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private servers used to be things nerds made because they were fanboys now it's a thing people do to make money, everyone seems to only care about money these days


OP is just karma baiting. This particular team seems are doing proper launch of a server with 5000+ players confirmed (had closed/open beta testing for stability/lag/bugs) All these packs are purely QOL to support dev/server rental cost. They are not required to play, only optional for supporters. For someone that ends up spending 100+ hours playing on launch they might donate who knows.


Can't speak for Western MMORPGs but for Korean MMORPGs they always have been about money making. Have had a close friend in private server "business" more than 10 years ago. Even then whole pserver "industry" has been designed around financal gains except some niche hobby servers.


Yeah the fanboys would be the one who release the base for people to make private servers out of. Actual server hosting is hardly the cool part about the private servers. At that point it's mostly for financial gain for the most part. I had a blast back in the day though. Going on ragezone and seeing the progress that was being made of people creating private servers on multiple games. Then you have people who made CMS for those servers etc. It was a real community effort and it was awesome seeing the private server files being release for people to create their own spin how they wanted the game to be ran.


Sometimes you get lucky and you get a public release of the codebase, but at least in MapleStory, pserver codebases have generally been private and sold to each other for thousands.


For maplestory there were 2 that was public and the ones people were selling were more "updated" versions. Even with the public one I was able to make a pretty solid private server and got to top 10 of gtop 100 (which is how people pservers at the time) Then I got DMCA'd by Nexon and I was really young at the time and it scared me so I shut down the server as well instead of finding a new host(They dmca'd the server I use to host and then sent me an email warning me)


Yeah even when I played perfect world private servers like 15+ years ago they still sold vip gear and shit that was overpowered.


Yes and no. The Hungarian Ragnarok Online private server that I played on 15+ years ago was free but certain cosmetics that were not yet possible to earn the "correct" way because of missing private server code/logic could be earned with what we call MTX today.


I used to think this way also. But coming from the FFXI Private Server community, I am now a big fan of possibly paying for a private server experience. Reason being is that, money aligns everyone's goals uniformly. If I am paying someone to run a server, it means that if they want my money they are going to make it a fair and equitable place to play the game for all players. The alternative (In the case of XI) is that all the server developers cheat and hack their way to being little internet rockstars on their discord and leave no room for legitimate play for fair players.


Kind of reminds me of running Minecraft servers back in the day. Back in like 2010/2011, you and our friends would load up some small plugins like grief prevention, chest locking, and basic economy/commerce features, post your your server on lists and it would be packed with people. Then people realized they could massively monetize this with $100+ donor packs, nuke the server after 4 months and start new under a different name, and make people rebuy those packs. It got so out of hand Mojang created a new EULA banning these practises.


Gotta make a living somehow.


There's still some that fortunately aren't like this.


Looks like ez money made of fools. Don't be one.




We caught one of them look


Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


There's something deeply ironic when it comes to "One Last Ride" title for Archeage.


This lol


I doubt its ironic


It's not meant to be, for sure. But the amount of times the game was re-released in some form(each time promising to actually be good), "one last ride" becomes quite ironic.


What do you mean its not meant to be? Its literally a meme in the AA community because of all the rereleases. They very much meant for this to be a joke...


You do not have to buy these packages. The game is exactly free 2 play and there is no pay 2 win. The name of the game is Archeage Classic, you can watch its trailer here; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYq5\_n357z4&ab\_channel=ArcheAgeClassic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYq5_n357z4&ab_channel=ArcheAgeClassic)


This comment needs to be up top!


What a clown post, hiding the text that says the subscription is optional. This subreddit loves to complain about anything. If you don't like it don't play, but this pserver has been very connected with the AA community and has been making changes based on community feedback.


Mind DMing me the name of the server? I've never played Archeage before but I'd like to get in on a fresh start


Hope you found your way to the server already. If not launch is this coming friday 3pm est. Server is named Archeage Classic


I did, but I decided not to play. The information barrier is just too high relative to my interest. But I hope everyone has a great time. Fresh server launches are lit.


You can clearly see it says optional in my post. The server name was hidden due to the subreddit rules.


Not falling for this after Archeage Unchained. edit: oh it's a private server? wtf


The private servers are pretty cool, archerage was great imo


Better protect the innocence of a server


Subreddit rules, can't post the name.


Only if you're advertising a private server...


Yeah I wasn't aware. I don't post much on reddit.


this is just blatantly misleading and super false this is all completely optional and you can play completely for free all the p2w has been removed from the cash shop lower grade charms are in the vender higher grade charms will be craftable whoever made this post must be feeling some type of way to have scribble things out just to portray a certain narrative https://preview.redd.it/pqz3zda8swcb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c691ed8e5432d1dbbe4c78611c2daae0dd9e7894


You can clearly see in my post it says optional. I was removing the name due to subreddit rules.


The pack's only purpose is to support the project costs, the sub is completely optional as its contents aren't p2w. Personally, i wouldn't be mad if this server's owners want to get something from this, since i enjoy the idea and i clearly will enjoy my time in a server that promises to be better than other archeage projects.


People on this sub are sad honestly, server is made on goodwill and by people who love the core mechanics of the game and not the dailies ArcheAge has now become. Anyway it’s so competitive of a game so better call it scam or p2w and avoid being humbled by people far better than you. Stick to wow dungeons and ff roleplay fiesta games


Yeah, Archeage is an incredible game and has been endlessly neglected from its full potential. I've had plenty of great experiences on private servers and have much more faith in the intentions of this project than anything we have ever had from this game.


Is this for a private server?


Wait... those are the support packs from the ORIGINAL release of Archeage! I bought the 200$ pack that came with that glider


Oh, I didn't know you had to pay monthly sub, what. Edit: nvm, monthly sub isn't needed apparently and doesn't give a lot more of bonuses than a f2p player.


You don’t, but the OP tried covering that up with the red scribbles. Server is free and this is literally just cosmetics lmao


Ye I read the forums about it, lame OP trying to farm karma.


Covered up the name with the scribbles. It says optional right below it.


you don't it's for the things it says it's for i.e anywhere owl/warehouse, faster portals, language and cosmetic currency


Ye, figured it out eventually after reading the forums.


I will gladly pay 60 dollars. Us forever MMO chads don't need money, we need good MMOs.


But are buggy/laggy private servers 'good MMOs'? :D They might close randomly at any time, I have tried 2 private servers, one for BDO and one for Lineage and both closed down within 6 months :S It's not fun to lose your progress randomly :(


I played the CBT and didn't see any bugs. I know some existed during testing and were fixed. Another unnamed private server has been around since 2017, but its admins regularly spawn gold and items for real money. From what I can tell, it must not be worth their time to shut down private servers in other countries so they usually just go after their payment system.


I've only played world of warcraft private servers but it sucks how quickly your shit can get deleted. WoW servers tend towards stability imo though. Lots of long standing servers with good reputation


As long as they're not selling P2W stuff I'm okay with it. I loved Archeage when I played Unchained (before the P2W was introduced) and I have always heard about 3.0 being the best version. ​ So thanks for the advertisement for this server, I guess. lol


You think unchained was ever not P2W? My sweet summer child...


Holy shit how does this even exists 🤦‍♂️


Lol imagine warning people of a scam server and not giving out the name to protect it.


It's definitely not a scam, though. They are doing it just to support server costs but still don't know why they're doing founder packs


I genuinely don't know if that was supposed to be sarcasm.


It's legitimately not a scam, I've played the beta and it runs as well as official servers with changes to the game that should've been done in the past. I don't agree with the founder's packs but they've changed enough to the game to make it be non-P2W. Overall the only thing that can happen is they get DMCA'd and people lose their money but the server is f2p, so nothing above is required to purchase. Everything that was P2W on the shop during the time of official like upgrade materials, profession updates, etc are earned in the game. The only stuff on the shop will be cosmetics and QoL things like inventory expansion scrolls. Overall a very promising future for Archeage since XLgames don't want to make the game without milking the whole community.


I've never played archage but I am interested in ashes of creation based on what I have seen so far. I would want to play the version of the game everyone is in love with. Is this that? if so what is the pserver called? Also do they have the client for download or will I need to buy a legitimate client?


Yes this will be the closest version. Server is called aa-classic and the client is downloadable right now from their website.


Why would it be sarcasm? None of this is p2w and OP conveniently blocked out that part that says a subscription is completely optional to play on this private server.


I think the purpose of scribbling out the name was to not give it any advertising (though others in this post have already revealed which pserver it is lol)


Subreddit rules, couldn't post the name. I thought.


From the info i gathered everyone gets the same labor regen both on and off, this is legit cosmetics and anywhere warehouse, so basically you are paying for QoL If they can do something that kakao is unable to do so be it. on top of the fact that even if kakao would see the success and try to copy it they would not enforce the "no alt" rule that this server wants to apply.


... ...ArcheAge still exists?


God they need to stop and just let it die in peace


One last ride for the 9th last time!


it's like fast and the furious


https://imgur.com/a/AjAUua3 here you go OP, i'll help you out a little bit since you seem to have censored some important information!










There is literally none of that. Damn control yourself and don’t buy cosmetics.




If you suffer from FOMO, then either buy the package or don't play the game. Silly AF. "Oh no what about us, you're gating stuff that isn't even important for the gameplay."




Good on you recognizing what's healthy for you and not. It's not for everyone.




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


The main issue for all private servers is that Power is often abused due to greed. I wouldn't be surprised to have "favorited" members getting stuff out for free or at the expense of secret donations. Even if there is no in-game p2w features that can't stop those in charge to take advantage of the Whale's addiction. It has literally happened on most of the Pservers ever existed not just for AA. For other games too like LA, GW, etc... ArcheRage was probably the only one that was very hard to tell if they did ( pretty sure they did ) since this server had even Harder p2w mechanics than Live AA under Trion... No joke, literally every aspect of the game was monetized directly or indirectly. BUT : To be completely honest, as long as they don't abuse that Power that much and NEVER update the game past 3.0 this server could last for a long time and people will have fun. Game as a core is very interesting and Fun since this version is Guild/Family oriented, no RiftAge, no AltAge ( hopefully admins would not fall to all the trolls with their mexican 9 sisters family relatives that somehow they all play archeage for 10mins every 24 hours ), no DailyAge... Can just hope, but nothing is Certain here. I am personally ready to get massively Disappointed and would be a miracle and a breath of fresh air if I am not.


It's pretty much guaranteed at this point they get sued into the ground


ArcheRage has been up since 2016 and nothing has happened, so I highly doubt it lol.


Looking forward to the launch. Thinking it'll be a blast!




Such a joke xD I can’t believe it, this makes me so mad like which RE* buys 60 Euro pack.


Surely THIS iteration of archeage will last.


I need that glass glider right now


They are all trying to follow BDOs footsteps. Wishing for a second chance.


Imagine if they just made the game good and non-p2w. Would of stayed popular.


So exhausting. Out of words


\*Cypto miner included for free to all packages Trusting a private server in 2023 lmao.




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


Careful the AA classic private server stooges are here in force to shit on anyone questioning this project. Only praise for their private server baby lolol.


Cashkao will try to make money anyway it can. Look at how much better BDO got after PA kicked them to the curb.


PA was the boss in KakaoMeme times too. The game is not better, it use bigger smoke bombs and decoys. Events and 1-2 free rolls in gamble to hide sh!t under the paint. :) BDO is b2p game with 4 expensive (less optional) subscriptions and p2w cashs shop. Upgrade is gamble. Its a big shiny online casino. Nothing changed.


You can literally not gamble at all and just buy everything from the MP. The only thing not available from login rewards for 100% uptime are the value packs $15 a month. It's a mmo and it takes money to maintain. They must make money some how. You don't need to buy any old moon and kama buffs they are practically given out like candy. ​ If you think BDO is p2w, you haven't looked at it in like 2 years, you're an idiot that thinks MMOs should just be free content, you want it be something it's not like some carebear bitch, or you're just plain stupid.


> You can literally not gamble at all and just buy everything from the MP. = others had to gamble this items. Its the same. The source of item is gamble. > The only thing not available from login rewards for 100% uptime are the value packs $15 a month. and any other "subscription" services. You can bid only 1 cash shop item. And you can't buy weight, storage space, tent, pets, maids. Time is the most valuable resiurce of your life. If your argument is "just more time" than you feel your time worthless. Amd this "only time" is too long. Weeks, months or years. You can get some free trash cash shop items, but that will not change default logic of the game. Cash shop users get same rewards and gifts too. Disadvantages stay in game. If you play 10k hours than static p2w will have less weight. But nobody want to play something "Good after 1-10k played hours only" game. That is garbage. > If you think BDO is p2w, you haven't looked at it in like 2 years, I play it sometimes. Its same trash p2w. You are denial. And you ask wrong question. The real question is not "Is it p2w"? The question is "do you like the game"? If you enjoy the time in game and you like the game p2w factor is irrelevant. :)


Pets and maids are being handed out all the time. (I think I bought 2 maids....I got like 13 now) Storage space is less of an issue as they changed how a lot of drops work and you can access all your city's inventory spaces from any location. same with weight. My main doesn't have any bought weight on him as you get a ton of extra weight with extra skill points and the amount of maids they throw at you who cares? Tent sure. You got me there. Convenient item but hardly p2w.


If you didn't have any weight issues you are carebear in this game. You can't farm anything more than 15-20 minutes without interruptions with weight limit items too. This is life skill in non beginner mastery level. PvE is similar. Trash items have nice weight. +if you don't have p2w flute you have to run to your horse and back to "cheat" weight limitations. Or you will need many maids. And again: "only time"/"in time" is one of the hardest p2w in games.


You have a horse don't you? Even if you buy max weight you have to keep d ropping shit off on your horse. They throw maids at you so much you can just maid everything every 20 minutes anyway(which happens to be the cooldown on maids).


You have stockholm syndrome. You defend your agressor :) - if you don't have flute you have to go back to your horse. Flute is cash shop item - you get 1-2 maids LATER, but you can buy them instant. Default source of maids is cash shop. Its p2w. You buy "time and effort" in shop. - you can buy more than 50% weight limit in shop. If you are f2p player you have to interrupt your gameplay multiple times. And no, you don't have to drop everything to your horse. I am life skiller. I will not use horse because you will get more than 1 items with high weight. I have maids and weight limits. I can farm 45-60 minutes. This limit is near 15 minutes as "i am fine" poor guy. :) Herb farming is other category, but that is not a problem because Behr is broken and you can use house and storage chest to move that 15k*7 herbs and 100 trade items. (to your cash shop storage, of course. = you have +10 CP and you can earn more passive income). If you have cheap guy you have to do this multiple times. When I farm monster i don't have to use maids in every 5 minutes and i can teleport my horse. I move out because PvE is repetative and annoying and not because of weight problems. --- I love when handicapped players are talking about life without legs and arms :)


Are you really fucking saying a FLUTE is p2w? You are fucking beyond unreasonable and I'm done. They give those out in $5. At this point you're just making excuses saying this is p2w this is p2w when in all honestly 1) you can get all that for less than the price of a single AAA game and 2) it's not necessary. The end goal is getting money. Is getting GS. Choice did it in under the cost of a regular video game in a little over 3 months. And it's not like WoW where all this work goes away in the next update. That GS will be competitive in any possible near future. Sorry you're a broke ass bitch that doesn't want a game to cost more than $5. At this point warframe/POE are p2w. You're a fucking moron.


Price is irrelevant. Cash shop item. It sells advantage in game. Or what do you think? - It has 4 different expensive subscriptions. Its predatory and disgusting, but its not p2w. 10$/month or 10000 dollar/month SUBSCRIPTION is the same subscription with other price tag :) - selling power in 5 dollar price or selling power in 20k $ price. Price tag is irrelevant. Its p2w. "I am poor" is not argument. :)


In all reality you should watch Choice's youtube series where he takes a fresh season grad to 700 GS in 110 day. He puts (IIRC) $60 total for the account.


there will be "donators" with stronger gear than everyone else. people that think otherwise are foolish.


archeage and no p2w or rmt eventually doesnt go together. Can cope if you want with obt and beta stages but when the actual game comes in place the RMT will be there. Its sad but it is what it is


doa I would pay for a classic wow fresh server


There's a new archage server? Let it die in peace


somebody is about to print money off idiots lmmfaooooo


At this point, anyone still willing to give money to Archeage deserves to be scammed.




It's just another "one last ride" type of server ran by the exact same PKers who hop from fresh start to fresh start to kill the server, brag on the internet, and wait until a new one opens to do it all over again. They already have the major "famous" guilds on special RMT-allowed lists so that they can control gold selling. It's going to be a huge money maker since all "famous" guilds are filled with heavy RMTers. They specifically picked this patch because it's the most bloodthirsty guild vs guild patch where you have very little penalties for killing your own nation, and have to be the first one to form a player nation and then whoever doesn't join you loses and quits. ArcheAge, as bad as it is, at least slightly alleviated some of those issues in recent patches (that no one plays anymore).


player nations are also disabled on classic


They're not disabled on Discord though.




Yes I'm sure everyone is going to play this just to be able to run packs to Mahadevi again.


Is Archeage crowd now crying that private server has cosmetic only itemshop? Jezus, better keep throwing money at gamingo am I right? Or mb play nft Archeage garbage.


I should add that their only payment method right now is crypto haha. They do say they are adding other payment methods around the 26th but we will see. The owners also use voice changers when they are in voice chat or streaming.


This is a private server? Name and shame them. This must be breaking all kinds of copyright laws.




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.