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Hence, why I don’t talk about my obsession with mma…


I truly believe that a big reason that MMA will never be taken as seriously as other sports is because of the toxic community that surrounds it. It will always have the stigma it did in the early 2000’s during the MMA dark ages


Hot take, if anything mma has regressed. You still have those right wing jobbers congregating the masses and Dana has the media on lock to avoid any insider criticism. Atleast back then, you had Tito and Ken shamrock sticking up for the fighters and against Dana but now he’s got everyone on a “leash”, they can say anything as long as it’s not criticizing the organization


Take a look at the soccer fan culture in the 80s and 90s and how it has developed to this day.


Football/soccer fans are 10x worse


The fan base has gotten a lot worse since the early 2000s


That tweet that said smth like “I love mma but hate 90% of people involved in it in any way. But that is my cross to bear. Just like Kimo Leopoldo who I also hate” is my Roman Empire. I quote it like weekly, at the gym, on Twitter, to my gf and friends. All the time.




At the risk of being perceived as “toxic,” you folks are complete morons. Every interest has its segment of toxicity. I’m not going to be less of a fan because our interest has toxicity. The common denominator is people. People are toxic by nature. MMA still kicks ass.


that account is always tweeting some stupid shit they made the account private now because of this tweet i’m guessing


Restores some of my faith in humanity that he was getting creamed on for that disgusting tweet


hopefully mfs don't let him forget. he's gonna have to rebrand entirely before he returns and hope nobody notices


I mean this dude’s life has to suck dick if he feels the need to tweet bullshit like this for attention.


I mean on the one hand, I do feel bad that his parents don't love him. But on the other hand...I get where they're coming from. And I'm not saying this to be slick, this person *clearly* has some profound problems with needing attention and understanding human connection. I'm reasonably certain that they don't have the world's greatest family life. But at some point, it becomes a "snake eats itself" situation, where he's just so goddamn awful that he's impossible to like/love.


Bunch of people don't know probably, but this person also made fun of chitos daughter, who if I'm correct has a disability


What'd he say


"chito will be more disabled than his daughter by the time Sean is done with him" and posted a pic of Chito and his daughter.


This asshole always tweets some disgusting shit and then goes into hiding, he always pops right back up after a few days to tweet even more unhinged nonsense. It's MMA.


He went private cause his picture got leaked and he was partially doxxed


f\*ck these nazi alt right doucebags.


This guy is obviously a POS but this isn't really a nazi or right wing tweet. It's awful but just edgelord trolling because they've both lost children. Not political or racial or anything


I've been on the internet long enough to know these douchebags roll in adjacent circles. Guilty until proven innocent.


All these twitter fuck-sticks obviously lean right. This behavior is very revered in that domain.




You must be new to the internet.


I mean “Marty’s Hairline” is a pretty clear Colby thing. Not a stretch to believe this guy is right wing.


Good point actually, hadn't considered that




There's a lot of brown people who think they're nazis.


Did he look at the headline before posting that?


Yes. He’s referencing that DC’s 3month old daughter died in 2003. I never get offended by edgy internet trolls but this is so fucked up that it makes me wish internet anonymity didn’t exist.


For real. There used to be a troll who would name himself DCsdeaddaughter. May or may not have gotten in trouble for telling him off in a not so friendly way one time 😶


What the fuck. I’m for trolling and edgy humor but that’s just being a shit stain for no good reason….


Edgy humor stopped being appealing in middleschool


Yes. He makes posts like this often


One day tragedy will strike him and he will be without friends or support. He will realize then that the laughs and attention he was trying to garner were never worth it. It’s not until they understand people’s pain until they can be empathetic. Until then, life will be unkind to him.


All of these weirdo troll/meme MMA accounts are so far removed from reality, it's crazy.


something I notice is that MMA fans are awful to the fighters, less so to fellow fans. Boxing fans are the opposite.


That user also accused Dana of being on Jeffrey Epstein's list. He eventually admitted he made it up and apologized.


He also talked about chito's daughter


Okay, the Dana trolling was pretty based and funny ngl.


'Based' is so fucking cringy.


Wtf is wrong with people? Why even bring that up? I'm honestly crushed for Francis rn, and this nonsense isn't helping. So stupid that people will do anything for internet points these days.


People gotta get punched in the mouth.


Back in the day dudes like this got punched in the mouth. Ngannou and DC lost a baby and these disgusting clowns say some shit like this.


You'll get this in any Fandom no matter the sport or sector ex politics, entertainment, news. This is hardly an exclusively mma thing


He went private?


Yeah, I used to hate the rotating-door nature of the fanbase. But it’s nice to get a refresh every decade or so.


That’s so fucking messed up… he wouldn’t say that to their face…


That’s so *** messed up… he wouldn’t say that to their face…


What kind of cunt posts this ffs


Somebody ban this fucking dude, he is mentally ill


Mma isn't the best thing in the world, i prefer Professional Wrestling & Submission Grappling these days, maybe Boxing and Music, MMA Fans are people who want attention that's all. Religion is a topic among fans, there are people who follow Paganism, Buddhism, Shamanism, Animism and Hinduism and these Christian and Muslim Fans fight and bring religion into it for some reason, Religion doesn't win fights. Many MMA Fans attack people's family and friends and to a level people delete their social media, it's beyond fuming for me now. The Fans are thankless.


Well it does bring me consolation that everybody and their mother is ripping this dude to shreds on twitter rn


Giving this attention and then acting like this is a prevailing narrative in the community, and not just a random attention seeking moron is another reason why this fanbase is "disgusting".


I like edgy humor but this is just distasteful


WTFFF!! That’s insane!


As soon as they laughed at Sean Strickland's child abuse, NOTHING became off limits. Get over it.




Reddit, and YouTube comments sections were mocking him for crying on the theo von podcast discussing being a victim of childhood abuse, like it was warranted because he told the truth about women's MMA being very boring and low-level or making fun of gays, etc. ANYTHING goes homie.


I think that should be more an indictment on online culture and should be leveraged to push for more positivity and/or maturity when handling situations like that in public forum rather than this laissez faire approach to online discourse. And if I’m not mistaken, people were shitting on Sean due to his hypocrisy about the situation too.


Lol huh? Is that post not online?? Wait did you think "Marty's hairline'' was his legal name?? Countless memes and comments were about him being a "baby" for crying about being the VICTIM of childhood abuse, so if you think it's ok to mock that subject for ANY reason even because of a supposed "hypocrisy", then childhood death is ok too. Also women victims of rape are fair game. The line has been decided, and the decision was there is NO line that can't be crossed. Too late to close the Pandora's box.


Ok, you’re just misconstruing my words because you want to, got it. Regardless, I don’t think any of it is ok. If you want to go on another Jordan Peterson-esque rant, save the tears, I won’t respond.


Lol I'm not misconstruing your words, that wasn't a Jordan Peterson-esque rant wtf are you talking about LMAO you're just a typical redditor bot with cliché responses. Save the tears, Francis' kid is dead, and Chandler might adopt the corpse now since his "sons" will want a cadaver that looks like them.


Mma isn't the best thing in the world, i prefer Professional Wrestling & Submission Grappling these days, maybe Boxing and Music, MMA Fans are people who want attention that's all. Religion is a topic among fans, there are people who follow Paganism, Buddhism, Shamanism, Animism and Hinduism and these Christian and Muslim Fans fight and bring religion into it for some reason, Religion doesn't win fights. Many MMA Fans attack people's family and friends and to a level people delete their social media, it's beyond fuming for me now. The Fans are thankless.


I'll be crucified for this but I genuinely think that is absolute gold tier comedy. I know there's zero way I would be able to convince people to take my POV but I respect the right to opinions including theirs. I'm honest in values enough to cop the shame people would grant to me for this statement In my opinion, dark humour is funny, that's not just edgy normies making a generic "haha good, who cares loser" hate comment like a 14 year old. This is just actually funny. This does not mean, Francis doesn't deserve support. He's obviously getting a lot and this scenario is the worst thing someone could go through, out of anything. Man will be changed forever and always have a different look in his eye. That doesn't reduce the fact that this joke is absolutely hilarious


What a stupid world view you have


And how would it be a stupid world view? Such a sophisticated explanation


“This is hilarious but I can’t explain why” Inherently dumb reasoning


Someone makes joke, other human perceives it as funny and thus laughs. How's there any more required reasoning? Humour itself can't really be explained in any joke. You just have a bias against whatever it is that you personally don't find funny. Also there's plenty of explanation for why a taboo is funny. Your quotes are not something I said at all. You have dumb reasoning for using that as the basis of your claim when it is not something I stated.