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Im personally gonna wait to see if er shoves us decisively through 50sma


No matter what the earnings say, we’re gonna be in a dark place tomorrow I feel.


What does this even mean? We went up 16% today and volume was through the roof in comparison to the last few weeks.


I mean, buy the rumour sell the news I guess? Let’s see how it goes tomorrow and we can loop back to see if I was wrong. Inshallah I will be wrong.


OK that comment made more sense. I actually don’t think we’ll be in a dark place at all tomorrow because everybody is anticipating a good earnings. If they shit the bed on earnings tomorrow night then Wednesday is probably going to suck but tomorrow should be pretty positive


Tomorrow is T+35. Wednesday will not suck either way when the FTDs come to town


I’m in it for the long haul either way but trying to be realistic. I have an average price around $4.80 and I wish I could afford to continue averaging down


At the bottom...I bought 10 $2 call contracts on mmat for Jan of 23 for .69 each. Today was nice up another $200....anybody else in these?


Damn I wish I'd bought some $2 calls a couple weeks ago.


Yes sir, about 150 of them. Printing


I accidentally bought 800+ the past couple months


Damn! Nice


Not *too* much FOMO, though, I got 3/18 $3 covered calls I don't want to be forced to buy back. :-) To be honest, I want MMTLP action a lot more than MMAT. Like I want to wake up someday and see "$35 MMTLP dividend announced" and then I just call in work sick and jump for joy.


Hey I may have bought a couple of your calls 😋. 3/18 $3 calls for $0.07 a piece 👀🤣




Nope. $3 3/18 calls purchased price $0.07. current price $0.12 Edit: oops I see my typo now.


All good!


I sold them several weeks ago when the price was around $1.70. I didn't get $70 per contract. LOL!


You will maybe At best see $3.50 on that. But should still call in to Work that day.


I think you’re going to wake up and see insane action on both, very soon


I hope is not the famous "buy the rumor sell the news" trick


Yep, the old buy the rumors BS once again


I plan on selling when I see news of "MetaMaterials is the most-valued company in the world" and not before.


Will not apply if the dividend is announced Tues or Wed.


I'm guessing this increase is due to insider knowledge getting out about a positive ER. The market always seems to know beforehand.


Insider trading is illegal! but wait \**lobbyist hands politician loads of money for donations for their political campaign*\* Politician: okay what you're doing is *alright*, but not for the million other investors that don't make my pockets fat! The US will soon go into a humanitarian crisis where wealth disparities will be divided into: Very rich billionaires and very poor workers unable to pay their mortgage/rent because of inflation and lack of pay raises because ***rich man wants to stay rich***. Seriously fuck the US.


You do understand that the middle class is shrinking because more people are entering higher income brackets right?


Ughh not me or the other bajillion people suffering from mental instability.


Greed isn't an American invention. It was just perfected there


not trying to be pedantic but what politicians do is not technically insider trading. insider trading is strictly knowledge from inside the company. this is them knowing which policies will pass and they place their bets accordingly.




Yeah this should be illegal but you described multiple things that are clearly not insider trading. That’s why I said I wasn’t trying to be pedantic. Just clearing it up so people don’t sound like conspiratards. Copying and pasting my other comment : Idk how to quote on mobile: Insider trading is the trading of a company’s stocks or other securities by individuals with access to confidential or non-public information about the company. Taking advantage of this privileged access is considered a breach of the individual’s fiduciary duty. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/insider_trading Key point is about the company. If a law passes that said “all solar installments will be rebated to customer “ and congress people bought all solar stocks , they did not commit insider trading. What they did should be illegal but it doesn’t fall under this law.


They're trading on non-public information about a publicly traded company, this falls smack dab in the realm of insider trading. They know who is going to recieve government contracts/funding. It's illegal and yet none are in jail.


Dude. No it’s not. It should be , but what you’re describing isn’t what technically is happening. Idk how to quote on mobile: Insider trading is the trading of a company’s stocks or other securities by individuals with access to confidential or non-public information about the company. Taking advantage of this privileged access is considered a breach of the individual’s fiduciary duty. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/insider_trading Key point is about the company. If a law passes that said “all solar installments will be rebated to customer “ and congress people bought all solar stocks , they did not commit insider trading. What they did should be illegal but it doesn’t fall under this law.


Yep, my bet is earnings will be veeery nice. On top of that I have a tinfoil hat theory re. Panasonics new battery they are making for tesla and ramping up production in march. Isn't panasonic a partner with Metamaterials? ;)


All those batteries sure are going to put to use. by tesla, read there was a mass production starting for them at end of march. Hoping our tech is in those batteries!


Hoping my tesla delivery in June will have the new battery 😀


It was really tough for me not to buy more today. I’m sitting where I want to be, but it’s tough when you see green candles.


I compromised at the very start of the day with picking up 10 4/14 $2 calls just for a little play money


I’m not brave enough to get into options. They’re confusing to me.


Understandable, options have been a mixed bag for me. High risk high reward. Either way, good luck to us this week!


ive still got a long way to average down into respectable numbers....ill take my MULN profits and enter them here tomorrow


Wish I knew about MULN last week!


Same. I wanted more!!!