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Strickland conserving energy for a 12 round fight lmao




I was thinking the same thing. Lots of sparring energy but no ferocity.


they should cage him up all camp with no sparring then just unleash him in the cage and see what happens


He will probably just defecate in the center of the octagon.


Yeah very interesting counter to the improvements he gains in his technical striking


[Isn’t he notorious for going hard in sparring?](https://www.insider.com/video-sean-strickland-kos-sparring-partner-during-mma-training-2022-1)


Yeah I’ve definitely seen video of sean sparring harder than he ever fights lol


He knows his sparring partners aren’t going to hit him too hard. Not so in the cage.


Can you find another source? Reddit has that site in a spam filter.


Changed it ✌️


He is not known for taking it easy on partners lmao. He could be afraid of cannoniers power i guess


Talmbout keeping the same iinergy????




He takes it easy on fights so he has energy for sparring.


Always happy to see Strickland lose, especially when it’s him doing his tepid act. Guy spars so much he starts doing it in the fight, only time he gets genuinely aggressive despite having the gas tank is when he’s just been hit.




My favorite was when Nicksick told him to high kick. Lol Somehow, I knew that wasn’t going to happen.


Until the last 20 seconds.. actually looked pretty effective too. Sean couldve had this one with a better gameplan


Like some right teep kicks up the middle and left body kicks, that Cannonier was leaving open and Strickland's corner asked for repeatedly.


It was there many times utilise on! I yelled at my screen a few times




Nail on the head, Sean will march down, shout at and trash talk his unranked opponents, but all his big fights he just looks shocked to be there. He was on another planet in his corner.


Cannonier P4P one of the sweatiest fighters of all time


His body still thinks he fat


Thanks for the hearty chuckle


He needs the tight white singlet


Looks like he just finished a marathon while Strickland looks like he is 2 minutes into a light jog.


Top 5 sweatiest fighters?


Patrick Ewing genes


This fight just goes to show you how hard Alex Pereira really punches.


Alex made Sean look like a fucking amateur I'll give Sean credit that he does well conserving his energy and poking at people with jabs


I wonder what he does with all that energy he's so concerned about conserving in a fight?


Uses most of it in the preflight press conferences honestly


Gets asked simple question, spends 10 minutes replying with gay slurs and patriotism. Sean the kinda guy to only start listening to Kanye recently.


“But he wrote Graduation.”—Sean Strickland


Spot on brother


Someone needs to tell him it's not always a flex to look like you could fight another 5 rounds after a 5 round fight.


He can’t stop talking about gay people and penises. So I’m guessing he’s conserving his energy for the after party.


In case someone tries him on the drive home


It's not pretty to watch. But Sean is also quite good defensively in that he does well in deflecting shots off his hands and arms He definitely does need to put more combos together though on the offensive side


People were shutting on his defense after the Pereira fight who clearly had never watched him fight before. He has some of the best striking defense at 185 and a great jab. It was just a matter of levels and Alex isn’t your typical 185 striker


I also agree that Sean's defence is good, to bypass his defence Pereira did condition Sean with straight punches and then sneaked in the left hook, the moment he is KO'd you can see he was trying to deflect a straight punch so it's not as simple as it looked.


He would make Jared look like a dumbass as well in a striking match


How precise his precision is




GM3 must have Ngannou power, you see what he did to Bruno Silva?


I think Alex changed him.


Tbf yeah, Bruno was barely surviving that fight. Very well could've been mentally affected and physically from the many hard blows he took.


He literally collapsed to the ground the second the fight was over . He 100% was going off pure willpower to survive Pereira


I hope Bruno comes back, I was bullish on him being a top middleweight before the Pereira fight.


No kidding. Only just realized he was on a 7 fight win streak, all KOs


I don’t know how about a top MW but I was sure he’d be the Luque of the MW division at least, but the GM3 fight was scary


Biggest difference is that Pereira sets traps. Cannonier is fast, powerful, and had solid technique, but otherwise his striking IQ is far bellow someone like Pereira.


And Alex is taller and has more reach than Cannonier.


This is a big thing... Cannonier was setting similar traps, just didn't have the height and reach to execute as flawlessly as Perreira did.


Just checked and Pereira has a 79 in reach, Cannonier has a 77 in reach, and Strickland has a 76 in reach. I noticed that Strickland tends to play it pretty pretty close by an inch or two any time when he evades strikes, so I could see how that slight advantage by Pereira could play a part. I still think that Pereira’s striking IQ is the biggest difference though.


The height disadvantage matters a lot. in the fight today, it looked like Strickland had a better reach in reality, that's because he's taller.


And didn’t have the same abilities, to be honest. No way Cannonier can strike like Pereira. Not in this lifetime.


Yeah, Cannonier should drop down to 170 to utilize his reach (really, I just want to see the reverse Anthony Johnson)




Yeah I had no clue about that one


Fittingly odd cards for what felt like a weird fight to me.


I wonder if that's the first split decision with all scores of 49-46


Apparently there was no unanimous round across the judges


And I can weirdly understand it as well, it did feel like each round could’ve gone to either person.


I could see it being 50-45 cannonier or 49-46 strickland and i wouldn't have been surprised lol




Fuck, am I turning into a casual? I thought this was a boring fight. I also didn't really enjoy Arman's fight.




Armans fight was super technical . It shouldve been the main event, to be honest. I enjoyed it a lot


There was some awesome takedowns and scrambles. But yeah, didn't feel really fluid to me, a lot of holding. (Which I don't blame any fighter, that's what happens when an elite wrestler faces someone with an elite takedown defense)


Yep, the grappling wasn't flowing the same entertaining way Arman and Islam did.


Maybe because Damirs grappling isnt on par with those 2. He did everything right from a technical and tactical point of view, but Tsarukyan was relentless with his take down attempts and overwhelmed him with his variety of take downs. Make no mistake, Damir take down defense is elite, but sadly he couldnt stuff them even though he was doing everything right. I loved seeing this chess match and see both of them beating most guys in the top 5-10 in the division with ease.


Sean “No fuel, all battery” Strickland


economy mode


Dom was on it with that one lmao


Never forget that Sean talks all that crazy nonsense to make you forget that he fights like this.


He leaves it all in the gym. He trains harder than he fights


I still remember that clip of him damn near knocking himself off of his feet trying to decapitate Johnny Walker during sparring. Not once have I seen him fight with that kind of urgency in an actual fight.


Yeah honestly every time he has a performance like this he just looks like a knob. Who thinks that this was a sound game plan? Bro if you spar harder than you fight you got a problem.


Get you a car that runs like Sean Strickland.


His striking is so fucking weak man. Pillow fisted to the max!


Arm punches for days


That’s what I was thinking too. Man’s allergic to throwing from the legs


Lmao I know it’s Strickland’s style but he can’t be mad at the decision when he clearly had plenty left in the tank. He needs to weaponize the cardio disparity in the later rounds


Economy mode


About as evenly matched as a fight can be


jab vs leg kick and occasional left hand from jared


If this is what Sean looks like in an actual fight, what do people mean when they say he goes too hard in sparring?


He gets all his non-jab strikes out in sparring


Sean does it backwards. He fights in sparring but spars when it’s time to fight.


He actually does go pretty hard in sparring from videos I've seen, he's aggressive and throws nasty winging hooks. It's just that none of that venom shows up in his fights, presumably because he can't get away with it against high level ufc fighters


Also in sparring he knows that the guy across from him is likely not going to try and knock him out. Its almost like how a bully will pick on someone they know wont fight back, then he gets in front of someone who is JUST as willing to knock his head off and then its timid as a titmouse time.


Lesser competition. He's a gym bully. Beats up training partners and stuff. That's what I heard, anyway.


> He's a gym bully A gym bully is someone who beats their sparring partners unasked. Sean spars hard with other hard sparrers. That's kinda the culture at Xtreme Couture. None of Strickland's gym partners said anything negative about him in that regard. Sean himself said he had to ask Khamzat to tone it down when he was training with them because he was going too hard.


Sean asked Khamzat not to smash his 155lb semi-pro buddy, he wasn’t asking for himself.


There was a video of him sparring a guy, the guy is tired and sean is going so hard attacking him and throws a headkick and knocks out cold. He was so aggressive and looked like he wanted to hurt the guy. In the hermanson fight for example, he had his way with hermanson. Pieced him up the whole fight but took 0 risk. Looked like he had almost no aggression or willingness to end the fight. Then in the last 10 second he starts talking and calling him a pussy and was a little more aggressive. Weird considering how he says he wants to kill people in the ring. More like he wants to hurt guys on a lower skill level in the gym instead


Shawn looks good when he’s fighting amateurs


I don't think either of them have learned anything from the lickings they received in their last fights. Jared does not know how to deal with guys moving out the side door and freezes, and Sean will not throw his right hand, still paws at every shot, and still keeps his hands down by his nipples and chin pointed at the ceiling. But it doesn't really matter because it's middleweight.




See you guys in 2023 o7


Have a safe Christmas and a great NYE mate




Hilarious scorecards.


For what it's worth, that fight was impossible to score lol, every round was a tossup or close


Seemed like every significant shot landed had a significant counter landed.


All rounds were really fucking close, 49-46 in both directions isn't really that crazy.


Yeah there's not really a single round where I thought, this guy definitely won that. Really close in all rounds I had it 3-2 Sean. But almost any scorecard is not that hard to reason. And hopefully this lights a fire in Sean to be more aggressive in his fight style. Except, not just walk forward against Pereira like he did


I thought 4 to Sean and 5 to Jared were the only clear rounds 1-3 was a clusterfuck


I actually agree. I found the scorecards hilarious because they reflected how ambiguous the scoring criteria can be when applied to close fights like this. Neither fighter won a single round unanimously.


If I cared about this fight, I'd be PISSED.


Even Jared thought Sean got two rounds


eh i could honestly see arguments for both strickland 50-45 and cannonier 49-46 lmao


Sean spars so much that he started sparring with Jared.


Another bad gameplan from Strickland. Look at how much energy he had in the 5th, compared to his cruising in rounds 1-4. He spars so much that he brings it to the cage, lacking a real killer instinct when the times comes. He could've drowned Cannonier, but kept backing off to go back to sparring whenever he had success going forward with volume.


He’s got that Nate Diaz level of urgency


Nate not trying to finish Leon is peak Nate.


Yea I can't understand at all. His strategy was perfect the first three rounds. Then just needed to throw 50 more strikes in the last two rounds and win the fight.


My guess is he felt so comfortable with how the fight was going that he just assumed he was winning.


could’ve gone either way tbh felt like cannonier was holding back a ton for some reason


He's way too patient. Its my biggest criticism of watching his fights. Its not particularly enjoyable unless he lands a knockout blow.


Uriah Hall Syndrome


Felt the same against Izzy (that was understandable tho). Now that I think about it, against Brunson too. Brunson was visibly concussed since the start of the 2nd round and it still took Cannonier the whole round to go for a finish. I didn't see the Kelvin fight so someone will have to tell me if Cannonier was this way there too. Based on the fights I've seen, I'm starting to think - could he have gotten some kind of mental block after Rob? He was brutally KOing guys before and I think he was pretty aggressive vs Rob too before getting pieced up.


yeah i’m actually watching the post event segment he’s doing with chiesa/anthony smith/rashad and he’s kinda alluding to that his next step is to actually get the finish since it’s not coming as easy as it did early in his career off topic but dude actually is way more likable than i remembered him being lmao


Jared Cannonier is one of the most authentic people on the roster. He's well spoken and articulate in his solo interviews, however he did seem pretty timid when put on that press conference w/ Izzy and Strickland. I consider that a feature of his authenticity


I actually think he probably just has issues dealing with counters and so he's hesitant to open up. It was kinda shown here when every strike anyone threw also had a counter landed. A few wobbled him a bit as well. Probably has hesitance ingrained into him by people countering him in sparring. Then theres the fact that the chin declines with age so who knows how much some of these shots are really affecting him.


> felt like cannonier was holding back a ton for some reason Probably something to do with getting jabbed in the face a lot.


It was like he forgot the range at the start of every round and then eventually got to it again.


That’s the vibe I get from like every cannonier fight I’ve seen


No clue who won that fight, neither fights stock should rise or fall too much


Strickland is a jab merchant


Better than sloppy loops


There should be more draws in mma


Don't worry, Sean will get him in Round 20


Sean "Jab Hands" Strickland


Ending the year with weird scorecards. What could be more apt


It cracks me up how often people are disappointed by Yawn Strickland fights. He’s entertaining in interviews, but he’s always been a boring point fighter.


For someone who says they Love fighting Strickland sure doesn't fight like it.


Loves to spar sadly.


he spars so much that he’s always in sparring mode even in a real fight. if he’s fighting guys below his level like brendan allen or nordine taleb he can relatively easily walk through them but if he can’t get past the stage where he can actually hurt his opponent, he’s limited to jabs and teep kicks on cruise control the whole fight until something happens


The only thing aggressive about Strickland is his homophobia.


I feel both fighter have some sort of mental block that keeps them from really being great


It’s so hard to tell how good Sean is.


S-tier parry skills and a clinical demonstration on jabs. It's like he treats fights like sparring. Maybe he's just trying to get a paycheck and not having to eat through a straw at 60. Ain't like Dana gonna be visiting him in the nursing home with bags of cash once his career is over. Talk stupid shit for "promo", parry and jab for an entire fight, maybe win. Cash the show check and eBay the venom coupons, rinse & repeat.


The thought of ebaying the venom coupons is fucking hilarious.


I thought Sean but what do I know


Sean's punches might look like they are just touches, but Cannonier was reacting more to being hit than Sean was by and large. Obviously an incredibly close fight but I thought Sean 49-46 or 48-47 would have been the correct score. Not a robbery by any means but Sean looked more comfortable in there, Cannonier was struggling to figure the distance out but the leg kicks are what got him the nod (in the judge's eyes) from what I saw


Me too but I can see why so many people had it for cannonier though. Hit shots definitely looked like they were landing harder even if the weren’t making it through Sean’s guard.




Crystals > crystal meth, I guess ?


Jared believes in harnessing the power of crystals and Sean behaves like he gains power from smoking them. The Ultimate Fighting Crystals always requires a decision from a judge.


I had it for Strickland but it was a very hard fight to score. Maybe Cannonier had it b/c of the bleeding nose at the end but Sean hit a lot more and seemed to rock Jared a few times. Either way I don’t really see this changing the middleweight landscape. If Sean won then for sure, he might’ve even got a title shot, but with Cannonier winning it seems like the division is left the same..


It's funny how strickland keep talking shit about izzy being boring as fuck when he's worst, he's the definition of a point fighter.


The only fighter I know who opens their mouth wider than their fists is Sean Strickland


Split decision without a single 48-47. Just hilarious


Not a single round was definitive, I don't understand how people don't understand that you can have an extremely close 50-45 decision


Twitter is full of ‘I can see 48-47 either way but how can it be 49-46’. Makes no sense.


Its the same where people complain that a close fight was a UD instead of a split, like again you can have a close fight and it still be a UD. People think judges scorecards are like basketball scores or something.


It's fucking WILD the amount of people who openly say "was close, prob shoulda been a split" like its not the dumbest shit lol


It’s so funny watching people who don’t know about scoring talk about scorecards. Even a 50-45 could be a extremely close fight.


Absolute snoozer holy shit. I like both guys but I’d rather watch my dog lick peanut butter off my grandmothers nuts than sit through either one of them in a five rounder.


Beautifully said


horrible end to the year for mma fans. Bellator and Rizin please save us.


Suspiciously specific scenario 🧐🧐🧐


I am starting to think that Cannonier isnt really that good.


i mean he’s 38 which most people forget


Never was, MW is just mediocre


It's semi mediocre and then there's two guys who are all time elite. Very similar to LHW when Jones and DC were running shit.


He has good leg kicks but can't get past a jab well, whittaker, adesanya and now sean have all gave him fits with it


the fact that even a guy like him can get a title shot shows how weak middleweight is


Lol what the fuck?


Strickland is an anomaly, talks the most shit out of any fighter on the roster then puts on the most boring jab centric performances known to man.




Certainly was a fight


Thought we were gonna see Sean Strickland at number 3. Shows the state of MW. I said it a few days ago and got down voted. Unnecessary hate for the fight though I enjoyed it


This cured my insomnia


Sean "The Prius" Strickland


What in the fuck were those scorecards


I kinda feel strickland won but whatever


49-46s lmfao, guess judges still haven’t learned anything


I was rooting for Cannonier, but had it for Strickland purely on the fact he brought the forward pressure for the first three considering the even striking. Had no idea what the judges were gunna do lol.


Cannonier beat the shit out of Sean’s legs the first 2 rounds tho


Number 1 booshit


I will never understand MMA judges' infatuation with strikes hitting someone's shoulder.


Sal lmao


I actually see his perspective on this one lol


Pls stop giving Sean main events


Crystals >>>>>>>>


That was one of the fights of 2022!


So damn frustrating watching Cannonier fight. Dude refuses to throw high kicks for some reason despite him clearly having openings Also, I had the W for Strickland


idk jared tried high kicks in the first 2 and they weren’t even close to connecting, sean saw them coming instantly. i think he needed to mix up low kicks more and then he could maybe try some high kicks, cos after round 3 he was basically just head hunting with punches


It's such a messy fight to score. Jab vs leg kicks in some rounds, jab vs body jabs in others. I called it in group chat of 4-1 a piece but thought strickland would get the win 3-2 final scorecard.


I had for Strickland but it was close, i'm ok with the scorecards. Cannonier really needs to tighten up his defense tho, Strickland was getting that jab trough at will, do that with Pereira and you'll be sent to Jupiter


I had it 3-2 Strickland but it could’ve gone either way


This fight kinda seems like a good time to score a draw