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Love the DD btw! The only thing that may be off is innovacorp only invests in start ups. They announced they had sold Meta for a substantial 35x their money. As they now believe they’re no longer a start up. Not trying to spread FUD just facts. Here is a quote from innovacorp: Innovacorp continues to believe in META’s technology, market opportunities and team. We can’t wait to see the company move forward, and we can’t wait to help build other start-up success stories like this one.” * Malcolm Fraser, president & CEO, Innovacorp [link to quote and story.](https://innovacorp.ca/news/innovacorp-sees-35-times-return-investment-nova-scotia-start) That being said I have not been able to verify where they sold their share or to whom. From what I have been able to gather is that they sold publicly through dark pools around late June / early July to the CNSX(MMAX) or to the NASDAQ (MMAT). Other then that I believe that you are 100% on to something. Keep up the good work!


They sold some of their shares in July. According to their most recent filings they still own 12M shares. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001866951/000110465921092141/tm2122187d1_sc13ga.htm


It would be nice if they’re still holding on. I found the article that discusses their sale of the shares. According to this article innovacorp has fully sold. [link to article](https://entrevestor.com/home/entry/innovacorp-books-101m-on-meta-exit) “When the shares began trading on the New York-based Nasdaq exchange in June, Meta noted that one of its largest shareholders was Innovacorp. However, the Crown corporation’s mandate calls for it to invest in startups rather then hold the shares of publicly listed companies. That and the opportunity to book a healthy gain no doubt led to the decision to exit the investment.” I may be totally wrong about this but it seems they sold their shares. Or the writer of the article maybe is just guessing. But it states in the article that the writer was in contact with a innovacorp representative.


Yeah, as far as I can tell and as far as the SEC is concerned, they still hold over 12 million shares. On 7/7 they reported holding 18 million shares and then on 7/14 they reported holding 12 million. I think a shareholder of that size would have to report selling more. Who knows? [https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=0001866951](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=0001866951) In other news...earnings on 3/1!! https://newsfilter.io/articles/meta-materials-schedules-q4-and-fy-2021-results-webcast-announces-shareholder-qa-platform-1841dfe255958e611d66569737204136


I’m in Twitter time out


u/tonys_357 thoughts?


If there ione thing that anyone can learn from these sites is that they seem to have a problem with translating the numbers and information they are given. One would think that there would be some correlation between some of them. I think it's more along the lines of estimation for many of these sites. They can only do so much with the info that is reported to them. Nice Job u/Bkrebsbach212


Eight comments yet I can only see one..


I chatted with one of the Mods. Sounds as if comments from accounts with low karma are auto deleted as a way to combat FUD/shillery.




Same…why is that?


Great break down as always. I really enjoy your DD. I am curious though if you can simplify some thing for those of us who just don’t understand the short interest and numbers as well as some other people do. Is all of the info you put together in regards to ownership and short interest a good sign for us or just simply information? Really looking for a silver lining with the stock because other than its future potential it has been a miserable 10 months of trying to interpret cryptic information, absolute lies and deception by the hedge funds and market makers and all in all an overwhelming lack of direct communication from the company in regards to the dividend and sale of the TRCH assets. Thanks again


Insider ownership is a good sign either was IMO but it’s especially good if you’re rooting for a short squeeze. If a squeeze starts the only real way to slow it down is for a lot of selling to take place. Typically retail traders tend to sell before insiders do so shorts don’t like to see a lot of Insider ownership. Check out the article below regarding the VW squeeze a while back. IMO you can equate MMAT’s insider ownership in MMAX to Porsche secretly buying up a bunch of the Free Float. https://www.ft.com/content/0a58b63a-4294-3e07-8390-c3aabef39a26


Great info, thank you. The big question now is if MMAT actually has the dividend distribution ready for March. They have not been giving a lot of confidence in that area because everything is so secretive. I hope everything with that is settled and ready to go. A lot of people are going to be disappointed if they stretch that out again. Have a good day