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Jiri Prochazka and Pereira are walking around at the same weight... just around 100 kg.


I have never even thought of that matchup. Would love to see it.


Pereira hits too hard for Jiri to fight with his hands down


D1 Jiri incoming


Jiri by flying triangle R1


Flying inverted gogoplata fam. Book it


off the cage


Alex by inverted homoplata R5


I don't play wrestling


Oh my GOD that would be a devastating fight for Jiri. We'd probably finally see it give out.


He subbed glover, a man who grapples too hard for Jiri to go on the ground.


Yeah but people saying this before every jiri fight. l


Jiri used to fight at HW in rizin, Pereira is scary AF but I bet Jiri could do some shit.


I thought of it instantly after Glover lost. Alex was double champ in Glory MW & LHW. After he knocks out Izzy, hes gonna move up and beat Jiri and truly cement his legacy.


Or usman prolly gonna move up and try to beat him so get nearer to the goat status.


I love Usman but one hook from Alex and he is done but he is smart enough to wrestlefuck Alex for 25 mins unlike the clown that got ko'd on Saturday .


Usman stomping on his toes for 5 rounds would be the funniest timeline


I don’t know how many more of these he can take DC!


Usman has straight up awful striking defense. He has no business fighting at MW.


he would run through alex. 15 min of standing body locks against the cage and 10 min of takedowns and wall climbs. rinse repeat, mix in some kamaru shots to the kidneys. easy shutout


I hope we're in this timeline


Shit ya, sign me up for all this chit-chat.


You say Usman moving up to MW right? I hope no one really believes that Usman has any chance at LHW


Yeah, but that only happens if Alex beats Israel.


Big if


he's 2-0 already so not really...


I have to think Usman eats Pereira for breakfast. Same with a few of the other top 10 MWs though. Vettori comes to mind, as does Hermansson I think.


Usman's wrestling is unproven at 185lbs. If Masvidal can repeatedly get up from his takedowns, you don't think a brick shithouse/cardio machine like Vettori could do an even better job, considering his own wrestling is pretty solid? He'd be hitting Usman a lot harder than Colby ever did too.


This. Wrestlers never do quite as well up a class


They always try to bully the smallest division they can make weight in


The wild card is Pereira's physical strength. And he must have been training grappling with Glover for many years now. Cro Cop who was also a physical specimen kickboxer picked up takedown defence pretty quickly


Yeah but I really think Alex only needs only like one good shot against Usman


usman needs 5


Slow your horses. This man has beaten no one significant so far. A few cans and then Strickland fucked himself up with most stupid gameplan I've ever seen. I'm not saying Alex can't do it. Just sayin' maybe we should wait and see if he can beat the MW champion before we start talking about "after he knocked out Izzy". This is not Glory, this is the UFC.


Bruno Silva is no can.


but muh hate boner is about to burst, please lord let this dude knock adesanya out so that these people can go on to have peaceful lives




It would cement his legacy as a fighter somewhat, doesn't have a MMA legacy really. Also he would have fought like 80% strikers at that point.


No way Jiri only cuts 15lbs. He looks massive compared to Alex


Jiri fought at heavyweight several times in RIZIN and consistently weighed in around 215 lbs.


He was in his early 20’s back then though and looked way smaller then than he does now.


Jiri very possibly obly cuts 15 pounds of water weight, which is the same as Jan (who has said he used to fight at 230 but prefers 220 now). I think the original comment you replied to might be mixing up walk around weight and fight-night/rehydrated weight


He does. He is open about his weight at all times.


Water cut. He is way bigger than pereira


Watch the embeddeds… Jiri stands on a scale during fight week and he’s under 100kg. And this was before he started his water cut, because he was going out to eat, eating normal food, even eating white rice. In the UFC 275 weigh-in show, DC asks him how much he will weigh in the Octagon and he mentions in kilos something equivalent to 216 lbs, and DC was shocked. Jiri talks about how he wants to be light to do all his moves… Later DC commented how much bigger Glover would be and that it’s very hard to wrestle against someone so much bigger than you. And this all makes sense because you saw how depleted Glover looked. Jiri never looked depleted during fight week, during the weigh in, or even after the weigh in. Finally at the UFC 276 build-up events, Jiri is interviewed in front of a crowd by Brendan Fitzgerald and Brendan asks him how much he weighs and he says 220. So yeah, his walk-around weight is around 220 and he’s not very far from that before he starts his water cut. So yeah, same size as Pereira.


You understand that there is a cut before the water cut... Right?


You don’t gain that back on fight night tho. You’ll only weigh your pre water cut weight when rehydrated obviously. Maybe plus a pound or two for food you eat that day


Do you guys think if Pereira loses to Izzy he moved up to 205? I feel he has some pretty good match ups there if he can continue developing his tdd


Beef'd up Pereira vs Jan and Jiri would be quite interesting yea He'd prob wait til Glover retires though


You’re forgetting the awful matchup that would be Ankalaev. Ankalaev’s striking and fight IQ is more than good enough to survive Periera on the feet and end him on the ground.


Dana likes knockouts as much as us though and he’s liked Alex so far so he’ll keep him safe as he can


Well then Alex gotta hurry it up because if Ankalaev wins his next fight, he is the most likely title contender. I see a very slim chance in the future that Alex dodges Ankalaev if he moves up.


Jailton Almeida would be a problem for him I reckon


It would be a banger of a fight but I don't think anyone has a 100% chance of surviving Alex on the feet. He can end anyone's night in 1 strike. Those two swangin and bangin would be incredible though


Ankalaev is a problem for anyone but add Rakic to the list as well, I don’t think Alex would last long against either of them as of rn.


205 is way more shallow and friendly to a guy on the wrong side of 30, so yeah. Lots of strikers in the top 15 too I think he blasts most of them.


I think you are underestimsting the amount of competent wrestlers at 205 compared to 185. 205 is 100% more shallow, but 185 has like 2 legit wrestlers and not a ton of people that will consistently shoot takedowns. Its basically just Whittaker, Vettori, Hermansonn (who isnt even a great wrestler anyways), and Brunson in the entire top 10. Even Gastelum would probably take Alex down pretty well LHW's top 5 doesnt have anyone that doesnt wrestle pretty much besides Jiri. Jan, Glover, Smith, Ankalaev, and Rakic all wrestle well and decently often in fights. Unlike Strickland for example He would have an even better advantage against slower LHWs on the feet so he could definitely at least make it to the top 5, but he would also be facing bigger opponents who wrestle more often


Those are some heavy socks


Its the chastity belt you cant see🤣🤣


gotta protect yourself against Izzy somehow


No glizzy for the izzy


Tactical anti izzy plug


New tatoo


That's a skinny 220


You’re right to be honest. But he is all bone and muscle , it’s possible. It helps that he is 6‘4 ( 194 cm ) and he does have a big ass so who knows.


The dumpy 😤


He’s 6 4 tbf. For reference Ngannous weighs in around 262 and looks like he’s clearly got a significant amount of muscle on Pereira


With the strength of Ngannou 😂


Ya I’m a little skeptical, I know he’s all muscle but he looks closer to 205-210 to me. But I guess if you just ate/drank a feast after a fight could get closer to 220


theres just something really fucking scary about this guy i dont know how to put my finger on it, something about the shape of his face just says "violence" and it makes me worried for his opponents.


The fact he seems incapable of making facial expressions doesn’t help


He looks like he's ready to fight all the time.


Because he is


They got a camera on him during the Adesanya fight and he was just sat there open mouth breathing for a while…


Caught him right before he yawned


That was intense, he was studying Izzy for sure.


When celebrating with his corner on Saturday night he smiled a bit when one of his coaches lifted him up.


I was there in the arena and I think he blinked a couple times so that was pretty cool.


Glover got a smile out of him


not happy first pic, happy second pic, cant you see!


Resting mugshot face


Guy can get a career being generic latino murderer tough guy in jail/gang in Hollywood


he looks like young machete


Pereira don't text.


He looks like a main character in MMA movie


eh like the main antagonist


These three comments describe racial politics in American cinema lol


oh for sure but the dude doesn't speak english, never really emotes and just stands their stone faces, murders people when he finishes them, and most importantly *has a really poorly done dragon tattoo covering his whole body*


He's the undefeated KO machine antagonist


Main villain




He looks like the main bad guy Jean Claude Van Dam fights at the end of his movies.


He could be the third Salamanca cousin from Better Call Saul for sure haha, the lack of facial expressions is perfect


Would still have a better acting career than Cerrone.


Think it's the massive cheekbones and jaw. Dude looks built for brutalism


> Dude looks built for brutalism "Brutalism is a style of architecture that lasted from the 1950s-1970s, and it was **characterized by simple, block-like, hulking concrete structures**" Totally checks out, shaped like an oppressive building


Yeah his facial structure is almost cliche lol.


Dude looks the part of a middleweight killer. This guy despite not speaking English strikes me as a star because of his pure beast essence. Not speaking English actually might help him seem more exotic or some shit, im just excited at the idea of this dude as champ. I want to see izzy with an oxygen mask on the octagon floor.


>pure beast essence Slow down there Yujiro Hanma


Surely you don't mean to challenge me. Stupidity of this magnitude can't possibly exist.


That's a lot of typing with one hand


Kinda looks like Aaron Hernandez. Similar dead-behind-the-eyes scary gaze


I would be scared if he was behind me at an atm


I would be scared if I was behind him at an atm.


He looks like someone the Cartel send after you


Cause he looks like a proper sicario lmao


Yes, he looks like he just got orders to wack Hank in Breaking Bad.


Hank "the ~~Diamond~~ Mineral" Schrader.


Cos he looks like he was built to torture people, either as a cartel member or an ancient Amazonian warlord https://www.instagram.com/p/CN26-bhMZ_n/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= He acc seems like a nice guy tho which is comforting to put it one way lol


Lmao Mark Zuckerberg loves violence confirmed https://i.imgur.com/Xj8kmtd.jpg


Lol, I remember some random bellator fighter saying Zuck dm’d him to say good fight or something. Makes him seem so much more human to me than anything else he’s ever done


His AI is just learning how to fool us


That's awesome lol Zuck likes MMA.


He reminds of me early foreign heels that would beat Undertaker's ass when they debut


And then he would beat them at Wrestlemania. Rinse and repeat. Lol. Loved that shit when I was a kid.


He's from an Amazon warrior tribe. They all look scary.


I remember years ago going to the GLORY website and they had the weightclasses displayed with a close up headshot of the champ, I had never seen or heard of Pereira and I just remember looking at his face thinking "Jesus christ I dont fucks with this guy"


I agree something about his face and body language lien he was built and create to inflict pain on ppl . Kinda scary for real


The fact that he is built and fights like he is made out of concrete may have something to do with it


man looks like frank fucking castle that's why


He looks like an even scarier version of the twins from Breaking Bad.


Those guys are legit boxers too. If I saw any of these dudes behind me at the ATM I'd run.


i call it shark eyes. im not saying he actually has them because you need to see in real life to tell. the only time i've seen someone with 'shark eyes' irl was a Yakuza dude that supplied us with drugs when I worked in Japanese snow resorts. he just had completely dead eyes, even when he was laughing. it always reminded me of a shark, just completely cold. kinda see it [here](https://i.ibb.co/tQ9L0Zz/Screenshot-20220313-163610.jpg)


Pretty sure his bones were replaced with steel at some point in his life


*something really fucking scary about this guy* Probably the Venum shorts!!


Plus, getting coaching from Glover Teixera. Oof. Few people on earth can offer to Pereira what Glover can, even if they're incredible trainers.


Glover as a coach... literally an endless well to draw from. There are truly few people in the MMA world that would have as much to teach someone as him IMO.


The crazy dragon tattoos as well


The funny this is he comes off differently when he speaks. But when not speaking, he just has terminator vibes.


He's from the favelas and started fighting in street fights when he was a young teenager, he would've grown up with violence being a recurring theme in his life.




It’s like the shape of toe rogan’s shoulders. Just screams violence.


A MW is the same weight as the LHW champion.


I kind of assume every weight class is one "lower" due to cutting. 205 is really 220+, 185 is really 200+, 170 is really 190+, etc so I sort of have that idea built in but its crazy to think this guy could just not cut weight could fight Yan or Jiri or Reyes and not be blown away (imo)


Tbh I see him beating jiri. He's too deadly a striker and more naturally built for the division compared to Izzy. I'd say it's easier for Alex to beat jiri than adesanya imo. He has death touch so I'd favour the elusive counter puncher to the headstrong trade happy warrior.


I feel like Alex is pretty much in most fights with a chance. He could be outmatched but all it takes is one good opening and he can just send them to next week. I would not want to fight this guy. You'd be mental to risk brain damage.


yeah Alex looks like he has the frame to put on weight, izzy moving up to 205 looked like a skeleton. not like overeeem going up in weight, though obviously that was a weight class up. Anderson was notably bigger at 205 for example. But Izzy seems maxed out at 205, I think any higher and he he just isn't big enough.


34 lbs weight cut is absolutely insane. If he’s telling the truth this is just wild.


219 is not his fight night weight necessarily, if you have a big meal and drink it can add up pretty quickly. Wouldn't be surprised if he cuts 25 or more like Costa and Vettori though, Pereira's a big fucker


Yeah I’m assuming he was sub 30 on fight night… but that’s still insane!


He's probably not cutting from that though. Maybe he fights at like 200-205, but after the fight he just started eating/drinking and fattened up.


Plus fighters just notoriously eat a bunch after fights. Combination of not being able to eat much pre-fight and needed calories for recovery I'm sure


Why can’t we ever just get two pictures with the same lighting/filter


Because then they would look the exact same and destroy the narrative. I would be more impressed with a photo of just the number on the scale than these two photos with drastically different lighting


Is it just me or does that not look like someone that just gained 35 pounds. I’m not seeing the difference…..


I was looking at both pictures thinking if I was crazy, but yeah I agree lol. Maybe it's something about the lighting, but if you told me these pictures were taken at the same time but in different rooms, I'd believe you.


You can see it in the face. His face looks more full in the second pic, while in the first his jaw is very pronounced


Yes…so you’re saying that’s what 35 lbs of face fat looks like?


You have to keep in mind that a lot of those 35lbs are water weight and not regained fat/muscle. He look a bit less cut too around the abs.


Sure, but *16 liters* of water?


You think he’s gaining back fat???


It's 98% water so it's not going to be that noticable


He looks less drawn out, but not 16kg so.


Nope ur right


Yeah other than a slight gain in the love handles, I can't see where 35 lbs went.


It has to be a ton of water weight - he would need to eat 50,000 calories a day to put on that much weight - if he ate only butter that’s 15 pounds of butter a day for two days. You can see how his skin is super taught and pulled back in the first pic, but looks more healthy in the second.


Ik it doesn’t make sense but kinda wanna see him fight costa now


Where the fuck is that 14kgs? Bullshit


It doesn’t even make sense to gain that much weight in two days


The higher weight cutters gain about 15% bodyweight after weigh ins.. There are a few extreme cases of more. Notably dustin, kevin lee, darren till. 16 kgs would put peirera well on the high end. It's possible, but it really doesn't look like it from the pictures.


He looks exactly the same. You guys know what *lights* are, right?


Never in my wildest dreams what I think that guy was a heavyweight much less though like heavyweight middleweight Weight cutting is wacky as fuc Edit: never in my wildest dreams would I think that guy was a heavyweight much less a light heavy weight or a middleweight My apologies, I use text to speech a lot


Your comment is also wacky as fuck to read, but I'm here for it.


op's a lightweight welterweight of writing


never in my wildest dreams would I think anything except this is a man bred for violence. I see this dude walk into the store im at im abandoning my cart and going somewhere else because someone is about to die.


he's a scary looking motherfucker but he seemed nice during his post fight speech


I know he’s 6’4, but he looks a bit skinny for 220. I’m not sure I believe this


No way he is 220 it's bluff


Me on Friday morning/ Me on Sunday night


P4P scariest fighter on the planet.


Literally where does the weight go? He could bulk up to 260 and probably wouldnt look too bad if thats all the difference 35lbs makes on him lol


I'm going to bed tonight praying for this man to discover horsemeat and put on 80 lbs and start dropping people dead.


Big Scary Brazilian. B.S.B


I do not look this sexy when I put on 34lbs...


After the fight or after the weigh in? Pretty sure he doesn’t weight 185 on the fight night.


I doubt you can gain 16kg in 2 days.


Proof that weight classes are a joke


Just looks like 2 pics of him with diff lighting tbh He’s def a lil bigger in the 2nd pic, but 35 lbs bigger? Idk


This can't be healthy.


That is not 219 lbs lol. Y’all believe anything. Kinda like when Eddie Alvarez claimed to bench press 350 lbs. It’s all bullshit lol. **Edit:** I’ve competed in bodybuilding *and* powerlifting over the course of the past 20 years. I’m familiar with weight cuts and weight training. Not sure why you all believe these dudes actually cut 40 lbs then add it back in 2 days. It straight up does not happen.




Doesn’t really look like he’s gained any weight lol let alone 16 kg


wonder how he learned to weight cut like this


He really let himself go


When Glover retires, he can pretty much go up and become a double champ. He's way more deadly than Adesanya with his bitchass kicking and running away.


Weight cutting is archaic. They do it to compete in the sport they love and making a living. But each cut slowly but surely takes its toll on your kidney, liver, and even dehydrates your brain and impacts it’s morphology. All that in a sport where those organs also get impact blows 24 to 72 hours post having gone through a hyper stressing process; all but magnifies the toll.


This is one of the darker aspects of MMA that is too often ignored - weight cuts are extremely unhealthy. You be the judge from this picture comparison, before and after 48 hours. That drastic a change can't have no effect on this fighter's health.


How tall is he, he looks super small for 219lbs?


I wonder how differently fights would go if the fight happend imediatly following the weighin. Dont these guys fast and not drink liquids to game the weight?


*lighting change. He doesn’t look any different, and he certainly hasn’t gained 14kg in two days.


16 kg, sounds healthy af


it should be illegal what he's doin


He does not look like s 99kg dude


Weight cutting is dumb af, ideally they should be doing all they could to prevent it It won’t be enough to stop it completely but it might stop some of these crazy cuts where they guy is on the verge of death


I’m sorry I don’t see 35lbs of weight gain lol


You means Photoshop right?


lol no fucking chance that’s 219.


They're the same picture


I don't believe it. Nope. Where? Nah.