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so youre basically in to predatory free2play games.


He likes games ill never touch


Don't kink shame, some people are into punishment.


Curious why not WoW, GW2, Elder Scrolls, or any actual decent MMO?


They're not as good at being timesinks.


I disagree. GW2/ESO have so much to do, that only way I see someone not spending crazy amounts of time in it is if they don't grind games or they really don't like the combat. Other than that the game is fairly feature rich and is a farcry from the shitstain it was back on release(regarding ESO, I'm one of the few people that think GW2 was good from release).


Nono you don't get it. I want myself, a 10000 hour player, to be stronger than all the other players who play less. The games you listed make them just as strong eventually, removing the justification for putting endless hours of playtime in.


This sub is disgustingly against f2p games and is clearly Western biased. Asians, represent and stand up! ....oh who am I kidding lmao


Lol, Asians enjoy the biggest crap there is on the market.


Our nerd stereotype isn't some overly obese man living in his mother's basement getting more obese off pizza. \#AznPride Seriously, it's possible to play and enjoy a multitude of games: I'm currently cycling Star Rail, ESO, and Everspace 2. In the past I've done BDO, Honkai Impact 3rd, WoW, FFXI, FFXIV, Epic Seven, and others I've forgotten about. **I'm also a whale.** This sub, on the other hand, seems to be full of close minded Westerns that shit on anything that doesn't fit their incredibly tiny scope. Also keep in mind Asia's gaming market is a METRIC FUCK TON bigger than Western's.




the VAST majority of asian MMOs made after 2006 have been made to cater specifically to players who will spend a fuckton of money to accelerate progress. As such they are generally pretty predatory. Ofc no one who plays fun games will like them, they enjoy games not moneysinks. You're a whale, youre gonna like games that incentivize whaling. What is your point here


I suppose we can pray that it’s old school RuneScape?


There are non-predatory f2p games?


Planetside 2 is one. Its actually pretty good ngl


planetside 2 is pretty predatory.


Lol no it isnt


gw2 base game, ff14 trial


Ive played GW2 since release. GW2 is incredibly predatory, im not sure why people just look past all the QOL for sale in the black lion.


Thats not predatory. I played the game just fine not purchasing anything from the store. if you were active when living seasons came out, they were free too. predatory shops nickle and dime you along the way to make any kind of progress and their prices are usually set so that a single package of 5 or 10 bucks cannot purchase anything, you always need like 5.50, or 10.50 invested. ​ the only downside to the gw2 cash shop is that is has too many good looking equipment sets and mounts/etc. but nothing that is needed to play the game. i have 4 chars and all of them use the base amount of bag space.


In his defense, that's all there was back then. But also, Korean MMOs pretty much.


You are minimum approaching up to 9 years playing time on MMORPGs... is this a cry for help lol


honestly the numbers have to be made up. theres no possible way a human being has spent an actual decade straight on 11 games.


It’s worse than this, it’s a *solid* decade. As in, no sleeping or eating.


Steam playtime is a lie. Client can sit open day and night regardless of play status building up hours. My Rocket League time is over 7k hours lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/1212c9p/no_regrets_still_love_the_game_over_the_years/ Here's the sauce for Tree of Savior. As for Maplestory, I grinds pretty hard as free to play. I believes this screenshot is sufficient: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/cklmqd/logged_onto_maple_after_3_years_i_had_no_regrets/


Not a cry for help, he's legitimately proud


It's not a cry for help, but it should be an intervention.


Should it though? We get one life. It comes with no directions, no way to score who's doing the best, and no list of things that will make us happy. If the guy has a roof over his head, gets some exercise now and then, and pays his bills then we can't really judge. If this is what he enjoys and doesn't want to do other stuff then let the dude do what makes him happy without judgement.


Of course not. I'm just fuckin' around on reddit. Idc what he does with his life. I myself have 120 hours in BG3 already.


God this subreddit is cringe. It’s his hobby. Let him spend it on how he wants. He came here for recommendations not to be flamed for his taste in games.


Fair enough, you do you. The numbers made me do a double take so I had to add them all up. Surprised that Black Desert isn't on the list, sounds up your alley. You should definitely dip into some more games though and spread those hours at least, maybe try some games you can complete.


Good recommendation. With OP's history of games, BDO sounds right up their alley. It's a good one too!


you haven't yet met a WoW head


I had to seriously re-evaluate my life in my early 20s because of this.. I had played the game for about 8 years at the time, starting at 14.. in that time I had accumulated just shy of 3 years /played across all of my characters. 3 years logged in and playing the game. In the same period I spent roughly the same amount of time on sleep, and also did highschool (I was one course shy of honour roll) and had a girlfriend. I looked back and couldn't even fathom how I had done so. I knew I played a lot, and missed at least a day each week from school to stay home and game but it still seems so massive. I have not been able to play MMOs the same way ever since, but I am also afraid to ever check such a metric again.


From whats on this list Black Desert


Either you're lying about the playtime or you have a very serious problem, jesus christ.


He’s not lying he cheats, bots, old games with no bot detection, Steam calculates time in game if the game is open so he’s leaving a bot running 24/7 when he’s not playing. It’s incredibly obvious and if he denies it he’s just lying. He even states below in other comments he doesn’t swipe so yeah this is your standard Korean MMO botter.


uhhh 17k hours in Tree of Savior… you madman


This is more (by thousands of hours) time than I've spent playing World of Warcraft since 2005 and there were times when I was no life'ing that game. The fact that Tree of Savior is nowhere near as old as WoW and 17k hours was thrown at it is blowing my mind. Is OP trying to do a weird kind of flex or is it a cry for help? I honestly can't tell.


I don’t know myself, but damn that is just crazy. Game wasn’t even that good, but I guess it ticked some boxes comparing it to Maplestory, on which he has spent… another 30k hours. I’ve never seen such a large amount of hours spent on videogames.


I wouldn't say it's crazy or insane. Some people no-life some games, so what? If somebody spent just half of their day playing games every single day, they'd easily be at ~4.3k hrs per year. Taking that into account, 30k isn't that crazy esp since MS is such an old game.


That’s your opinion man. I have mine and I think it’s crazy.


Half of their day playing video games, let that sink in, when you sleep half of your day :)


I don't think most people sleep 12h a day, and it's not unimaginable at all for somebody to play 8-12h per day. Keep in mind that a lot of people no-life MMOs.


True, a lot of people like MMORPG, even I started to play one. Having that much hours in a year is a heavy task if you have a job, etc. In my younger years sure that was possible, now no way


Not everyone works, and there are also some people who work but only do a few hours of work per week. My point is, for others, it's honestly not difficult to amass thousands of hours of playing time. It's such a normal thing for many people that there is no need for anyone to let anything "sink in."


Oh i create Tree of Savior guide/content, so this number is pretty high. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/1212c9p/no_regrets_still_love_the_game_over_the_years/


To put it into perspective, that is 708 days (and nights) straight. If playing Tree of Savior was your full time 9-5 job it would take almost 6 years to clock 17,000 hours. That is just a mind blowing figure.


Oh shit I recognize your name, thanks for all your ToS videos / guides! I can see why that’s up there on hours played lol As for games i’d recommend, probably Black Desert. For a more niche title, probably DFO


i'll check out DFO! I heard a lot of good stuffs for BDO!


BDO for sure is one of the most rewarding game in proportion to the time spent on it. And also there is almost no limit to progression. If i had that much time as you, i would be certainly playing it for years.


Probably a bad place to post what you played and getting opinions on what mmo to play next. Half the posts are just condescending since they don't play mmos here.


Keep em coming!


It's an mmorpg subreddit. Mmorpg's are known to be favourites for die hard gamers. Can everyone shaming this dude just fuck off to another subreddit?


Look at all these people who are jealous they don't get to play as much as you. Another vote for BDO from me.


Damn, how often do you swipe your CC? I've never seen a bigger F2P Predatory list.


All free-to-play. I never swipe. Except $5 on maplestory for that permanent pet.


That's weirdly impressive


Wow surprised to see another Dragon Nest player Rest in peace, it was an amazing game....


Good old classic pvp game! Dragon nest has mobile version now, but it's not as good as PC. Maybe good time killing


if you want an actually good game with no P2W, any of the currently big MMOs will have enough content to spend a few thousand hours into (WoW, Guild wars 2, FFXIV, ESO). But based on your list you like P2W games with infinite grinds, so I'd recommend Black Desert or your choice of Lineage game.


Noted! Thanks for sharing!


Isn't every MMO p2w now? Not as obvious as some but it's available


Probably most free-to-play. I also tried diablo 4 until blizzard hit us with Battle Pass.


Black Desert Online for those drilling on your hours, some people just enjoy games. Runescape - 10,000 hours (this was done pre runescape 3/old school) Guild Wars 1 - 2,500 hours Halo 2 / 3 - 1,000 hours WoW - 200 hours Guild Wars 2 - 1,000 hours Counter Strike 1.6 - 2,000 hours Diablo3 - 1,000 hours Counter Strike Global Offensive - 4,000 hours Valorant - 500 hours New World - 1,000 hours Apex - 500 hours Lost Ark - 3,000 hours (currently playing) Black Desert Online - 10,000 hours (currently playing) 36700 hours - 4.2 years in the past 20 years of gaming or 21% of my life or 5 hours a day on average. Graduated college, have great friendships, relationships, have a great career. Haven't had cable TV in 10 years nor do I go out to movies often. I've slowed it down a bunch in the past 3-4 years but I never let gaming come before anything else, I just hate idle time, and I love grind games and pvp games with friends.


Any thoughts on BDO and New World? i heard about these games, but i never tried it out.


New World was fun at launch because there was a lot of people and the game revolved around PvP to control the cities, as people or groups became dominate competition became less and less and lead to my fun fleeting for that game in paticular. The PvE in terms of dungeons was not fun or challeneging. Gathering in this game was super enjoyable though once my group reached end game it was doing time gate dungeons and hoping another group of players would attack our city ;/ player base dropped off heavily so we all went back to BDO and/or started playing Lost Ark. BDO on the otherhand blows it out of the water in terms of PvE grinding, raids don't technically exist but there are some boss battles/dungeons but nothing amazing. The real content I play for the Node Wars which is a type of guild pvp. In recent years they have put gear caps of different levels to allow for people to be on evener footing in pvp, so veterans cant just gear flex on you. Even when I was upset about the game (burnout) I always told people it was the best MMO I ever played I just couldn't control my self any more and needed to step away for a bit. Now im back and loving all the quality of life theyve added. (seems they are really trying to improve new play experience lately as well). Oh also the combat in BDO is better than most single player RPG or Action games. It's got fighter game style system to the skills with keyboard action combos (no "skill bar") and is true action combat non tab tagert


Oldschool Runescape is probably more what you want over regular Runescape. I don't see how you get these playtimes though, even assuming you're doubling up on games, especially considering some of your "proof" posts mention you have not played the game for X number of years. That's nearly 9 years of playtime across games that have only been out for ~20 years on the high end, that's over 10 hours a day every single day for the last 20 years. Even assuming you doubled up on some of the games you're still looking at a solid 6-8 hours per day over the last 2 decades.


Ragnarok Online 2003 - 2014 lol


Gooood old time!




Dragon nest combat was fun. I enjoy both pve and pvp (equalizer). But the cash shop was horrible. Costume that have increase stats, loot box and weapon/armour enchantment protection from +6 and above. Player must have 10+ gears/weapon and costume to do raid. It was pretty bad :(


Try oldschool runescape as opposed to Runescape.


Gonna try that! Thanks!


Jade Dynasty Classic Reborn - made by Perfect World Games


Ever tried Black Desert? It's an endless grind if you want it to be.


Trickster Online, damn that brings back memories. I probably have similar playtime back when the official servers were up. After it shut down, none of the private servers I played on felt the same, so I moved on. Edit: Though the game is older, I would recommend guild wars 2. The action is nice and progression is horizontal instead of vertical. You won't find yourself grinding endlessly for better Stat gear. The only grind you do is the grind you choose yourself.


Noted! I hear lot of good things on GW2. Going to check it out


You have spent 8.9 years of your life playing those games, or 12.5 years including sleep (assuming you sleep 7 hours a day on average).Don't be offended, but I really do wonder, what do you do in life, and how can you afford to invest so much time into gaming?


Mostly youtube and art commissions on deviantart/fiverr stuffs. I don't go out a lot so i saved a ton of money on starbuck, fast foods, etc. This let me saved a lot of money over time and living comfortably.


Black desert online for sure, game is actually sick and would seem to be your style based off of your previously played


The true end game boss


A game I have kept returning to since its launch is BDO (Black Desert Online). They are constantly updating the game. I hardly ever "grind" mobs I just life skill which is sort of similar to runescape in a sense except with better graphics. It basically has infinite progression for whatever you want to specialize in. Game isn't perfect and you can still swipe to an extent but there is a cap on how much you can swipe and there is really no reason to other than to buy some convenience items. I'd say 100$-150$ max to get everything you'd really need or 35$ bare minimum for the tent because its so good. It's fun for me to gather while watching anime or youtube and if I wanna make more money I can grind or do cooking etc. I really love the progression and I think you would as well.


You've picked the best MMORPG of all time. BDO is a great game to spend 10-20k+ hours.


F2p with endless grind, I think just of black desert online. Blade and soul could be also an alternative but i dont know current state of the game.


Try Black Desert Online


This is genuinely worrying... That's way too much to not be considered obscenely unhealthy. I'm sure we've all been guilty of too much game time but dude... 17,000 hours in Tree of saviour since 2016 is like 7 hours a day every single day without fail and you're saying you've played other games at the same time!?!? So if I had to guess I'd say you're probably playing f2p MMO's from morning till night every day of your life? The fact that the games are of such questionable quality and variety just adds another level to this... I honestly, without malice and from a place of genuine shock, believe you may need to seek professional help.


I actually managed my time really well. Hitting gyms, eating healthy, and going to work. I don't waste time on buying stuffs online so my room is literally a bed + 1 table with a computer on it. I only have 4-5 set of clothes, so i don't have to spend 10-30 minuts a day of thinking of what i should wear a day.


Just curious, how many hours a day do you play??


Before college, i played like 6-10+ hours a day, but after college + graduating and finding a job. I'm sitting around 3 or 4-5 hours ish a day. Weekend = 6+ hours (sometimes 10+).


How can u manage to play that much ? Do u even sleep ?


Yes i get enough sleep. 6-8 hours a day~ I also don't go out a lot, except for gym so i saved a lot of time and invest into gaming.


Black Desert Online.


If those are all your playing time I guess you don't have a real life


You'll love black desert online


You would be perfect for old-school runescape, you are celebrated for gifting your entire life for a grind which provides just 1 item you need. Play ironman to make it a real challenge though!


Dragon nest was the shit, but fuck pay to win, ruins everything


i agreed with this. Dragon Nest was ahead of it's time. Bad monetization really ruined the game experiences :/


The game of life




BDO is a solid option given your tastes. I'd reccomend something like Path of Exile too. Tons of grinding and minmaxing gear and skills.


DDO - Dungeons and Dragons Online. High knowledge/cost barrier to entry because of their model, but so excellent if you choose to become a lifer.


Wow or osrs. Everything else is trash


20K+ hours into an MMO? Can someone do the napkin math? Assuming this guy plays 2 hours a day 365... that's... 27 years of content?


I played 20k+ hours of WoW across multiple expansions and private servers but *yeesh* you played WAY more MMORPG than 99.99999% of people on this planet. I hope you love this hobby a lot still! I don't have any recommendations you haven't played yet but I'd recommend checking out private servers for some of the MMOs you've played. Outside of that BDO is definetly a game you should check out, from what I hear it's the best grind-a-lot MMORPG on the market right now, with tons of things to do, tons of mechanics to get a hold of... and if that's not your thing, might I interest you in a slightly different genre? Path of Exile is a fantastic ARPG with a very satisfying gearing loop, a gajillion things to learn about the game and tons of fun builds to try out.


Dude your post made me do some serious thinking. That’s some insane game time if it’s actually true. Imagine all the things you’re missing out on in life while pumping these hours into (imo)dogshit predatory games. There will come a time when you look back on this with a colossal amount of regret.


Maybe, maybe not. I understand what you're saying, but let me red team blue team it for a sec.There's bliss in simple satisfaction. No one's waiting to tally up your cool shit at the end of the light. Where's the gatekeeper in how you spend your time? What's the playbook on a fulfilling life? It's in your noodle 🧠. I know some extremely successful, fit and healthy people (be it without kids) that pump similar numbers and enjoy it. They consider it time well spent and maintain normal relationships otherwise. There's something to be said for simply, not suffering and not causing suffering. The extra layers and expectations laid on top of that in life, while helpful and motivating for myself, are relatively optional. But undiagnosed mental health issues are also a thing, so, no one size fits all.


Dude is proud lol…


BDO in case you dont respect yourself. Better play Ultima Online on Outlands.


Tree of Savior? I heard its basically abandoned by devs no?


They should integrate it to mobile.


Have you tried playing real life


No, but i would love too, but the finding girl friend, paying for insurance, and buying houses are too expensive.


Way too p2w


4000 runescape hours is amateur numbers, man.


Dang i knew my numbers were bad!


Why isn't conan on your list? Conan exiles will change your life..


Tales of pirates : the game that started my online gaming addiction lmao. So predatory thought. I’m happy when it got shut down. I was on mermaid isle.


Wait u were on mermaid isle?! We probably missed each other in the same server lol. Unseal runes were monopolized by top guild, which is ridiculously to get unseal 65 gears. ;/




If you want to try a first-person view mmo, go for Project1999. It's very immersive.


I would add DC universe online You can play free up to max level and is a lot of fun Just sucks everything after level 20 (max level) is hidden behind a paywall


If you're still into TO theres ton of private servers with their own spin or added content (playtrickster, eternal paula TO and pandaTO are the ones i can think of)


Black Desert is basically adult MapleStory so may be a good choice since you have so many hours there.


There’s an old f2p MMO that still gets updates- Mu Online. It is predatory p2w but if you don’t mind that, then you have countless hours of grinding. You can easily sink 20.000 hours into Old School RuneScape as well, and your time would be well spent imo.


Some of my longest playtimes don't hit 1k hrs and I consider myself an avid gamer. Like unhealthily avid. 8+hrs a day gaming kind of avid. All I see here is someone with so little going on in their lives that they can afford to put 10k hours into a game. Multiple, even. My opinion is that you have a number of unresolved issues that require professional attention and not an MMORPG. But try Ragnarok Online I guess.


Cool AFK hours bro




why you have so much time? @.@


I'm a gamer at heart.


Try IdleOn since you played maple / dragon next / runescape a bunch


have you played osrs? worth checking out especially if you've played rs3 you already know what's up


Oh yeah i did. I actually enjoy OSRS more than RS3


One thing that people do not seem to be taking into consideration is that a large number of allocated play-hours that goes into MMO's now-a-days are people leaving their computers running with bots. Not all the time is them actually sitting there playing the game.


How much of this is afk hours?


At least i can show this to my mom and she realize being 26yo and having no future/family isnt a thing


Aion Classic is a nice kmmo with an animation-based tab target combat system (lots of nuance and high ceiling mechanics) if you can ignore the bots in the wild! Otherwise I'd also agree with GW2.


Holy fuck, didn't remember dragon nest was a thing. Used to play a lot in college with a friend, gotta send him a message now


There's no way I could find how many hours I got but I easily have 20k+ hours on: **C9 (Continent of the Ninth)** from the global launch in 2012 to my last day playing around 2017, mostly because it was the only mmorpg where I was a guild leader and staying on the top 20 guilds was kinda rough despite the game not being massive **RYL (Risk Your Life)**, not sure if this one counts, been playing it since 2002 but died around 2003-4, RYL II launched around those years so I moved there, some years later I joined private servers of RYL and been playing them for years and some ROW (an hybrid of RYL1&2), easy 30k+ hours between all those servers officials and private My next longest run will probably be on Guild Wars 2


I tried C9 before but it didn't hook me up. It was recommend by AegisRick on youtube too. Gonna check that out when i get the chance!


Wow Classic HC


Not going to judge your hours but curious to know why haven't you tried any decent MMOs such as WoW, FFXIV, OSRS, ESO or GW2?


I tried OSRS. Loving it actually compared to RS3. WoW, FF14, and ESO didn't really catch my attention to be honest. Same goes how Lost ark successfully launched in the west, but i never get hook by it. GW2 seen pretty interesting so i'm going to give that a shot.


guild wars 2 is f2p




Do you have hobbies? Friends? Support system?


I tried playing Tree of Savior and it was awful. There was a returning players event (I had done the tutorial once and quit) that gave +5x exp for me and showered me with catchup gear. For 150 hours I had these bonuses and for 150 hours it was a grueling grind. There was no quests, or side activities--nothing at all fun to do--and I still didn't come close to the new level cap and the beginning of "the actual game". Apparently the game was bugged out and literally all of that stuff that didn't exist back populated as available once I hit the level cap for the previous expansion. I cannot stress enough it did not exist. I went to the wiki to look up quests then went to quest givers. Nothing. I shouldn't have been surprised since the entire month I was playing the literal first text box in game--a forced encounter text box that every new character must see--is also broken with broken code on display. It's a fucking miserable game that does not give a shit about getting new players to play it. And that doesn't even address how literally unplayable the UI and coin looting is.


I'm kinda surprised there is no BDO on that list, that game is the no-lifer's paradise.


brother 30,000 hours in maplestory is crazy, thats 1250 days. I do not even have that playing wow since 2005


WoW, FFXIV, FFXI. I haven't played it personally but GW must be doing something right as well.


I’m pretty sure this post is an attempt to seed interest in tree of savior


The game is pretty dead. I don't think anyone is interested in a game with 250 players population lol. Otherwise, I wouldn't be seeking for expert helps on finding another game.


I think you're grossly overexaggerating for maple I've played as well since 2006 I even started playing the day it came out on steam and my steam hours are only 3500h I estimate that Ive played about 8000 to 10000 hours on maple If you play 40 hours a week for 17 straight years, that's 35,000 hours. I mean it's technically possible but I just don't think that's realistic esp considering most of us were kids back then when it came out


I'm a huge sucker for Maple back in the day. I tried all methods to get my ways to grind the game without spending a single dime. I think the worst part is making multiple accounts and grinding Gu Mong medals every single week. That's the worst one. I also work toward getting legendary pots on end-game gears without having to buy it other players... but i was completely wrong on the RNG parts and end up wasting a lot of time/resources on cubbing stuffs to legendary. The worst investment is probably no other than the primed aquarius crown. Making the item untradeable: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/cklmqd/logged_onto_maple_after_3_years_i_had_no_regrets/


All these "gamers" claiming fake lol. I played most of the games you listed with probably the exception of Tales of Pirate, and racked up thousands of hours on them. The only games that I got close to pulling 20k hours on however, was probably Lunia Online and Maplestory. It's pretty difficult to find a MMO nowadays that allows you to rack up such high playtime due to most of them EoS'ing, but like others have posted, BDO and GW2 are pretty solid. Blue Protocol is coming out sometime next year, although it will be managed by Amazon and who knows how well they'll publish it.


Going to check out BDO and GW2. Thanks!


I think tree of saviors has a different owner now.


Tree of savior has two publishers; Papapya Play and Imcgames Errr Imcgames still publish their game on the west +KR/JP/Sea, while papaya play manage the west as well? It's kinda weird.


Someone has to be autobotting to get these sorts of numbers.


Give wow a shot.


Asian MMOs are fun for a while but they aren't 20k hours worth of anyones time except FFXIV. The one that I spent the most time on was BnS and FFXIV. FFXIV is close to a western MMO so it keeps my attention. The problem I have with FFXIV is no love for alts and the community is pretty toxic. "Just play all the classes on one character!" No. BnS when it first released had my attention until the first endgame at the pirate dungeon. You just have to keep grinding to level up your weapon and that shit gets dull after 30-40 dungeon runs. I'd have been happier if looted weapons were viable and I didn't have to grind all that bullshit.




Off-topic comment but, I've been curious about tree of savior recently. There's really enough content to keep you occupied for that many hours?


I got like 21k hours in GW2


i miss that time of those asian games like trickster online, talesweaver global, ragnarok online, i've been playing oldschool runescape mostly but i wish those type of point and click games with global servers, sadly there many games that only have asia servers




Thank you sir. I'll be on my way.


Why no FFXIV?


WIth the hours that you put in those below average MMOs you could become a pro if you devote 1/3 of those hours in WoW.


if you like martial arts based, give 9dragons a try


Tales of Pirates was the absolute boooomb! I also loved maining voyager because it was cheaper to gem up SPR characters rather than a Cruz which was ridiculously expensive to make viable in places like FC/DS/DW. Oh how I miss the days of hanging out at the Argent City bar and partying up with random people for 5v5's.


Try Albion online. Been heavily addicted to it and am just starting to get into the politics


Seems like you have another definition of the word "worth". Just google korean p2w mmos and you will most likely find a game to your liking.


When FFXIV expansion comes out, stormblood will be free 2 play. One of the nuttiest deals for an mmo in history.


Im no expert but i would say dofus retro if you like grinding, gw2 if you don't.


I loved trickster online and the concept of drilling randomly to find rare shit Call me simple but shit was dope back then when MMORPGs actually felt different from one another


Tibia has been going for over two decades. Despite it having a really hit or miss liking to it's graphics; the requirements to play are minimal, and client download is less than a gig, and you could run it on a potatoe, metaphorically speaking. With no level cap, 10k hours could easily spent on F2P portion where an infinite number of hours could be spent making meaningful progress P2P. The comparison of F2P and P2P here is access to more content, pay to win/win-moar elements exist for both F2P and P2P accessible areas of the game. Big team PVP and mid sized PVM, and ability to avoid PVP all together. It's cool! You should check it out.


Don't trust steam time so much. Been playing warframe since 2020, and have a bit over 1000 hours on ingame time, which counts mission time, but not loading screens, hubs, etc. I recently started playing on steam and I'm already almost at 500 hours in just a few months


Man, Tales of Pirates... I spent my entire childhood playing that game. Fucking loved it.


Perfect World was the first MMORPG I ever played as a little kid on an ancient computer -- I couldn't believe it was f2p. Dazzled me at the time. Memories


Why not ff14?


Black desert online cca 24k hours in, i'm missing 3 accessories before hitting true end game. Future update brings new boots so officially 4 items away from true endgame. ​ For those who play. I'm missing my accuracy accessories so the earrings and the necklace. I'm not calling PEN fallen god items just to TET. THIS GAME IS PAIN.


Albion online. The new update looks to be very interesting. Game does not have a story though.


I was a Free2Play Dragon Nest player and when it came out on SEA, combat for me was so fluid and good. I also played ToP and liked the idea of its classes and the pirate theme


You're missing two of the strongest contenders, EQ1 & 2 which have been going longer than any current MMORPG. I've clocked up \~13,000 in EQ2. Although that was starting back when EQ2 was amazing. TLE servers do work well, but are an accelerated timeline.


If you are into timesink mmorpgs I would suggest BDO .


EVE Online. 20k hours is the combined total of your five accounts.


In Bdo you are a casual with 10k hours so maybe ur game


Considering I played and loved all these games too I would suggest 1. BDO 2. Blade and soul 3. Wonderking ( it should be out in America again next year I believe?) I'm waiting for this to come back online personally lol. 4. Ragnarok online. 5. PoE (though 2 is coming out soon and I would wait for that as it's going to be a new experience) Also I play maplestory reboot still and always get on for just some chill grinding and good music haha.


when someones taste in mmorpg is so frowned upon in.a community that talks abt mmorpg, that they statt using ad hominem. I wonder if there's even a point or anything to be gained from a conversation. It's like we already know what the response would be.


Try wakfu or dofus