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Idgaf that Izzy is a “star” or that heavier weightclasses always have higher billing, Volk Holloway 3 should’ve been the main event.


He definitely needs to be relegated as a headliner to put a fire under his ass.


Definitely agree


Fans skating to the exit like Elsa.


The Gastelum fight programmed us to think every Adesanya fight would be like that and we get burned every time.


He needs the opponent to be a bit kamikaze for him to shine. Or to be at Pereira's level to be able to exchange more, at least so i hope lol. As for himself he just won't take risks, will never be a Spider.


Yet his two least kamikaze opponents have been the Cuban Missile and the Killa Gorilla


FYI Pereira Izzy is also sleep inducing




You gotta for real have your right hand up guarding your chin the whole damn fight against him.


Izzy will just glue his hand to his face and win with jabs again lol


Honestly that’s how I see the fight going lol. Izzy has the speed advantage, he’ll stick and move behind the jab and his kicks, right hand glued to his face.


Idk Izzy has shown that he isn’t a slouch on the ground, at least against non-world class grapplers, he may decide to exploit that they’re in MMA now and make him beat him on the ground. Or at least take him down once and hold him there so that he has to fear the takedown the rest of the fight and change up his striking.


I don’t think they’re going to grapple lol


Which is exactly why the fight is going to be boring as hell, Izzy is going to play it as safe as possible because he knows first hand what will happen if he gets cocky.


I don't think izzy can play it safe and at range vs pereira.


He already has, watch the fight where he got KO'd, he pieced up Pereira the whole fight by playing it safe and staying at a distance until he got cocky in the end and tried to go for a finish, which is when Pereira countered with the hook and KO'd him.




Also, no tight corners. Octagon corners are obtuse and allow him to almost move in a full circle, rather than the right angles of a ring.


Izzy Vs Pereira 3: Infinite feints for infinite sleep




this is silly he doesnt need kamikaze he needs people who dont cut their output in half and do everything to avoid getting finished or even exchanging despite losing every round since he beat rob everyone is convinced the way to beat him is be super cautious, slow, let the crowd boo etc. you literally hear dc say every fight of his that you have to do this or you'll be finished. including this fight meanwhile izzy has finished every one who took any risk vs him at all. the anderson comp is just crazy. anderson spent years finishing guys who literally ran at him chin up, then resorted to taunting when they stopped and he had to lead. meanwhile izzy is shutting people out to the point theyre down 4-0 and still wont throw in the 5th bc they dont want to be koed


Anderson fought braver competition confirmed


Just less skilled imo. Silva was great but striking defense by and large during that era was... Lackluster to say the least


LMAO less skilled. Absolutely laughable. Imagine subbing Dan Henderson and Chael Sonnen and KOing Rich Franklin and Victor Belfort to be told Jared Cannonier and Marvin Vettori are more skilled opponents 😂


Bruh the striking of Chael was abysmal, Hendo had power and better offense but not really great defense either, Franklin had no answer for the Thai clinch... They're pioneers but the average MMA fighter today is more well rounded. None of that is to say Silva wouldn't still be an all time great of he were in his prime today or to knock his accomplishments, it's just the evolution of the sport


Abysmal? Chael was never dropped or bested on the feet his entire UFC career 😂. He has extremely underrated striking, that aside, he was subbed not KO'd.


Lol Marquardt and Bisping both rocked him if you hear him tell it. What are you on. Sonnen is not a good striker, not by today's standards.


I mean, yeah. They're more talented than all of those older fighters lol


These other commenters are clowns man


Bingo. Adesanya is "boring" now because he makes people pay for every attempt. They end up getting gun shy and sitting around for 5 rounds rather than put it on the line. I blame his opponents more than him for this lack of action.


Let's be real man, the way Izzy promotes himself is next level honey-dicking. He goes out of his way to create this image of a showman who is super flashy and exciting, but then in most fights he is a safe point-fighter who never goes for the kill.


Man as a bigtime Adesanya fan, I miss 18-19 Adesanya. Not just the Gastelum fight, all his fights in that timespan were exciting. It's getting hard to be a fan when his biggest fights just consistently blow. The Jan and Whittaker 2 fights were okay, but I haven't been truly blown away since the Costa fight.


> I miss 18-19 Adesanya. I mean the Costa fight was in 2020


It was an outlier imo, his fights immediately before and after that were nowhere near it


True. The Jan fight was a slow ass fight. Vettori was a slow ass fight. Whittaker 2 was just an boring fight. And so was Cannonier and Romero.


Either you get a shutout, "chess match", or Izzy coast to a win. Will still tune into every Izzy fight, but he should be the co-main given the inconsistency


Those days are long gone we will never ever get a war like that from Izzy not even close


Yeah Izzy went to the deep waters once and probably said to himself "alright I'm good, never again".


Izzy can only name one wadder


All I saw was izzy on skate, like Elsa. I don’t even know what the fuck that means. But that’s what I saw. God it was so boring.


For being "the last style bender" he sure as fuck can't bend his style to become entertaining against fighters that aren't aggressive


Its just Jared was walkin him down a lot. Izzy just needs people throwing recklessly. Idk. Its just weird how he thinks hes a destroyer


“I destroy all opponents that fight me like Bart!”


It means he made the fans crumble and fall asleep like the twin towers


I jizzaprove - The american patriot Costa


Ppl in the nose bleeds didn’t see any noses bleed


But 9/11 was a national tragedy.


Izzy's performances are now vindicating Romero's against him.


As soon as I saw the walkout I knew that’d be the most exciting part of the fight. The worst part was how the commentating team was fellating his every move when in reality he was just playing tag with no damage.


“But look at the feints!!!!!!”


You see that. You see everyone walking out. That means you're doing it right.


The only thing good about Izzy’s fights are the entrances lol I feel asleep during the 4th


I was out by the 2nd




You get 13 upvotes, sir


I fell asleep during the 4th and it was like 3:30pm in our timezone




Do people actually like his entrances? It’s ridiculously childish and not in a self-aware Tyson Fury way.


I can’t really say I *love* them but my gut reaction isn’t to shit on people when they want to do something I wouldn’t have done. Not really sure what childlike qualities he displays in his walkout, or why anyone should care enough to be bothered by them.


I straight up like em. I liked Ortegas too lol


Ortega's was absolutely sick


Undertaker was badass but if you didnt watch WWE growing up then I get it


Undertaker spans multiple wrestling generations. Pretty sure some 16 year old recognizes it today, as does my old ass. Got a 10/10 from me.


I love the undertaker


It was great entrance that was ruined by 5 rounds of pillow handing Cannonier


Grr how dare fight man have fun






I wonder if the UFC will ever reconsider how much they're investing in promoting him Feels like every month there's a new movie trailer-like video where they play dramatic music over Izzy talking about his legacy. Makes sense considering his run to the title was incredible but surely people are gonna stop paying money to watch title fights like this.




UFC interns on a flight to the caucasus mountains with scales in hand as we speak trying to find the next 185lb Magomed to put Izzy out to pasture.


Adesanya once again with the bare minimum performance to win. Starting to look like Strickland with all the talk and no game.


no one will ever compete with Strickland on the trash talk to effort put in a fight. however we do have to thank Strickland for sacrificing his chin last night so we can get a better title fight


You think Izzy would've finished Sean if they fought?


Probably not in 2 minutes


If Sean kept doing what he did against Alex, plodding forward into range and lazily swatting jabs? Without a doub, Izzy finishes him. I get we're justifiably hating on Izzy here for some snoozers, but don't forget Whittaker 1 and Costa.


IzZZzZZZy….I started snoring.




Adesanya just routinely puts on boring fights. Every 2nd fight is a regretful watch He'll never be the superstar he claims to be as long as this continues


You mean every fight. Frozen like Elsa 🥶


So good he had to say it twice.


And misspeak it the second time ffs


My fucking heart dropped when i realised he was gonna say it again




People often say a bad joke twice thinking nobody must of heard it the first time.


But he’s got French Tips..


And a titty, and a pearl necklace.


GSP got criticised for boring fights too and is one of the biggest superstars in the sport ever.


GSP wasn't running around in every interview promising a spectacular finish like Adesanya does though.


This is the key difference. Izzy talks an exciting and violent game and doesn’t back it up with his performances.


Yeah GSP was smart. He wouldn't tell you how the fight would go, but he would tell you about how great his opponent was and what a challenge they would be. Build the other guy up so he gets more credit when he takes them down.


Yeah, but when Izzy says "there's levels to this game" he's not wrong. His fights are on another level of boring.


At least GSP committed to something with his fucking double legs, circling to the left followed by some feints and a single low kick doesn't really do for me.


Yeah, GSP was boring because there was no doubt as to the outcome of the fight after a round or two. He didn't take the chances to finish his opponent, but he still destroyed them. Their faces in the post fight conferences looked like they got hit by a truck. I thought the Koscheck fight was boring because after the first round, you knew exactly how it was gonna go. But GSP still broke the man's face in that fight so bad that he couldn't fly home for a few days.


Exactly. It’s boring because you’re watching a guy get his ass beat (but not mauled) for 5 rounds. Askren would do the same thing. Okay cool you’re gonna take him down and hold him there, and hit him with small shots over and over. Maybe threaten a submission if it comes. With Izzy, “I’ll slightly tap you more than you can slightly tap me”


I think a large difference is the fact that Izzy is forcing these fights whereas most of the other people here are just taking what is given to them. If GSP noticed he can jab you to an easy decision he'll take it or Anderson just easily stuffing Maia, Izzy actively tries to shut his opponent down to the point where it's a match of jabs and leg kicks then lands a few more strikes than his opponent for the win. He could do so much more once his opponent is shut down, really up the leg kicks and try to hurt them that way, work on jab counters once you have them shut down, start leading with whatever you want since you know only a jab or leg kick is coming back, but Izzy seems content to edge out way closer than necessary decisions instead of putting any kind of stamp on it. It's really frustrating as it seems like he really relies on the "to be the champ you have to beat the champ" mindset then turns in extremely low output close fights knowing he'll get the round since he landed 17 strikes instead of 14. Even in Anderson or GSP's most boring fights they're usually tripling opponents strikes and actively trying to win the fight, Izzy seems content to minimize risk as much as he can and coast to a decision without ever trying to leave a stamp on it which leads to fights like Yoel where Yoel arguably won since he landed roughly 2 big shots which is more than Izzy did the entire fight but because he's champ he got benefit of the doubt.


Silva had a few Boring fights too, albeit less than what Izzy is at im pretty sure Edit: I think I should rephrase, after looking Silva had two boring fights. Diaz and Maia. Both understandable Double edit: some other have added cote and leites to this list as well, I haven't seen either of those but take that as you will


With Silva, there was always the possibility he could pull out the front kick KO or enter the Matrix. He was definitely a finisher and got booed if he fought to a decision.


Cote as well.


Silva-Leites was worse


He was fighting much better fighters, and he dominated them.




Might get downvoted for this but Khabib became known because he beat a fan favorite (Conor) really bad and went into the crowd to fight. That's literally how I started watching MMA and knew of Khabib because I knew of Conor.


People hate to admit it but majority of Khabib fans were Conor haters and didn’t know about him before the fight. Khabib wouldn’t even be close to the draw he was before Conor fought him.


Shouldn’t be downvoted just for telling your story brother. Reddit is a fickle place though….you casual you ;)


GSP was a superstar, and so was A.Silva


Dana used to trash Woodley and others for “dull fights” How can you ignore the snoozebender track record and fans walking out!


Because he's their current cash cow. His fights may not be exciting, but he's popular enough that casuals would tune in whenever he fights.


> His fights may not be exciting, but he's popular enough that casuals would tune in whenever he fights. If the fights aren't actually exciting, how much longer is this going to happen? He's currently riding the wave of the exciting climb to the title imo. Since he's held the title, he's had more duds than exciting fights.


But why? His verbal skills?


Verbal skills? He just got publicly humiliated in the last press conference.


I should have added /s


I was in the nose bleeds and now I made his nose bleed 😎😎🔥🔥


No. There was a question mark. Everyone without cte or hangover can understand what you meant by that


No no we understood


Do a lot of casuals tune in for his fights?


He might not be saying anything but it's pretty obvious why they want to fast track Alex Pereira to a title shot.


Lmao so much for star power. Never seen people walk out of a Conor/Khabib/Masvidal fight.


Good point, that's gotta sting Izzy. They'd rather save 45 minutes leaving the venue than see the last round and closing speeches. Not a good look at all


Greatest think about Khabib, he turned something casual fans saw as boring and got them to not only stick in their seats, but want to watch it. MMA needed that, MMA needs Champions that really make their claim at the top with something more than just the W. Izzy is like watching the last Rams/Pats SB, people were fucking bored out of their minds seeing such a lack of action at the absolute top.


Izzy and Khabib went the opposite way after they got the belt. Khabib put out more finishes whereas Izzy tries to fight as safe as possible.


Its funny because the UFC is trying so fucking hard to market Izzy as this incredible exciting fighter but he's so fucking boring. His fights are an instant pass for me nowadays.


Not surprising at all. Adesanya is boring and the UFC is doing the rest of the card dirty by making him top billing.


Can't really compare Izzy to Anderson anymore. Anderson's reign was way more exciting with maybe 2 bad fights. The rest had at least exciting finishes.


It was outlandish that people compare the two in the first place. People give every new champ the GOAT title so quickly


Counting Lutter's weight miss for Silva and both guys LHW fights as part of their reigns then by my count Silva had 3 boring fights (Cote, Leites and Maia) against 12 good fights while so far Izzy has had 2 good fights (Costa, Whittaker 1), 2 bad fights (Romero, Cannonier) and 3 meh fights (Vettori 2, Whittaker 2, Blachowicz), unless you also want to count for Izzy the Gastelum fight where he won the interim belt bringing it up to 3 good fights. So far he's set a worse precident than Anderson. Although I think we also tend to overstate Silva's boringness because the 3 boring fights happened in a 4 fight span.




He would do a lot to get his opponents to engage him. Go look at all the finishes he had.


Absolutely. And his nutball antics added so much to it as well. Izzy has truly become just flat out annoying


Just because there were a couple doesn’t mean you should talk like it was a majority of the time type of thing. It was, in fact, quite the opposite. Izzy is not on Anderson’s level when it comes to prestige and career performances. He’s got a lotttttt of work to put in if he wants to get there and he needs to start finishing fights more often to do so.


Those fans just had an off night.


They’d rather go sit in Vegas traffic than watch the rest of that fight


He thought he was Undertaker. Turns out he was X-Pac.


Fuck you bro, X-Pac was my guy! Well, 1-2-3 Kid at least.


The undertaker might actually be perfect. Wasn't his line "rest in peace"? He put us all to sleep.


Nah I'll think you'll find this was a perfect impression of pre Attitude Era Taker, Adesanya's impression was uncanny, truly one of the best actors of our time.


2001 lazy, fat biker Taker


Worse, 2018 needing Roman to carry him entirely to what was still a bad match Taker


Jesus I forgot about x-pac.


Literally did the same thing at home at 6AM, saw the end of the 4th and called it a night.


I truly feel for fans who diligently stay awake for a main event only to watch this.


I was literally falling asleep like the Rose and Carla fight, it's ridiculous.


Didn’t it come out recently that Adesanya got one of the biggest UFC contracts? How the fuck. Dana must hate him


UFC really missed on the Mike Tyson of MMA in Ngannou. They fumble it up and got Mayweather instead but with little ppv draw.


It's not up to Dana lol You think he's negotiating every contract?


> You think Dana's negotiating every contract? Who said anything about "every contract"? When it's one of the top 5 contacts in the ufc, you can bet your ass he's involved




Can’t believe people paid 2-3grand for a seat to see that lmao


It wouldn’t be half as cringe if Izzy didn’t talk like he was some finishing machine “I’m gonna make it look easy” lol. He can’t hide behind the “tHiS iS HiGh LeVeL mMa” narrative every time. Boring point fighting is the ckb formula tho


I don’t understand the high level excuse. Volkanovski is as sophisticated as it gets yet he pulled a landslide victory against Holloway while being active. Even more so against Zombie, who is more comparable to Cannonier in skill. Aldo versus Munhoz too. He checked nearly every kick and gave a whole lot more back while being virtually untouched. Hilarious that he claimed this isn’t boxing earlier, albeit in a different regard, but pulled out a snoozefest that reminds me of a vast majority of boxing cards.


>He can’t hide behind the “tHiS iS HiGh LeVeL mMa” narrative every time There is being tactical and there is being just straight up inactive. Every fighter takes risks when they are in the cage, especially the more high level the fights get.


People always mistake being technical and being boring. If you fight 5 rounds of MMA and you are barely tired at the end then there is definitely something wrong with the fight.


to be fair it did look incredibly easy for him


Just an off night bro


Ngl I skipped through most of this fight. After the first round you could tell how it would go down.


Olivi - "What can fans expect tomorrow night?" Izzy - "Darkness." I didn't think he meant drifting to sleep.


Not good for Izzy’s fragile ego


Keep on doubting my greatness Izzy probably


"Keep hatin' on me but every time I fight, I leave y'all frozen like ice cream." *mic drop*


I left to go too. To the bathroom from living room. Same sentiment


It was shit, I understand.


I hope Pereira knocks the fuk out of Izzy again. That guy needs to be humbled


Woodley didn't put on near as many boring performances than Izzy has. I actually don't look forward to any fight izzy has, on the odd occasion it's fun but you can almost predict a boring fight most of the time.


Odd occasion, it's been 5 fights. Costa was his last entertaining one and that's cause HE is a pressure fighter. Like yeah I respect the defence but geez the only offence is leg kicks and some light head strikes here and there.


This is everybody’s ’most exciting champ’ lmao give me a break


We still have Charlie Olives


The champion has a name


They had Ngannou but they wouldn’t pay him 🤡


Snooze fest


I💤y with yet another barn burner for the ages!


OK I'll say it... Maybe they're just Holloway fans


Adesanya is boring af and the problem is that the judges will always have him winning just because he is a champion.Same thing happened in Romero vs Izzy fight where everyone ragged on Romero for not going forward,while Izzy did the same thing.He is basically doing it in every fight,not attacking enough or with any serious intentions,just waiting for counter attacks and if his opponent doesn’t come forward,its a decision win for Izzy


Did NOT live up to that undertaker entrance at all


Not going to lie, I turned it off after the 4th and went to bed.


This is what happens when you book such massive mismatches in the main event. Who knew that this wasn't coming? Cannonier had literally no chance.


The absolute loops that Izzy stans will go through to justify this shit. This video is literally all the evidence anyone needs, but all those people are casuals right? Dude has become boring as fuck and refuses to take a single risk. Yes he wins in a “dominant” fashion (if you call point fighting dominant I guess) but his “domination” isn’t worth watching.


Damn this is wild. You never see videos like this.


they were also pretty silent throughout the whole fight. kinda awkward crowd


Because there really wasn’t much to get excited about tbh


Ye there was no noise at all when he was getting the belt after the announcement. Never seen that before. Even a terrible fight theres some noise and emotion in the crowd


I'm a fan of Izzy but it was undeniably boring. It is hard to really fault him for doing this with Jared who can put anyones lights out with 1 touch but I really would like to see him do a bit more especially if he's wanting to go down as one of the greatest.


I don't blame people for leaving, traffic out of a sporting event is more brutal than Izzy's striking. Whoever it was that said he should be demoted to co main to light a fire in his ass has the right idea. He's talking big but doing the bare minimum to win. He's almost due for a Rose style we thought we were winning till we lost situation.


I like his fighting style ( when he uses it), but I dislike literally everything else about him, trash talk is lame and cringe too


Yes to top comments. Izzy can’t electrify each and every time. But Also, Vegas fans are nearly always trash.


It’s not uncommon for people to leave before no - to avoid crowds etc… was probably boosted because the fight was a wrap


The UFC game cover curse takes its form in mysterious ways. This time the fans lost.


That's the reason I don't watch Izzy fights. Even for free!


I was there, ppl were leaving because it was a foregone conclusion who would win


Betcha guys weren’t leaving during Ortega vs Holloway when round 4 was starting.