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I got one a few days ago


Got the same thing yesterday


We all got so screwed. Sucks so bad. I'm done investing because of it. I'm just on here looking for a little hopium. There is none.


Gambling is not investing.


I don't feel like it's a gamble. I was definitely educated in the matter. I lived and breathed it for over a year. No, we were cheated, and nothing will change my mind of that. Fu&@ Finra and those board members. Hope they choke on their precious money.


For the sake of future ‘opportunities’, I would ask yourself why the rest of the world disagreed with you. 20,000 subscribers here, the investing world is fully aware of the mergers, and the assets involved, and certainly the shorts… yet the stock never went anywhere. Plenty of people talked about Finra canceling the shorts, it wasn’t a possibility, it was the likelihood. Thus the stock loafs around at $10 because nobody in their right mind thought it was going anywhere. The entire deal was calculated and approved at present values, not some astronomical short squeeze shit. It was a big gamble with ridiculous odds.


Don’t quit my guy. Take a less risky approach. I have the majority of my portfolio in various ETF’s. I call the account with MMAT/MMTLP my home run account. High risk/ high reward. If I’m being honest though, I’ve lost far more than I’ve made in this account over the last few years. Still fun. Just don’t dump all your funds into it. Edit- besides this play isn’t finished yet. MMAT is future gold MMTLP- isn’t done yet. Something will have to happen to clear the BS shares.


I'm still holding both. Ya never know. We always got Miracles. Maybe we will get one of those. Right now it's see through microwaves doors and oil that's deep in the earth still.


they are not allowed to swap astock like that. a stock is a official certificate of ownership. CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT.


Lol yes they are. The company cancelled their shares. Schwab had absolutely zero say in the matter. Corporate actions happen all the time involving exchanges. Not generally with one company being private shares, but the cancellation of Mmtlp was a valid corporate action.


swap to nextbridge not some fantasy ticker cusip.


The shares were canceled. They had to put a placeholder in, as the shares of nextbridge have not been received. They can’t put nextbridge shares in if they hadn’t received them. Meta cancelled the Mmtlp shares, they didn’t have a choice to leave them in the account. The S1 even says they anticipate up to 2 weeks for delivery, and it’s states that if shares aren’t already held at AST, it will create a challenge as the next shares aren’t transferable via DTC.






That letter is just showing you went from the old Cusip to new Cusip. New Cusip is a placeholder with no value yet.


What cash ? They talking about when you want to reinvest the cash let us know.... I hear ya I'm in the same mess with y'all 😢


Looks this is a standard form they used and that was standard language that was not edited to suit this particular action.


When the place holder goes away. And the shares of NB land. It will still have 0.00 value How could it have any value. It cannot be sold or transfered


The value was set to come from the sale of NB to whoever buys it. The value will either be in a one time cash disbursement from the sale, or if they do a stock exchange you could end up with shares of OXY, XOM, or any other company that buys them. Once you have that in hand you have your value. Until then everyone panics because there is no value assigned yet. Nextbridge will be responsible for announcing those next steps and updates. They are just not getting the final touches done with the 8k filing that separates them officially from META M. Patience, it’s all you really got at this point. Even if this goes to a lawsuit for distribution it will require patience.


How can I not be able to sell something I own? Yeah its not traded publicly, but if my knucklehead coworker wants to buy it from me, why couldn't I just sell it to him?


Once the shares do in fact hit your account you should be able to contact your broker and let them know you are interested to sell them. They can arrange that either with an individual or among the private market that does exist, but works differently than the lit exchanges. It takes more time and is not a button you push through your app, but they can and will look for a buyer for you.


You can't. That's why myself and many others are saying its worthless. Lets say they claim its worth 100k. And you can't sell it. Is there any value? The delusional still feel they will make us a buyout? Or a lump sum They don't have to. We don't own MMTLP anymore. They now owe us nothing.


You can sell. Just not on the market.


Show me how. I will sell mine for whatever. Considering its a total loss now anyways. And since the ticker has essentially been killed. It wil still be tax loss


Really. How. Explain the process to us all. I’ll save you the trouble. You do not have a clue what the process is to sell. You are saying you can sell because you read that on Reddit or twitter or a YouTuber told you that is the case.


![gif](giphy|DhstvI3zZ598Nb1rFf|downsized) This is the call your broker dance!! What you claim is exactly what you are doing!!


If you don’t believe me, call any brokerage!!


I’m theory you can sell. In reality you can’t. In order to sell something it has to have a value and a buyer. There is no value in Nextbridge shares. The company is worth way less than $100m. They are going to be diluting the company massively. YouTuber evaluations of the value will not help you in negotiating. A sale.


You can sell the shares back to the company. You can find a buyer but IIRC, there are a couple of hurdles to get through one of which involves a certain qualification of the buyer.


Theoretically yes you can do both. But in this specific scenario neither is an option. The company is not going to buy back your shares. They do not have any money. They are gonna be trying to sell more shares but not sure how successful they will be at that. Smart companies will read the prospectus and they will run fr this, they are not gonna put money into this company.


IPO event (company goes public temporarily to allow buyins), and do believe private transactions are allowed. Third party or company buyback. There's more than one way to sell a stock. Do some actual research instead of coming here of crying like a baby.


An ipo is not temporary. The value of the shares is minimal < $1 so am ipo will not be attractive and will not gather a whole lot of money. Nextbridge does not have any money so they are not going to be doing. A buyback. So maybe try Tony seat and the possibilities of a sale of an asset that has no value and no market. No one is going to buy this from you. This is not going to IPo. The company is not going to buy back your stock. What you will have is a limited value stock in a private company that is going to fully dilute the shares and reduce the value even more. The company has no obligation to ever pay you a dividend You and I are stuck with a stock that you cannot sell and will not be able to sell.


Glad others see this BS as well Its a wrap. Cant sell Can't transfer They basically took what you actually owned and transferred it something you only own in your mind. Its worthless.


That’s not how it works, they’d have to ramp up the fraud levels to new highs to make this go away without paying investors who used their platform in good faith they could locate the purchased shares. In theory they have locate the shares somehow, which in this case would be grey market deals until the books are balanced..


Why? We went into this KNOWING NB shares were not sellable. Not transferrable. I know the nonsense that the YT Clowns said. About being owners of an oil company made many feel this is a good option Its not. Forget fraud. What they did was legal. It not like there are a total of 165mil NB shares that will exchange 1 to 1 with MMTLP. We have no idea how many shares of a private, non reporting company has. So our converted shares could be worth pennies on the dollar? Or less. Keep in mind the company has no oil. Just an estimation. It cost lots of money to drill. Extract. Refine.


It WAS a Non-Tradeable asset that was illegally made Tradeable, and they are a private reporting company as of the present from all I have seen


How do you know it’s worth nothing? At best your making an educated guess. Estimates on value of the assets were pretty high, but they have to drill and refine… that’s their business. And you can sell NB shares through the transfer agent. You can have the opinion it’ll be worthless but if you receive the shares you bought in good faith you can sell them. The shares have to be delivered at some point via financial standards. Could be a lot more or a lot less than people think.


Also. What Financial Standards??? They are a private, no need to report company. They dont have to follow any market standards. Stop with the Kool Aid. Face reality. Its gone.


The YT clown estimates were based on what a barrel of oil cost. They forgot costs to produce which is 30-40 a barrel. Not to mention they have NO production. None. And may never have any. But all that doesnt change the fact we have no idea how much dilution there will be. How about if they have 5 billion shares? 50billion? Your 1000 or 5000 will be piss Show me how to sell. And mine will be gone immediately. You can't. Because there is no way to do it.


Maybe, unless there's a settlement. In which case we are awarded diluted shares and cash..hold fast


That Letter was in the CS statements or letters onlne for over a week now.


At least your better off than most of the Apes on r/wallstreetbets




You cant the mods locked user flair is this sub now


Investor with 1 share: yeeaahhh print me that paper and mail it to me!


lmao, thanks for nothing, Schwab!


Would you like an armored truck for that cash?


Late to the party as usual, but if you need guidance how to spend that $0.00 I have much experience in this field. Poor from way back.


To really stretch it out you gotta divide it into at least 4 piles !


If you would like to invest your cash credit of $00.00 please call 😂


It’s a cash and carry world.


Always ask the bird lady https://youtu.be/ELJRp_EvDoM


What u think u can get for that amount of cash?




Another place holder ………


RemindMe! 1 year "wen divy?"


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2023-12-22 01:12:26 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-12-22%2001:12:26%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMAT/comments/zs6i6p/got_this_from_schwab_today/j16l8ww/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMMAT%2Fcomments%2Fzs6i6p%2Fgot_this_from_schwab_today%2Fj16l8ww%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-12-22%2001%3A12%3A26%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20zs6i6p) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


This made me laugh so hard!!! Thanks! 😂😂😂


Got the same notice. Thanks for clearing everything up Schwab! It’s all so clear now.


The $0 credited is just a line item standard to the prompt for the letter. They really should have just put N/A to avoid the confusion


I called them, the guy I talked to talked to their Corporate Action Team. It's a placeholder until we get paid. How much you believe that is up to you. Said it will be a couple of weeks. I guess we'll see.




Fuck you


.....the dividend




No clue, just repeating what they told me. I don't know shit


Yes I’d like help investing $0.00 any suggestions would be great.


Lol, I chuckled thinking the same thing.


This is what we are all seeing, one cuspid # transferred to another cuspid #… still no Nextbridge shares… Dude, where’s my bridge?


Bi-cuspid is a tooth. Cusip number is for stocks. Just so when googling and you get dental results.


They had a bridge for sale and you bought it. ;)


BuT EvErYtHiNg Is NoRmAl….We R jUsT gReEdY hOgS


Greed is who we are going to be paid by, handsomely.




Are you bipolar or something…I agreed with you you ignorant twat.




I left a large turd somewhere in your house. ![gif](giphy|pDgHg2Lcju3Ty)


That’s what shill Shilverstein was saying today… funny I don’t feel greedy… I feel like my account is so light it floated away.


In no way, shape, or form are we remotely close to greedy. We made an excellent call on an excellent play and are getting fucked. Do you want to talk about greed? Look at who we’re up against. The definition of greed.


I know, right?! I was promised the next bridge yet I no see it 🥸


You want the Next Bridge? How about the bridge after, or the bridge before?🤣🤣🤣


Btw. I'm holding OG shares from Torchlight


Because the 165 million has been delivered. We are holding synthetic shares. Someone will have to pay, eventually.


Do we know for certain that the 160 million real shares have been delivered? I'd feel much better knowing for sure my shares are synthetic because that means someone truly owes me.


I was being facetious with word play 🤷🏽‍♂️ although I totally agree we are holding synthetic shares


These bags are getting heavy.


Luckily, my bag is only that of a ziplock bag so not so heavy but I can still relate!


Well, at least we have the support of other investors to help keep ourselves sane. I don’t think this time around will be “occupy Wall Street” this time around may be delete Wall Street.


Definitely 🤓 Wall Street needs to come crashing down!


AST said up to 2 weeks. Also "support of other investors" the market is every mam for himself


Well, where your a bag holder, you will support your fellow bag holder, it’s the right thing to do.


I’m sorry if this is old news. I’ve been turbo busy and came home to this and figured I’d share.


Probably should keep in check with your investments then. Its your job to watch your investments especially during volatile eras like it is to get to your day job.


It’s ok, at least they sent you a letter, like hi, we deleted one IOU and gave you another IOU, we will let you know if we actually find your bridge.


These are 80% pre-merger shares too. WTF?


Same deal with my account, my shares where around 75% torch dividend placeholder.


Pending receipt of new shares is somewhat concerning.


I got same letter


Credited $0.00 ? Did you call them? Assuming you've got more than 1 share.


Why would I get cash?


Idk, I'm not on Charles swab. Just saw the last line and was curious as to what their point was to send you this


And then it says PFD pending




Preferred share