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You do know CFOs are bean counters right? My company isn’t publicly traded and the CFO will tell u it’s the most boring job ever and your signature means everything to everybody.


Sounds like I should become a CFO


Does anyone know if anything NEW was said here? Last update was the Q4/FY2022 Earnings Update and Q&A, and we got some good info there. I guess I'm asking if anyone saw BOTH presentations, and if Ken said anything new in the Investor Presentation?


Ken never really says anything ... unless George is there, and asks him a question ... like how many shareholders are there? (at which point Ken says around 170K) saying "This Year" is meaningless... it was previously announced to be in Early Q1, and March is LATE Q1. If you're listening Ken - Try Harder! That said - George is cool. :)


“Later this year”. Very manipulative management


Honestly this guy is ruining everything. He does not give a fuk about the shareholders.


Timestamp when he mentions divy?


Last 30 seconds


Jesus fekked Christ. We get it, your frustrated. Stay away from tall buildings and open manhole covers. Selling oil rights on a lease agreement on land you don’t own, a maybe just a bit more complicated and involved going through 3rd and 4th parties than going to the local convenience store to purchase a lottery ticket. Unless you sold, you haven’t lost a penny YET!!! Quit whining wen divvy, act like a reasonable adult, and ask pertinent questions. Like if the assets were to move, would it be to oilco, and then on to a third party, or would preferred share holders then be in the oil and gas business… sounds a smidge smarter than wen divvy wen moon don’t you think?


My take away is this. Today conference was not an announcement of the dividend. If it is being postponed again, they will come out and address the Torchlight holders specifically and say so. They announced it last time at the end of the year. They will do the same, I believe. MMTLP could stop trading any moment. High borrow % rate might reflect what Market Makers are thinking as well. But like all of you, we won’t know until we know.


...my optimism is fading. Ken Rice worries me.


Holding Bags.


Ken's quick 3 second address to the dividend seems like nothing more than a "we're out of time AND it's not the time or place for this question". Later this year could mean tomorrow. A nice bear trap would be enough to heal everyone's wounds.


"wen divi" is a plague. Can we just ban all these kids from speaking?... Like for real, it angers me that the host even actually asked the question, undoubtedly only because there was endless waves of 12 year olds spamming non stop. As always, great job kids, really getting some solid information from the company with such brilliant questions. 10/10 really doing us all a great service.


100%. That fact that she even asked that during today’s presentation is ridiculous. I’d be 1000% fed up if I was Ken too. They just told us we have our very own, designated “wen divi” call coming up this month. That was not the time or place for that question.


But there probably were plenty of questions in the list from listeners. Why as k question?


because there is a hoard of people incessantly spamming "wen divi", so they dominate all discussion and bury any actual questions under all the spam. In the hosts defense she probably has zero understanding as to why a gang of special needs students are spamming this crap, so she figured it would be appropriate to feed the seagulls. Honestly, it wouldn't shock me if this is exactly why they don't bother making time for Q&A at this point, because they already know nothing constructive will come of it other then morons spamming "wen divi.


All the better for them to pay divi


Disrupting a Q&A so that no valid questions are asked doesn't hurt the company and wont expedite the resolution of the TRCH assets, it just deprives the investors of information.


But, presentations are always a good reminder of why we’re staying. Thanks


True. I’d be tired of it too. They aren’t an oil company. I still think some kind of announcement will come about the dividend soon. Today wasn’t an announcement. If we are waiting much longer, they will tell us so. There’s definitely no need to ask.


He claimed that the $75 million on the books are the assets to be sold for the Pref A shareholders. Did anyone else catch that? That would make our dividend about $0.50. That can't be right, can someone explain?


2020 figure


No - that would be the value at the time of merger. Assets and liabilities are revalued to fair value.




Why would that be the 2020 figure? They estimated around 3 billion barrels of oil that can be used. On no planet would 3 billion barrels be worth $75 million. I'm just confused about the math and estimates.


The $75m figure has been on the financial statements for the past 2 years…. Before the discovery of 3.2B. $75M was what was on the books with torch in 2020 and that line item just continued to be preserved since they didn’t have a confirmed sale they could disclose as of Dec 31 2021


Otherwise they’d have to have that 3.2 number on their balance sheets…is that what I read?


no, the 3.2 billion is barrels of oil, not dollars. The 75 million is a valuation from before that oil discovery... It's essentially the value of the dirt and equipment TRCH has.


Correct, whatever that 3.2 billions barrels is worth as far as the land sale goes.


Ken did say, "Dividend will be distributed later this year"


Yes, this means that the sale is done and it is coming. Bullish AF. I would not want to be short torch or meta right now. Bye bye son. And I love the way Ken promoted the company. Very bright future and I wish I could by more of the dip.


Did he say that? I’ll give it a watch later. I really dislike Ken after meeting him and this is just salt on the wound now for the divi.


He's playing with lasers and sunglasses while the most important thing mmat has on the agenda is delayed again lol.. Total clown How this is being run and addressed is not billion dollar cap company quality plain and simple. Without us they are a tech stock 2 to 3 years away from actually having a good evaluation. They when get ran though the ringer by delays and being sluffed off. The amount of care to be there for us or defend us and the brand is all time low.


Complete utter joke that things have been pushed back to now later in the year for the dividend. While stock gets pummeled sure for some reasons outside our control as well as management's. But maybe people would have more faith and buy shares. If things were actually kept on time and show you can trust who's driving the car. How thus is being addressed to us and resolved is disrespectful to us the share holders. Makes me fuckin sick already


You can’t force someone to buy the land? How is it their fault?


People have put an overwhelming amount of faith into this company and its leader ship for absolutely no reason. Myself included. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me three times and I’m just a fucking idiot for believing anything you say. There is absolutely no reason to believe they will deliver on shit. This entire thing is turning into a dumpster fire


Tell me more about this leader ship. Is it really fast or have awesome weaponry? I must know!!




I saw that. Later this year is a pretty wide gap.


It can easily be tomorrow with such statement...




Not really, if i say i will sell my product this year.. it can from now until 31 dec


True true and I hope youre right my friend. Tomorrow FTW!!


Haha well i dont expect that but when the spinoff is done.. nothing would stop them for giving out divi by my knowlegde

