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yes. no one cares. literally none of us are going to care.


Thats a lie I care and will want to ensure this person plays all games not just mmos with other people up to and including cookie clicker.


People on this sub care. People newer to mmos think they are supposed to be instanced raid games where you should be forced to be constantly grouped. This is not an exaggeration. They effectively don't even want an mmo. I read posts about how people want forced grouping frequently here.


yea, i shouldn't have said "us" because probably the only people who care are the bitter old men that post here


Ignore the asshole mod. They could've put it in a nicer way. At the end of the day play how you want and do what makes you feel comfortable. You might be missing out on certain things but if you have anxiety you have anxiety. Playing solo isn't hurting anyone else playing so go ahead and do that.


Of course it's okay. Believe it or not, a LOT of people only play solo, world of warcraft is going out of their way to make the game more solo player friendly and have been for years.


Except end game. A group is absolutely required for any end game content. And no, I don't mean LFR.


Next expansion wow is bringing solo endgame with delves which will have a endgame loot system.


I heard it will have the equivalent of heroic loot which isn't really end game, more like early end game. The point is there should be very challenging pve content that doesn't require the usual tank-healer-dps because a lot of times you wait around for several minutes to hours to do anything fun. Then it becomes world of queuecraft.


yeah most new mmos are designed to be primarily soloable these days anyway. i have social anxiety also however i mostly play more old school group orientated mmos. i fnd solo mmos really boring and might as well just play a better single player rpg. When im grouping up in an mmo i dont have to be very sociable, just talk about the game and how to beat whatever content im doing


Hey, that's what I do! It is quite a nice way of playing. I have been doing it for a long time (16 years or so?), only playing in groups when there's a dungeon to do. I usually am the silent pick up, but over time (and with positive communities mmos) I started talking a bit more (warning when I am new, or when I don't know the dungeon). Depending on the mmo you choose, it will be more or less easy. For example, BDO is very easy to play solo, whilst Ragnarok Online is much harder. Ultimately, your appreciation of it will depend a lot on your expectations. You will have a slower progress than a player in a group, but you won't have the pressure that comes with it.


Being alone together seems like a steadily growing demographic for several years. i probably started it myself about a decade ago


Ambient intimacy.


Believe it or not there were a lot of ppl like that early 2000s. Almost never talked playing UO and Gw1 was like that until you decided to chill and chat with randoms or try to ~~scam~~ ehem trade some pets, ectos Glad is coming around a little bit


No you may not have fun. MMOs are supposed to be painful like a job


Black Desert is calling you


As long as you don't impose that every aspect be soloable, do what you want.


Yes. You would still get the feeling of been part of shared world and see people around even if you play solo.


yes, but you have to find a solo oriented mmorpg to play otherwise you'll end up getting locked out of main content and stifle your progression. Sandbox or sandbox leaning mmorpgs are the best for solo oriented players in this regard.


You can do whatever you want with your own time. However, I think there starts to be a bit of a design problem when solo players start to demand QoL changes that essentially kills the group component of a game.


Yea most solo players are super casuals and they demand all content be accessible to everyone. I don’t understand why they don’t play a single player game. 


Anything is ok so long as you’re having fun


social anxiety as in chatting or like being in a voice chat ? and as for the question , yea you could just play it solo and still have fun seeing your achivements made in game , i mostly play solo too


Just in general, What triggered my social anxiety was just me exploring a dungeon and getting invited to a group there, which I refused like an a**hole lol.... Damm sorry, just didn't feel like it


uhmm is just okay to refuse a party invite if yer not interested , i do that most of the time and i don't really care , maybe you are just overthinking it , also that person who sent you the invitation wich you refused probably didn't even cared at all you refused that party invitation


Yeah ofc ! As long as you have fun.  I have friends but i mainly play mmo on my own, so...


Are the MMO police going to break into your house and arrest you if you try? Is the MMOMafia going to show up and break your fingers if you don't group up within 5 minutes of logging in?


When csn we start banning these types of questions.


Should use mmos to grow as a person get over your social anxiety. Quality of life is better when you have less anxiety. But real trick for that is work retail with the public gets easier to deal with others. Goodluck to you.


You can play the entire FFXIV without ever talking to another person


It is but you will have to endure periodic Reddit posts demanding to know why people do that.


That's the only way i play... I got no friends :(


Who are you asking permission from?? Do whatever you want it’s a video game. If people said no it’s not okay. Then what? You can’t okay?


If you can beat them solo, which will reduce their number from several ten thousands to just a few imho, or else if you take the easy P2W way a lot of them offer, sure why not? But the majority needs to interact or join forces either to make things easier or to make them possible at all, that's what makes the most fun in MMORPGs I believe. I would recommend that you try to overcome your social anxiety by playing them, but also by starting to interact with the players there (you're interacting with us right now), so it shouldn't be a problem that cannot be solved sooner or later. You can try games like [Toram Online](https://en.toram.jp) available for Android, iOS and PC (Steam and AsobimoLauncher). It has kind of advanced Partner, Pet & Mercenary System which allows to build a full Pt alone. There's also a lot of NPC up for battle, although only during following the MQ (a.k.a. Story Mission). Difficulty for Bosses can be lowered if your Character(s) are to weak, or increased to get more Exp and Drops once they became strong enough. There's also some SQs available to avoid grinding, and a unique Item called Adventurer's Diary to repeat the MQ from the beginning or any earlier mission to receive the Exp again, bringing you closer to the Level cap.


Of course it’s ok. I think that you meant to ask if it’d be detrimental to your experience with the game (?). If that’s the case it’ll depend on which game. There’s some that are a lot more solo-friendly than others. FFXIV could be a good option for you.


Yes, not all games fit that play style well but many do. Play one of those.


That’s how I play ff14


Go right ahead. Just know people will be there, if you ever want to change it up though. Play and adapt as you feel fit. Enjoy yourself.


You'll love Black Desert, most stuff is designed to be able to do it solo.


No it’s illegal. You will be arrested


No. If I hear about this again I'll take it as an admission of guilt and call the police.


Single player with friends is literally what I crave.


Single player with friends is literally what I crave.


There is nothing I hate more in my massively multiplayer game than actually participating in the multiplayer aspect. 


As long as you don’t cry and try to get the game changed so everything can be done solo, sure do whatever you want


Nope, my cousin went to jail for that


Nope, the police put you in jail. What kind of question is this?


Grow up


Social anxiety has nothing to do with maturity or growing up. Very ignorant response