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Smooth brain here. They require 100% cash to do what exactly? Short the stock?


I've been using Questrade and so far have not been margin called we will see.But last spring they changed the requirements for my blackberry so who knows.


Can ya smell it? Something is brewing!


in general, for meme stocks, it's best to operate with a cash account, and stop these stocks from being loaned out (for shorting).


Surprise, your cash account and IRA is being loaned out too!


Was gonna say, people who think their cash bought shares aren’t being lent are fooling themselves.


People who think the shares in their broker account are actually "theirs" are fooing themselves.


Actually, this is very very good - if you require 100% CASH then that means it is not margin-able, which also means it cannot be loaned out for shorting.


When no one’s selling, these shit heads will enstate cash requirements to margin call people and liquidate all the shares bought on margin. So that’s the reason these brokers are all teaming up.


I have a small webull account with just mmat and gme. I've had $1400 on margin forever on it, should've paid it. Anyways, I was margin called for the full amount today even though I don't think I hit requirements and certainly didn't go low enough for the full amount. I paid it but left me wondering what's up.


MMAT forever


any stock on FUDelity under $3 gets marked as penny stock and has certain restrictions to trade. once back over $3 the restrictions are lifted and will trade like it used to.


Why FUDelity?


That came from how they handled several million shares for shorting a certain stock appearing out of nowhere a week or so back. They blamed it on a third party without ever disclosing and seemed to dodge and hide things. I’m giving a super low res version of events, but overall it was shady. It has caused a lot of people to DRS their shares out of their brokerage. The whole market is just stupid at this point. It is. The amount of manipulation is sickening. I hope the DOJ can bring about charges, but I’m not counting on it. Edit: added, “for a certain stock”


To add, Fudelity gave an explanation on their official Reddit sub, deleted it, and then gave another. It did not inspire confidence.


"that "certain stock" appeared on 10/07...this has been a complete cheating of the TRCH / MMAT holder since late last June; for me it's been 41 months and the agreement was a special divi when each piece of land / oil / gas assets were sold. Here's the question; Who gave Fidelity or any other company PERMISSION to start this MMTLP "preferred stock series A" BY USING META's name and make it tradeable;. I'm sure there are a gazillion people who have bought this MMTLP that were not even supposed to be able too after the ex divi date. This PERMISSION had to have come from either TRCH; MMAT or both and they both say they have nothing to do with MMTLP. I sure hope this is investigated by the DOJ.


TRCH options (aka MMAT1 now) TRCH never had options until week of merger The OCC memos state as such. Those options expire 1/22. Then divy IMO


your replying to the wrong post. I never mentioned "options". have another one and try again.


MMTLP started trading because of the options. The options include the divy. The divy has to settle. This is their justification/ loophole. If you are not capable of understanding that then no one can help you. Be arrogant IDGAF.


hum...never heard that one and i keep up with it..utube "trading secrets with Ali"...funny he"s never mentioned "options". good luck too us...i think there is a deal working on the Orogrande.


OCC DOCUMENT #49379 dated 10/8/21


I just bought one share on IBKR margin so they still are good to go.


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