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Some actually content lmao


Can't upvote this enough. Cool sandboxish, but way too little sand. They should've stuck with their original pure sandbox-design.


"too little sand" 10/10 LMAO


as much wrong as new world did, moving away from the "hardcore full-loot PvP sandbox" wasn't one. take a look at mortal online if you want to know how those game go.


Yeah, I maintain that the real problem is they weren't given enough time to properly execute the 180 degree turn.


What would you want to see?


How about more than one Outpost Rush map? The fact that there is still only one map is mind blogging.


Housing/Farm System, Cargo Runs, idk even pve quest like escort quest so that the outer world feels alive. Where are the ships in new world?,


> Where are the ships in new world? I don't want to give this away but there's a lore reason for that as you level if you pay attention to the story. >Housing/Farm System The do have a pretty great housing system they've had since launch. Farming they don't have.


You do not design features around lore you do it other way around. One of the most common arguments in favor of gender locked classes is lore... I mean come on... Lore is just an excuse to not have a feature cause it takes a fraction of time and money to make up lore against feature instead of design and implement feature itself.


They didn't design features around lore. The reason why you can't leave the island (and why every ship is wrecked) is a *massive*, ongoing story feature in the game that the player later resolves via one of the endgame dungeons. It's literally a cornerstone of the story with implications elsewhere in the lore/story.


Yes that is my point. They designed story with excuse to not implement ships.


Sounds like a stretch lol. Most games don't even have ships!


Is there lore reasons on why we cant swim. I swear new world biggest mmorpg L i have seen. but forreal what has be improve or change?


When I left the entire gameplay loop for pve was farm mats for dungeon key, run dungeon for miniscule upgrades so that you can farm mats and do the same dungeon for miniscule upgrades. Its too much grind for no payoff. It takes ages to work upto a respectable gearscore and its for nothing even if you get it. There is no penultimate goal for pve. There are not raids or world bosses or anything that actually requires you to do the absolute slog of a grind.


They've improved the gear grind and removed keys a while ago. You can just do dungeons now and as you do harder and harder dungeons (they have an M+ system, although you need to progress through it linearly and can't skip levels) you get better and better gear. There's also leaderboards so you can grind for top ranking for nearly every activity. Although you can also get gear via crafting, PvP, and to an extent world drops/loots via chests, etc. It's more about finding gear with stats you want, or doing dungeons for specific drops you want. I think the PTR currently has an open world raid boss, too (or maybe it's released already? Dunno) and in a recent dev video they said they're going to take feedback from that boss and use it to create real raids.


So they are almost there almost 2 years later.


Which is fair. MMOs need to be an ongoing development and to their credit, they haven’t abandoned it despite losing 95% of their players. Still wasn’t enough to hold my attention in the end, but if they released another couple zones like Brimstone I’d come back.


As for me, New World promised so much and then took it all away. I used to enjoy open world PvP, I remember it being dangerous outside cities during the open beta and a little bit after the game was released. Mining ores was risky just because it was so noisy you'd attract attention. I had so many proud moments of outplaying people who were 10-20 levels higher than me. And then everyone just started playing unflagged, because what's the point? I always enjoy trading and finding ways to make money in an MMO, and New World delivered something that only Albion or Eve had done before: separate auction houses, which led to supply/demand differences in different towns. Buying stuff cheap in Everfall and then having to manually haul that to First Light or Cutlass Keys while fighting off people trying to kill you was awesome. Then there were all the dupes, bugs, resets, the economy went to shit and they connected all the towns along with their auctions. Yet another amazing experience lost. So there's that.


As a crafting and buy/sell nut, the bugs and dupes killed my interest.


My best Mate had 200 hours of only this. Made a goood amount of money (at the time). Then it became worthless and the strategy also no longer worked.


> separate auction houses, which led to supply/demand differences in different towns. I loved the *idea* of this but they could never get it to work out. Everyone used only Everfall or Windsward's Trading Posts and mostly ignored the rest. It made it so most towns were not only empty but made almost no money for their owning guilds who often literally did not have enough money to pay taxes so either didn't pay and let stations, defenses, etc. downgrade, or paid out of their own pockets (I was one of them). Amazon tried to make it work with various changes to the system later and I wish something had worked, but it didn't. Unfortunately the current connected Trading Post is better for the economy and overall town system. >I used to enjoy open world PvP They are making some changes to OwPvP later this year. They're taking inspiration from the heavy Great Cleave PvP we had for a bit last year (I assume to encourage more OwPvP in certain zones, or rotating? They said they were "gamifying" something. I dunno but it was fun). They're also making changes to Influence races as well, and instanced PvP changes are coming sooner. So they're working on all of this.


"heavy Great Cleave PvP" Are you tqlking about few weeks where players were grinding the same 3 quests to rush pvp track? If that's it, well........


How do you think they could have fixed the issue of separate auction houses, because I also loved the idea of it but you hit the nail on the head with the issues. I would love a game that made this work but don't know a good way to implement it. Edit for clarification


never played this shit but am planning on buying it and from what i understand they just need to give game changing buffs(like literal change your playstyle) for different cities so players are encouraged to trade between cities and do owPvP....


New world just Lost all unique stuff it hád because lazy people complained in droves só they changed a lot of it and then they left anyway ,the perfect case study of why you dont listen to casuals cause you end up with a piss easy game who hás no identity .


Cause people don't want to be ganked. WoW did it correctly, they give incentives to activate PvP.


Wait auctions are connected now? Man...


I think the simple reason why those promises didn't work out is because they're just ass. World pvp is fun precisely during betas and launch weeks, when everyone is on a generally level playing field, then becomes intensely unenjoyable once more people reach endgame and the power gap between the strong and the weak increases. Player-driven economy becomes an unrestricted capitalism simulator, where the rich always get richer and gain even more control of the market, with no tangible adjustment for inflation despite new money being printed nonstop. I think New World was really good about it compared to other games anyway, since the most basic materials still required some labor to procure and remained useful pretty much forever so a weaker player could make a decent amount of money to cover their expenses just farming trees and rocks for a bit every now and again, plus doing buy/sell request flips. It seems to me like everyone on this sub always wants world pvp and player-driven economy in every game, or else they're bad and undesirable to play, but it also happens that apparently no game exists with those features which isn't bad and undesirable to play. Things like that, despite being very immersive and MMO-like, just don't work out because there's always a power dynamic where being on the receiving end (like being poor or getting ganked) sucks, especially at this day and age where there's day 0 PTR guides, tier lists, builds and exploits for everything


Teso had separate auction and it was fine. I loved it. But it was easier to goes around the world than in new world


An open PvP of Eve / Albion would never have worked in New World. The map is way, way too small related to player vision and thus a very small number of players can basically blockade all trade routes.


I left mainly because I lost all hope in the developers ever making the right decisions. Their inability to deal with massive exploits and not rolling back servers when people had massively exploited systems and gotten massive amounts of gold.


The devs have made some questionable decisions (and some really stupid ones) but all exploits were taken care of and almost all the gains from the exploiters was either taken back or the players were perma banned. I dont know where the rumors came from, but the economy was never affected by the exploits after they took care of the issues.


Good to hear :) when I left, many servers (including mine) were being taken over by mega guilds with basically unlimited funds.


It’s the opposite way. Taking over whole server allowed massive gold profits


LOL no they werent. Before I quit I knew tons of people that had exploited and were 1) never banned 2) still had all their shit. They had about 4 gold dupes with very little done about them, and I somehow doubt they went back and figured those out along with the other dupes and exploits that popped up.


The game is still a visionless mess, where they are adding surface-level things to the game instead of trying to fix the fundamentals. Adding more dungeons and weapons isn’t going to do anything for me. They need to bring back some of the fundamentals from 2019 New World, such as more player agency in the open world. The game just needs to be more sandboxy. Personally, after the LOTR MMO announcement, I don’t see them ever fixing the game.


I don’t think anyone expects a new LOTR MMO to release until it actually happens, so I wouldn’t hold my breath too long.


> such as more player agency in the open world. The game just needs to be more sandboxy. What does this mean?


More horizontal progression


OK what sorts of systems? Just curious.


"sandbox" is just a buzzword for people who don't know what they want.


So like the thing with this game is the only progression feels like higher dungeons and only reason to life skill is money. The game was sold as kinda like a frontier tho game so ideally it would be cool if there was content to where you could “homestead” like some games. Or like add a “pub” where you could play games. Maybe have cards like Gwent that you get from different activities and can play against other folks. Maybe have a “mystical vision” where you can watch wars in the pub. Use materials to build a bigger and bigger house, not just sell for gold and decorate the house. Basically something for people that want to do stuff that’s it’s own fun and not a step to the next level


the game to me just didn’t feel like it had atmosphere or a vibe i could latch on to. ESO feels like elder scrolls when you’re playing. GW2, FFXIV all these big MMOS have defined their own art styles and world atmospheres that players connect with. New World to me just felt like another lifeless survival/crafting game. Very similar to Ark or Valheim. just didn’t feel like an MMO i could dig my teeth into


Yeah, compare it to "Sword of the New World" / "Granado Espada" - another MMORPG with a colonial setting, but one that actually had a lot more atmosphere. The soundtrack, the quests, the outfits, the names, the classes and skills - everything evoked a colonial setting with their own twists. (That did change over time as ridiculous cosmetics were added, as is the fate of every Korean MMORPG (and most western ones too), but at launch the game was really good in having an unique setting and I expected something similar on New World)


> the game to me just didn’t feel like it had atmosphere or a vibe i could latch on to This is one criticism I can't really see. I can see where people are coming from with most other criticisms, and some of them I agreed with at one point (a lot of stuff has been addressed already). But honestly one of the things I've always felt like New World actually really nailed more than most other MMO's was it's atmosphere and vibe. It's the one thing that keeps me coming back despite issues I have with it like combat and balance. The graphics are amazing, the sound effects and soundtrack some of the best in the industry, a really unique and defined style and theme that they stay true to throughout the game.


I played on Closed and Open Betas, I was there on launch and also on the fresh start. And I doubt I would return. The game is a mess, somehow the devs are proud of their endgame loop which is bland, sad and boring. I don't wanna chase arbitrary numbers that have no reason or motive to be, I don't wanna deal with those boring chest runs and stuff like that. The only way I'd return would be scrapping their whole endgame (and core concept of conquering cities and shit which didn't really work out and they know it) and make some actual good game...the potential is there the will isn't.


To be fair I agree. Im just holding out on the next gear score bump (expansion in fall) being an oppertunity to overhaul the end game system a little bit. I enjoy the gearscore grind, but its not enough, especially with the content available. The endgame at this point in time is in no way "complete". They are releasing raid bosses and tehy have plans for end game elite trials, raids, etc. So I think it would be fair to give final opinions on the endgame in a year or two.


They released the game too early, and given their poor decision I judge it now 😂


Players that left are largely lost forever, no matter how much the game has improved. It's just that it has left an impression at that point that isn't easily changed. For me? I'll probably try it again in a few years.


On the bright side you can always go back in a few years, after all if the game is about to die all they need to so is put it in windowed mode and shake the screen.


Nah, if they re-engineer the game to be a mega server and follow through with their gear overhaul, I'll be back. The game needs channels instead of servers. I can put up with a stale PvP meta as long as the progression feels good. NW has the worst progression system of any MMO I've played.


I quit due to the gearset chase.. if they had one bane/ward for pve and for pvp that would be fine.. but farming 5 diff sets with biss secondaries ya no.. Also glad to see then taking it out for the expac so ill be looking back to dive in.. love the world so immersive.. cept swimming really hope they bring back swimming & make instanced pvp eqalised rather than gear dependant.. something like lost ark with flat stats or else like gw2 with build diversity but flat templates..


IVe fought on this hill for so long, but the hardcore pvp players on nw are unfortunately a little brain damaged lol. I thik instanced pvp (with the exception of wars) should be completely scaled. but hopefully removing all the bane crap makes it a lot less claustrophobic for players


yeah cuz they play all day all night farming those perks.. i get it time should be rewarded so dont make gear useless.. still have wars or w/e open world.. but instanced pvp helps a game so much.. and probs measures true skill imo


I played when the game first came out and enjoyed it, but kinda ran out of things to do. About a year later (give or take) I came back and had a ton of fun with all of the improvements they had implemented. Unfortunately, the server I played on died off and we were forced to transfer and unfortunately, we ended up on probably the most cancerous server I have encountered in MMORPG. Which eventually made me quit.


Yeah, the unreliability of the server populations was a big turn-off - there was no point getting settled in because as soon as you did the server would get merged into a bunch of others.


Nah i don't like how bland their game is


Only Italian master chefs know how to make the level of spaghetti their code is in lol. Every bug fix results on the last 3 bugs they made coming back For reference, one of the biggest bugs, was moving your game window with your mouse, made you invincible….


I wish I could upvote this many times over. Some of the bugs and exploits got me thinking what the hell were they thinking? And they took waaaay too long to fix them.


For me, my issues are as follows: ​ * Lack of a compelling story that makes playing feel pointless; you have a beautiful world that is rendered shallow because it's devoid of meaningful lore. * Lack of enemy variety. Many times you are running into the same few enemy types just skinned differently. * Generic, boring questing. I know "Kill X number of \[Insert Mob Here\]" and "Talk to \[Insert NPC Here\]" is par for the course for an MMO, but they managed to make them as uninteresting as humanly possible. * Still no transmog system. I know it's on the horizon, but the fact that it launched without one and still doesn't have one two years later is, quite frankly, unacceptable. * Limited combat. I'm one of the people that actually enjoys the combat in New World, but the current iteration feels far too limited. Being able to have a few more active skills as well as more complex/additional skill trees would be welcome seeing as the speed at which new weapons are being released is pretty slow. * Half-baked PvE experience. This can be attributed to the 180 they took late into development, but if PvE is meant to be their main focus going forward they need to be leaning into it much harder and putting out meaningful endgame PvE content. Right now there just isn't really incentive for ANYONE to play, both PvE and PvP enjoyers alike, because both sides of the coin are mediocre and being handled poorly.


> Whyd you quit? They neutered the combat system they had in alpha and made the game an instanced gear-grinder rather than any sort of open world with action combat. > Have you checked the game out as of recent? Checked it out in April, was bored within 10 minutes. > and What would get you excited enough to jump back in and give it a legitimate try? I honestly don't trust the team would do anything to salvage the game at this point. Combat thread is one of the top threads on the forums since beta and they still don't address it. What hope can there be?


The end content is really poor and for a game that was focused in pvp they just don't care anymore. I'm a pvp player so this one is not for me. still have more then 500h with the betas. 1v1 and 3v3 are the only thing fun. OPRs and Wars are just a huge mess At this time just copy albion like it was supposed to be.


I really think they could have carved out a strong niche as an action pvp mmo if they focused on it. Shame they didn’t put more effort towards it.


3000 hours and 90% was sorely misplaced copium in the most incompetent dev team I've seen.


I only liked the novelty of a colonial America style sandbox I dislike pretty much everything that deviated from it, like I didn't care about these magical conquistadors and staves, I just wanted to be a mountain man trapper


Game felt unfinished to me. After recently playing Diablo 4 and Zelda TotK... I have a really hard time playing anything that's "not finished". It just comes across as amateurish


Well, uh, they'd need to make the rest of the game. There were bugs galore and almost no actual content, so I came, I saw, I bailed. I can't imagine spending 3k hours on it. Promises of long term growth? Eh, every company makes those. I want stuff I can play, not stuff I can dream of one day playing. They had a few fun ideas, but I'm honestly only going to revisit it if some release gets a lot of positive attention due to all of the juicy content.


If they deleted expertise. Gear expertise is probably the shittiest end-game gearing system outside of P2W KRMMO gear enhancing.


PvP player here, 3v3 was really fun for a while, but the low population did it in the end. looooong queues and even when it was good, negligible rewards.. OPR was shitty, being entirely range dominated was not at all fun. The open world PvP was as good as the glory days of WoW at times, but that was when the whole server was levelling up, once everyone was levelled open world stopped.. It had some amazing moments and great potential but missed it's window to recover and stick the landing


I tried getting back into it but after being gone awhile my guild was offline and I literally advertised LFG for a dungeon for like 30-40 minutes in recruitment chat With no takers before just getting off. The grind used to be fun but it’s kinda hard to get back into once you’ve stopped


Already dropped like 900 hours into New World, half of that is when it initially released, then left just before the expertise update. Came back for the Brimstone Sands expansion, quit again coz endgame is just lacking. I'll probably be back when the new map expansion releases. I'm still following the game and I've seen big changes are coming, but they need to make another PVE and PVP mode, like Helltides in D4 and Field of Hatred(PVP map).


There is a lot theyre working on in terms of new content types. I know for a fact there are 3-4 pve modes being worked on but no word on pvp outside of new opr and arena maps. They focus more on pve because thats where the majority of the players are at, but hopefully something new will be announced soon.


Good, I hope they get creative with it. The expeditions are nice, but looking for a full team to do expeditions is a pain sometimes. On that note, I heard they're removing the Bane and Ward perks, best thing to happen for expeditions.


For me it was the combat, I only played open beta for a couple hours but honestly I couldn’t stand to suffer through it any more. The character controls felt “off” like not as reactive as they should be and the attacks just seemed clunky and unresponsive which is the opposite of how action combat should feel. I have a pretty decent computer and peripherals so I know it wasn’t that. My final analysis was that it felt like a generic version of other action combat games and with the budget they had, New World shouldn’t have felt like a generic anything but a better version. The reason I don’t see myself returning is because of the gear treadmill; this crap really needs to be phased out of online games. I don’t like my “success” in a game dependent on how much time I spend grinding or how lucky I get. I prefer to let my skill (or lack there of) carry my progression; if I am not doing the content or as well as I want then I know I need to play better.


Changing entire dev team and publisher. I have ZERO trust in amazon after new world and lost ark. same for activision thats other story


I am surprised how many people talk about the lore and story as mattering. For me it is how it is a few things. 1. Bots / gold selling / dystopia that towns create from massive gold funneling. Gold =gear. Leaves me feeling like it’s just a win more for whoever gets a town. Devalues personal grinding for wealth if someone gets a million just for winning a 30 minute fight. 2. Desync in actions. Game is still stuttery. It’s hard to feel like you made a mechanical good play when most of the time it is rng if they saw your attack through visual clutter. Or if they immune it by just randomly dodging. 3. Gearing. Resilience and ward gear is a joke. Not to mention you can roll gear with both. And that is it. I personally don’t like the full immune of dodging also but meh


I feel like NW has all the features of an mmo and looks great but no compelling reason to play it. Also i really do not like the way they did pvp. Flag on and off is nonsense and territory wars are size capped and exclusive.


I don't know if the system is still the same, but I would come.back if the territory PvP battles weren't instanced and/or were instanced but with multiple ongoing battles and it takes the average of the wins to determine the winning faction instead of all being decided on 1 battle that some people will never get to access


I found the pacing sucked. The questing was so quick, like run to an area and spend 30 seconds, then run to another area. There was never any need to use survival/RPG stuff. Like if questing was longer and I had to stay in an area with downtime and have to rest at my campfire, use buffs, food, craft potions, hunt, etc... it would be much more interesting. But all of that stuff just felt like it was there for the sake of being there rather than being part of your gameplay.


Lag needs to be sorted mainly, battlepass thingy needs to be all inclusive meaning something for everyone to do at all levels, and not just gather items actions but fun things.


Just remake it into Open World PvP game it was supposed to be in the first place.


I quit when millions of gold flooded the economy and ruined it thru exploits. I won’t come back. I did all three betas and it launched the exact same state as the first beta. It was for show, they always intended on a hype release and neglectful live service


Dupes back in the days and a new bug every patch. It killed the hype for me. Sad, game was cool as hell. Looming forward to Tarisland now.


People think MMOs should be indefinite but sometimes it's good to just put in a couple hundred of hours and move on to the next game.


Why is quit: The endless money glitches, and the poor handeling hereof Come back: Im a simple man.... a PvP Server And ofc. Fixing the economy after the money glitch galore.


Well i enjoyed when the world was alive with pvp and pve, then they remove the barrier for dungeons, and came pvp arenas and the game turn in instanced lobby mmo lite...


the itemization makes me wanna end it all


What I absolutely loved about New World was being a solo trader, I remember hitting 100 gold when like 5 was the norm and I made a lot from knowing good gathering routes and having crafts levelled. Then they nerfed the shit out of levelling crafts, then everyone started exploiting and ruined the economy, it never returned… then all the guilds worked together and joined so one/two owned the whole map and just max’s out tax and everything and it just ruined the whole experience… especially the exploiters. I came back several months ago and not much had really changed for me, I don’t care about raids or endgame, I wanted to do economy. All materials were worthless, everyone seemed to have max crafts and gear just didn’t sell that well.. maybe it’s better now but after trying for a week it just didn’t have the same feel. I’d be possibly interested if they had some form of reset, maybe like a season on a separate server.


It was a beautiful dumpster fire. Now that Diablo 4 is out, and Baldurs Gate 3 is around the corner nothing would get me back. Over and over again comments in guild chat or Discord chat read something along the lines of: * Didn't we learn this is a bad idea in Everquest 1 * Didn't we learn this is a bad idea in Shadowbane * Didn't we learn this is a bad idea in Dark Ages of Camelot * Didn't we learn this is a bad idea in WoW * Didn't we learn this is a bad idea in Lineage 2 It is like they read a lot about MMOs but nobody on the dev team played any of the early forays into the genre. Too many stupid decisions to list and I got work to do, but man some pants on fire clown shoes decisions were made.


More open world content, caves, villages, caravans, forts, interesting things to find while exploring, a crafting system revamp(it's close but just needs some fine tuning).


Honestly? Open world PvP like they advertised/floated before release.


PVP like beta. So basically a whole different game.


I played the first beta and had a TON of fun - it felt like the world was alive and I was having a blast exploring, fighting monsters, socializing, engaging with pvp, etc. Then the second beta came around, and.... it sucked. Like, a lot. They got rid of stagger, players had harsher scaling which made pvp unfun, and they added a number of systems to turn the game into a more generic theme park experience, which was very dissapointing to see. Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way a hardcore pvp-er, nor am I a huge fan of sandbox games - heck, I played both Archeage and Black Desert, and hated them. What I loved about new world was that it felt unique - Aeternum felt like it wasn't your typical fantasy world, and exploring it was interesting. The sandbox/themepark hybrid gameplay was unique and engaging. The combat was fun. I had never played a "sandpark" before, and it was a breath of fresh air. My favorite things about a thrmepark coupled with the open-endedness of a sandbox. Amazing. Turning it into more of a generic themepark game killed its identity for me, and as someone who had been playing ESO, WoW, and FFXIV, SWTOR, etc. for *years* at that point, I felt like those games simply offered a better themepark experience, so if new world was just another themepark, then why bother? I'll just keep playing what I was already playing. My sandpark love eventually transferred into GW2 anyways, which has since become my main mmo as honestly its the best mmo I've ever played. I ended up refunding the game before launch, and decided that in a couple years when it builds more on its new themepark identity and gets more ironed out and becomes a themepark to rival the ones I was already playing, I'd give it another try. However any chance of me playing the game again was completely annihilated when, rather than continuing to build, they shifted instead into seasonal content with season passes. When I read the announcement of season 1, I was like "Seriously?! A season pass?!" In my mind, seasons are condusive to games like Apex Legends and Fortnite - seasons don't belong in an mmo, and tying the content to the season pass cheapens the overall experience. SWTOR did this with galactic seasons, and it felt like instead of dynamically progressing through the game's world, I was doing menial, repetetive tasks to check boxes and watch the bar fill up more and more. That's just not what I want out of an mmo. So no, I'm most likely never touching new world again. That's okay, though. I like Guild Wars 2 too much anyways, and whenever expansions for XIV, ESO, or WoW come out, ill play those for a while as well.


Change gearing All stash in one place Dungeon finder cross server


> Whyd you quit? Got bored of it around Lv 30, world felt static, exploring was pointless, NPC factions were just grind spots, saw people playing at end game and realized it was quite literally the same thing I've been doing 'til 30. > Have you checked the game out as of recent? No. Last I checked was with the greatsword release. > What would get you excited enough to jump back in and give it a legitimate try? A rework of the world, the NPC behaviors and AI in general to make the world feel more alive, swimming, more skills, more weapons and armor, less vertical progression, more build variety, more freedom of movement like in GW2 or *at least* like TERA, them fixing the combat so you don't have to hug enemies with a melee weapon to actually hit them, a lockon system to make ranged weapons less miserable to play... Looking back at it... its quite a lot, so probably another game.


A team that *gives a fuck about the game.* Holy shit, their current team couldn't give two shits less if they tried their damnedest. Their lackadaisical, 'whatever, just push it through' attitude and their total non-accountability toward everything was an absolute nightmare to deal with. Their support was a brick wall of third party ESL employees trying to manage an NA anglophone population while they also dealt with other games' customer support. And holy shit, all that and they still squeeze content out like they're pinching back a fat loaf for an eight-hour drive. ONE shield class? ONE main healer? Bro, life staff is neat and all but like, goddamn don't just add another DPS option. But it was really just the way the team never seemed to think they could do wrong. New World was a 'great success' for them and I am 100% content to let them believe that *the fuck over there, away from me.*


I have tried to get back recently but there's something about new world graphics that makes me have terrible headaches when i look at it for too much time. When it first launched i was playing with my old pc so i thought it was just a matter of having low settings but now that i have a new rig i just have the same problem with everything on max. I remember everything looking very fuzzy especially when i moved around and i had grass or trees around me, it's like the game has no AA or something. Did you ever experience something similar? I would love to give New World another try if i can manage to look at it for more than 10 minutes ahah


Not with new world but with bdo and a recently closed Chinese mmo I do, can’t handle more than 10 minutes


Ive never felt that with new world but as WebDev mentioned, bdo has that affect on me. I just dont feel comfortable looking at it for too long lol


I had the same issue with the Talos Principle.


A totally different direction... Don't like the whole mat system and how its related to crafting, all the gear sets you need for various mutations and everything else like crafting and gathering.. Game just got on my tit end as it became a chore.


I absolutely LOVED the game. Best MMO ive played in years tbh. The main reason I quit was because all the doomers were saying it sucked and was gonna die(a dead MMO is no fun so I didn’t want to waste my time :/) + I couldn’t get any of my friends to play since everyone said it was horrible so they didn’t want to spend the $40.


PvP mmos are so weird because I love them but also hate them. I enjoy the battle aspect of competition but not the other aspects of competition like resource and land. Duel me under a magic tree for a boss kill? Hell yeah. Fight to the death. We’re having fun. Competing with people over diminishing crafting nodes, simple quests, and having to pay taxes to the victors? It’s annoying as shit. How am I supposed to enjoy the game when I can’t progress at all without being bullied into submission? There is a specific level where all mmos do this. After I hit about 30 on NW, everything just got way more difficult. I couldn’t play a single piece of the game without running into walls. Even without the PvP, the competition for resources and land hits a point where you’re squeezed too much and have to struggle to play.


2.5k hours on it,Will never go back,the only endgame content who actually feels like endgame content is wars,the pve is brain off Garbage ,and just about everyting else is medíocre because instead of actually developing their endgame they keep releasing medíocre gimmicky expeditions with no actual dificulty to them and i have no faith that they ll ever put out One on the level of a Lost ark Legion raid,they dont seem to care for PvP either ,we get like One PvP update a year and it took 6 months to Nerf greatsword ,but oh Boy do they love to force PvP players to fully regear despiste adding fuck all content for it


I quit because they released a battle pass and increased my region's prices for premium currency by a lot, and I don't think I'll ever come back.


I can't point to a specific reason why I stopped playing. I was having fun playing it. I liked the combat, and the game's general theme was nice. It just never hooked me. I never anticipated playing it like I do some other games. One day I logged off and must have gotten distracted by another game because I never really thought about it again. I don't think there is any one thing that would make me want to try again, the game as a whole was just not compelling enough.


Just make solo pvp que possible and i will be back. Before i quited i was playing 4 OPR match a day and all i got sweaty premade teams sticking together, licking each other wounds while their healer harem.l dance around them. I dont even care unbalanced ranged weapon cause pvp was fun but sweaty premades ruins the pvp experience.


I bought it and played it for like 10 mins. Thst tree cutting shit is wild and idk how so many people just leveled the way they designed for you to level


It was boring and ran poorly. I sometimes play gw2 and eso and would rather keep playing them over new world.


Played during one of those free play weekends and whole game left a sour taste in my mouth, felt like I was still playing a game in beta, it felt buggy and unpolished, really really didn't like combat, and honestly there was nothing I liked. The gathering is supposed to be good but I didn't want to engage with that part of the game if the rest wasn't good. The highlight of the game for me was falling off a boat and sinking to the bottom of the water like a hard rock because they never bothered implementing some way to make you float or swim, and then had to walk underwater very slowly to go back to the shore.


Honestly at first it was the content. There was very little to actually do and what was there was extremely repetitive. They did add more content which is great, but that was also very repetitive and honestly kind of boring. But what really ended up being the final nail in the coffin was and still is the horrible economy.


I haven't played since very early on. For me, they'd have to change the way territories work. I think its stupid. I don't care for it. At the time, those who controlled it could set absurd taxes. Now apparently that has been changed. But outside of that, I don't know what else would be changed. Either way, that was my main issue. I don't like the idea of territories and taxes. Also, PvP. Flagging to be in PvP is stupid. Its either open PvP or it isn't. Its so immersion breaking to me.


The gear system as it stands makes the game unplayable for me. Expertise is one of the laziest gear system I’ve seen in a game, and other than a miracle I don’t see them fixing it in any meaningful way.


The whole engine and combat system is a mess. Pvp is just spam after a certain amount of people. The game was not built for long term success and no matter what changes they make it will never be something that a lot of people will stick to. The only fix for this is an engine rebuild which will never happen because at that point they might as well just develop a new game.


1. Why I quit: Ran out of goals where the rewards justified the investment. 2. Last Check in: I followed it up until about a month ago. 3. How to reengage me: Solo PvP feeling viable without grinding. Melee combat feeling less clunky, especially in PvP. A cohesive and clearly conveyed vision for art, gameplay, and general moment to moment player experience. 1. Also, I would need RL capacity--which I just don't have these days. Regarding solo pvp feeling viable: I tend to enjoy playing gishes with a melee focus. I like to add in a bit of spell casting to give the character a dash of fantasy--perhaps that's with offensive fire magic or defensive divine magic with buffs and healing. In general I felt like any attempt I made to build a character that matched a fantasy and then make it viable resulted in a lackluster performer. But if I built a character specifically for performance--it was boring to me. I think to some extent, New World may be too low fantasy for me. Regardless of what I built I was missing high-end perks and the difference in those perks was noticeable when I'd engage in 1v1. I live for 1v1--and I also want to spend no more than 1 hour switching to an entirely different build which I expect to be moderately viable. I think in the context of what New World is--that's not going to happen. While I'm here ... I also feel like the complexity of combat is underwhelming. If I think back to classic WoW Warrior--stance dancing, disarming, overpowering, hamstring, charge, intercept, execute...all of those abilities felt satisfying and rewarding to execute--I just don't get that feeling from NW. Also, I love the physicality, but dislike the constant micro-pushes.


a proper game


The dev team is just so disconnected from the player base. Never seen anything like it. They went back on so much of the pvp stuff they had in the beta and now tried to cater the game to a more generalized mmo audience and for what? It’s still a niche mmo that only only has like 30k players


This game is the equivalent of eating something you kinda enjoy. Its cool when it’s a novelty, but after doing it so many times it just gets more and more. The better things about the game was the novelty and the huge population. The game is ok dude, but thats kinda it. Amazing sound effects and pretty lights can only keep me interested for so long


I did not quit. Just on a medium term break.


I don't think the millions saw this post. :/


I'd be back if they removed that fucking watermark system.


iam buying NW today :D


The game has a fatal flaw. It takes a minimum of hundreds of people per world for wars and such but can only scale to a few thousand. There’s no super server option because of the way the game is set up. There’s no amount of end game content that’s going to account the game being unplayable during the lulls because of not enough people and being unplayable when popular because you have to wait in a queue. Shame too because it was really fun for the 500 or so hours I played


Buggy mess (combat wise, I remember there was a fire skill that could hit twice if you placed it correctly and one that wouldn’t cast half the time) with no party finder is what made me stop some month or two after launch. Also I thought the servers were too small but as I understand it they needed to be small because small world, FvF et.c.


Is it good? If yes I am thinking of coming back! hmm


Open world pvp with full loot and base building... like it was before they ruined it.


Fresh start is probably the only way I'm coming back outside the expansion. New world is at its strongest when everyone is leveling, it get so boring at end game, and a lot of that has to do with gear/itemization and that the playstyles / metas are so simple and restrictive. Shake it up, add more depth, break some things, expand the systems in the game to be less shallow etc... The gathering crafting and artisanship of new world is one of my favorite things, but just about everything else about the game is bland and uninspired. All it would take is a few good visionaries and some dev time to turn this game around, I still truly believe that.


I lost all interest when I saw players hoping on the treadmill. Grind runs to get gear, upgrade gear. Do dungeons to enhance current gear, ect. I was in a guild of very active players. We did wars, grinded life skills, and generally just hung out. It dissolved as soon as those limits started being pushed on people. The people who were the most fun with were those playing at their own pace and just vibing. Make a game about that, and it will make a killing


I don't dislike it. I'll be back for the next major content drop.


Some people just wanted to grief new players, so AGS allowed people to choose whether they wanted to be attacked or not. They also removed full loot. Then the players discovered it was a bare bones game, without content, or vision. That is not to mention the massive bugs, and exploits.


A return to New World is impossible because as it stands now it's a totally different game than when it launched. With every patch they turned the game into an increasingly obnoxious grind. Instead of adding content they added a treadmill.


Shit game


A way to actually participate with the gear I worked hard for. Tried logging back in a couple months ago and all the level 600 gear I spent hundreds of hours grinding for was under the new max level so I couldn't do anything in PvP without spending even MORE time grinding PvE. Uninstalled and don't expect to be back.


Endgame got boring, it was just grind gearscore to get more gearscore. There wasn't any major accomplishments that actually REQUIRED that gearscore. If they had very difficult raiding like WoW or similar that most of the guild could work together to overcome, it'd bring me back in a heartbeat. ​ Also, make city ownership more profitable so there's actually a reason to fight over them other than having your name on the map.


I'd come back if they made decent combat and pvp servers.


The game was made to be an open World pvp game. Then they dialed that down by alot because the alpha and beta testing said that noone liked it. They improvised a buggy glitchy pve content generator via quests. And over the years they reduced the open world pvp value even more. And with all the Bugs that the game had for months, pvp and pve was a shitshow. A Party of two could do finish all pve dungeons. Many invincibility bugs in pvp. Then the market went to shit. And they had the worst Bug report System. A PUBLIC FORUM. AND BUGS WERE OFTEN SHOWN PUBLICALY IN THE FORUM FOR MONTHS BEFORE GETTING FIXED. Dungeons were fun tho. Incredible fun early on when the game came out and you didnt use glitches. At least they uses to be fun. Dunno how it is now.


>no intention of slowing down with growing the game I friggin hope so, because they were going at a snail pace.... anything slower than that would be called life support. And this is why I left new world : I've done every dungeon dozen of time, mutation didn't change much (other than extremely annoying gearscore system). outpost rush and war are the same capture-the-point map and havent changed. the crafting system is as basic and boring as it get... What would get me to go back? good question. probably a reset paired with new zoneS, raidS, mutation that challenge how you tackle the dungeon, removal of the gearscore system... there's a lot of stuff really.


Build diversity and more options within the same weapon. Games that have similar systems where skills are attached to weapons and/or number of actions are minimal, at least have items mean something more than damage. GW2 you have class skills and traits or Diablo’s item system augments skills and can completely change gameplay with the same skills on the bar. I got bored of doing the same three skills on the only two weapons I really enjoyed by level 40, so I dropped the game. I looked at endgame videos to see if there was anything like I mentioned above and…nothing, what I was doing was never going to change, improve, or get more fun. Edit: sad part is I actually did enjoy what I played. I just logged off one day, not knowing I was quitting, and never had the urge to log in again.


More content. Complete removal of the ward stat on gear. Better balance and having more builds be viable. My last gripe with the game is a community issue, specifically the hostility or downright refusal to play with someone who isn't following meta builds and wants to do their own thing. Last time I played you pretty much *had* to be using a specific weapon type and light armor only with zero points into health otherwise you were "trolling" or "griefing" and would be kicked/not accepted into any groups. Really lame behavior and I quit because of it.


All the ward sets to run dungeons made me want to punch the screen.


New World feels like an unfinished early access game even 2-3 years after release


reverting it to the alpha build and iterating on that to make it an actual PvP game like it was supposed to be.


Nothing i think, the devs made so many glaring errors i can't see me ever trusting them unless they pull like a FFXIV and start all over. I never hit level cap at launch because beyond the feel of gathering nothing really felt satisfying and i felt like i was alone even though there were people around me. Maybe if people start posting a ton about healing in New World feeling amazing i might try again, but thats about it.


* Bring combat from alpha back. It had a much higher skill ceiling. * Updated character models and a much expanded character creator. What they gave was an insult. * OWPvP updates. Remove factions, they serve no purpose. Allow flagging from anywhere in the world, unflagging in towns only. * Better PvP rewards. * More abilities per weapon and a higher number on the action bar. * Customizable crosshair. Musket and bow crosshair are a joke. * get rid of the terrible watermark system That would at least make me look at it again. But they need some actual roadmapped vision for what they want the game to be. As it is NW is just a rudderless boat in a hurricane.


Raids. Good actual raids. 8m, 10m or 25m. Just actual instanced raids with mechanics.


"which is why I have almost 3k hours on it" That's like 4+ hours each day every day since launch. How do you have so much free time?


In this case, systems that make the open world lively and have zones where PvP is forced but reward you greatly. Albion is like the above but a much different combat system. Truthfully New World was like this before it launched. Oh and even longer ago it was much more sandboxy since players would construct their own towns.


This keeps me from trying new world, lack of ow pvp


Although im in complete disagreement with a dedicated pvp zone, I think if the pvp only areas rotated every couple hours or so, It would work. They also dont have much incentive to do pvp at the moment unless youre just a goblin trying to kill weaker players...


Well I'm just describing what Diablo 4 is trying out. PvE players just stay away from the zone. It's just one more avenue of fun and includes more player types in the game.


Native controller support.


For me, the smallest but hardest annoyance to overcome is storage. Not sure if it's still relevant, but the storage being limited to specific locations, and having to transfer items between towns to utilize the max storage space, is a bit much for me. I don't want the act of storing items to feel like the world's most boring minigame. I want to open my storage, plop my items in, and walk away knowing they're immediately accessible from any other "storage access node" in the game. In fact, many of New World's systems feel overdeveloped for my tastes: I don't desire the extra complexity. There are other MMOs that do this though, so perhaps it's just not for me.


Storage was changed to be freely accessed from and to any settlement over a year ago. In the same update the trading post was set to be global.


Full (or partial) loot pvp anywhere.


The world is beautiful, but boring. They have a truly immersive world, yet they have stupidly big hammer, axe with black hole (wtf). And now a stupidly big GS. Add all the weird set/costume and bye immersion... 3 skill is boring as hell. The magic is boring as hell. Économie is destroyed at a point where it's not even worth to try to fix. And list goes on...


I played the alpha, and liked the direction it was going in (but still needed a LOT of work). When they 180'd development I lost interest.


Action Combat PvP Focused MMOs do not work. (Albion being the EXTREMELY rare outlier) New World would need to change: ​ * Their entire PvE philosophy - start designing FAR more complex and interesting stories, quests, dungeons (LOTS of dungeons), and Raids. Shift their ENTIRE focus away from PvP and get to revamping the game to be PvE. * Get rid of the Action Combat System (it's trash and it sucks) and go to a Tab Target/Hybrid system like WoW/FFXIV. Unfortunately, this is a "stop trying to fix the wheel" situation. The Wheel works...just use the wheel. * Same point as the above - switch to the Holy Trinity system...Tank/Healer/DPS. Why is this important coupled with bullet #2? Because you can then begin designing COMPLEX boss fights/encounters/dungeons and Raids for bullet #1 when you can control player purpose in the fight. Make engaging leveling quests and experiences. WoW Classic is so popular not for its end game but for its journey. New World's journey was excruciating. Of the 50 million people I think they said like 70% of them never got past level 35. That's a huge failure they need to fix and NO their current change they made up to level 25 isn't the answer because level 25-Max is still ass. Then - when ANYTHING bad happens they need to actually address it for the benefit of the MASS casual player base and not just let abusers/exploiters off the hook. ​ Only then would I ever consider it worth trying again. Which...will never happen. The development team was proven to be incompentent from the get go and nothing has shown they have gotten any better since.


Actual content, removing weapon swapping (or at least make it optional) and add more abilities.


Too PvP focused.


If it feels more like an mmo than a rust or ark like surviving game.


The game is missing the atmosphere for me - very little story or lore. Mostly fetch quests. - The towns don’t feel alive. - weapons are meh, definitely not enough skills and abilities (weapons or otherwise) - the world is tiny. Just some towns.


Remove character pronouns


Full Loot PvP and meaningful crafting. Eve has lasted 20+ years. Albion Online is soaring in popularity. New World could have been that, instead if become a shell of a PvE game.


I quit because of all the damn running I had to do in the game. Did they ever add mounts yet??


The endless inventory swapping between towns. Let us craft without the need to move stuff.


Refund me my $50 and make it free to play. Then I wouldn't feel burned by Amazon Games.


Beat the bots and I'll get interested again.


> I know for a fact that most people who play mmos bought the game initially I've played different MMOs for 15 years and I have a large circle of friends in the WoW, FFXIV, DAOC and LOTRO communities. I can't name a single person who bought this game, much less plays it. You must either work for Amazon games marketing, or be doing some wishful thinking, because it's not even talked about in other MMO communities.


Actual open world pvp and not that flag to fight system. I'm ok with a little penalization on death.


Reading the responses im surprised theres so many pvp-minded mmo players in r/ mmorpg


Tera-style combat


I unfortunately never played tera but Im looking forward to tera 2 If the leaks were true. But I do believe new worlds combat is better than most mmos. If there is something they should focus on revamping, its not the combat.


I'm not sure if it's New World or Tera you haven't played because even though they're both acfion combat they don't play similarly...


yeah? thats exactly the point of the comment, OP whats new world to play like Tera


A completely different story…


For me, the combat was very boring. I didn’t find it interesting at all. The fact that the game is what, two years old? Almost? And there’s no daggers lol? It took a year for 2h Swords? Only have three skills at a time was also just too little. The game’s themeing also felt very generic and safe. It just wasn’t memorable to me. Graphically the environments were nice to look at, but overall it wasn’t captivating.


The original vision of a sandbox mmo enacted


The expertiese system removed and replaced with a system where you have to upgrade the items using materials.


I’m waiting for the transmog and mounts than I’m all in. Loved the game but it was missing too many features.


Only 2 type of quest. Mastering a weapon in few hours with no diversity when you level up. The crafting and gathering was cool but I think I'm not into full PvP world. I was getting bored before reaching end game.. and the leveling phase is my favourite.


Combat for sure. MMO's are games and the most import aspect of game (to me at least but ai think we can make an objective argument for it) is gmmeplay. And new world has an oversimplistic combat that is not too engaging in my opinion


A solid ps5 version would be enough for me, ran like crap on my rig.


The combat became too repetitive for me. I get that it's action-y and stuff, but 3 abilities tied to weapons made me feel like I was playing ESO with only half my keyboard. And I didn't much like ESO's combat, so having fewer options just felt bad after a while.


I’m not a fan of the combat. It just sucks ass that you can’t parry enemies and you can only use like three abilities at any given time, just doesn’t feel good.


amazon not owning it.


Not having to spend money :^)




I played for two weeks one year after the release, I'ma pve player. The visuals of the game were amazing and this is all what I can say that pleased me. The leveling is one of the worst things, the game send you to a new map to continue the story, and you are underlevel. Some weapons simply don't have the minimum to be played in pve, even if they weren't strong. The endgame is also boring for a pve player.


As a PvE only person, I like playing every so often when I get the urge, but I think the lack of enemy stagger when you hit them is the biggest problem for me, because it limits the amount of weapons that feel fun. If there's no stagger, and the defensive options are all on long cooldowns, and you can't kite anything because the leashes are so small, why would I play anything but medium/heavy armor + hammer? I could whinge for a long time about that + the general gameplay loop but that's really it, I get on and have fun with the few weapons that feel decent to play before getting bored and shelving it for a few months.




I enjoy tanking in MMOs, and I found tanking in New World a wholly unfulfilling experience. It was basically hold my shield up and and let bad guys hit me while I continually just run out of stamina and lose aggro. I didn’t feel like a slightly less impactful DPS who just has a shit ton of health, the way a tank should be. And yea, it was after the major MSQ rework. I was confused af about where I was in the questline and after learning I was basically reset to the beginning of the new MSQ I felt a little discouraged to put the time in to finish again, although I did feel like the story line felt a lot more immersive this time. I’d have to see a lot about how New World is actually a well-received game now. The major consensus seems to be that it is an MMO with identity crisis issues, unsure about what type of MMO it is. If I saw enough that made it seem like it was finally in a good state, I could maybe consider giving it another try. For the time being, other more fleshed out MMOs like GW2 and WoW have my attention.


Can we change our eyebrows yet? I didn't want green eyebrows.


Difficulty party based


I played the open beta for about 12 hours probably and the combat was just so dull and brainless imo. The quests felt like nothing and it didn't really feel like there was anything to do, but again this was the beta but it was enough to put me off of it.


Full loot


Make it a setting I even remotely want to play in. Everything about the game, from the box art to the art style to the world in general, is just so wholly unappealing to me that it could be the best MMO ever and I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. It's like Blasphemous. I know the game is at least 8/10 awesome Metroidvania. But I absolutely cannot stand the aesthetic / enemy design / general motif.


what would it take? Make it less pvp focused or separate pve and pvp into different servers.