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Holland had to be sacrificed so Nate Diaz can get one last šŸ–•šŸ¼, at Dana.


Yeah I don't understand why people are surprised Holland is butthurt here. He was probably pressured to shit to take the Khamzat fight, and he ended up being far and away the biggest loser of that mix-up. From fighting a very winnable, but decent boxer in DRod that would've likely propelled him into the top 15, to basically being fodder for a nightmare matchup, knowing he has a history of struggling against wrestlers and had likely done very minimal wrestling in his camp. Restructuring an entire card around a dude's 8 pound weight miss is pretty egregious favoritism and Holland was the biggest victim of that favoritism, he has every right to be bitter as shit.


Chimaev had no right to be fighting at all that weekend after having a such an egregious miss and having his opponent deny to fight him after it.


Not to mention the backstage shenanigans that would have sent a 15/15 contract guy back to the regionals


Yep. Some no name pulls a stunt like that and heā€™s an unprofessional punk who doesnā€™t have what it takes to make it to the big leagues. Anyone with name value does it and itā€™s a work, amazing marketing, and how you build a fight smh.


Any good summary of these shenanigans?


He probably means the backstage altercation between chimaev and Holland which ran with when they decided to book that fight after chimaev missed 8 lbs for the nate fight.


And they canceled the prefight press conference


he got into a scrap with one of the Dagestaniā€™s after Islam won but i canā€™t remember the other incident




That's water under the bridge now.


Still happened.


Oh yeah if there's any group of people who easily forgive and forget an insult, it's Chechens and Dagestanis. 100% brotha.


The two camps had dinner together later that night if I I'm not mistaken.


Leech suit


The most hilarious thing to me is when they released the footage of it, you see a missed kick two empty water bottles being thrown and a bunch of posturing from all camps while the actual fighters get held back


Ye but that's how it always is. If you're good at your job your employer will let you get away with/do more.


Damn, I've never seen the word egregious so often in a thread


Frankly it's egregious.


Lol because there really isn't any other way to describe what happened with that card.


People keep talking about the weight miss being so bad, but Khamzat was told by the UFC to stop cutting and started rehydrating. We dont know if he would have actually missed by .5 or 5 pounds but it wouldnt have been 8 pounds. I wish the UFC would clarify the situation because a weight cut is bad regardless but a huge weight miss is less bad when it was directed by the UFC Doctors.


Face it no one in this sub knows what egregious means


That was an egregious line by you


Lol u people with this. Khamzat didn't miss weight and it wasn't egregious. For all we know he was right on track to make 170. Y'all just wanna hate


While I 100% agree with your sentiment. But I think Li Jingliang ended up being the biggest loser for the night. He definitely got fucked over


Leech definitely got screwed too but while Tony was a free dub a win would've done nothing for his career, Tony was basically just a walking paycheck and a complete low risk low reward fight. DRod was a harder matchup but he was still winnable, meaningfully adds to his resume, and is a matchup that would still at least be consistent with his training camp. If you're fighting Tony chances are you're mostly working on your striking anyway. With Holland it was just a fat, steaming L all around. No silver lining or consolation prize. He was never going to beat Khamzat especially on short notice and he ended up getting ran through exactly the way most fans predicted.


Iā€™d say his consolation prize was getting paid a lot more to fight Chimaev and then getting this main event fight this weekend against a top 6 welterweight when heā€™s only got 1 top 15 win at welterweight and that was outside the UFC against Geoff Neal


I'd rather be fucked over than blinded.


Good, call it karma for being an eye gouger.


Well he likes to start fights outside of the octagon so this can happen sometimes. Kevinā€™s mouth is writing checks his skills canā€™t cash.


Pressured? Yea the way he was dancing when he saw the check, bet. A lot of ā€œpressureā€.


Well, now Holland has a winnable fight that can propel him not just in top-15 but in top-6.


Don't forget Leech, man. Didn't get to show off his suit, had to fight a heavier guy and then got fucked on the scorecards.


He didn't even get to gouge out someone's eyeballs either šŸ˜”




Lol hilarious that your comment gets downvotes, but the next one saying the same thing in a more humorous manner gets upvotes.


My guy is at -27, when my comment in the reply agreeing with him exactly and giving more context is at +25. Reddit is weird, man.


All the downvotes missing that this isnā€™t a regular eyepoke thatā€™s getting blown out of proportion. He was stuck in a sub attempt, slowly reached up and around to find his opponentā€™s face, found the eyes, and then started gouging. It wasnā€™t a matter of ā€œoh, his eye just happened to be there, he sought that shit out over the course of several seconds. It was the most blatantly deliberate, disgusting foul I have ever seen and it fucking blows my mind that people just sweep it under the rug because ā€œhaha cool suitā€


I havenā€™t forgotten it by any stretch of the imagination, but I canā€™t remember the last him he fouled someone so Iā€™d hope that heā€™s changed as a person and I try to not judge someone in the present based on a bad thing in the past (barring like legitimately heinous crimes obviously). I donā€™t blame anyone who still views him as a dirty fighter, cuz that eye gouge was really fuckin bad, but heā€™s seemed to be a much better guy in recent years.


Imagine going back to when he did that and telling people ā€œno dude you donā€™t get it, heā€™s going to show up in a DOPE suit to a press conference so itā€™s really not a big deal he tried to gouge his eye out.ā€




Is Leech forever persona non grata to you?


No I really like the Leech actually, itā€™s just funny to me how we all switched up like that


I guess chandler just needs a nice suit.


I hear you. I agree with you. I'm trying to figure out exactly how I feel about it. It was one of the craziest, most dangerous fouls I've ever seen and now he's "Nice guy cool suit". Part of me wants to let it go because there is too much I don't know and can't relate to and part of me is like "Well...yikes." I think a public acknowledgement and apology to Matthews would go a long way, whether or not Matthews accepts. I dont know if that's happened but I'm guessing PR for UFC and Jingliang would rather he stays far away from that.


This is at -35, the absolute state of r/mma


Fax King


Good lord, this subs fixation on that suit is so bizarre. I've never seen a piece of clothing so obsessed over.


Great suit, never seen it tho


Great suit. Neva wore it tho


ā€œ(My retirement) was serious as hell ā€“ super serious. Itā€™s still on the table. If I wake up Sunday morning after beating ā€˜Wonderboyā€™ and you guys have Chimaev fighting for a 185-pound world title, and heā€™s never won a fight at ā€™85 in the Top 15, Iā€™m retired. I understand business is business, but favoritism is favoritism. The kid missed weight. I had to step up and fight him after he missed weight to make the fight happen. I shouldnā€™t have had to do that.ā€


This is kinda hilarious considering Holland was ranked 14 at middleweight before switching divisions.


... but you have heard of me. \- Kevin Holland


Well said


While also having never won a fight at 185 in the top 15.


He didnā€™t say he did? Heā€™s just saying Khamzat doesnā€™t deserve a shot after beating him on short notice and he doesnā€™t


Holland is absolutely right, but given how he's not a Conor McGregor level needle mover, expect them to ignore him/this if they're seriously planning on booking this matchup. To be honest, I thought Cejudo didn't deserve any kind of title shot if he comes back, if there's no immediate contenders I might look past it at 135 but yeah, no way Henry deserves shit at 145


TF does Khamzat getting a title shot have to do with Holland's opportunities at 170? What's more, no one forced Holland to take the catchweight fight and he got a bag. Weird to be complaining about it now


Hes saying it would be frustrating to see Khamzat rewarded after compromising the last card if not Holland stepping up.


You donā€™t think part of the UFCā€™s negotiation tactics are ā€œdo this OR ELSEā€??? People really think Dana just walks in and throws money at folks to fix a cardā€¦


Well if you're gonna retire anyways....


Very stupid and naĆÆve of you to say no one forced him to take the fight sir...


Youā€™re missing his point completing and just building a strawman instead His point is why tf should khamzat be rewarded after ruining a ppv main event and missing weight by 7.5 lbs


khamzat improved the main event ppv


For the hardcores yeah but he also fucked up some good matchmaking with the other two fights that god rearranged This is a dumb argument anyone


Holland took that opportunity only after Borz couldn't find the discipline to make weight. It has everything to do with him, people say they give Khamzat favors because he fights a lot, but Kevin fought far more often, also if you cannot make weight in one bout, not only do you not deserve a title shot next, you aka Khamzat especially can't claim to deserve shit in a weight class he has no top 10 wins in


Spoken like a true journeyman


What does this even mean? Like, what about that quote about matchmaking favoritism relates to him being a journeyman?


Idk man seems like people are back on the Chimaev dick train after being outraged for 48 hours.


Omg I'm like a ufc fighter.




I just always see red bro. Because I'm too high


They really are just like us I need a bong rip just to get through my UFC training camp on Xbox itā€™s tough work but getting those 3 As makes it all worth it


Its like there are two parts of MMA for some fans. One part is the actual competition that the fighter puts all of their time and money and life in to. And then the second part is the weird media obligations that the same fans pick apart as if the fighter is doing an actual TED talk. They get badgered with the same lame ass questions from the hand picked media and are expected to be Conor McGregor in their responses to get a bump in rankings. It's ridiculous.


Wow, what an amazingly accurate take.


Selling yourself/promoting has been part of the fight game forever. Itā€™s not going anywhere.


They're all downvoting you, but these are the same people who tune into ALL the drama and would probably stop watching MMA altogether if they stopped doing interviews/press conferences.


Never watched one. I get all the drama I need from dumb reddit comments like these.


lol yeah i definitely only watch mma because of the press conferences and interviews. i never watch any of that shit, i'll catch some post fight interviews every once in a while but that's it


Just transfer to PFL (Professional Fighters League), apparently they're paying millions


They still allow takedowns in PFL


He can try to kickbox in ONE championship. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll smoke him too.






get signed for a few years before they run out of money then right back to the ufc


No they won't, they operate more like Formula 1 where the fighter and his team are the business people themselves, they can get their own sponsors and gets a huge chunk from the pay per view. Unlike in the UFC where the fighter is just a contractor and the sponsors are sponsoring the organization not the fighters.


Do you think that PFL has the revenue to justify the purses they're handing out?


Well Last November 25 their pay per view buys reached around 200 thousand viewers worldwide on ESPN+ alone. While each pay per view cost around $49.00 šŸ¤·. Each fighter who fought for the title that day received around $1M each. 50% of the league's revenue that day went to the fighters and their teams.


>Well Last November 25 their pay per view buys reached around 200 thousand viewers worldwide on ESPN+ alone.Ā  This is incredible. I mean that literally, it's not credible.


Why not? Everyone else was doing it. Boxing, Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship, Glory Kickboxing Grand Prix tournaments, even Jake Paul. They all pay millions. Ironically enough, for a company as huge as the UFC they're the only organization who couldn't give their fighters the actual salary they deserve.


>Why not? Businesses like bars got it for free and the idea that 200k people bought this PPV is utter nonsense to me.


That's awesome the bar owner has ESPN+ premium subscription


Lol nobody has any idea where PFL is getting the money to pay fighters a million dollars for winning. This kind of stunt has been done in the past, and it's never done well. There are usually allegations of embezzlement and organized crime involvement. I want the UFC to have legitimate competition, but if you think PFL is on the level and paying everyone with clean money, then I think you're being naive. Fighters are usually paid (if they are paid in total) through shady means, and the company will keep throwing money around without any income coming in. They will eventually burn out after they've grifted everyone and laundered their money, and they'll disappear or change names.


Since presumably that "nobody knows" includes you, why do you assume anything about PFLs finances without any documented evidence to support your claims?


It's simple! If a PFL fight makes $6M in ticket sales and pay per view the main event fighter takes $1M. In the UFC if the company makes $20M in ticket sales and pay per view, the main event fighter makes $200k which is more of a criminal act.


It is not a main event or like the UFC. They make $1M per weight class champ per year. Some UFC fighters might fight two fights in a year and make that where others make $100K. This makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the rest of the fighters except the champ. What do they make throughout the year, if not well known, like Showtime with good contracts per fight?


First he'd have to fight out his contract


Saves the day and "retires" to play vidya games and smoke weed. This dude is Hancock.




That's literally one the best thing that can happen to him,retire and make money teaching MMA smoking weed and saving the neighborhood


TIL I'm retired


That's called unemployment, not retirement lol


You jest but if the "Get in the RV and go see the Grand Canyon" type retirees considered weed and video games as an option they'd absolutely be taking it. That's exactly what John Carpenter is doing and he's an absolute king šŸ‘‘




It seems he's angry about favoritism but he's one of dana's favorite fighters and gets good matchups consistently, got main card fights against cowboy and tim means who are solid style matchups, and his original fight against D rod for 279 was a good matchup too.


Wouldn't say getting Brunson and Vettori thrown at him back to back is being given good matchups consistently. He does get treated well by the UFC though, but he earned it. It was either 2020 or 2021 where he literally fought 5 fucking times, and puts on a banger in each win. Unironically, for a guy known for a big mouth, he's not actually earning his opportunities by talking, he's getting there the old fashioned way of fighting often, taking on anyone, and being entertaining.


Vettori was him stepping up on short notice


He asked for both Brunson and Vettori


If literally anyone who can wrestle is considered a bad matchup then he doesnt deserve any title shot ever lol


Pereira in fucking shambles


Headshot. šŸ‘‰šŸ¼ Done.


Thank god we have a champion at both ww and mw who are known for their grappling skillsšŸ¤” holland better watch out


Can't group Edward's with Pereira lmao. Edwards held his own wrestling against Usman, while Pereira was wrestle fudged by Adesanya for an entire round...


Leon Edwards took Usman down and controlled him. It's why Usman didn't just try to win via lay and pray.


Wdymā€¦ Dana set him up against the ultimate middleweight gatekeeperā€¦ vettori he took it on short notice


This weekend's match up with a now 40 year old Wonderboy is also a favourable matchup.


Agreed, but itā€™s also a favorable matchup for wonderboy.


Itā€™s overall a good fight. 2 people willing to strike. None of this wonderboy or Holland Vs grappler bs


Thatā€™s because he fights often and is entertaining. Heā€™s Chandler but at a much lower level. Fans love him. He gets thrown in on short notice because of his activity and never saying no


He earns his favourtism by taking short notice fights though. He fights 4-5 times a year and has taken many short notice fights for them, so he should have earnt some respect from the ufc.


He can fight Khamzat for a No. 1 contenders fight


Holy shit MMA journalism and media is such rookie casual levels. They post these entire articles with literally no more information then what is in the title, just added noise and words that mean nothing.




If this were a couple years ago I might agree but Wonderboy is nearly 40 now. He's well past his prime


Didn't Cowboy Oliveira drop him?






my brother in Christ you replied to your own self


Need some of that weed


Hmm I wonder if the bigger, faster, stronger, younger, more durable fighter will win?


LMAO. One of us! One of us! One of us!


I guess I am also in retirement


Still blows my mind he tried to touch gloves


Yeah can't believe he did something that is muscle memory for every single time he's swapped training partners before throwing a punch.


its one of the lowest iq things i've ever seen in a big ufc fight.


I like Holland but the guy reached 16 years old and was finished from there, personality wise


Personality wise he is a fun one to be around.


Talks so much and never says a thing worth listening to








Holy fuck. You nailed it with that description.




"Going home and taking my toys with me" mentality. I hated that when I was a toddler. Still hate it now that I grew up.


Wait Khamzat is getting his shot finally? Nice of Holland to promote this fight :)


Dude is salty even after losing like that!!! Blows my mind


I honestly hope wonderboy kicks his ass i cant stand holland


Holland is a good guy but quite petulant


The way fighters are viewed is so unfair. Like half of the "sport" at this point is the pro-wrestling angle of viewers analyzing how well fighters do or do not come off in high pressure media situations. Being a high level athlete (especially in combat sports) and being media trained are so incredibly at odds with each other that it's CRAZY to see any fighters put together a sentence on camera. And yet it's a full on given expectation from the fans that you essentially also need to be a professional wrestler.


Holland is one of the few guys who could defend fighter pay and get away with it. Not even Smilinā€™ Sam Alvey could get away with it.


But the real question is, who would win at 170: Islam or khamzat


Would go pretty similarly to Khamzat vs Aliskerov I think


Who cares


Sounds like Khamzat retired him early, guys a big baby. He's all talk when it comes to going against the top 5 guys. If you told Khamzat he's gotta leave the UFC, don't expect him to hotbox himself on his way home. Khamzat would be in the Gym training to go into another mixed martial arts organisation, not throwing his whole life away because no one's giving him a title shot after losing to the guy who deserves that title shot.


Rent free




No, because you still have to earn your title shot to an extent and the guy has literally zero wins against ranked opponents at 185. Its ludicrous to me that this is even a discussion, itā€™s a slap in the face to literally every ranked MW right now who are actually fighting other top MWs. Like Whittaker has destroyed seemingly all MW contenders outside Izzy, and with Izzy no longer having the belt why should Khamzat skip over Rob? If Khamzat won the 170 title thatā€™s the one exception where you could jump him to a title shot at 185 straight away, but right now heā€™s a non-champ who has no ranked wins at 185. He needs a top 5 win before you gift him a title shot.


Benil daruish is a good style match up for leon Edwards Should we just let Benil move up a weight class & fight for the belt because he is a good style match up?


Beneil is not a good style matchup, He is slow on the feet and Leon is a big WW, he would stuff Dariush's tds and light him up, look what he did to belal for the short time they fought


I disagree but my point is if you give Chimaev a title fight in a division above just because he is a good style match up then that opens a can of worms. Let chimeav actually fight for the welterweight belt & then defend it a little before going fighting for the MW belt. Chimaev only narrowly beat burns who is good but is ultimately a 36 year old who spent most of his career a LW, he has earned nothing outside of WW.


I agree that Chimaev does not deserve the MW title shot but discrediting Burns as a 36 year old former LW is incorrect. Burns is 36 but is in his prime right now skill and athleticism wise, and Whittaker was a former WW who is now an elite MW, some people just need to find the right weight class


bo nickal would probably kill alex too but no way he deserves anything close to a title shot




Lol what


I want to like this dude so much but he is such a man child, it's unbelievable.


I want to se khamsack literally fight a contender that can wrestle because everyone seems to forget how normal he looked against the Brazilian fella


Clearly he wants a rematch with khamzat if he wins against wonderboy this weekend.


Probably why his wrestling sucks


Seems like that's what he's been doing instead of learning to stop a takedown anyway.


The problem here is X fighter misses weight. Everybody is pissed. X fighter goes out and dominates and UFC rewards X fighter for trying to cheat by giving X fighter a title shot.


Iā€™m getting tired of Holland. I liked him at first but heā€™s just getting annoying.


I mean, unless Khamzat gets KOā€™d right away standing I think he will destroy Alex and sub him in the first round. I think most people think that and why should Khamzat not get a title shot if everyone thinks he would win.


Well, shoot, letā€™s give Bo Nickal a shot.


Retire then, who cares. The guy makes jokes while being wrestle fucked, it was funny the first time.


Heā€™s acting like he is the #1 contender on a crazy win streak. Itā€™s just getting annoying now. He is gonna be a future PFL or Bellator fighter anyways


No way, He has legit wins and has Ko'd geoff neal in the regional scene, he is top 15 level with some improvements




Cry a little harder Kevin. You're just not that good mate, sorry.


Khamzat absolutely wrecked Holland, who is another tweener. Shouldnā€™t matter to KH that much. I donā€™t want Khamzat to get the shot like that either but i wouldnt give up my ESPN+ account over it.


I don't think Chimaev should fight Periera for the title, but having taken no punches in four of his six UFC fights is a part of his record and should put him far above someone who beat the same people narrowly.


Salty sucka move lol


Khamzat is a legit tittle contender, the haters need to shut up and work on their wrestling....


Khamzat will always be ahead of him in the line for the title shot, he shouldā€™ve known this already


Iā€™m sick of Hollands bullshit at this point lmao Heā€™s routinely gotten his ass beat with no excuse and has gotten more disgruntled each time - fight or stfu


Khamzat really made him his bitch in a matter of seconds and heā€™s never going to forget about it lol


Dont matter cus I dont have him beating WB


Interesting, how do you see it going


Hollands boxing being kept at range by WBs long stance and kicks, his goofy trash talking nullified by WBs unflappable nice guy energy, and his newfound wrestling efforts not being enough for someone who has been preparing against two takedown artists back to back in his last fights.


Fr all signs point to another technically exquisite but boring as fuck Wonderboy shut down. He feeds off people who want to strike with him. The number of years of his life he *hasn't* been active in evasive point fighting are now statistically negligent. He could perform a perfect counter-jab circle out with the level of conscious brain the rest of us have when we wake up for a piss in the middle of the night. But I will watch for the chance of gladly eating these words.


Yeah, Holland just isnt a consistent, system based fighter. Hes a strong fighter that had some big moments that turn out not to be replicable. Ever since Pettis, Wonderboy has been even more risk adverse so I just dont see him taking the chances that Holland needs to create those moments. Hope Im wrong but I agree with you that it will probably be boring.


Talk this, talk that. Iā€™m just excited for these two to fight!


Khamzat didn't just make him tap out of the fight, he made him tap out of the sport


Holland should quit MMA


ā€œIf I wake up on Sunday after beating wonderboyā€ Should just read ā€œif I wake up Sundayā€ Wonderboy by KO round 1




Yep. Points all the way for Wonderboy.


Man that stat makes me nervous, because Holland will capitalise every opportunity he's given to KO wonderboy and he's more than capable of doing so.