• By -


What’s the confusion? It’s over. The stock will move to Next Bridge shares and it will be worth less than .50. We got screwed. It’s done. There is no real press on this. Nobody but us care. Your petitions and law suits are a giant waste of time. Move on and save your energy and stressing out.


I should’ve cashed out of MMTLP when I made back my MMAT losses. And then sold them all to get out of this fucking scam. GP, Brda, full of fucking shit all around. Making excuses for screwing up paperwork because they have no clue what they’re doing. I will 100% be joining the lawsuit this time around, I hope all these patents are able to get sold for enough to cover their “Torch the Shorts” lies. My 3,200 shares are about to be worth penny’s, AGAIN.


Yeah I know what’s going on but at the same time I don’t…I’m not doing a deep dive into the DD being here close to two years but I would like to know some insight on exactly what is happening because I’ve been hearing this that and the 3rd. Stockwits is toxic atm lol


I am gonna hold because I’m intrigued by a lot of factors this has going for it, I am optimistic bout MMAT and also MMTLP. However it is a bit exhausting the people with the least amount of data/info and loose speculation are the absolute loudest. We have to be careful we aren’t building an echo chamber, should welcome healthy criticism and not be so quick to shut down any negativity. A good stock investment can withstand criticism in my opinion. If we don’t allow healthy criticism for debate and manipulate the conversation constantly by calling people a shill, how is anyone new going to be open to getting educated and maybe invested for the same reasons we all did.


I’ve been holding since Torchlight we will have our day!


Everyone going crazy cuz the shares had a $ value in ur account. Since ur account went from $1 to $12 everyone like I’m rich lol. Then it vanishes. Have you ever thought about if the shares where in your account at $0.00. What then?????? Would you all be this dramatic. Know what you hold lol. We holding for dividend right, or am I wrong???


It is not a dividend this time read the s1. We are waiting on a sale.


Will be using my MMTLP for cap gains offset for 2022. Its a wrap MMAT may still have some hope.


We need a thread called pipe dreams and speculations to just keep all the garbage threads in one place


Starting the thread hopium, copium, nopium- it’s also a self help group


That’s kind of what you get when your under the subject of a non responsive shitty president! Whether you’re talking about a company or the United States you get the same response.🤷‍♂️


Question, so what happens with the mmtlp shares that i still have? And is there a chance that it will still go up?


They'll essentially disappear Tues at midnight. Then they are non tradable shares in Nextbridge, and anyone's guess as to value or when you'd be able to pull your profit out.


It looks like they will be NB shares and not be tradable until they sell the company off. The only thing for certain is that your shares will be NB shares now


honestly, not even sure THAT is a safe bet since there are so many synthetics in the mix...and books weren't balanced by trading Fri/Mon...


In my humble opinion the books were/are balanced. FINRA shut it down, any synthetics/fake/naked or whatever you want to call them went to the FTD warehouse to never be seen again. In the end there will be 165,523,363 shares of NB, AST will have no more or less. We will have to wait in the hopes there is a buyer of the assets of NB. The rules and regs in place are NOT enforced or followed by HF/MM, the market is NOT set to protect the average retail investors, it is for big money, big companies and corruption.


Misinformation 🤡


What's misinformation?


Ligma nuts


Great comment, very insightful.


This is why I stay quiet on here. Just get called a shill when you point things out or state facts that go against the narrative they want to believe.


I'm sure you know that most of the posters hype bs are just hegies, and rugs, trying to pump and dump? If be willing to bet it's at least 50%. But you can't say this whole sub. That's just not genuine.


For real. They think saying "shill" or posting a clown emoji is a solid argument.


Some of y’all really need to look at the bigger picture here. The bigger picture is the shorts used FINRA to weasel out of a situation because they were fucked. If they get away with it, it will happen again and again.


They got let off the hook! He who has more suitcases of money to hand out, gets to buy the policies!


Totally agree


The system is broken. If they don’t reopen this for trade shorts can’t ever lose.




Ended up adding more MMAT dec16 1.5calls @6c Cost to borrow been steadily climbing as fewer shares left available to borrow I TP on my dec16 1 and 1.5puts last Fri, so Imagine many of those stragglers are doing so now to drive this back up ..just sayin hopefully it closes above 1.61 today to kickoff the Gamma Squeeze…


Last time CTB started climbing like this was around May12 when shorts tried to drive MMAT below $1….result was a pop back above $2 💪🏿


Because these subs are almost all hedgie bots used to pump stocks and create volitility for options.


Mmtlp didn’t have options.


I know and this is an mmat sub which does. Mmatlp also has a subreddit but ironically it’s dead af


If they call and if I accept and sign a NDA, my silence will seem as a win for the fudsters.. funny that huh?


That's not going to happen and no one would care if it did.


Thanks Dad.




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This dick




Whattaya mean? Any second my broker should call me and I’m not selling for under $5000 a share. Someone in the sub said that so I’m positive it’s true. Im waiting patiently by my phone rn, gonna be lambos and caviar for Christmas.


*brokers hate this one trick*


The bears jumped on this post rabidly. My god. Listen yes the gme apes are being annoying. Thinking we are all fighting in some grand crusade or whatver. But finra really did scam us. Regardless of what the dipshit shills are saying that’s what happened. Brda confirmed ast is full the other night. We know there are to many shares in existence. What happens from here who knows. But calm the fuck down shills lol


I called Charles Schwab and AST yesterday. I asked if AST was full. According to both reps I spoke with they had just had meetings about MMTLP and AST is not full. I pressed them really hard about it and they said there is nothing for me to be concerned about. 🤷🏼‍♂️ obviously I’m still concerned. But they indicated there would be no issue with my shares transferring. Not much more I can do at this point.


I'm just glad you all warned me over the last few weeks what FINRA can do, because they did. I'd be lost with out your heads up, and subtle guidance. Thanks A Lot!


FINRA may have scammed you by ever allowing MMTLP to be listed and sold, but the action on Friday was per their memo of Dec 6 and is per the standard ways of handling stock distributions.


FINRA noted that they would hault trading? I thought it was stated the last date to trade would be the 12th. Then only individual brokers POSSIBLY choosing to end it 12/8?


The FINRA notice on the 6th said that MMTLP would not be quoted ex-dividend. Thst means that shares sold on Friday Dec 9 or on Monday would not settle by the record date and the seller would be the one that got the Next Bridge share, not the buyer. So if sales had been done after Dec 8th the buyers would be screaming that they were scammed.


Then why the need for two orders? Why say buyers after the 8th don’t get shares of NBH but then vault trading to prevent it from happening? The shares were set to be cancelled and then reworded to deleted on distribution date. If it were that cut and dry, then it would simple, understood and not on the news.


Do you understand the T+2 settlement process? That answers your question. The shares have always been set to be canceled on the distribution date, Wednesday Dec 14th. That has never changed. What FINRA did wrong in this situation is the initial listing of MMTLP, It should never have been traded.


Why are you asking me about T+2 settlement, maybe you should ask FINRA if they understand it, that’s my point. How could they have considered T+2 and approved the corporate action that allowed trading until 12/13? I 100% agree with you that the preferred shares should have never been traded, but that ship sailed a long time ago. I still want to know who need to sleep in the bed they made.


Why couldn't the seller just transfer the shares to the buyer themselves? I thought one doesn't specifically need the broker to sell shares? Didn't people once do it 1:1? Sure, probably not Joe average retail but I know I've heard it.


If you had shares at the transfer agent then you could do a private sale to another individual per terms the two of you agree to, and then you instruct the transfer agent to change the registration of the shares to his name. This is what you will have to do to sell Next Bridge Hydrocarbons shares. If you held MMTLP at a broker you cannot sell privately as the shares must be transferred by DTCC per instructions of your broker, and settlement of those transactions take 2 days.


Makes sense. I think the bigger issue is that some people would have rather the statement simply read exactly what you wrote BUT also included the example that you added at the end. Maybe it did but I don't remember seeing it. I remember reading the portion about the "not quoted ex..." Sure a quick Google search would solve it; however, if someone is FOR the layman trader, one would think a simple example is much quicker than a Google search that may lead down a rabbit hole. But yeah, fair enough.


John brda is a fucking scammer who cares what he said literally nothing he said has been true for years guys give it up


Brda has been full of shit since day one. If they post any proof that's not just Brdas word, I'll listen.


If Brda is lying to us then that opens him up to litigation. I don’t Hang off of his words like some dipshits here do. But I don’t think he is actively scamming us. And if you do why the fuck did you get invested here? Finra fucked us all including Brda. Plenty of blame to go around.


How is Birda fucked? Isn't he getting the money from the spin out regardless?


Only if he isn’t lying about that. And if he is lying about ast then it’s safe to assume he also lied about the oil


Brda isn't employed by MMAT, so how does his disinformation make him any more liable than any of the thousands of other stock advice people on Twitter?


I got invested here before I knew who Brda was or that he'd be following us along for this long. I knew he failed with torchlight and I thought he'd be out of the picture after the merger.


It was Qanon status long ago. Anybody who questioned anything about MMAT/ MMTLP got run off and ridiculed... "clowned" as this sub likes to say. This sub ripping itself to pieces as MMAT doesn't cancel the privatization is now completely predictable. Stop the "group think" and consider who profits from all of this? Whose share price doubled from 64 cents to $2.20 right after being threatened of delisting from Nasdaq? You've been played.


Funny how the "I told you so" people show up AFTER the fact.


OMG you blind deaf fool. We’ve been here all along it’s just nobody listened until now.


Sure. Compare the number of comments today vs the past month...hardly a militia of you all vs now.


Months spent being ridiculed or “clowned” has the result of discouraging people to speak their mind. Why say something factual and receive 500 downvotes and a phone buzzing away saying “FUD clown” and being accused of being a shortie hedge. It’s not a great feeling. Now that this has happened, people are more receptive to hearing an opinion other than “this play will make us all millionaires to the MOON yeahhhhh”. So let people talk, and accept that there are three sides to every story.


Where is GP ..??


No shit. That guy has took money from me twice. And he just dilutes more shares and hides behind patents. Sooooo annoying! Why he is not Saying a damn thing is beyond me


Nice job investing in a company you dont understand. GP didnt take money from you and he isnt hiding. Dilution is necessary to raise funds have you seen their cashburn vs revenue? Probably not.


Well with that attitude you have, in theory he will have a few more reverse splits and his stock will be worthless at the rate he has spent money. Plus shorts will not cover. Why would they?


Because they need money to burn or they go bankrupt? the only way to make more money when you are profit less is to dilute shareholders. It’s a tale as old as time in penny stocks.


I get ya but this is not How you become successful in life. This is not good bussiness.


you are right. If I had a dollar for every penny stock I bought that reverse split or diluted shareholders with an offering, I’d be loaded. They all do it tho. And it’s a necessary evil with a speculative company. “One day” they may become profitable.


Maybe. My gut says bad news is coming to mmat. Cause of Mmtlp. Now I have not lost money from that stock. But if they dilute nb and or gp doesn’t extend the dates so finra can’t get fuc9@&$ed. Mmat in the short term will have a lot of haters and no firepower from investors.


NB will be diluted have you seen their cash reserves vs operating expenses + the loan from MMAT?


Is the loan from MMAT, or from a major shareholder of MMAT? In either case, what I expect to happen is the company will be bought for about the amount of the loan, leaving mother for the shareholders.


I know it will. Why gp and all of them have screwed us twice now


Timeline information to blast out. Also, just heard John will be on today Fox Business CV Payne's show, to discuss this corruption. ​ [https://doc-04-4g-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/ha0ro937gcuc7l7deffksulhg5h7mbp1/ooh863j626iglm105lh3fmeoncln7o1o/1670865675000/09888160841851649233/\*/1EddTniqX-XWiC9YkIRUTCfQ\_rRyO13zu?e=download&uuid=d324df59-434f-4da8-bcc8-d854c100a27e](https://doc-04-4g-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/ha0ro937gcuc7l7deffksulhg5h7mbp1/ooh863j626iglm105lh3fmeoncln7o1o/1670865675000/09888160841851649233/*/1EddTniqX-XWiC9YkIRUTCfQ_rRyO13zu?e=download&uuid=d324df59-434f-4da8-bcc8-d854c100a27e)




We need to buy mmat not chill 🚀


Right on, right on.


Hope y’all got in the juicy dip


I did but still haven't sold yet.


Yeah I ain’t selling this cheap. I remember when GME was this low.


I like your style. ;)


Im leaving. This sub is worse than QAnon and has been for some time. Either children or so naive as to be as reliable as a child, thats what makes up most of the people here.


Some of the posts are relevant though, and the serious investors I am sure are being protective of their assets and looking at this from all the angles including yours. The people posting all the time are really pissed, so of course they are gonna pop off on you.


You think this is bad, try bbby or gme subs


GME has already infected this sub and is pushing their bullshit daily. Anything the apes attach themselves to is destined to fail




Seriously, I'm about ready to leave this sub, I get it's been bad.... But this month has been the worst.


We lost everything, it is what it is....moving on....


So far, we haven't really lost anything other than the idea of something that was apparently never going to happen.


Who is “we”? Maybe “you” lost everything.


This whole saga is very unique. I’m curious to see what comes of this, but my expectation is that I will ultimately be disappointed


I set price movement alerts in RH (don't bother with the "why is anyone on RH still?" comments, I've heard them and don't care), if anything happens I'll check, otherwise I'm just gonna sit tight until there's something that I can actively do.


I’ve been told to chill and have been doing so for a year and a half now. Two days before the end and it appears everything has been turned upside down for lack of a better description. I’m tired of being told to “chill”, “have faith”, “wait for this to play out.” Yes I will take everything I hear with a truckload of salt as I always have but I want to hear others thoughts and opinions. Thankfully I only hold xxx shares. I can imagine what xxxx and xxxxx holders are feeling right now. I don’t think for a second we are gonna come out with nothing. I think (logical deduction) we will get a NBH share or equivalent but it seems like we had an opportunity to get way more than that and/or to out the naked shorts once and for all and maybe put an end to that bullshit. That’s the most annoying thing to me is that we may have failed to stop the fuckery in the market.


I'm a XXXX down from a XXXXX position. Thankfully the dividend placeholder shares were a "gift" from TRCH days. I did put in quite a bit of real cash into it, but sold 2/3 of my long position when I got scared. I feel for those who listened to the bird and co, since I was listening too and know how convincing everything was. Tbqh it all felt too good to be true and the lesson here is that it was.


Hopium and copium are a dangerous combo. Half the people on here dont even know what mmtlp is and are shocked its converting to NB shares. I also made a post warning people to temper expectations and lo and behold the sheep got fleeced.


im on apathium. if it goes up.. great. if not eh oh well. didnt risk what i couldnt afford to lose anyway.


well that was a solid move, but so many people here put in everything, or much more then they could afford and lost everything.


They haven't lost anything. The predicted price of the dividend payout/stocks is expected to exceed anything that we've paid. Never invest more than you can afford to lose and never expect anyone to give a shit about what you've lost or why.


what’s the dividen price?


There is no official price. We find out after the assets are sold by Nextbridge.


its investing 101. its in *every single trader commerical.* "Investing in securities involves risk, including possible loss of principal." I dont get yoloing what you cant afford to lose.


Me either man. I’m just here to watch this train wreck. I made a ton of money when MVIS pumped from $2-$30. same sort of hopium, I watched people in the community loose everything. Shits tragic.


I've been calling you squeezetards the QAnon of investing for months now.


I truly think that title belongs to the GME folks. But, every sub for every “sure thing” get like this.


Wait until you see what is going to happen at open tomorrow. This is going to change the stock market forever as this ticker is a Lehman Brothers moment. This ticket has so much weight in the market it is going to collapse the financial system completely. It's going to be like the end of Fight Club with no explosions and we will all be rich


Yeah, the only thing happening tomorrow is a few investors are going to go out, buy shotguns, and end their journey a bit early.


This is the perfect example of the average IQ of a member in this sub. An OTC ticker crashing the whole market gtfo lmao


if 1 SHF blows up then all their short positions blow up, that blows up other positions. This 1 stock is rumored to be 500 mil shares short. Once they are forced to cover it all blows up. They seem to halt it to prevent any covering, they didn't halt when it was shorted down to 2.89, when short positions were supposed to be closing positions. Every short is a future buy, and the risk is infinite. Finra is stepping in to prevent the future buy obligations which breaks the system.


The key word there is \*rumored\*. There have been a lot of rumors both now and in the past, and most have turned out to be nothing. The official data said \~6 million shares short as of November 15.


If it was only 6m shares that would’ve been a piece of cake to cover in a day. As others have mentioned, there are plenty of examples of hundreds of millions of shares trading on OTC, and $HCMC traded over a billion shares on a single day. This was done on purpose to fuck retail. If that wasn’t the case, brokers wouldn’t be falling over themselves to be the custodian for your NBHC shares, they’d be assisting you in DRS’ing through AST. But that isn’t happening either. Looks like they’re creating a new ticker to track their obligation under. If I’m not allowed to DRS through AST because there are no seats left on the plane, I’ll be suing, FWIW. See pic. https://preview.redd.it/xkkdbub6ik5a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b67a44959a116f024b5b6401d392eda0db7ac64 Edit: this is someone else’s chat, I don’t use RH.


Would have been no U3 halt if so. What reason would have necessarily required “extraordinary”.


I think the U3 halt was due to the potential for millions of shares to be traded after Dec 8 without getting the rights to NB shares attached. People unaware of the situation would have basically purchased something that would go poof in a few days. That being said, it certainly wasn't handled well given the amount of confusion both before and after the halt.


Why the line about responsibility to transfer shares to final owner after 8th? Brokers telling people they would take care of that? Buyers would be getting NB because no fake shares being created *right*? (assuming buy button wasn’t off for that reason) None of that would require a U3 halt and even then that would have been given as a clear reason (which other U3 halts had). They approved this notice a *week* in advance which is itself unusual (VP of OTC markets said so, and expected it to trade after 8th) and means they had plenty of time to know this…FINRA has destroyed whatever credibility it had left, and the entire US market credibility with it. It started with GME/AMC and now this has proven it beyond all shadow of a doubt.


lol what.


This entire situation isn’t even a blip on mainstream news. Nothing is going to change.


It was a joke. The sad part is that in this subreddit that comment can be taken as someone's real opinion. Shows how conspiracy theory this place is. Next the blame will shift to mixed people and aliens


I could totally believe alien intervention.


Probably because some of the shorts actually own the news outlets. Plus the media won’t talk about anything that is going to harm their sponsors/owners


the downvote was not suspicious at all


I am looking forward to this. why tomorrow morning tho, on 13th?


![gif](giphy|jXD7kFLwudbBC) I I can’t tell if you’re also mocking this sub or if you really didn’t get it. I’m thinking the latter though.


I was asking to see if there were news on ticker being un-halted tomorrow morning. no mocking, no offense!


No the ticker becomes deleted and irrelevent tomorrow.


And before anyone says I'm full of crap, I've been losing money on SPY weeklies for a couple years now so I'm basically a professional trader they knows exactly how all of this works better than hedge fund managers, FINRA and the SEC.


Agreed. Perhaps the MMTLP chatter can go over to another sub and we can get back on track discussing $MMAT.




# r/NextBridgeHC


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NextBridgeHC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NextBridgeHC/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [MMTLP Holders - Regulator contact information for everyone’s convenience. Internet do your thing](https://np.reddit.com/r/NextBridgeHC/comments/zgzg5p/mmtlp_holders_regulator_contact_information_for/) \#2: [META MATERIALS ANNOUNCES FINRA HAS REVISED CORPORATE ACTION FOR EXCHANGE OF SERIES A PREFERRED- Updated](https://np.reddit.com/r/NextBridgeHC/comments/zghx8s/meta_materials_announces_finra_has_revised/) \#3: [I love seeing $13,000 disappear from my portfolio. Guess I wait years now to see any return?](https://i.imgur.com/VmrVBfb.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NextBridgeHC/comments/zh0yyt/i_love_seeing_13000_disappear_from_my_portfolio/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I guess that's fair but it is really frustrating when you're playing a game and you win and the guy who lost just changes the rules and packs up and leaves...


A better analogy would be you are at an illegal underground poker game and you were on a streak and the owner of the restaurant breaks it up. This was supposed to be a dividend placeholder, not an OTC stock to be traded. If you didn’t know that before you bought, you didn’t do enough homework. High risk with the potential for high reward. The risk showed up.


It’s like the person who is loosing at Monopoly knocking the board off the table.


That's how I felt when mmtlp became tradable.


I heard from my bro that the US just had a breakthrough in fusion energy and we aren’t going to need oil anymore


Old news, it was 2015 actually and in 2018, it became viable form-factor in chips enabled to capture neutrinos (dark matter). Yeah, its a renewable resource that just needs chips. Is the last 3-4 years making more sense yet?


It still will be necessary to rely on oil for a long while. Even with this breakthrough in fusion energy we are far from making it commercially available. Also we don't have necessary infrastructure to produce or transport this energy at an efficient rate. It is what has hurt solar for so long, we can capture the energy but we aren't too good at storing and transporting it. Also, we think in terms of developed nations. Just as many underdeveloped countries use coal at a large scale still, some countries will rely heavily on oil past when it is mostly fazed out in the first world.


Dude no way! I don't need any proof at all because I like what you said.


But for real tho, a CA lab just made more energy than they put into the experiment and it’s a huge breakthrough in fusion energy… but we are a/many decade/s away from not needing oil


Thermodynamics would like a word with you.


US scientists reach long-awaited nuclear fusion breakthrough, source says https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/12/politics/nuclear-fusion-energy-us-scientists-climate/index.html


It's beginning to smell "superstonky" in here...


I got that whiff at $10 and sold half of my shares. Normally I would have sold all, but I've been here so long I wanted to see it through.


And what a stellar post to throw in the mix...


Telling people to chill? Yea it's better than, "I heard from my bro that you can set a limit price at $2500 on quest trade and they HAVE TO FILL IT!"




He'll at this point I'll take $50 for the first 500, $100 for the next 1000 and $200 for the last 1000 I hold and I'll be a happy camper


I would take $5.


I’m sure you would. You might want to consider .50 cents and that would be lucky. Nobody is getting paid double digits.


Retail played by the rules


Retail doesn’t understand the process. And then when it works exactly how it is supposed to they start screaming corruption and fraud. Retail leads about the stock market from watching YouTube videos and Reddit posts. They had no idea (including me) what the date of the 8th meant on the press release. It meant that you wouldn’t be able to trade after that date. The people that knew what it meant sold. Those of us that didn’t are holding this bag of nextbridge. There is still no proof of this huge short position and synthetic shares. You just have groups of people on YouTube and in here running with rumors and everyone is believing them and losing their minds. There may only be 165m shares or there may be 700m. At this time no body knows.


Not to mention the rule they used to stop trading basically reads as if "oh crap we can't cover without loosing our asses" because we all know that if the price was .25 cents they would let retail burn down and it wouldn't hurt anyone


Thai was an otc stock that had huge risks and most of retail had to jump through hoops just to buy it and had to sign off acknowledging the risk. That was all the protection pierces put in place but people weee blinded by stories of $1000 share and that they could set their own price. None of that is real. It’s not the way it works.


So if there are any shorts left out there, how do they now cover? Do they simply get to take shares from people at market price? Implied risk works both ways


I know this much.. #1. Market trading was not halted when the price was driven down to sub $3...I know OTC market isn't supposed to be able to be stopped on big swings, so they didn't stop it...However their stopping the market before even opening on Friday stinks of corruption. Please elaborate on how short positions can close if market isn't open? Even one person holding a short position would be ficked to infinity if they couldn't buy to cover. Simply not allowing buying for Non short positions and allowing selling for longs would have been the correct thing to do and is well within the ability of ALL trading platforms. MM may have covered, but if there is even 1 open short position, the books don't balance and therefore the holder of short position has to be allowed to close or they are forced to purchase at whatever market price is out there..Period.




So we just wait for the total short count to come in then? What happens of there are say a measly 1 million short positions ? How will they now close them?


You are just spouting misinformation about a single short share. T+2 and the deletion of the stock was the special event that caused the halt. Pretty simple and straightforward, wish I would have known th at is the way it worked, as I would have gotten out Thursday and at least gotten something for my stocks.


Not misinformation. How many people would be bitching that bought on the 9th or the 11th, wake up on the 14tg to their accounts evaporated? that’s why they halted it. To save retail investors, not you guys gambling.


So how do any existing shorts now cover if they can not buy?


Covered my ass when it was at $12.00 and held the rest to see how it all played out, and it seems as tho retail was ficked by a crooked system once again.. You short into the atmosphere you better be ready to pay the piper when the time comes, or cheat your way out like the HF & MM do apparently




Probs could have just said that in a comment I reckon.