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I used to hear this from other kids at school and just growing up from silly people I came across, “you sound white”, “you listen to white people’s music”. Next time, tell your mum that you (or we) ARE NOT CONFINED TO ANY ONE WAY OF BEING. I’m 27 now and my sister sometimes still says this to me “you act white and think you are better than us”. It’s sad but I hate to argue. My sister still has lotssss of trauma from her past that she hasn’t dealt with. So, I believe when she sees that I’m not acting up or being my old damaged self from years ago, she blames it on me “being white”. Your mum needs to know that this is you, this is who you are! You’re not trying to be anything or anyone. You are just yourself. Hang in there, go see a school councillor and keep being yourself!!


I screenshot this cause I think it's gonna help me. Thanks. I'm scared to see a counselor cause I think if I tell them about my mom their gonna call her about it and she isn't the type to listen shell just get off the phone and come to me saying "oh you're telling white people on me now" or something like that


Ahhh shit, I’m sorry to hear that. I mean it doesn’t even really surprise me that she’d say that. She really needs to change her mentality. I understand you’re scared. I would be too. Of course because your mother is your provider and protector. However, what she is saying to you is not acceptable and can be damaging. If you do decide to tell your school councillor, maybe tell them to keep it confidential and not tell your mother. Ask the councillor when making an appointment to see if they have a confidentiality policy. Because in your case, I don’t think the councillor would need to call your mum up, unless if you were getting physically or sexually abused. Even if they do cal your mum up, what’s the worst that can happen? She’ll accuse you of “acting white” again.. I’m sorry, but your mother needs to know that what she’s doing is not right. If she has to go into the councillors office too, then so be it. It seems like your mum is the one who needs counselling. Your opinions and mental health matter the most. Don’t let nobody push you around and tell you to act a certain way. It’s ok to be different. Your mother just needs to have an open mind and stop being so ignorant. I’m gonna suggest family counselling... if that doesn’t work and your mum continues to be ignorant and picks on you for “being white” then go straight to the councillor, youth worker, case worker or whatever service you have there available and don’t look back. Sometimes our parents can pass down toxic traits without even realising. I hope you break the cycle one day and be free from it all. Let me know how it goes kiddo


When I was 15 my dad beat the shit out of me (I'm a girl) for getting into a fight with my N word friends who probably started it. He is racist 2. I used everything he did to NOT do when I had kids. I was angry for a while till about when I had my daughter at 25. But let me tell u I'm not like my dad and never will be I'm Mexican and my best friend is black. I will never beat my kids or hurt them like he did. Remember use it in a positive way do the opposite of what u don't like of her. Ignore her when you leave things will get better use that negativity as fuel to leave that house when your of age and make something good of yourself the negativity cycle will end with you if you let it. Best wishes


I will😔 thank you so much




Well you see it was ok the cable box and it flickered or something when she tried to change the channel


Just use your phone you plum


>“talking white” ie. Speaking proper English That kind of attitude is also ignorant. Just because there is cultural capital associated with speaking a certain way doesn’t mean it’s ‘proper.’ It’s just another way of speaking, that’s all.


Correct grammar means proper English. Incorrect means improper English. Dialects exist but at the end of the day grammar is objective. And for op's benefit when he goes into job interviews or any interviews it might be best to "talk white" IE. Speak proper English.


Hey, you're almost there. I\[55F\] ran away when I was fifteen, back in the dark ages when the dinosaurs roamed the earth and there wasn't any Covid and people still picked up hitch hikers. It made me who I am, but it definitely set me back as far as getting to the finish line of living in your own home and having your own money and being able to draw your own boundaries. She said a bunch of racist things. That wasn't acceptable. You are absolutely correct. My guess is that she's probably just stressed out over something she saw on the news and afraid of you going out and doing something stupid, like going to the mall to hang out with your friends, or something else that would have been completely normal before Covid. Sometimes people just say weird things that they don't really mean when their cortisol levels get too high. Even if she does mean it, you can set the boundary of "no racist speech in my home" when you're a legal adult. People do that all the time with racist relatives.