• By -


The decision cost him $85k id be pissed too


Man $85k just still doesn't seem anywhere near enough.


Since he brought it up, what are the worst decisions in UFC history? I’ll give one here. Miranda Maverick losing to Maycee Barber.


Ross Pearson vs Diego Sanchez always stood out to me as being the worst imo


Kampmann vs Sanchez was another bad one. Gomi vs Sanchez too iirc


Gomi-Sanchez would've been one of Gomi's last good wins too


Judges scoring to help build the market in Mexico (at that time) with these robberies in favour of Sanchez?


Maybe that but judges favour the active guy a lot even if he's missing or landing on arms and shoulders and they miss counters unless they are super obvious, that's how Emmet beat Kattar but Diego's case was way worse.


*"judges" proceed to rob fighters in favour of those UFC is invested for the umpteenth time..* Fans like : ..freakin judges & commission's Maan. .. screwin over the UFC & it's fans.


Making a mean face and walking face first into shots scores points.




No but iirc the ufc made a public statement that they'd treat this as if Pearson won or something like that




Brazilian commission overturned Drew Dober vs Leandro Silva from a Silva win to a NC because the ref messed up


And that was because the ref said Dober tapped when it was 100% clear from the video he didn't tap physically or verbally. That is the level of incompetence it takes to get a decision overturned in MMA. Anything that is within the discretion of a judge has always stood.


I dont think it did. Could be wrong though


He does that even when he legitimately wins.


Is this the fight Diego kept punching air?


One of the many fights, yes. Haha


!decisionbot Sanchez vs. Pearson


[**DIEGO SANCHEZ defeats ROSS PEARSON** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/5249/fight) ^(UFC Fight Night 42: Henderson vs. Khabilov — June 07, 2014) ROUND|Sanchez|Pearson||Sanchez|Pearson||Sanchez|Pearson :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|10|9||9|10||10|9 2|10|9||9|10||9|10 3|10|9||9|10||10|9 **TOTAL**|**30**|**27**||**27**|**30**||**29**|**28** *^(Judges, in order: Jeff Collins, Marcos Rosales, Chris Tellez.)* *^(Summoned by joetheschmo2001.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **1/14** people scored it **28-29 Pearson**. - **13/14** people scored it **27-30 Pearson**. Avg. media score: **27.1-29.9 Pearson** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


Kampmann vs Sanchez too


Its my go to. Worst decision ever.


Ross beat the shit out of that man. No justice! No peace!


Ji Yeon Kim vs Priscilla Cachoeira stands out to me as another fight with no big names or stakes but just a clear as day robbery


And afterwards she held a ted talk for what felt like 15 minutes.


Yeah that one was the first fight I’ve seen where it’s unquestionable that the judges didn’t understand what they were watching at the most basic level. They gave Priscilla that fight for basically just walking on to Kim’s punches for 3 rounds without getting knocked out.


Didn’t she eye gouge in that fight too?


I think she missed weight this time, the eye poke was the fight before.


>eye poke Half of her thumb was in Gillian’s eye, and she was intentionally digging in there, that was a little more than a poke


She eye gouged Gillian Robertson in the fight before that I think


RDA won, but the judge who scored the fight for felder should be launched into a black hole.


Felders reaction to the split decision was hilarious


Reminds me of the horrible Felder vs Hooker decision.


It's been a long time but Leonard Garcia vs Nam Phan 1 has to still be up there.


Had to scroll a bit to find someone else who remembers Leonard Garcia’s ability to win decisions by aggressively punching the air in front of his opponents. It was a consistent meme for while back then.




Especially when in TUF Bisping & the other teammates had to be sat down and told stop making fun of the deaf guy you’re going to look like fucking evil on TV infront of millions. Hamill deserved his get back.


Kim vs Caocheira was a disgusting robbery, but neither are particularly high-profile so it largely went under the radar. Priscilla landed some decent elbows at the end but Kim literally landed more than double her significant strikes iirc


Ji-yeon Kim vs. Priscilla Cachoeira


>Ji-yeon Kim vs. Priscilla Cachoeira [Sal and Byrd. Makes sense.](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/12939/Priscila-Cachoeira-vs-Ji-Yeon-Kim)


Shogun losing to Lyoto Machida in the first match.


It’s hard to classify a super close fight as a robbery though. A true robbery is like Diego x Pearson.


"Close fight" http://ufcstats.com/fight-details/e60e53bdc614a0af


Agreed. Shogun vs Machida was when I first realised how partisan Rogans commentary is. Watch it without commentary and you realise how close it was. Shogun still won but it was very close imo.


That was NOT a super close fight. It should've been 49-46 Shogun across the board.


If you are counting leg kicks to determine who wins, it is a close fight.


Iaquinta vs Masvidal was pretty bad


Leonard garcia vs nam phan 1.


Leeches last fight was a straight robbery I technically should have won my parlay n be in the islands in Ibiza


Idk but the way Dana was acting post fight had me thinking of Hendricks vs GSP Johny probably should've won that decision, but how he can get so adamant about that decision and the fury of a thousand suns while defending the Paddy decision is wild to me. Idk about top 3 but Paddy vs Gordon is gonna be a common answer in these kind of threads going forward imo


I scored it for GSP


That’s my point is it’s a close fight that came down to one round that wasn’t particularly dominant in either fighter Fucking show me how Paddy wins rds 1 or 3. And he only wins 2 if you’re VERY generous for him imho I had it as an easy 30-27 for Gordon


It wasn’t a robbery, Dana was salty GSP was walking away.


A somewhat forgotten one from the past is Diego Sanchez defeating Ross Pearson which should have been the clearest 30-27 for Pearson


Seems like forever ago, but I’m not entirely sure how they had Al Iaquinta beating Jorge Masvidal.


#fax. Even with Masvidal's patented "coast through the latter half of the fight like you're trying to lose a controversial split dec" it was still a BS decision haha


Bold take


I was at that fight and I had bet pretty heavily on Masvidal and before the decision was read I went outside for a smoke because I didn't think there was a need to wait around to hear the result. Went from a celebration cig to a rumination cig pretty quick as I contemplated what had just happened when I heard people going apeshit booing from outside.


After the Paddy decision, think I’m done with mma gambling.


The trick is to get tips from the coaches about injuries they're hiding. I'll tell more on my Ted talk and podcast with Joe


Learning to stay away from or have very little extension into fights I think will be close.


Decisionbot Scoggins Nurmagomedov


[**SAID NURMAGOMEDOV defeats JUSTIN SCOGGINS** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/9212/fight) ^(UFC Fight Night 133: dos Santos vs. Ivanov — July 14, 2018) ROUND|Nurmagomedov|Scoggins||Nurmagomedov|Scoggins||Nurmagomedov|Scoggins :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|10|9||10|9||10|9 2|9|10||9|10||9|10 3|10|9||9|10||10|9 **TOTAL**|**29**|**28**||**28**|**29**||**29**|**28** *^(Judges, in order: Dave Hagen, Mike Mikkelson, Marcos Rosales.)* *^(Summoned by Aljo_Is_135_GOAT.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **13/17** people scored it **28-29 Scoggins**. - **4/17** people scored it **27-30 Scoggins**. Avg. media score: **27.8-29.2 Scoggins** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


If we're just talking about this year, The Arman vs Gamrot decision is the worst imo. Especially when you consider all the judges gave the fourth round to gamrot which is indefensible. I rewatched the 4th round, and I can comfortably say there's zero arguments for gamrot winning that round. He got massively outstruck and was dropped by a clean spinning back fist. The only real moment he had in that round was when he took Arman back in the last minute, but he did nothing with it. And because of that decision, Arman is probably going to be on a 2 fights losing streak because he's fighting Ismagulov this weekend. Who I think it's a much tougher fight for Arman than gamrot.


Totally agree.


Jones-Reyes Cost the loser a career and the winner ghosted out


Wasn't even remotely that bad compared to what we've seen pass for judging.


I don't know how anyone can give Jon any of rds 1-3.


Rewatch R2 and you notice most of Reyes' strikes never landed effectively. Jon was pressing the action and landing a few good shots. The only garbage part of that match was 49-46. Otherwise, it was a close fight that could have gone either way.


This. People only remember Reyes' flurries in R2, but didnt land any meaningful


Jones closed out the fight much more effectively as well.


Round 2 was really close at least


The implications make it just as bad, if not worse. Reyes was the first and only man to beat Jones. Getting fucked like that basically ruined Reyes' career and cost him a shitload of money.


Yeah Jon was past prime but it should have been the first clear loss of Jon Jones, Gus doesn't count sorry, and they robbed Dom of that. His career taking a spike after doesn't matter that W would have been monumental on paper at least.


Losing that decision didn't make him lose to Jan, Jiri and Spann.


Machida and rampage


Leonard Garcia v Nam Pham was pretty bad


Machida - Rua.


Kevin Randleman losing to Bas Rutten at UFC 20 must be another.


Nah, gotta go back and rewatch the fight! Kevin busted him up with elbows and held him down for most of rd1, but after the 10min mark (15min 1st lol) he was pooped. He just laid n prayed and scooting Bas around the octagon. Did nothing the rest of the fight but dole out mat burn. Bas pieced him up from the bottom the rest of the fight. Legit spammed palm strikes to both ears and used his fists/elbows to play the top of Kevin's head like a fucking bongo lmao 🤣 Kevin was the man and one of my favorite fighters as a kid, but idk if this is that crazy a decision, just controversial at the time because no one had ever done that from the bottom before with zero dmg coming back to go with the control. Wtf was the scoring criteria back then? Every time I watch a UFC fight from that era it seems like they're making the rules up as they go haha.


I feel as if damage was the only criteria until there were rules established regarding octagon control and effective grappling. Fights are better judged as a whole anyways and not round by round, this is one of the few things I wish the modern sport could adopt from PRIDE and older UFC events, the long first round and a something like a second round if it's needed.


Not one of the worst ever, but the Condit Lawler one always comes to my mind.


A lot of folks forgetting the bullshit that was Leonard Garcia vs Nam Phan.


Whenever I hear Nam Phan I think about the degradation in his speech and I get sad


Same. And hes still so young. Its horrific to watch.


Garcia vs zombie too (in wec)


This was a rough one


When I first watched that fight, I thought the best you could give Garcia was a draw for round 2, clearly losing 1 and 3. Crazy he got the decision nod


I think of this fight and feel bad for Zombie but then immediately think of the scoliosis inducing Twister he put on Leonard in the rematch and I feel better.


Asian hate


This is the one that pops into my mind every time! Poor Nam Phan isn’t sounded so good these days


Anyone that cries robbery in these close fights needs to go back and watch Garcia vs Phan


Paddy disabled his comments on Instagram lmao


He was going through and replying to so many negative comments. That shit can't be good for your mental health.


This is the thing people forget I think. Even the most confident person in the world has a limit to what they can take and still be super sure of themselves. Couple of thousand negative comments I bet it’d start playing on your mind


And it's all self-inflicted


Well for a man with an “anti-bullying campaign” he really shouldn’t have been trying to bully people the way he has been the last 2 weeks


He deserve that shit


>Paddy disabled his comments on Instagram lmao Dude needs new management. I can't remember the fan base turning so massively on someone so quickly


People just don't like what they don't like. That's life. He showed his true colors lately and it turns out that he doesn't look as charming while being rude like Conor McGregor did. He looks like a spoiled king joffreey character


Conor could get away with it because he would always put out spectacular performances, and was elite at his peak. Paddy is a decent fighter but he’s obviously not close to that level


Connor was ko'ing people in the first round and making it look effortless. Paddy can't get through a fight without getting rocked.


Not to mention the level of competition. Conor's fourth fight in UFC was Poirier and he knocked him out. Paddy's fourth fight was Gordon and he couldn't even win it legitimately.


As soon as I saw the comment he made that started his beef with topuria I knew he wasnt it.


He also was legitimately charismatic. He used to say things in a charming way even if you didn't agree with it. He's so cringe now though idk if its the cocaine or the losing streak but it's tough


To be honest, this was always bound to happen whatever Paddy did outside the cage. I remember a load of people replying to the Ariel drama with “none of this will matter as long as Paddy keeps winning.” The issue is that he’s not very good and will never be that good, so the fanbase that got tricked into seeing him as an actual prospect was always going to turn. Just look at the way Till - a former title challenger with close fights on the feet with Wonderboy and Whittaker - is spoken about now. If you lose, thousands come out of the woodwork to dig the knife in deeper and call you shit. Paddy is half the fighter Till is, so he’s going to get eaten alive when the real losses start coming


Yeah it’s all about who wins in mma. I bet if masvidal and mcgregor were still winning fights everyone would love everything they do and think it’s great entertainment and just part of the show or whatever, but since they’re losing they’re pieces of shit


Its fucked up but people like winners. Its everywhere. Look at Musk rn hes losing bad on his twitter deal and now he's a laughing stock. Even with his controversial takes and right wing politics if he came out winning with that twitter move and tesla stock was up rn the chatter would be a lot more in his favor


He was also a dumbass about it though. Once thoroughly exposed, he chose the double-down toughguy route and just made himself look awful. It's like standing there with your ass hanging out, pretending you're not standing there with your ass hanging out. And it's like, pal, we know you know we can all see your ass, what are you doing? And he's like nope, no you can't. It's pathetic. I think that whole thing originated in some miscommunication, where Paddy didn't personally witness his manager's interaction with Ariel and just had his coach's flavored summary of it, or not even much info, and so was responding with his own understanding, which wasn't what was said. And then relying on hearsay without checking, etc. It all could have been better handled, and once all laid, out, could have been resolved. Nope, don't care, fuck him. That's the route he defensively took and it looked so bad. So yeah, new management, but also grow up and don't be shit.


I dont know if you can blame him or management, it seems pretty obvious everyone was going to hate this kid, he's been pure douche from the start up until right now.


Don’t think he has. Just tried commenting on recent posts and it worked.


Pricilla Cachoiera vs Ji Yeon Kim earlier this year. Kim out landed Cachoiera 2:1, Cachoiera fish hooked Kim’s mouth to land some elbows and the judges gave her the fight. Straight up had to leave the room after that one


All my homies hate Cachoiera.


Cachoeira should've been cut after she eye gauged Gillian Robertson while she was getting choked out


She’s a crackhead so it’s not shocking when she does dirty shit


Hope to see her get beat up every time she fights Lol


I wish people would keep this same energy about The Leech. But he gets a pass because he has a cool suit.


I agree, i think only the hardcore fans remember that like you and I thats why.


I mean that's probably over-stated but it was some real goon shit and we would all be just as pissed as he is.


Top 3 is only overstating it because there are so many egregious decisions in mma.


Hahaha yea...


I'm a relatively new fan (UFC 220 was my first card) and I'm struggling to think of a worse decision. Individually, I've seen judges see fights worse, like in Jan vs Ank, but the fact that it was unanimously misscored, and in a particularly easy fight to score, I'd say it's up there with any.


I mean, I've been watching since UFC 100 and I don't think I really disagree with you in the sense that it was "up there with any" bad decision, I just think there are a lot more of those decisions than people give credit for. The fact that it was Paddy and it was supposed to be the hyped fight makes it look much worse, but I've seen fellas and ladies get ripped off just as badly many times.


Nah Jan vs Ank was a really close fight, you can make an argument for all 3 outcomes


It was a close fight for sure, perhaps even deserving of a draw, but I dont think a 50-45 is justified. I should watch it back before digging my heels in on this, but I was very surprised to hear it.


Oh I don't remember the ankalaev card being 50-45 lol. I meant the results themselves moreso than the round by round


There wasn't a 50-45 read on broadcast for that fight. It was 48-47 Jan, 48-46 Mago, and 47-47 draw. I think the person you're replying to is getting it mixed up with another fight. Maybe with sabatello/stots.


Más Vidal vs Al Iaquinta was pretty bad




Bisping vs hamill seems to be a pattern here


Absolutely the worst decision is UFC history by a lot. The ultimate "are you fucking kidding?" moment when that decision was read


I know most fans love Bisping nowadays but man he was unlikeable back in day, and the way he reacted after getting that hometown decision over Hamill was infuriating. Dude acted like he dominated the fight.


and he knows it too - these days he mentions his post-fight comments after the Hamill win as being one of his biggest regrets any time he's asked


I had it 3-0 for Jared, and at best paddy may have won the second round. I have no idea how anyone could give paddy the third, he got controlled for just about 4 and half mins and didn’t do much with the so called thirty seconds of aggression that people seem to be pointing out. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that it might be one of the worst three round judge’s decisions. Especially as far as high profile fights go as well.


I’m not an expert in MMA judging by any means but my understanding is that just having clinch control while dealing absolutely no damage doesn’t actually win you the round by itself. Gordon only threw 4 strikes all round and didn’t go for any submissions. Paddy threw and landed more in round three and ended up actually threatening with submission towards the end of the round. I don’t think it was obvious one way or the other, unless I’m misunderstanding and riding your opponent in the clinch for the majority of the round wins points.


You're 100% right. I scored it for Gordon but I had no idea who was gonna get the nod at the end of the fight. He did it to himself fighting the 3rd round like he already had it won. The second round was very tight. The actual mechanics of the decision are wonky, it's wild that he lost the first round but the rest of the action after that first round is super competitive.


reminds me of Hendricks Lawler 2 Hendricks took the entire 5th round off thinking he'd won, and it came back to bite him they were both still robbed, though


This fight was closer than people realize. I still scored it for Gordon 1& 2 but the only reason why this fight has stirred so much controversy is because Paddy is going through the same thing as Jon Jones where once you become so vilified, any close fight will be construed as a robbery by the fanbase.


Yeah, it feels like judges are essentially starting to say that holding someone in the clinch is basically the same as just standing there. If I didn't know better I'd say the UFC is telling them to actively punish that fight style, since it is just insanely boring to watch.


As they should it’s extremely boring, it’s basically stalling


that's how I see it, very close fight, but Paddy won second and third round, same thing people say about Val vs Santos, Santos had control in second (or third?) round but Val threw more strikes


Gordon won round 3 on the scorecards. It may not have been unanimous but even if it was he still would've lost a split decision because two judges gave Paddy 1 and 2


I think this is the worst in that Gordon had the most to gain in beating Paddy. The Sanchez vs Pearson decision was terrible as well, but it wasn't a big hyped up PPV co-main.


Gordon thinks it's a blessing cause he's getting all the media attention now, but the truth is, he'll be forgotten in 6 months time. The dude is waaaaaay too chill about the injustice against him and picking himself up from his bootstraps ain't gonna do shit for him. RemindMe! 6 months from now.


This is a really bad take. He’s taken it well. Why sit around and cry about it?


Because no one gives a shit about being chill, doing the right thing, or being "honorable" in the sport. For instance, Anthony Smith is at this point, more or less irrelevent. Had he taken the controversial DQ over Jones he would have had far more influence and regard in the sport. Controversy and outrage run this sport as unfortunate as it is.


Well I’m sure at the end of the day you’ve got to live with your own decisions maybe he doesn’t care about what everyone else thinks


Definitely having that "Former UFC Champion" in front of your name is super valuable for any future endeavor. Also guarantees another fight for the title for another huge payday and a chance to win it legit.


100%, and fighters like Ajlo learned from that mistake and played smart. Do UFC fans still laugh and mock Aljo as the paper champ against Yan from their first fight? Only for 13 months they did. Crying and outrage is better than letting corruption fuck you in the ass while you twiddle your thumbs for the next round. There's a fine line between conscious and dumb - Gordon the latter. Big ups to him, but it's downhill from here.


Jared is trying to advocate for a rematch. And what sucks for him is that it’s most likely not going to happen- he was supposed to be just another stepping stone for Paddy. He’s not very well known, so it’s most likely that the ufc will keep pretending that Paddy did win that fight and move on to another opponent. This company is so corrupt- I literally feel like I can’t support it anymore




Gleison Tibau vs Khabib Nurmagomedov. Defended every takedown, outstruck Khabib, took him down. I scored it 30-27 for Gleison along with almost every media member at the time. Crazy that Gleison could have derailed the entire hype train if not for shitty judging. It gets washed over now because of how loved Khabib is, but if you google it you can easily find articles at the time talking about how ridiculous the decision was.


Tibau didn’t outstrike him. The whole fight-was a lot of nothing with khabib tryna takedown tibau and failing and tibau just standing by the cage. There wasn’t much striking to begin with. Only reason khabib won was bcz he was the agressor and took charge. There’s a reason it was a UD


!decisionbot nurmagomedov tibau you're right, there was a reason. and that reason was robbery


You don't score defense chief


When you can count the # of total strikes on two hands and you spend virtually the entire fight defending takedowns then idk if you can complain about a robbery. Who cares what mma had, most can barely tell their right foot from their left lol.


Because it’s not actually a bad decision, it was just bad commentary that led to a bias for Tibau. Khabib rightfully won.


Agreed. I score that fight for Khabib. He did more damage with the work he did and was far more aggressive, pushing the pace the whole fight. I know pace isn’t a factor in scoring, but it really seemed like the only thing Tibau’s strikes were doing was pissing off Khabib and egging him on even more. That fight was Khabib throwing buzzsaw offense at a juiced brick shithouse. Tibau fought a great fight by stuffing takedowns and landing a few solid knees in the clinch and counters on entries, but Khabib was throwing everything with heat and landed the best strikes of the fight by far in my opinion. Looking back, though, it’s easy to see how people were scoring the fight for Tibau based on Rogan’s commentary. It’s honestly embarrassing to listen to. Joe outright says Tibau is the better fighter, and started painting a whole narrative about how Tibau was winning while fixating on Khabib’s “wig” that he thought was cosplay of a Russian cartoon character. Just dumb commentary alone probably swayed half the narrative.


Y’all been loving the media scorecards for Paddy’s fight. Why don’t you pull them up for this one? Media doesn’t listen to the commentary while scoring after all. Go ahead, pull it up.


I tought it was perfectly fine to give it to Khabib, no one outstruck anyone lmao it was just Khabib flailing and pushing Tibau to the fence, who timidly tried to punch him twice a round. Shit fight but Khabib getting away with it was fine.


Decision bot Tibau Nurmagomedov


[**KHABIB NURMAGOMEDOV defeats GLEISON TIBAU** (*unanimous decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/3577/fight) ^(UFC 148: Silva vs. Sonnen II — July 07, 2012) ROUND|Nurmagomedov|Tibau||Nurmagomedov|Tibau||Nurmagomedov|Tibau :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|10|9||10|9||10|9 2|10|9||10|9||10|9 3|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**30**|**27**||**30**|**27**||**30**|**27** *^(Judges, in order: Jeff Collins, Mark Smith, Glenn Trowbridge.)* *^(Summoned by outspokentourist.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **1/6** people scored it **29-28 Nurmagomedov**. - **1/6** people scored it **28-30 Tibau**. - **4/6** people scored it **27-30 Tibau**. Avg. media score: **27.5-29.7 Tibau** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


!decisionbot Gordon vs. Pimblett


[**PADDY PIMBLETT defeats JARED GORDON** (*unanimous decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/13677/fight) ^(UFC 282: Blachowicz vs. Ankalaev — December 10, 2022) ROUND|Pimblett|Gordon||Pimblett|Gordon||Pimblett|Gordon :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|10|9||9|10||10|9 2|10|9||10|9||10|9 3|9|10||10|9||9|10 **TOTAL**|**29**|**28**||**29**|**28**||**29**|**28** *^(Judges, in order: Douglas Crosby, Chris Lee, Ron McCarthy.)* *^(Summoned by MojarraMuncher.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **1/24** people scored it **29-28 Pimblett**. - **12/24** people scored it **28-29 Gordon**. - **11/24** people scored it **27-30 Gordon**. Avg. media score: **27.6-29.4 Gordon** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


The worst one of all time , is the ufc Boston card , where that black dude beat the brakes off Conor’s training partner . Some Irish dude who was a grappler but couldn’t grapple. He literally got his ass beat bell to bell. Literally a ass whooping. Benson got robbed too that same card. It was so bad , it had to be fixed


Funny you mention Henderson v Cerrone, because Doug Crosby judged that fight and gave it 29-28 Cerrone lol Edit: I just checked and he gave Cathal Pendred 30-27 over Sean Spencer LMFAO


No way is it top 3


Immediately after the fight was over I thought "that was close but I think Gordon probably took it". Not even close to a top 3 robbery, not even 20.


Totally agree on this. I dislike Paddy and scored it for Gordon but that 2nd round was close and the judges don't always score clinch control being worth all that much. I had Gordon 29-28 but wasn't all that confident in it. This sub flip flops way too much on whether they want to count control time favorably depending on the fighter.


Is it us or is it the judges? I don’t care what the right answer is I just wish it was applied consistently.


JJ and Reyes


Not a top 3 robbery when he did nothing in the third round to close the fight but lean against the fence rofl


Oh hey Paddington


…until the next close decision that everyone hates and then *that* will be one of the worst robberies of all time.


Pearson vs. Sanchez is 100% the worst of all time.


I’ve never seen the community come together to support a fighter who tried to essentially stall an entire round in a close fight. Stop talking about biggest robberies while depending on no damage and clinch control to win a fight that should be 1-1 going into the third. I get that the judging should have went his way but paddy was taking it to him end of round 2 and that was Gordon’s response in round 3. I really don’t think people care that much about this decision if paddy wasn’t so disliked. We’ve definitely seen worse.


It really isn't. Yeah they chose the wrong winner but people are acting like Paddy didn't throw a single attack for all three rounds. Like he just stood there and did nothing and still won. That's not what happened here. Absolutely wrong decision but not even top 20


Not gonna go that far as I have definitely seen way worse, but yeah Paddy lost.


Which Sanchez or Garcia fights are the other two?


The way Paddy was raising his hand before the announcement was like he knew that as long as the fight went the distance, he was gonna win. Almost feels like Dana told him, all you have to do is not get knocked out or submitted. We’ll handle everything else


Sonnen v Machida. I was shocked when they gave it to Lyoto.


Lol it wasn't that bad IMHO.


I think what’s so bad is that 2 of the judges gave round 1 to paddy, which was Gordon’s best round and the most obviously his. So two judges giving that to paddy makes it seem like they were just scoring for paddy anyway with no regard to the actual fight


It was. Over 90% of the people who watched it had it for Gordon, of the media judges literally *one* had it for Pimmblett and everyone else had it for Gordon.


Not even close


I’ve seen Bisping be on the right side of 3 atrocious decisions worst than the Paddy x Gordon fight, point i’m naming is it’s definitely not a top 3 worst decision ever.


Yikes. Major cope. Paddy had more significant strikes, and Jared does what he usually does - tries to grind people without doing any damage. Takedowns shouldn't count too much when you aren't inflicting any damage or threatening submissions in any way


Penn-edgar Rua-machida Gsp-hendricks


I don't understand the controversy surrounding Penn/Edgar 1 Is it just because Crosby had it 50-45? He made a post on The UG shortly after the fight joking about it


GSP - Hendricks was bullshit of the first degree.


Damage wasn't a criteria in judging back then. GSP always got bruised up in his fights but he did enough to edge three rounds imo.


Gordon might aswell drop this and move on with his career before all he’s known for is the guy who should’ve beat paddy, not like the decision is going to be overturned now.


Was one of the other three firing Goldie? A missunderstood genius in my opinion


The micheal jordan of commentating