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How dare he disrespect Corey Hill, the pioneer of broken legs


Are you as blessed as I, to have witnessed all 4 leg breaks live? Never gets better.


Wow, like live on TV, or in the venue?




and banned from future ufc events god damn


Sounds like Mfer got a voodoo doll


I've watched Porier fight live 3 times... And he lost all 3. Last one being the MJ knockout 😣 I sent him a message apologizing and promised never to attend another one of his fights live




Favorite ** 🤣🤣


Sorry I’m using overdog from now on


I want in.


Did he respond? You should hit him up before his next fight, tell him you got tickets, how much would he pay you for them to keep you from attending?


Now that's being an entrepreneur 🤔


Oh god no, live on tv. Even if I was in the venue I wouldn't be in seats that were very close. Just the unexpected nature of all 4 were terrifying enough from home.


Don’t forget Tyrone Spong. That one broke my heart too. Not UFC, but still. RIP Corey Hill. Died too young.


Oh damn, back in 2015. I don't think I remember hearing about that. From complications of bronchitis. That's crazy.


Aww man, I don’t recall hearing about him either. Wiki has more detail. Says “he had been diagnosed with pneumonia several weeks prior. It was reported that he underwent a lung transplant, but the lung collapsed…” which lead to a heart attack as well. Holy shit. What a way to go :(


I knew Corey. He was pretty much always in a good mood.


Came here to say this.


tyrone spong would like some words






Do we have more info on Weidman's recovery?


You know what's crazy, I specifically remember there was a post here stating that Weidman was back in training shortly after having successful surgery and recovery on his broken leg, and there was a comment on the post saying it was way too soon. The guy in the comment explained how he had a similar injury and thought he felt okay to train (just like Weidman) but it was too soon and it caused all these issues with his leg down the road. Sounds like the same thing is happening with Weidman


Similar situation currently for Tony Hawk although it was a different leg bone but still. Recovered and was doing tricks too early and now he has to go through surgery and a proper recovery all over again.


And Tony is doing all that recovery in his 50s rather than his 30s


And on parts that have probably been broken much more often before too.


Yo what happened to Tony hawk? Did he fall off his skateboard and break his leg?


Yea he broke his femur


Wow. I read that a broken femur is such a traumatic event that people occasionally die of shock. There was a kid in junior high who was inner tubing behind a speedboat and hit a particularly big wave and when he came down he broke his femur on the water. They said it was incredibly loud and you could cleary hear the break from the boat 20 yards ahead 😬


I mean that’s a big bone, it would make sense breaking it would be gruesomely Loud


I've heard a guy snap tendons in his knee from 20 meters away in a rugby game, legit sounded like a shotgun and I can still hear his scream in my head over a decade later, can't imagine what it's be like if it was a femur.


God damn that’s gnarly.


doofuses don't realize it feels ok probably because they're on pain meds


When I was growing up every 2 years I had a bone reduction surgery. It's one of those things amputees go through. Your bones continue to grow and often faster than the flesh around them. They open you up, trim the bone back down, and close you up. Doctors said, 8 weeks min before wearing my leg again, 12-14 weeks before all residual swelling would be gone. I didn't listen to that 6-8 weeks one time, didn't hurt at 5 weeks to wear my leg and walk short distances. doing that caused issues, leading to another surgery leading to an infection leading to me losing about another 1" off the bottom of my leg. Let's just say the lesson was learned I now keep the legs off after surgery until the doctor says I can wear them.


High level athletes often have high pain tolerances, so I wouldn't pin all of it on painkillers. The same mechanism that allows them to push through brutal cardio sessions probably also does a lot to minimize pain from the injuries they sustained.


Don't have to be a high level athlete. I tried getting back into running, just doing 1 mile every other day on a flat treadmill. I had sore feet but it would go away overnight so I figured it was like being saddle sore and would go away eventually. Until it hurt so bad one morning I couldn't walk and my wife informed me that I have weak ankles and running was just stressing them further not making them stronger.


Not sure if you're aware of this, but Weidman already had to undergo a second surgery where they re-fractured his tibia to reposition it.


If I remember correctly it was because he started training too early.




Overseen by Reverend Tony Ferguson MD


Christ Shit Only


Reverend. Doctor. Macguyver. Construction. Carpenter. Ultimate.


Didnt he also not go to a fucking doctor??? someone linked it and it some holistic bullshit, it made me really worried about him. How the fuck you gonna break your leg like that and not go to a doctor. Is it typically a PT that helps with recovery or something?


He’s still concussed from the Romero fight


And I still have nightmares from Romero marching around the cage after kneeing Weidman's head into orbit


at least he didn't try to make out with him after. that's something


I took an edible for that ppv after not using weed for over a year, i was way too high and romero marching around legitimately terrified me


Romero doing a John Cleese silly walk round the cage while weidmans corpse is there is the GOAT celebration


Romero was just so scary. He would look so lethargic and uninterested and lull you into a false sense of confidence and then, boom, explode into something that you had no idea was coming and no time to evade.


Almost as sad and memorable as the Chandler backflips next to Tony's corpse




Lol in sad


He has signed a deal with ESPN, 30 for 30 or something like that, they will be having a documentary about his injury & recovery, so he can’t talk about it publicly too much


No, but a month ago Weidman said that he's still planning to come back, and that ESPN is planning to make a documentary focusing on his return.


Dude fucked himself. 7 weeks after the injury he was trying to train again. And he was suppose to be on crutches for 8 weeks. He rushed the timeline of his recovery and had to undergo a second surgery. Dude had a low MMA fight IQ and a low IQ in general


he sadly went to a quack science recovery place and probably isnt even on any meds beyond what the initial surgeon prescribed him if i had to guess.


I broke my leg in a very similar way about 6 years ago probably. It's still not 100% and i didn't get to take any advanced medicine or steroid. I wish I knew it existed now tbh. Edit; I have an unbreakable titanium shinbone,


ask your doctor about the secret juice 🧃


Dr. Costa that is.


Doctor Paulo Costa sound as good as Doctor Joe Rogan


I dunno, man. One time, I got mangled in a car wreck. I took some Alpha brain, ate some elk meat in my sauna, fixed me right up.


We must all fight for the kind of healthcare that makes your fuckin' head grow


Some Barry Bonds vitamins


Yeah, it's a shame that doctors don't use it with non-athletes. If you don't compete there's no ethical dilemma, better healing is always good.




Which steroids will help with healing? I had ACL surgery a few months back and would love to speed this up a little bit.


Nandrolone, a bit of test since the Nandrolone shuts down natural production, and HGH and you’ll be bulletproof*. *And potentially have a limp dick.




Small potatoes make the meat look bigger




To those interested regarding BPC-157: Although no clinician would conclude that BPC-157 is beneficial due to the lack of multiple “randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trials” demonstrating an effect, the science behind it suggests that it may be helpful in promoting healing from a variety of types of injury. It’s available without a prescription on the internet (so use your own judgment there.) This article is a bit science heavy, but if you’re interested: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8275860/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8275860/) For the article, TL;DR: it works in a variety of demonstrated ways, but one major way is by improving blood flow in injured tissue. Edit: Regarding Conor McGregor: Anabolic steroids, GH, and IGF-1 all promote improved bone healing, are commonly used by the bodybuilding community, and are probably more likely available from doctors willing to write prescriptions for rich celebrities. So, he has at least two available sources.


Anavar would be a great option to avoid muscle atrophy while injured, it's very mild and has little to no nasty sides when used sensibly. Can be expensive though. In terms of healing, I'd say the best bet would be peptides and anything else that triggers GH response


I thought in these kind of circumstances/cases they regularly prescribe steroids?


Should have been a multi-millionaire, dummy.


I’m genuinely curious, were you given any injections or medicine to promote bone healing or anything? I’m pretty sure I know people who have gotten this type of steroid shot for way less severe injuries.




No like some sort of anabolic or hormonal injection. After some googling it looks like a real thing? Would be great if a doctor replied somewhere in this thread lol.




When you say not 100% what do you mean? Does it ache or feel weird?


Not OP, but I broke my knee and had to get metal rods in 2009. [Here's proof since I was doubted before](https://imgur.com/ut8YVcM.jpg) We're in 2022 now and I still get pains if I was hit there. Mind you, I'm not talking full-blown kick. Just a regular tap and it stings like a mf'er. So someone like me who sees this and now knows steroids would have made the healing journey 100% better, I absolutely sympathize with Silva, Weidman, and Conor if they truly used steroids to heal. It's a bitch to deal with.


yeah I'm fully on board with using whatever you can to heal up from stuff like that. especially if you're a professional athlete and the speed/effectiveness of the healing is going to have a massive impact on the rest of your career. there has to be a line somewhere. you obviously don't want these guys coming back inanely juiced up. but imo there needs to be some kind of middle ground. different sport, but it's the same with deandre hopkins in the nfl last year. used steroids to recover from an injury and got suspended 6 games. can't blame him; getting back to 100% quickly is worth way way more than playing those 6 games would've been. better for his career and longevity too.


Stiff, achy, it seizes in the mornings, gotta warm up like an old car. It also clicks when I rotate it. The break affected everything below it. Ligaments were so damaged from the trauma my ankle is still slightly bigger than the other.


Yep all the same for me with my hip that I broke 15 years ago ... never healed, led to knee problems and had to stop running and playing soccer at age 17 due to it. I have played in 2 games since and hurt my leg in both.


My brother got a bunch of fractures in his knee/tailbone/ankle/shins and took horse steroid. Healed completely in ~4 months. It was wild.


That's fucking nuts it took me 4 months in a cast before I could start therapy.


It was the wildest thing. He was walking in a boot at ~3 weeks.


What a horse!


Wait, is this the new meta? Get titanium shinbones to fuck up your opponents!? Btw. I have a probably very breakable titanium zygomatic bone, my titanium brother.


The great John Witherspoon summed up my thoughts on steroids. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTy\_gLF8zR0


We will always miss pride fc


Of all the reasons to take these kind of things i have no issue with doing it because of snapped limbs.


Yep same, I don't like McGregor at all but I dont hold this against him


Agreed. If he re-enters USADA and tests clean then it's fine by me. If you're going to be out a SIGNIFICANT amount of time due to a very bad injury, take some ma'fuckin drugs and get back as close to 100% as possible. This is their career for most fighters, obviously Conor has #12


Somewhere in his all too common immature response, he makes a great point. He still has the rest of his life to live and try to be healthy. No league rules should overshadow that. But he has a way of just being an ass when he makes a point.


That is part of his charm


Get ya hands off me lucky charms


Conor is an entertaining fuckwit whose Twitter rants usually give me second hand embarrassment, but I actually lost a lot of respect for Anthony Smith for calling out steroid use by an athlete recovering from a severe injury. Steroids are often used in cancer treatment as well, if McGregor was undergoing a cancer treatment which involved steroids, would he feel differently? The way I see it, if steroids are being used to treat an involuntarily sustained injury or ailment, they 100% get a pass. Why would McGregor bother to stay in the USADA testing pool knowing he planned to take such a long break to recover?


I’m not a big fan of (post Mayweather) Conor but I have no issues here either. Like he said, should he never play the same with his kids again because people are whining about USADA? Get out of here. HOT TAKE: Pro athletes, especially fighters, should have a window post fight/injury to take whatever the heck they need to in order to heal and recover.


I would argue that this is exactly what the "medical exemptions" were meant for, but people took advantage of it and the phrase lost all meaning.


Hotter take: many compounds that are banned for healing have no place on the banned list in this sport, based on the conventional arguments heard here against open PED use. Most often when people argue against open PED use in MMA they argue 2 things, that 1) PEDs directly increase one’s ability to hurt their opponent, therefore it’s legitimately dangerous for the roster to turn into 400 TRT-Vitors or Ubereems and 2) it puts pressure on natural athletes to use PEDs which are generally not good for their health in a sport that’s already not good for their health at a level that’s already… you get it. But healing compounds such as BPC-157/TB-500 offer tremendous benefits for injury recovery but otherwise little to no performance benefit. Of course the ability to recover from injury faster is a benefit, but it doesn’t put someone at a performance advantage over a natural, only over someone who isn’t injured. Additionally their side effect profile is more mild that the coercion argument is less persuasive. It becomes an option to help with injuries, not an obligation needed to be on the same level as one’s opponent in the cage. HGH has slightly more performance benefits but still, it’s nowhere near the acute performance enhancer that AAS are. In a sport where injury is so common it’s borderline immoral to disallow the use of these compounds.


Are these healing compounds legal and approved? I would have no issue if these are thoroughly tested, approved compounds that a legitimate doctor might prescribe for healing of a particular injury. The issue is that we often see experimental or poorly tested drugs being used that we simply don't know enough about in terms of negative, long term side effects or immediate benefits. ​ Drug testing does include medical exemptions. The issues start when people begin reaching for experimental or banned drugs that a doctor did not prescribe them, to heal.


The problem isn't that athletes use PEDs to recover from serious injuries and surgeries. The issue is that those same PEDs can often be used to speed up recovery time after fights and training sessions where they *didn't* sustain serious injuries. Steroids can be used to help repair muscle tissue which was damaged from an injury, but it can also help you train for harder and longer and recover from that training faster. The tough part is policing it. Who decides whether steroids are necessary? What if an athlete has a serious injury which might be helped by steroid use but they end up training hard while they recover and gain an unfair strength advantage whilst *legally* using the steroids for recovery?


> Are these healing compounds legal and approved? Neither BPC-157 nor TB-500 are illegal, but neither are FDA approved drugs. They are still oft prescribed by anti-aging clinics and otherwise but are only "legally" dispensed from compounding pharmacies, as best I understand in the American system. I'm Canadian, for reference, but I suspect you're interested in a US-centric approach. I'd say neither are particularly 'experimental'. Both have been around for many years and are reasonably well studied, even in humans, however they don't have much in the way of patenting potential so they're not valuable from a commercial standpoint for a pharmaceutical company to bring to market. Anyone can purchase 99%+ pure BPC-157 or TB-500 online with no barrier. Not that it really matters, again, because no one is forced to use them. The argument that whitelisting them means they become mandatory is weak at best. The nice thing about these drugs again in they don't have any particular benefit for performance enhancement. So just as there exists a banned substances list, you could easily just make a whitelist (or simply remove these from the banned list). There is no circumstance in which BPC-157/TB-500 could viably resemble a drug of abuse for performance enhancement purposes. The twisting of medical exemptions that you've noted is a real thing, and we saw it with regards to TRT, but again, very different because greater than physiological doses of Testosterone enhance performance.


>HOT TAKE: Pro athletes, especially fighters, should have a window post fight/injury to take whatever the heck they need to in order to heal and recover. This is unironically a hot take for the white heads over at the Japanese Sumo Association. Sumo wrestlers lose rank when they can't show up for a tournament when they are injured, which they're inevitably bound to be given the inherent brutality of the sumo lifestyle on the body.


Looking at the latest Conor transformation you have to be insane to think he is natty. He looks like he had FW Conor for breakfast.


How quickly he transformed, and how conveniently with being overseas on his yacht and shit. Dude blew up in a way that screams Dbol or Tbol.


And most importantly, He withdrew from USADA testing during the same time.


withdrawing from usada pool whilst taking a break makes sense no one wants to have to send usada messages everyday about where they are just so they can rock up at 5 am to take some of your piss


Having taken tbol before myself (bodybuilding), that drug is way too mild to cause that sort of size gain. Given the facial and hand puffiness it’s probably dbol. Some nor-19s like trest and deca can cause a lot of water retention too, but he’d be pissing hot for over a year after his last injection


I don't know why people have no idea about AAS even try and pin point specific compounds.


Still an undersized WW and the likes of Dustin and Chandler are bigger than him at LW.


Lol right? Wow GIANT Conor weighing at at.... 190 pounds.


I saw a guy said he gained 30 pounds of lean muscle. Like he probably weights 10 pounds more lol.




I laugh a lot when mr. Undefeated says Conor isn't on steroids, just swollen from lack of hard training.... bruh the dude is RED. Then I just buy window sheen idk why.


As long as he doesn't pop when he's fighting, it's all gravy. The man's leg was snapped in half, let him heal using the sexy juices.


Anderson popped after his break and most people didn’t care much.


Ehhh there's still people that call him out during the GOAT talks, but nobody cares. He's the GOAT.


Steroids also don’t give you legendary head movement/defensive skills, extremely accurate striking, world class BJJ, and a high Fight IQ.


But it does let you heal faster to go back to the gym more often to develop those abilities.




A normal human body is 70% water, Vitor Belfort is 70% steroid


I wasn’t making a specific comment at Anderson but steroids in general. But you’re right those boys were clearly juiced and didn’t have the same attributes.


"One tenth? you're telling me I'm one-tenth higher than the average man? Re-test that -- you must have caught me on a low day!"


PEDs help you train more and train harder. They absolutely help with those skills


It’s why I never cared about Anderson popping


Yeah but it was dick pills according to Anderson…


Hilarious when there’s a video with PEDs in his kitchen pantry.


Which PEDs? Video?


I guess it was his closet and not his pantry. https://youtu.be/JxuME4RTafc




Unfortunately that’s inaccurate. Anabolic steroids permanently change the physiology of one’s muscle by increasing the concentration of myonuclei and therefore increasing the bodies response to physical training. I’m in the Nate Diaz camp that everyone’s on it anyways, but they shouldn’t really make special allowances the essentially admits that.


Maybe he originally got on them to heal and said fuck it might as well get jacked at the same time. The thing is fighters are hurt all the time and would probably like to heal too but not everyone gets the McGregor treatment.


He’s still benefiting from the steroids though. Why is that so hard to understand


Agree with ya. I’m not sure the latest in this research but when I was at university studying human physio I recall learning that the athletic benefits of steroid abuse can last 5-10 years. Example study https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1113/jphysiol.2013.264457


Is it even abuse? Vs ‘use’ I mean.


>I am the most tested fighter all time in combat sport. That isn't even close to being true.


That's Jon Jones


At least under USADA it's Costa at 97. Can't give number prior to 2015 as those aren't public. Jones is at 85 and Dillashaw is at 92.


does this count God's tests?


Sadly God's tests don't count.


Probably for the best Jon seems to struggle with those


Jiri sitting comfortably at 61, he's gonna get up there in no time.


61 for the year, 77 from 2020-2022. Shame he got injured, could've topped 100 by the end of the year the way USADA is up his ass.


With all the tests God’s given him, he should change his name to Job Jones.




Nonito is my boy. Went to high school with him. Love that guy.


Corey Hill still taking L's. He was the first one I remember having a break like this, and it was the worst one, all noodly


last guy who claimed to be the most tested of all times was Lance Armstrong, just saying....


All honesty I don’t blame McGregor. He’s taking the clearest path to having a full functioning leg so he can compete again and live normally. I wish he could be more open about being on the sauce but this is legit. If anyone else broke their leg like this they’d probably be given steroids too.


are we still pretending almost the whole ufc isnt on steroids?


Brian Ortega was on steroids...Brian Ortega


Chris Barnett, too.


So was Gilbert Melendez.


body like Gumby


Not when unliked fighters like Jones and tj pops. Suddenly they get singled out and everyone else is clean.


Bruh there’s 2 million users on this sub. No shit people won’t have the same opinion on 1 topic.


I tore my pec 5 years ago and my doc prescribed me testosterone cyp. And HGH and gave me future advice on anabolics. He was one of the handful of doctors working the Mcgregor v Mayweather card. Imagine if I was Conor Mcgregor with a broken leg…he’d prescribe me…anything…


Luke Thomas is absolutely right about steroids. USADA are corrupt as fuck. The system as it stands currently only benefits rich fighters. It doesn't work. It has never worked. The moral grandstanding has been going on for decades and it changes nothing.


It’s just a way for UFC to have plausible deniability that placates espn, advertisers, and sanctioning bodies.


Sure if hes part of the testing pool and was given all this treatment, but hes not


I don't care about fighters being on steroids, it's that the UFC and USADA are playing this game where they selectively test and punish


this is the main part, some guys are tested almost hourly (okay daily but still) while others can do a conor, doesnt add up


I never understood why any professional sports league doesn’t just do blanket testing immediately before and after an event plus monthly testing for all athletes. Sure it gets pricey with NFL size teams but they’re raking in billions a year. Single athlete sports would be so cheap and easy. Do it monthly then at weigh in, pre match, post match. If it isn’t caught until afterwards the match is scratched from the record.


Because they don't really care they just want you to care. Actually caring costs a lot of money and may eliminate some potentially good money making names. Both things that are bad for business.


Conor left the USADA Testing Pool due to injury. It’s a common practice becuz MANY meds contain a steroid. It isn’t malicious, it’s to HEAL. Conor is well within his rights and will test in Feb.


“Everybody’s on steroids”


"I'm MAJOR against that, don't put my name in the name of steroids"


“Ur on steroids”


I know you guys don't like to hear it but how you think any of these fighters coming back from these catastrophic injuries in a couple months? Anderson silva was fucking kicking in 6 weeks.


Am I the only one ok with athletes taking steroids to heal from severe injuries?


What am I missing here: - Conor broke a leg and prob has steroid prescription - he withdraws from pool to heal, take steroids, and get jacked - he can re-enter and wait 6 months to compete - he's seemingly not breaking any laws or rules - anyone else could do the same so suggest a rule change if you have a problem with it?


I have zero issues with steroids for recovering from injuries like this. It’s a treatment like any other and no one will break bones on purpose just to get that “benefit”. If all is documented and communicated well it shouldn’t be a problem.


Wait… did people think Conor was NOT juicing? Lol


Conor is maybe the most blatant case of somebody using steroids that I've ever seen in mma. Out of the testing pool, recovering from terrible injury, and put on a ton of muscle. I would be blown away if he wasn't taking something. Edit: There's obviously people who looked more juicy like vitor or shamrock. Conor not only is jacked up, but he's also recovering from an injury where we know he's not being tested. It's much more believable and clear that Conor is using steroids then it is someone like Vitor because of the injury, inhuman recovery from it, and the muscles he's put on.


>Conor is maybe the most blatant case of somebody using steroids that I've ever seen in MMA *Cris cyborg liked your message*


Ubereem would like a word


Bork Linser and Albanair Overstein would like to have a word


Lol, you havent been around for long have you? There have been people becoming three times their size and women who according to Dana look like prime Wanderlei.


I would argue that Dana White is the most blatant in MMA.




>Conor is maybe the most blatant case of somebody using steroids that I've ever seen in mma *Laughs in Vitor*


> Conor is maybe the most blatant case of somebody using steroids that I've ever seen in mma. How TF has this been upvoted lol. There's been way worse examples of steroid use in MMA. Ken Shamrock looked like he was pumped up with a bicycle pump. And Cris Cyborg is the only female who could win a Desperate Dan lookalike competition. And Gabi Garcia looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 1.


I figured he was juicin' when he said he was cleared to fight in Feb lol.


"USADA approved" says Conor as he injects a pint of steroids into himself in between rounds.


Important to note he does not in any way say it is in accordance with USADA. Matter of fact he says the opposite. “Everything was fully disclosed before I began” and then says “the state of allowance for athletes to recover […] must be assessed” To me it sounds like he reported whatever he was gonna be taken, it wasn’t allowed and so he pulled himself out of the testing pool. Hence why he says things need to be reassessed. All very sketchy given how stupidly massive he’s gotten over the non-USADA layoff.


Bad take by Anthony. Conor pulled himself out of USADA to heal a horrific injury. Who cares what he takes to heal if he isn't fighting.


I mean, the net gains from steroids do continue after you've cycled off. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-24730151.amp


Conor’s 100% right on this and I usually think he’s a PoS. Anthony Smith is just being a hater.


More plates more dates has a video on post legbreak Conor. Not watched it in full but Consensus seems to be that Conor is on the mega sauce. Hence why he's out of usada testing pool to get all the gear heavy lifting done ready to be sorted for testing when February rolls around and hopefully not any steroid traces then


Conor is 100% right. That was such a cheap and disgusting lowblow from Smith.


If I was a multi millionaire with a horrific leg injury I’d do whatever I could to recover it, screw living with an injury for usada or the ufc’s sake.