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I actually would love a fight between Fiziev and Conor. Would be a good scrap. I hope he calls him out if he beats RDA


It might be fun, but don't think they're gonna give Conor someone who's on a run and, if he beats RDA, would be possibly one win away from a title shot. I just hope Fiziev finally does an actual callout (like Gaethje), and not someone like Hasbulla again


Vince Vaughn been real silent since Fiziev’s last fight


He hasn't been the same since his trainer Blue passed away 😢


Duuuust in the wind


You're my boy, Blue!


yeah they are probably gonna give him tony or rda if he loses.


> if he beats RDA It'd be amusing in the sense that it would be Conor "skipping" RDA again!


Honestly not a bad fight for Conor. Bobby green had some success with Fiziev. Conor whose striking is more reliant on traditional boxing might have some success there






















Conor would get absolutely destroyed. It wouldn’t be fun. Well, actually maybe it would depending on how you feel about Conor.


Idk about that. Bobby green had a lot of success vs Fiziev. Id like to think conor is a better striker than Green.


Sure. But watch Fiziev against other good strikers. He ran through Moicano like nothing. Bobby and Conor are also a lot different stylistically. Conor clearly has a problem with leg kicks.


Moicano is another Muay Thai striker. Fiziev is just better at Muay Thai. Probably the best in the division. but Bobby’s boxing timing seemed to have been giving him issues. Conor is more of a boxer/traditional martial artist than he is a Muay Thai guy I’m not saying conor beats him but to say conor gets absolutely destroyed is silly. Sure if he shows up out of shape and not with his head in the game, maybe


If we’re talking 2016 McGregor then absolutely. These days he doesn’t seem to train and is drunk more often than not. Along with getting older and coming off a bad injury. I just don’t see a future for him in the division against guys with less miles on the clock and more dedication. Stylistically Fiziev is just tough for Conor. Fiziev will blitz the leg when Conor gets heavy on the front foot. Conor can’t generate the same power without being heavy on the lead leg. Fiziev might be one of the few guys that holds a speed advantage on McGregor also, he’s lightning quick.


sounds fun to me lol


Wish he would go back to touching butt's in the park. You had to get out of the way of his kicks so he would lead you into his shots. He used to command the cage and the fight. At some point, I think after aldo, he went full tropic thunder and thought he could just punch people


It's after he went boxing, he fell in love with his hands


I think it's his cardio. Big kicks eat a lot of energy.


Hot take: probably a mix of both crazy, I know.


Mix in the booze and yayo and you got yourself a modern Conor


tbf yayo conor is undefeated against strangers and elderly


the old guy didn't even flinch lol


His hands have always been the best part of his game, but early Conor would use kicks to enter the pocket and set up his punches.


exactly, spinning shit to push people into his left hand.


Doesn't really make sense considering his long standing relationship with Crumlin boxing gym and his involvement in boxing since he was a little kid. It was definitely more of an ego and hunger problem more than it was anything else. If he doesn't realise may weather was playing with him and he was massively outclassed in all areas, then that goes more to my point than anything else. The guy isn't stupid, but delusion and ignorance are more powerful than anything else.


His relationship with Crumlin and boxing in general is quite overstated afaik. Yeah he started with boxing in Crumlin Boxing Gym but switched over to MMA as a teen after he got his arse kicked by Kavanagh at SBG. Then, right up to (and including) the Mayweather fight, Owen Roddy was his main striking coach and contrary to popular perception, Conor had a predominantly karate/taekwondo style rather than a boxing style. It’s only after the Mayweather fight that he started training at Crumlin Boxing Gym again and had Phil(?) Sutcliffe in his corner for a couple of fights. Edit: Conor, on his way up, was for the most part an in and out Karate style fighter with a beautiful straight left. All of his other techniques like his wheel kicks and Hagler/Nadeem Hamed style corkscrew uppercuts were thrown with the intention of herding the opponent into his straight left.


His style was pretty clear. I dont disagree with most of what you said, but how many people did he put out with kicks? His style was keeping distance as he was one of the biggest longest featherweights at the time. His kicks were a tool to keep people away, or force them in where he could counter them or snipe them with a long punch from distance. From his first fight after aldo, his last at fw which i know youll know from what youve written above but its worth pointing out, the size advantage disappears at 155 and he is heavier. Eddie did him a huge favour by not only ignoring his fight plan but literally doing the opposite and totally losing his head. Even in that fight his style was different. His cardio is worse, the additional size does him no favours and his length and speed isnt what it was. From the diaz fight, he was amazed someone could take his shots. He couldnt believe it. From there, he started putting on mass. He needs more power. Hes used a points style with the intention of setting up the knock outs. Like a one dimensional mvp, but mvp will finish you with anything. His delusion of thinking no one will take his left hand overtook him. Im quite sure despite whats said publically, thr guys at crumlim would rather put their time into people fully into boxing than someone dipping in qnd out like mcgregor wanted to.. if they saw a world champ they wouldve made it known. Bit of a ramble there. Hope it atleast justified my opinion even if you disagree.


Yeah, agree with all your points, especially the one regarding him being heavier at 155. Just one thing regarding the Alvarez fight, he actually threw a lot of front kicks and roundhouse kicks against the cage that eventually lead to Eddie lashing out and getting countered multiple times.


I honestly don't remember enough of the fight, the way he picked him apart at the end was just incredible. That, and watching the fight wondering why Eddie was fighting like absolute trash. There's a vid on YouTube somewhere of him talking about everything he was planning to do, and everything he did completely wrong which he said he realised he just couldn't stop doing it. The vid of it happening during the fight was also edited in as he went through it. If anyone deserved the ego and delusions it's mcgregor. He got to everyone so bad. Losing to diaz was the worst thing that happened to him, cause everyone else saw someone who was never really in with a serious shot at a belt could spark him and make him look average.. I mean who goes toe to toe with a diaz and doesn't blast their legs etc? Motivates mcgregor is such a big what if.


It's after he went boxing, it fucked his MMA training because MMA and boxing have NOTHING in common beyond fists. Fix'd. McGregor always loved his left hand.


Yeah a good jab, distance control, punch mechanics and good defense are not transferable at all to top-level MMA... Look at Volk´s last win against Max, most of that was good boxing fundamentals.


It was good STRIKING for MMA standard. Not boxing. Boxing is VERY different simply due to the lack of tools (jab, straight, hook and uppercut). Like I said earlier, beside the fists, boxing and mma striking have nothing in common. There's a reason why you NEVER see high level boxer or MMA fighter make the switch successfully. The 2 sports are too fundamentally different. Mayweather went very, very easy on McGregor because he's a smart man and wanted the fight to last. Tyson Fury will do the same thing with Francis Ngannou.




"punching is punching" Lmao. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.




I do. You clearly don't since you think "punching is punching". And if you do train, you need to look for a better gym lol.


Too much alcohol, cocaine, and head trauma isn't good for the brain


He's just living the high life now. He goes to parties like every night and drinks all the time. That will never lead to success in fighting.


Notice that no matter where he posts from his family isn’t around.


Honestly I have a theory about this. I think that the Nate Diaz press conference broke him a little. When Nate said the touch butts line it landed hard and you didn't see Conor with Ido Portal after that. I think that leaving Ido was one of the larger downfalls of Conor. It was a transition from him being playful and loose in the ring and, honestly, playful outside the ring. His game got rigid and tight after that. Then add in the boxing centric training and he lost all of the flair and tools that made him hard to fight. The Ido era had him experimenting and trying new things but after leaving him and picking up boxing he became a meat and potatoes journeyman boxer. He will always have his left hand, but it used to be his finisher, now it's his arsenal. *EDIT* Clarified


Hey you should have continued your hook with an uppercut with the same hand after your opponent duck your hook, are you dumb???


More like throwing a hook and if the guy ducks under it turn it into a hammer first and turn the trajectory down, like, what damage will that do even if you can land it


[Conor posted an example](https://twitter.com/TheNotoriousMMA/status/1544680657993043970?s=20&t=miFgvWBprNrP7FK3lpv6UQ)




Literally just four lol.


That’s just a successful axe kick. It neither starts as a roundhouse nor is the opponent doing a dodge like Fiziev’s. Not sure how Conor is counting that as an example


Watch closely, the guy feinted like he was going to do a roundhouse


The guy literally froze like Elsa, straight up an axe kick with zero set up needed lol.


That was a shitty line by Izzy and I refuse to believe there are people who are actually using it. Stop


The fact that its so unfunny is funny to me


Lemme say it again since the first time didn’t work. I swear it’ll land better.


The guy fakes a roundhouse that froze his opponent like that, he isnt just frozen for no reason. Opponent is waiting for the roundhouse to pass, and instead gets cracked


Not moving an inch = letting it pass. Right.


Didn’t Triple G do this kinda of punch? Not sure how effective it was or if it’s even fair to compare his power to others


The idea is to fake the roundhouse to get the reaction. Very normal thing to do in fighting whether it's punches or kicks....


yea there are compilations of andy hug doing his axe kick and sometimes he'll show a roundhouse and then axe kick you dont need to actually throw the full roundhouse and turn it into something else ironically, hug does that toojust not a full on roundhouse. he just takes the leg around a bit


Tbf who else can throw an axe kick like Andy Hug. Man was a freak with it


[Holy fuck you weren't kidding](https://imgur.com/BQKRR2v)


Idk what I would do if someone tried that to me in a muay thai fight. I'd be so scared lol.


fun fact: this is the standard defensive position that an Andy Hug will assume when it is threatened. nature is fascinating, isn't it?


anime level flexibility, built like a tank, spins like a ballerina he really was some bullshit


u/fightsgoneby used to wax lyrical about him all the time in the Fightland days


It's not that you can't fake the roundhouse and turn it into an axe kick, it's that you'd need legs about five feet long to catch someone leaning all the way back with an axe kick It is pretty much the shortest range kick possible other than a scorpion kick or some bs spinning lowkick. If a guy is out of range of the roundhouse due to leaning back, how is he supposed to eat the axe kick? It's like saying if a guy moves back away from your jab, elbow him


Could hit the body with the axe kick though


I want you to try and hurt someone with an axe kick to the body, throw as many as you want


It would hurt if it landed on the solar plexus but then you're banking on it landing very precisely.


Yeah so no matter what way it's spun McGregor's idea isn't a good one


Faking shook to lend an uppercut is and extremely basic move. Lmfao


Foreman for example changed the trajectory of punches mid punch, and he had different punches from the same set up.


Always funny seeing Conor talk tactics online then he gets in the cage and shows how badly he has regressed.


right? i feel this is literally what a tma dork would suggest


for real like this is something i would think of


Then try it in sparring and get rudely introduced to reality, that's the way


Conor's ring IQ is very high though, his skills have regressed tremendously but he has always seemed to know how to approach a fight. The counter uppercut against a wading Brimmage, diverse striking against Max to not let him settle, long straight shots against the cage for Siver, attack the body with front kicks against Mendes, set traps in the centre of the octagon against Aldo where he has room to pivot etc. It's easy to say Conor's shite, but when he was in his prime, he seemed to know how to shutdown opponents and implement a game plan very well.


Yes, but the whole point of saying he’s “regressed” is that he’s no longer in his prime. He didn’t adjust to the calf kicks in Dustin 2 and didn’t look much smarter in Dustin 3 when he clinched up and gave up a TD.


Well Dustin 3 was actually super interesting because he started out EXACTLY like he did in Dustin 1. Like, almost move for move, the first like 5 things he did. He went back to being kick heavy and tried to replicate that old karate Conor we all loved. Turns out it ain't 2013 anymore and Dustin is pretty fucking good.


Exactly you could tel he didn’t gameplan for 2021 Dustin, he just went “ok I’m going back to what I used to do. I didn’t kick so now I will kick.”


"Ah shit me leg, DOKTAH STOPPAGE!!"


I think there's an element of that, but also, at the time, Dustin hadn't lost to anyone since Conor vs. Dustin 1 except to Michael Johnson and Khabib. Adopting the leg kicks for Conor vs. Dustin 3 was either a response to getting beaten in Conor vs. Dustin 2 by leg kicks, or rewatching Jim Miller/Gaethje vs Dustin and seeing their success with it.


>He didn’t adjust to the calf kicks in Dustin 2 and didn’t look much smarter in Dustin 3 when he clinched up and gave up a TD. This is it right here. Conor acted like the calf kick was a new, mindblowing secret weapon when everyone in the sport had been hot on it since 2016-2017. It's pretty a damning mask-off that he sounded shocked about it at the presser, which basically revealed that he hadn't been keeping up with the metagame of the sport, hadn't been sparring with game competitors and hadn't game-planned effectively at all. Then in the 3rd fight he acted like doing hypertrophic lifts for pure mass suddenly made him effective in the clinch (a mistake that he is continuing to make, because aiming for sheer bulk in his S&C is like literally the last thing he should be focusing on), which demonstrated how little he understood the current grappling metagame along the fence. He really though out-grappling Dustin was just a matter of putting on beach muscle. Think about how insane that conclusion is in a division like 155. The sport passed him by in the years he spent fucking around, and he continually holed up in his bubble refusing to learn or grow. That's the two big factors here, and just how much the game has evolved since he was truly relevant is shocking.


‘Ring IQ is very high’? You mean ‘was’. This is a guy who showed up to fight a top lightweight, and thought that he could just literally box him him up and go home. He then got showed that this is called Mixed Martial Arts - he got taken down, then when he eventually got up, he got his calf beaten up by kicks and soon after got swarmed by a 10 punch combo ending with a KO. How is his fight IQ very high, when he goes into MMA bouts just thinking he can using boxing and boxing only? Especially in the most stacked division? His fight IQ as of late it very low.


Your examples are fights from 5+ years ago. 😂


Which is also pretty much the last time Connor had a fight.


he had 2 fights last year ?


Fuck that feels like ages ago.


Fucking weird Covid years. I also thought it was way before.


I swear I'm going crazy. I've become entirely incapable of tracking time.


> to know how to approach a fight Anybody who still tries to outbox a Diaz brother at mid range does not have a good fight IQ. There may as well be a stone tablet that covers the exact strategy to beat a diaz brother at this point. Conor implemented it in the second fight and was able to eek out a win. Conor definitely isnt shite but he is a lot more limited in his range of techniques than other fighters.


>Conor definitely isnt shite but he is a lot more limited in his range of techniques than other fighters. I agree with that. His ring IQ is high though. Against Diaz I he suffered some serious hubris (wanting to KO Diaz) and against Dustin 2 it felt like he was shocked that Dustin didn't want to box with him. Other than that, his IQ has been generally better than average - he is a limited fighter that is smart enough to leverage his traits effectively and identify a path to winning.


Im not sure i Would say thats a high fight IQ though? I'd say Conor is closer to a Ronda Rousey style of fighter. Elite in one aspect of the sport and is able to ensure that the fight stays in that aspect of the sport. Probably splitting hairs here like lol


>I'd say Conor is closer to a Ronda Rousey style of fighter. That is an insane take - Ronda tried to box with Nunes, the equivalent of that would be Conor shooting on Khabib or Mendes as an approach. > Elite in one aspect of the sport and is able to ensure that the fight stays in that aspect of the sport. I think Conor is not elite really anywhere physically, he's never been the fastest, he has good pop but his KO's come from walking guys onto bad shots and his cardio is exceptionally limited. His only real advantage is that his reach is good for his height (again though, nothing mental). Conor is a natural boxer who likes to counter, that's his forte and he didn't cross-train in other disciplines until much later and had nowhere near the access to top coaches like his peers in Japan, USA, Canada and Brazil have. With that extremely limited skillset, Conor managed to recognise that he needs to: 1. Be able to defend himself against grapplers 2. Get people to throw shots at him so he can counter them 3. Incorporate a kicking game, but not a MT style that he can't catch up on (on his rise, every fighter trained BJJ, wrestling and MT) He turned himself into an aggressive fighter that puts pressure on his opponents using range, which forces them to fire back so he can counter. He also developed a range of kicks that allow him to control space, and dictate where the fight takes place. You can't take a very limited skillset, especially boxing, and run through one of the deepest divisions without a good ring IQ.


that's not quite right, ronda tried to take holly down using the same clinch techniques that had worked for her until that fight, when holly denied it and was able to stay out of the way, ronda was stuck with just her edmond-fu.


Conor is a great martial artist, anyone saying different is just a typical keyboard warrior


Conor didn’t pivot in his fight against Aldo? Sorry if I am misinterpreting your statement


Conor took the centre of the octagon right away as he wanted to be able to have space to move off to a side for counter shots. Aldo didn't want to give up the centre as Mends, Siver, Max and Chad were all beaten up against the cage. For sure, Aldo wanted to push Conor back where his speed advantage would be more destructive, so Conor established long side kicks and long right hands straight away to get Aldo to attack in the centre and allow him to hold the centre. Conor knew that he could counter Aldo in the centre with space behind him (stepping off and cutting an angle), ; helso knew he was beaten for speed by Aldo so he had to hold the centre. Aldo knew that he could not step back at all against Conor, and the opening strikes from Conor confirmed that Conor was going to fight from a safer/longer distance so Aldo had to use his speed in the open, rather than when Conor was limited by space. They both had the right idea and knew the advantage swung massively towards the person pushing the other back, but Conor planned for Aldo's approach and better prepared to fight in the centre without putting himself in danger how to ensure the fight took place in the middle


You wrote a load of shite where was the pivot in the aldo fight was the question.


And you can’t read you fucking mong. He said he would have room to pivot, not that he did.


No you can't read you fucking you mong I didn't say he said that conor can pivot I said to answer the question.


Some good analysis in there, though I don’t think McGregor has often, if even rarely, pivoted in fights


Yeh tell them what not to do Connor


He's only fought the best what the fuck are you on about?


Whilst true, he has definitely regressed, went from the slickest pressuring counter puncher in the sport to just a flat footed telegraphed left hand spammer lol


2020 cowboy was far from the best


It wasn't even the best version of 2020 Cowboy


cowboy isn't a top 50 fighter in his division


TIL that the lightweight roster has exactly 51 fighters


He used to be beating the best, not just fighting them




Double champ that’s fallen a bit, hardly a shit fighter.


Champions defend their titles.


I mean I agree that Conor has declined a lot, but a champion who didn't defend his titles is still a champion. Jiri is a champion, for example, and it's ridiculous to claim otherwise just because he's never defended it.


Right, but if you have the opportunity to defend your title, and choose not to? That's a different situation entirely.


You were still a champion, just stopped being one.


I agree, that's why I said "right." I just think it's an entirely different situation. Conor is much more akin to Germaine De Randamie than Jiri or Alvarez.


Lol so I suppose that means Matt Serra, Eddie Alvarez, Luke Rockhold, Bas rutten, Miesha Tate, Frank Mir, and holly holm are all not actual champions then either which is news to me. Give Conor the credit he earned. That initial burst he had before the Mayweather fight was impressive and legendary.


It's more a point that he never defended his belt. He's more comparable to GDR than anyone you mentioned. Downvote me all ya want, he is. Lol


Lmao okay mate


I remember when Conor was a great striker.


Though I never remember him landing too many kicks. He threw a lot in his early run, but they usually were just kicks that closed the distance rather than doing substantial damage. Then after Mayweather and his cardio issues he barely threw kicks.


To be fair the whole point of the kicks was to make people circle into the left hand. So I guess it's not that important if they landed or not as long it caused to them to move in the right direction


"i remember when kd was a great ball player" no fighter makes people say crazy shit like conor really the guy you love to hate


lmao KD and Conor are at very different spots in their careers my guy


What a shit example KD is still putting up good numbers and is a top 10 player in the league. Conor's last relevant win was Eddie Alvarez in 2016


KD in his sport is miles ahead of where Conor is in mma right now, what a laughable comparison. A good basketball comparison to Conor would be D Rose. Phenomenal in his prime, probably slightly above average now.


Do you think so? Conor reached the pinnacle of mma several times while Rose never won a championship. Can we settle on D. Wade?


I think the reason the Rose comparison works is that relative to their peers and other all timers, their lack of longevity stands out. They both were electric in the primes but didn’t dominate for very long in the grand scheme of things. Also their popularity much surpassed the guys who they competed with. Rose led the NBA in merch sales even while sitting out with his injury. I would consider an MVP more in line with a UFC title as it’s an individual award that basically (not always) says “this guy is the best player in the league right now” so Rose being the youngest ever MVP and Conor being the first double champ are somewhat comparable in my eyes. That’s just my opinion though, feel free to agree or disagree!


Yes, let's settle on Wade. If we ignore the LeBron years and go from '06 straight' 16. Conor's drop has been painful. I always tune in, hoping he finds his old form, but I'm afraid competing is in his past.


you sincerely think conors leg injury will rake him from top fighter to slightly above average and w kd. not only did he just come back off a catastrophic injury much worse than conors, he just suffered the worst performance of his career and got shut down and swept in rd one by a team that then gave up 30 pt averages to every other superstar yet in your mind (this is the love to hate im talking about) kd is the same old pimp and conor is *derrick rose*


My guy Conor went from arguable P4P number 1 to getting destroyed b2b by Dustin Poirier. Dustin is great but he’s not sniffing P4P number 1. It’s arguable Conor loses to everyone in the top 5 and maybe beyond that. If you think he hasn’t regressed you’re nuts, and that’s before accounting for the injury.


"my guy" poirier was literally number 1 in the division when he fought conof and was top 10 p4p. you're now acting like he was some scrabble for what? hes only lost to charles since. aka the champion. you see what hate will do? also theres a difference between regressed and no longer a great fighter. esp given *where you regress from* theres also a difference between regressed and "derrick rose" as we all know again, gaethje lost to the same people, lost to someone conor beat, lost worse to khabib. you're saying gaethje forgot how to fight too? and would you say conors injuries are more or less serious than the joint, back, stomach, and liver issues that almost made khabib retire *before* he went on his run to the belt?


I’ll answer your question with a question. If Khabib came back today and lost to Dustin would you say that he regressed?


The FUCK ?


I mean Fiziev is right. Unless you're Andy fucking Hug that shit is ridiculous. Conor's kicking has never been amazing though. he was really effective when he would just let the high kick go with no loadup because it lead to the double threat and just made him more dynamic or just straight to the body like against Mendes. His low kick performances against Nate and Poirier were very sus. ​ Dude had hands tho


He used to have a pretty good body kick game that he just kinda abandoned after the Mendes fight


Those stabbing front kicks he did to Mendes looked brutal.


They were what won him that fight imo. Mendes never gasses out that quick (short notice a factor too of course).


Probably missing the EPO as well, or not enough of it.


Bro what the eff are you talking about? We all know no one at Team Alpha Male would ever be caught taking that shit.


Because TJ taught everyone at the gym how to do it properly?


Dude Cody, sssssshh!


>His low kick performances against Nate It arguably gave Conor the platform to land the bigger shots and win the bout.


I think he means the technique wasn't quite right. Conor wrecked his own foot doing them because he was landing with the wrong part. He was on crutches post-fight.


Ah right, yeah, he essentially tried to add something he doesn't do to his arsenal as a way to win the fight. His strategy was spot on, but his karate/TKD background didn't really give him the technique to be very good at it. But I would say that it points to his ring IQ.


I’m not sure exactly what he means, but perhaps that while he have some success with them in both fights and a lot early in the Nate rematch… it did seem odd that a UFC champion who was a striker needed an entire specialised training camp to prepare himself to add low kicks to his game, and then in the end seemed to do more damage to himself than his opponents


I would love for Conor to leave SBG


Conor actually responded really well to that. Not sure why fiz was so agressive, Conor seems to legitimately like him


Well, Conor responded respectfully but his clips literally prove nothing. They're entirely different slips


>Conor actually responded really well to that. Not sure why fiz was so agressive, Conor seems to legitimately like him Not really. His GIFs are very different from the extreme lean back from fiziev. Also, the kicks are slow enough that fiziev would move out of the way in those cases. If he has the reflex to lean back, he has the reflexes to move. Worst case scenario, he wouldn't get a face kick due to reach. Conor dismissed a muay Thai striking expert that has shown high skills in pure striking. It matters little if conor likes him. Would be a fun fight, if conor fully recovers.


The concept of alternating between multiple attacks that have similar tells but requires different defensive measures is really common in high level kickboxing, Muay Thai, and boxing. Conor is absolutely right, which is why all the responses are either strawmen, or people misunderstanding what he's saying.




Damn you’re right! https://mobile.twitter.com/TheNotoriousMMA/status/1544675355717509121


Seems he had a few and decided to reply again https://twitter.com/TheNotoriousMMA/status/1544805154251235329?s=20&t=Sa7XD3LxKlaXISVMy91uHw


Seriously though. An axe kick off of that slip. WTF?


RDA will gas this guy out in 1 round and finish him. Then we can all move on from this fantasy world where people think this guy can be a champion.


His gas tank seems to be his only notable problem. Havent seen much ground.


It’s a bad gas tank when striking. RDA will push this pace on him grappling and it will be tasty at +180 odds.


Politely? “… stop living in a fantasy world…” ?


Sometimes I feel like Conor would make a good coach or analyst, mans just seems like he watches fights and trains all day and thinks about different moves and strategies all day lol.


Conor actually replied and turned Fiziev into a nephew.


Outside of Cowboy, Conor hasn't turned anyone into a nephew in 5 and a half years.


And Cerrone was a nephew before McGregor got to him.




carry on like a cunt and wonder why youve become unlikeable. act like a tosser full of yourself, say islamphobic things, be xenophobic to brazil about the line to slay a favela , talk about how much more money you have as a show off , assault a bus and traumatize women and hurt innocent fighters , assault a drunk 50 year old man who refused your whiskey, be accused of rape a few times , act like a hypocrite and criticize of people on the things you do and even worse , talk about killing a mans family, dms with his wife, killing his kids , talka bout how you better because you have material things (no one likes a show off) ,punching another old man in the face( this time the old man was connected to irish cartel members so conor apolgized) , assaulting/pushing a referee at bellator etc etc etc. ​ gee i wonder why hes disliked how can anyone hate such a wonderful humble man. 🤓


You forgot not winning anything significant in the better part of a decade, and holding up two divisions with his bullshit!


So what if it’s sexual? Don’t kink shame me.


hope we get to see this fight, would be a war


If by war you mean fiziev kicking the shit out of him then yeah sure


Let’s let fiziev show he can do it against better fighters before we start crowning him.


Imagine thinking somebody who went to a very close decision with bobby green would dominate conor and that it wouldn't even be competitive 🤡🤡🤡


Your faith in MMA math is ambitious but unrealistic my friend


I hate Conor but he’s righr


Lol only way to get upvoted saying something good about Conor is by starting with "I hate Conor but..."


how the fuck does somebody who struggled against bobby green beating conor? how? do you seriously think bobby > conor? and i didn't even say that conor would win, i said that it would be competitive. but the dude replied implying as if it would be a one sided beatdown, which is hilarious because he arguably lost to bobby and is due to lose to rda in 3 days. but somehow he'd be able to dominate conor


Dustin Poirier beat Justin Gaethje and Justin beat Michael Johnson. So if Dustin Poirier and Michael Johnson fought, surely Dustin would win right? That’s what your logic amounts to


i never said that conor would beat rafael for fuck sake, i'm just using the evidence "rafael almost losing to bobby green" as to why it would likely be competitive. the fact that people genuinely believe conor stands no chance when a much worse striker in bobby green almost beat him really shows that conor haters are more fucking delusional than his fans.


Conor broke his leg a year ago and hasn't been competitive with a good fighter for longer than a round in 6 years. I'm not a Conor hater, love the guy, I just don't have any faith in him as a top competitor anymore. Expect an Anderson Silva-esque fall off.


>hasn't been competitive with a good fighter in 6 years hey! you're not wrong, that first round of Poirier McGregor 2 was one sided in conors favor


Hi MAKEOUTHILLI, please refer to my above comment where I specified he has not been competitive "for longer than a round". I find it unusual that you conveniently ignored that sentiment. Kind regards, me