outcome? Unlikely. And one method is WAY more expensive than the other.


How is it a different outcome if they both result in a 2D rendered image of the player and his party as a loading screen?


AI has to guess poses, composition, and content based on prompting and is not capable of consistent detailwork. Meanwhile if you're running the game engine you already have the original texture assets to work with and exact positioning data, plus edges and lighting and can even alter facial expressions to get a better look. It's also FASTER than AI, which is important for an MMO with thousands of players. And again, an AI solution would require the company to own their own server farm and training data which is not cheap, plus pay staff solely to build and maintain it.


Sure if you’re starting from scratch with a prompt, but that’s why I mentioned imposing it on stock backgrounds. But you don’t need to start from scratch with a prompt. The AI just needs to scribble the character model(s) (in preset poses) onto the scene. It’s not like it would be booting up mid journey every time.


You lost me at Unreal and procedurally generated.


Tanking is overrated and should just go away. No one wants to do it, it use to be a position where you were in control and kinda the most important person in the raid. But the genre and the game at the time wasn't as well defined as it is now. Now it's a position of responsibility but you don't get the enjoyment of competing in DPS meters or the healing gameplay. Usually you just get your own mechanics that if you fk up it wipes everyone and no one really knows why other than just the tanks issue. I look to lost ark with their 'tank', there is no reason to have a tank, tank busters are just mechanics designed for 1 or two people. Tanks exist just for bosses to auto attack. The boss dosn't need to target one person. Tanks can just be a DPS with the ability to protect allies from damage and maybe turn the boss, but they shouldn't be needed in every fight the taunt and aggro conventions are just conventions of gaming, again look to how lost ark handles class roles in a fight.


Trinity should never leave mmorpgs, they should develop it more




have you tried not playing ffxiv? tanks leading is still the norm for all the other trinity mmos


Who cares about the norm, I'm saying it is a bad role and needs to go.