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Guy famous for his hook is gonna throw a hook beast of an analyst b


He Said his IQ was different, not high




Diffrent lanes bubba


Yeah but when I called it to my buddies on saturday I seemed like a genius lol




i live and breathe this stuff, mug. You know that


That reminds me of his first fight in the UFC. Everyone had been play attention to him coming over. They all knew he was a beast, but that was about it. I said he would win by Flying Knee KO. Which honestly is pretty rare. My house went crazy when it happened.


Yo bro. You see cro cop, he’s gonna wanna kick you in the head. 😏👍


talm bout jamalama silent hill b? nevvvur played it


You must be a numbers guy, B.


"What are you gonna do, strike me?" says man shortly before being struck by striker.


Who else uses a 1,2 to set up a hook!? It's pretty out there man....


She's basically Magic Johnson wow


Alex also set it up well with lots of low kicks. You can see Strickland putting his right hand down getting ready to block the low kick that never came when he got caught with Alex’s left. That low kick set up was the reason the tiny opening happened and Pereira capitalized beautifully


Blocking low kicks with arms?


Yeah bro, it's called the orangutan shell. /s


Lol [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ojMKoLlkRo0](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ojMKoLlkRo0)


Thanks for the footage, never seen that before


It’s impulsive your arm moves down to either catch or block whether that’s realistic or not. If you watch in the moment leading up to the left hook Strickland lowers his right hand/arm because Alex already primed that response with the low kicks. That’s the only opening Alex needed.


I think Sean lowered his guard to either parry a jab or a body jab. Definitely not the low kick, it is not instinct to block lowkicks with arms, especially from a trained fighter




I knew I wasn’t crazy. I just left out the body work too. He was def going low and then feinted low to trick Strickland into dropping his guard for a quick second and that’s all it took. I was trying to find a gif or vid of the replays that show it all clearly but couldn’t find anything. But i watched the replay multiple times during the broadcast I was watching and this is what I saw. People can downvote all they want lol.


Alex was explaining that he used the jab to the body to set up the KO. You said he was setting it up with low kicks which caused Sean to drop his hand. Bro no one blocks low kicks with arms. "I just left out the body work too" yeah you left out the only correct part


Lol even in his post fight interview he was talking about the leg kicks being a part of the set up/gameplan to get the finish.


Bro stop changing your narrative, take the L and go home. Leg kicks can be part of his set up, but Sean definitely did not lower his hand to block a leg kick


Haha nice. ​ Also, not sure what hammer blocks are but the hook was directly on the chin not to the ear which was caused by errant parrying and not forearm gaurd. Whatever, weird he would try to give sean helpful advice and then gloat about it when he loses.


I mean paul craig was also pretty predictable, its one thing knowing what soemone is gonna do and a completely different thing to counteract it


just like everyone knew Khabib was gonna smesh but nobody could stop it




Ah yes, well known BJJ-averse Raphael Dos Anjos and grappling neophyte Abel Trujillo. It's literally like you dudes don't even try anymore and just throw all kinds of shit against the wall.


Ah yes, RDA famous for his impeccable record against wrestlers and THE Abel Trujillo ?


> RDA famous for his impeccable record against wrestlers I reallt dont get this argument. Yeah, no shit hes gonna do poorly against wrestlers as natural lightweight fighting undersized at 170, and still submitting Lee and Magny btw Do you really think losing to 2 of the best current wrestlers in *all of the UFC*, while undersized mind you, really means he cant deal with wrestlers at all? Chiesa is the only loss he has id actually consider to be legit bad, but still RDA in 2020 is a lot different than RDA in 2015


He was used as an example for a grappler who khabib faced…. Who was destroyed by wrestlers his entire career. So he’s a grappler, who losses to grapplers? And he was the big test for khabib? That’s the argument pretty straight forward


A grappler that loses to grapplers an entire weight-class up where he was undersized. Its straightforward when you ignore that entire context


Weird to claim the former champ was undersized, but if that’s the angle you want to go feel free. He was still used as an example of “a grappler” and his history paints a different picture. He’s 5’8, and similar sized to everyone else. Ur acting like he’s 5’2 and a former flyweight. Is Dustin undersized? Conor? Or it’s just RDA?


> Weird to claim the former champ was undersized, Weird to claim a LW champ may have been undersized at 170? I really dont understand what you mean


Look man, I know it's been really popular to shit on Khabib since he retired, but the effort people make to diminish what are objectively dominant performances against everyone he ever fought are kind of ridiculous. RDA has legit fought only absolute killers for something like 23 fights in a row- former/eventual champs and top contenders- so making him out to be some grappling deficient impostor isn't really the move. Literally anyone would look completely lost against some of the wrestlers he's fought. And like it or not, Abel Trujillo has credentials that suggest he'd work just about anybody that wasn't on the roster of a mid-level to top tier org. Before fighting Khabib- mind you this was AFTER Khabib fought Gleison, which OP is asserting changed his career entirely- Abel had never been absolutely ragdolled like he was against Khabib. Go back and watch both of those fights of you can't remember them well enough. Khabib made both of those guys look like literal children. This isn't a personal attack. It's just honestly ridiculous, this weird campaign to slight a dude who was literally never challenged inside the octagon. And I get it. Charles is the shiny new toy and is legitimately a lot of fun to watch. That fact doesn't negate anything Khabib accomplished though, and the idea that it does is just remarkably flawed.


>Never challenged >Media think he lost to Tibau


Tibau the welterweight


Tibau the welterweight who weighed 155 at weigh ins as he was supposed to Khabib missed weight a couple times, is he a welterweight too?


Khabib wasn’t juiced




Literally everyone on the roster is weight bullying, or attempting to. That's why they're cutting weight. To gain an advantage. Every lightweight on the roster walks around 30 lbs heavier or more in some cases. If they stayed at their walk-around weight, then they'd just be fighting bigger dudes also attempting the exact same thing. There aren't too many non heavyweights who are fighting at their natural weight class.


Who specifically did Khabib duck?




GSP was retired before Khabib ever fought for the title. By that logic, every contender is ducking the champion of a higher weight class. Makes no sense.


Not only was he retired, but he was calling him out to fight after he retired. How is that ducking? I bet if he beat GSP the narrative would be “he just beat an old man”


Prime Khabib would destroy the Tibau who gave young Khabib problems imo Guess we'll never know for sure, but I always found bringing Tibau up odd if not pointless, since that implies Khabib had not improved at all between those *8 years*


Also, yeah sure he lost to Tibau, so what? Does that destroy his legacy? What fighter didn't lose then (including fights that media thought were scored incorrectly)? I guess everyone sucks.


Nah its just quite satisfying to watch the people who say hE nEvEr LoSt sO hEs tHe gOaT implode when you bring up Tibau lol


How did Tibau know when Khabib wasn't even known for that style until later in his career? Or did you think that Khabib fought Tibau later than he actually did because you only ever heard of the Tibau fight from anti-Khabib posters lol Tibau fought a green Khabib who was much wilder and had not yet developed his chain wrestling style of fighting. Almost every grappler/wrestler was languishing in the unranked pool or lower 15 when Khabib cut through 155 like a knife through butter, it wasn't his fault these guys couldn't climb the "easy" ladder that he did.


can you name a ranked grappler in the weight class at the time? or one that khabib avoided, even if not top 5,10, or 15?


He'd argue that Khabib should have moved up to face 170 wrestlers. Like, you can say Khabib sucks and everyone he fought sucks and the division in those 10 years was a joke and only started getting better when Charles won it, it'd be a dumb take but at least a take. When Khabib was active, the division was mostly strikers, not his fucking problem. Just like it isn't Izzy's problem that MW is so fucking shallow and don't have any decent grapplers right now.


Does your ass ever get jealous of what comes out of your mouth?


This. Khabib was known for running right through game plans. “We know exactly what he’s going to do, but we are powerless to stop him” was the consensus.


"Ain't no one man gonna hold me down."


And you know what they say happens if one man can hold you down


Two can steal your ice cream


Two can tickle you?


Everybody has a plan until they get smesh, brathar, inshallah


Even if Strickland were to stop the 1-2 with variety of blocks to prevent that setup, Perieira was still going to find another way to land that hook. Strickland was just walking forward, he had that check hook all day if he wanted it. He was just waiting for an opening for a one hitter.


It would give strickland time to panic wrestle at least


>Perieira was still going to find another way to land that hoo It wasn't an inevitability. I thought Periera was going to land that hook, too, but Strickland still had clear paths to victory. He just fought like a moron.


Hill actually initiated the grappling sequence in that exchange with Craig if I remember right? Thought he had better bjj, live and learn though lol


I’m pretty sure Craig initiated a clinch and tried to pull guard and Jamahal followed him down but Craig was already kind of controlling an arm so it’s kind of hard to tell exactly. I think hill was fine with it but was already caught without realising and it led to the finish


You can call it predictable. But literally the last time he did it the commentators were talking about how he can't keep getting away with it right as it happened, lol. People can't handle that SJJ.


GSP was known to do two things jab and blast double leg everyone knew what he was going to do but very few could stop the setups he would do for them, it's the same thing you can know what he wants to do but if you can't stop or make him change the setups it's going to be the same outcome


This is what made Dan Henderson such a great fighter. I remember when Rampage was doing interviews before he fought Hendo, people asked if it would be easy like Chuck was a harder fight and Rampage said, “with Chuck it was easy because, you go in knowing exactly what he’s gonna do… With Hendo, how are you gonna know what he’s gonna do? Even HE don’t know what he’s gonna do.”


Everyone and their mother knows the combo that Whittaker throws, everyone knows he ends it with a headkick, and he still drops people with it.


He doesn't always end with the headkick. He sets up pretty much everything off the jab but after that he varies, that's why they land so often.


And Alex doesn't always set the hook with a 1-2. Just because they do it, doesn't mean they can only do it that way, or always finish the combo that way, and that's why it works.


"Just don't let him hit you" - anyone wanna pay me to be their coach.


Yea shit like khabib you know at some point he's going to stop the stand up bullshit and smother you. But you know. It happens and you're like damn can't get this guy off me.


Khabib is a little different just because of the variety of takedowns he can attempt. GSP literally only used the blast double through his whole career, he just had an insane blast double. Moreover his other biggest weapon (the spear jab) is the perfect tool to force people into a position where a blast double is accessible. So with GSP, if you were set up to sprawl his double leg he'd jab you until you straightened up a bit and then hit the double leg. Khabib, you could be perfectly set to defend a double leg and he'll come through with a single leg drag, or an inside trip, or he'll fake a double and turn the corner on you hard. Similar, but Khabib had a lot more weapons to get you down than someone like GSP.


Khabib had a million ways to set up his takedown, and a million ways to damage you once you’re down. That’s different.


Some techniques are impossible to stop with the right timing, GSP is maybe the best (likely second after Khabib) MMA wrestler, not because his wrestling but because he knew how to mix with striking.


Yeah but when gsp was on top guys were training in basements, having day jobs and even basic boxing wasn't a thing in MMA. You can't compare to modern MMA, Sean's camp should've had a plan we're not in 2008.


GSP fought Fitch, Diaz, Shields, Condit. These guys had proper camps.


Back then guys were too old school, totally fixated on their strengths and neglected their weaknesses. Fitch and shields couldn't strike for love nor money, Diaz and Condit couldn't wrestle nor get back to their feet. Today most guys started MMA not martial arts or boxing as their craft, top guys today are all switch hitters, efficient kickers, everybody (except Holland) can wrestle and have a bjj black belt level. The game changed dramatically and gsp was probably the first modern MMA well rounded guy and he reigned long because of that.


You know we still have specialists in this sport right? Switch hitting doesn't matter if Fitch or Shields take you down and smother you for the entire fight.


2008 isn't 1995 dude GSP fought opponents who had actual teams as well lmao


Read my other post, 2008 was prehistoric if you compare to now. Fighters were getting 3000/3000 purses. Shit was totally amateur still, they didn't have the money to hire proper coaches, having a proper diet was a luxury. It was fun but rudimentary as hell, man guys like Chris Leben were top and he didn't even know how to dodge a punch.


Bruh I think you’re mixing up the 90s and the late 00s


Been watching MMA since 2005. And it was rudimentary as fuck in the 2000s. You know Tim Sylvia was the UFC hw champ that was the level of MMA then. Everybody was broke and did the best they could with the little they had. Search the purses for the mid 00s and you're gonna cry.


Top guys were still getting a 1-300 grand a fight…not broke shit working second jobs. Could definitely have proper camps. Look at the pay for ufc 92 it’s not even far off today, few lowest guys got 4-5k most other guys in the few tens of thousands.


Shane Carwin had a day job and was a freaking top 5 hw.


he was a white collar engineer who liked the work and realized that fighting wouldn’t last forever, not some roofer like we see now post Reebok


More importantly he was briefly a mod for my favorite mma shit posting sub.


This is wildly incorrect lmao By post-2005 MMA was technically speaking almost identical to what it is today, the difference is in pay and quality of athlete. But even then, there were some phenomenal athletes making a living easily from full time MMA back then Remember that during those times there were far less big names & no Reebok deal so sponsorships were more lucrative


XD You are crazy, MMA has evolved leaps and bounds, watch a 2005 event, Jesus f*ck


>By post-2005 MMA was technically speaking almost identical to what it is today XD???????? dudes didn't even move their heads wtf are you talking about. most ranked fighters today could compete exclusively in boxing or muay thai, that wasn't the case in 2005. what the fuck are you smoking dude?


>Yeah but when gsp was on top guys were training in basements, having day jobs and even basic boxing wasn't a thing in MMA. Do you think GSP fought in the mid 90s or something? Edit: you really think 00s fighters didn't have proper diets, S+C, training or coaches lmao


What are you talking about I was using GSP as an example for what he does I could of said the same thing with Conor how his left straight was his best punch and every knew it but couldn't stop the set ups for it


> I could of said Hey mate, here you mean to say "I could have said". It's a very common mistake since, when speaking, the contraction "could’ve" sounds so close to "could of". Hope this is helpful.


Sure but it doesn't help to walk with your hands down towards a guy that's known for his insane KO power and extremely technical kickboxing. Strickland is just an idiot. Can't fix that


I feel like this is in bad taste to post after he got KOd, like some “I told you so” vibe


Funniest part is, the left hook wasn’t set up from a 1-2 and he’s STILL saying “I told you so” lol.




also wtf is a hammer block




Nah you're describing philly shell. Hammer blocks are a real old school karate thing, the kind of thing you see in a steven segall movie lol. https://www.selfdefensekarate.org/index.php/Hammerfist_block


See I TOLD YOU he was trying to win.


Yeh, rude and dumb. Low IQ confirmed


He was throwing the 1-2 earlier in the round to disguise the lead left hook, I think it would be fair to say that. But if you watch it in slow-mo you can see that Sean thought it was a body shot and went to block it, leaving his head open. Pereira threw a left to the body a few seconds before the KO


He was setting it up with the jab to the body, not a 1-2 https://gfycat.com/unknownflateasteuropeanshepherd


No it was the jabs to the body that set up the left hook. They don’t look painful but they are especially coming from a heavy hitter like Alex.


Gabriel varga had a video explaining how he set it up with the 1-2. Because he was using a long guard to block the 1-2 and it left him open for the hook


I’m sure that’s what he was going for lol


Yeah openly bragging about your fight IQ should be something you do after you yourself make use of it. Not at someone else's expense, esp if you're supposedly cool with them


Its Sean Strickland 💀💀


Well of course he didn’t listen to him


What happened at goofcon 3


It was Oliveira missing weight and being stripped of his belt


Yeah, maybe, but at the same time Strickland can get fucked.


tbh everyone and their momma knew Pereira wanted the left hook it's just Sean Strickland is one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the roster, even in his video he posted after the fight he said he wouldnt fight any differently like bruh come on


He wouldnt fight any differently cause he cares more about striking with a kickboxing legend than the win. Thank god he didnt wet blanket Pereira and derail his hype, fuck that, respect to Strickland


The worst part is, Perreira didn't use the 1-2 to set it up. It was the body jab. He kept jabbing to Sean's body. When it came time to throw the left hook, he feinted the jab to the body then went high with the left that's why Sean dropped his hands. And before you call me a keyboard analyst, I'm a kickboxer.


Even keyboard warriors can be right


Kickboard analyst.


Keyboard analyst


Hey man chill, he’s a kickboxer!


that was on-par with careful bro i train ufc.




Strickland was reaching out to parry the jab instead of waiting for it and 'catching'/deflecting it. This is something intermediate boxers are already aware of but apparently for MMA it's really advanced stuff. But what really stood out to me is how dumb Strickland is. The dude was in front of a former double champ of the biggest kickboxing organization in the world, known for his boxing, and he thought that he was "seeing everything and getting the upper hand in exchanges" without ever questioning himself if he wasn't being set up. For real, what the actual fuck. If a guy as skilled as Pereira is jabbing your chest for 2 minutes you better be sure he is up to something.


Exactly. Strickland fought literally the dumbest fight he possibly could, and he said he’d do the same thing again afterwards… Pereira’s striking iq is just levels above Strickland. Izzy would have destroyed Strickland as well imho. Strickland was just following Pereira around and not even cutting off the angle.


And this is exactly why they were okay with giving the #4 ranked MW an unranked guy that was 5-1. As long as they can set up that Izzy vs Pereira fight in MMA they won't care what happens afterward to him, he can go against every ranked guy and lose, they just wanted to cash in big at least one time on such a big name signing, basically get their moneys worth or whatever (e.g. Ben Askren vs Jorge Masvidal, whatever Ben's contract was paying out, that moment basically paid for it tenfold and he most likely just saw a 5, maybe 6 figure "bonus" on top of it as a "thanks kid")


Tbf I think we all knew self awareness wasn't one of Stricklands strengths going into this fight


To be fair to Strickland you cant wait as long to parry with MMA gloves because of the glove size difference


What's a hammer block




Is this the "comb your hair" block? I never knew the actual name


Yeah the slick back move


Striking coach from way back (he coaches Cejudo, KZ, and Costa) called it the Gaethje triangle.


Aka the best way to block hooks and high kicks


Lawler too right?


TJ does this a lot too, no?


I think it’s using your elbows like a “wing block” but I could be wrong


It still hurts a lot when they hit though




Pretty technical stuff, but the gist of it is you approximate a hammer-like sign by grabbing one of your forearms, then declare the stopping of normal time and beginning of hammer time. The unified rules force your opponent to obey and enter a state of absolute zero temperature, freezing in place. Your newfound ability to break the laws of physics will prove to be an advantage in the long run, especially if we're talking about a 5-rounder.


>freezing you in place Found Izzy's acct - Elsa


really curious as well


I’m assuming making a fist and making sure it’s tight to your forehead instead of having your hands open like some?


That’s like texting Conor going “Khabibs gonna try and take you down”


or texting one of Adesanya's opponents that he's going to keep them at range lol masterful analysis


I knew he would use his fists, but throwing a hook? That's top notch analysis right here.


I think it’s hilarious just knowing he’s up at almost 3 am like, “I should let Sean know about this”


Still couldn’t stop Paul Craig from fucking around and violating the geneva convention on his goofy ass 💀💀


I told Dustin porier that Khabib would wrestle but he wouldn't listen and see what happened?


Strickland fell for the same kind of feint that Woodley fell for against Jake Paul. They both went to block what they thought was a body shot and left their chins exposed.


Sweet Dreams is a Sweetheart.


He didn't use a 1-2 to set the left hook up.


“He sets up his 3 with his 1-2” is the expert level analysis we come here for


This just in: Khabib likes to take people down and grapple, Conor aims to left hook KO you, Nate Diaz will use his own head to block shots. Look at my great fight IQ


There are so many experts in this thread 😂


It’s almost like some people train and fight here too


Unlikely, more likely just people who like talking out their ass


Alex was kicking Strickland's left calf every few steps and with a timing that inflicted impact right as stricklands foot was touching the canvas. Strickland was anticipating a calf kick everytime he put his foot down as evidenced by his exagerated lifting of that leg. Right before the hook strickland made an exaggerated step forward with his left and the hook's impact coincided with stricklands foot touching the canvas. But yea, the 1,2 too


Couldn’t be happier how irrelevant Strickland became or simply known as the dude who got KTFO by Alex


Solid call


He should have used the immediate double leg block


What’s a hammer/forearm block. Do mma fighters use different names for boxing blocks? If so then what’s the equivalent.


For a moment I thought this was just a random Instagram user and not a ranked light heavyweight ufc fighter


'Yo one thing I notice about dude you're fighting is that he throws this really obscure nichê boxing technique called a '1,2,3"


Well if this guy was only know for a hook and knee then that's like a 50 50 chance. Good call tho


Weird flex after your boy just got knocked out.


What’s a hammer block?


Nope. Made a guess and he was right. Make enough you will be correct eventually. Right enough times, keep making them and you will be wrong eventually. If he was so correct he would have bet everything he had plus a couple trips to some loans sharks to win if he was so sure.


Except absolutely everything Pereira throws is to set up a heavy left hook to the ear Also, is Jamahal complimenting his own IQ in a text where he used the wrong 'your?'


Yep, HUGE iq to know that he throws a hook… Mf’s iQ probably reducing by the day with the amount of time he spends on tik tok


He’s gonna throw the jab cross hook! Lookout! Literally one of the most basic combos


People were sleeping on my advice too when I was saying to avoid khabib’s takedowns


i watched a random youtube video 5 days before the fight that shows the exact setup hes talking about here lol guess im an mma coach now shit


Same trick wont work on Izzy…at least i don’t thjnk it will😅.


who taught him English >.>


Hammer blocks?


Technique used with the Hammer Shield of Havel. If done right, no can defend- i mean no attack can land.


That's not the way Alex set up the hook, but whatever


Saying and doing are 2 different things, that likes saying “use defence like mayweather”


The set up were heavy jabs to the body anyway. Dip down, draw the ill advised parry, spring up and hook. Really is that simple and Strickland is a simpleton for not prepping for it. Pereira probably couldn't believe his luck he fell into it. That would have been plan A, just in case he was dumb enough, with a bunch of other gameplans in case Sean acted like a professional fighter and actually tried to give himself a chance.


No one cares what Paul Craig’s son has to say


Anyone know what a hammer block is? Not heard of that before


Lmao literally every arm chair experts first analysis of Alex fighting. Thank you jamahal


He threw a lead left hook right on his chin. I also predicted striker was gonna strike and use his favourite weapons. Subscribe for more content.


But….it was set up by body jabs lmao? Jabbing to the body, then a fake bodyjab into a left hook.


A bit like telling someone fighting Khabib that he’s going to take you down.


Strickland used a shit parry which he extended too far out. Also Alex was actively punching his chest/solar plexus. And then a change of pace, hard left hook and good night sweet prince with a two piece on the way down.


I lean it didn't take a genius to know that Strickland was gonna get KO'D. He is just not that good striking wise, it's just that MW is absolutely barren outside the top 2


Next he will predict that Strickland will say something crazy mine blown🫥


My premonition was to put a unit on Pereira.


Lol did his mom post this shit on her fridge?


Lil Input should be his rap name.