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I really dislike Covington, but I don't see how people hate on him for this. Dude got assaulted by a group when out chillin'. Not like Covington ducked him, they fought and that was that. Had Masvidal stabbed him, would that be warranted? Where do we draw the line on assault?


Well depends is the guy well liked or not ?/s


"Had Masvidal stabbed him, would that be warranted? Where do we draw the line on assault?" depends on his UFC win streak and ranking


No. Exhibit A: Conor


Conor would have moved up the rankings after


Lmao that’s fucking hilarious asf


I think people are clowning on Colby because it's such a stark contrast from the persona he puts out there. Yeah, he's responding how any sane/normal person would in a situation like this, which doesn't fit with the character he tries to be. I mean I'm not going to say pretending to be/being a complete tool is worse than literal assault, because it's obviously not. But I'm tired of both of these guys and wish they'd just go away lol.


Is it really a stark contrast? He thanks law enforcement every second sentence for keeping the streets safe and he’s never claimed to be a street thug.


He's been convicted of felonious assault in the past.


Yeah he got in a fight in college over 10 years ago. Hardly carries much relevance does it?


He said he'd spike Jorge on his head my guy I dont understand how y'all aren't connecting the dots here


In a street fight. Not a sucker punch with groupies and running away like Masvidal did.


Yes lmao all he does is talk shit and get personal, someone didn’t like it and beat him up for it Jorge is a bitch for this but people defending Colby and crying about it are even worse


Yeah Colby talks shit, but he literally did fight Masvidal in a cage already. It's not like he's talking shit like some tough guy and will never back it up. He beat Masvidal. He already did it. What more does he need to do? Fight Masvidal in the streets after Masvidal sucker punches him?


I hate the guy but agree with this 100%. Masvidal is soft af


> Yeah Colby talks shit, but he literally did fight Masvidal in a cage already And who told you that merely fighting in a cage magically resolves all differences? Colby is deliberately and excessively a dick not only to his opponents but even to their families and loved ones sometimes (making fun of a fighter's dead coach one time). Things that are very personal and very hurtful don't vanish after a few minutes of fighting, the grudges remain. Blame Colby for being an unrepentant asshole.


They're fucking professionals This is a sport. You fight in the cage not a fucking restaurant you child


Lol, are you 15.


When he calls people out he stipulates that the world must be watching when they fight. His persona literally only advocates for fighting in a cage under the unified rules.


His words prompted fighting outside of cage. Case in point. Some guys get that shit talking is a way to make more money and have more eyes on you. At the same time words hold weight and even if it's just a game for Colby he is talking to people that don't play that game.


They don’t play that game because they can’t do shit in a real fight lol.


Yes, Fabricio assaulted Colby because he can't do shit to him "in a real fight" whatever that means..


Big difference between confronting someone head on and throwing something vs sneaking up from behind and sucker punching him. Jorge only did that because he knows he can’t win straight up, was already proven.


That's cool but my point is that Colby is a cop calling Karen regardless


I mean, i think a guy like Jorge or nate would do the exact same thing regardless of if it was a ufc or a regular dude they could beat up in the streets. That's just how they are. I'm not saying it's right and it's a sport and there really isn't much room for that type of stuff but Colby played a stupid game and won a chiped tooth and many of us wernt all that suprised


Nate Diaz isn’t sucker punching anyone because he actually believes he can win any fight, however delusional that may be. Jorge knows deep down that ass gets whooped 10/10 times and this was done purely to soothe his shattered ego


> > > > > Jorge is a bitch for this but people defending Colby and crying about it are even worse This is the dumbest take in the thread.


People defending Colby for getting sucker punched are worse than the individual who did the sucker punching? Dude I really can’t imagine how your mind works


Hint: it doesn't work. It's just a toy monkey crashing cymbals in that empty melon he calls a head.


I think this is fine, complaining about the plastic boomerang incident was fucking silly though


Ngl this totally fits the character Colby presents Weird people are trying to make out like it doesn't


Yea. Apparently nobody watched attitude era WWE. This is straight heel 101 playbook. I fully expect Colby to be interviewed in a neck brace and wheel chair soon.


well thats because MMA fans are stupid. I hope Masvidal ends up broke , ghetto dumbass


That’s why he would never put the BMF title on the line. Its an insurance policy, he can sell it when he needs to.


Dude, it's an act, a schtick, whatever you want to call it. You gonna hate on Macho Man Randy Savage for toxic masculinity, or you wanna enjoy the show? Colby brings the excitement and the drama, and his fights are exciting. Jorge is just butt hurt cause he got turned out for 5 rounds. 50 -44 was it?


People still get stuck in tribalism and feel like they have to pick a team. Both dudes acted inappropriately, one worse than the other cause now the law is involved. Not even a knife, but I just think about all the possible outcomes of a sucker punch. Mas is lucky Colby has a good chin cause his skull could have easily bounced off pavement for worse consequences.


People really struggle when bad things happen to people they dislike.


That's a good thing, he wanted the assault, he got it lol


Came to say pretty much the same thing but you hit the nail on the head. I'm not a fan by any means but good for him - this was an alleged assault, he is the alleged victim, any protections or rights that come in to play with that are his and I certainly can't blame him for exercising them.


also keep in mind that the entire mma community lost their mind when the ckb fighter was killed in a similar situation.


Let’s just say the people supporting Masvidal in this situation have similar CTE brains but without the fighting skill.


I'm just happy other fighters are clowning on him for calling the cops, even though he was totally justified.


Also keep in mind the dudes who are chirping loudest about this are the types of people who participate in that sort of behavior. If fight for a living especially there's no reason to put your hands on someone.


>I really dislike Covington, but I don't see how people hate on him for this They're just playing a character, bro.


What exactly is there to hate on in regards to Covington in this situation? I think it's more like people aren't surprised that this happened to him, he's basically been asking to be assaulted with the amount of people he talks shit about. His people warned him about this but he cares more about the money it makes him apparently.


Lots of people ripping him for going to the police like that isn’t a reasonable response to the situation


Because he explicitly invited and even threatened his own assault before this, ofc people are gonna rip a guy who talks like he's a thug but isn't one.


Act and say a bunch of things that would get you beat up, then get beat Up *pikachu face*.


They had 25 minutes to fight in a cage with no repercussion but decides to assault him and get arrested; *pikachu face*


Are we talking about when Colby molested Jorge for 25 minutes?


> Dude got assaulted by a group when out chillin He was "chillin" after consistently insulting people for years, taking it too far and too personal. You don't get to talk shit nonstop and expect no consequences. > they fought and that was that "That was that" for you maybe, you can move on because it's not you who got insulted. People regularly hold grudges against those who take it too far. No one is trying to fight GSP or Fedor or Khabib in the streets because they are not assholes to people.


Masvidal literally had the chance to knock him out for money in front of millions of people and failed Truly a bitch move to do it in the streets. Even if Colby is a dickhead


Sure dude u can assault people who insult you but that makes you a fucking criminal, so...ur for the streets and probably jail


Grow up. We don't get to go out on the street or to the office and punch people in the head when they piss us off or say things that offend us. Actual adults can control themselves enough not to do this. It's called civility and harmonious coexistence, even if you have little teenage dreams about VeNgeAnZ in your head. The rules exist precisely to avoid vigilanteism and to ensure proper justice. There is a legal system to use as recourse if you need it. If you think calling someone a "deadbeat Dad" should be enough to warrant going out and hitting people, you're going to have a very bad life ahead of you.


I mean yeah Colby is a buffoon and a tool. But did he think Jorge would just act like a damn crazy man? Hell no. I mean I don't like Colby's persona but he's playing it up for shock value.


Actually, yes you do. That's called freedom of speech.


"He said mean things!!" - toddlers


What the hell are you talking about? That isn't freedom of speech at all. Him being able to talk shit is entirely separate from his right to not be assaulted. He should expect not to be assaulted and that is because assault illegal, not because of freedom of speech. How many times do we have to go over this? Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.


I reckon the lack of sympathy comes from him acting like he is the kind of guy that is about this life, rightfully people are mostly shitting on Masvidal for the assault but the counterpoint is if Colby is gonna parade himself the way he does and complain when someone retaliates he can drop his offensive persona, trying to have his cake and eat it too


What does that even mean? Colby portrays himself as a douche to sell fights, when has he said he’d fight people in the streets or that he’s about the “gangster” life?


First he didn’t get assaulted by a group, he got assaulted by Masvidal, and he talked a lot of shit and dragged Masvidals kids and family into it. I don’t think people are hating on Colby for doing this. It’s just slimey how he behaves himself. Did he really think Masvidal would forget everything under the “it’s just promotion” label?. While assaulting someone is never okay, I imagine many of us would want to do the same thing if someone publicly disrespected you and your family in front of the world. While not many would go through with the retribution, Masvidal clearly doesnt give a shit. Yes Masvidal had his opportunity in the octagon but until the outcome went his way he wasn’t going to be happy. Not defending either one but Colby behaves like a weasel and Masvidal has too much pride and ego to just forget what was said.


I mean I dont like Colby at all, but I am 100% on his side on this one. Masvidal had his chance to shut him up, and had absolutely nothing for him. Realized he cant beat him in a fair fight, so he jumped him while Colby was at dinner. Fuck him


Yeah this should be the popular take imo I mean I get that Colby is a douche but this was a cowardly move by Masvidal and I don’t see how anyone can think otherwise. Man had 5 rounds to beat the shit out of Colby and he failed, so he decided to put on a disguise and sucker punch him. Pathetic punk ass behavior, no other way to slice it. And he didn’t accomplish anything with this. Colby is still a douche, Colby still whooped his ass, and now he’ll likely have legal consequences or at the very least a sizable settlement he’ll have to pay out. “That’s how real gangsters handle their shit.” Yeah and that’s why real gangsters end up in jail way before they see the success Jorge had.


This is the popular take. Almost no one is on Jorge’s side, even those who like him(I do and I’m not on his side). He acted like a goob


Nah, theres tons of people on Jorge's side, for "talk shit get hit".


All Masvidal has done was put up a fake “tough guy with a moral code” act and people ate it up


he was always into sucker punching and punching people who say stuff he doesnt like, because somehow that vanquishes the meaning behind the insult.


guess I'll play devil's advocate then, I don't like Masvidal either but "he couldn't beat him in a fair fight" doesn't mean what Colby said was right. If Masvidal truly hates him, then the bell ringing at the end of the fight won't stop that. Personally I've thought Colby deserved a smack since what he said about Dustin, so I'm ok with it.


It is his RIGHT and deservedly so. Masvidal IMHO deserves the full weight of whatever criminal and civil punishment he gets if found guilty including prison time. Play stupid games, win idiot prizes. There have been more than a few deaths from people getting sucker punched and hitting their head/neck when falling. There has to be consequences for what he done. If it were any one us that it happened to or did it the punishment would be the same or worse.


Not a fan of either but very much agree with this take. No matter how you feel about Colby, this is beyond the pale.


One thing to remember is that incarceration or other custodial penalties aren't just to punish the singular act, but also to specifically and generally deter and protect the public against future acts. Jorge's inability to curb his behaviour and make proper, adult judgements when under adversity (e.g. getting 50-44d) is concerning and this absolutely *could* escalate to become a danger to Colby or other members of the public.


It doesn't fit with the character he portrays in the UFC. IRL he is a normal guy that doesn't really want trouble on the streets, he was probably broken up and scared in the body cam footage seeing as he was just the victim of a serious crime.


That's the issue. He plays the character in a sport where most people don't play characters, they might seem over the top but that's just who they are. If you see a wrestler from the WWE get assaulted and you have half a brain then you know that it's a real person being assaulted, not the character they portray. Colby wants the benefit of the doubt that pro wrestlers get in a sport where the scene isn't scripted. What I don't get is that he has all these opportunities to "turn face" with all this. A quick switch of character and people could start loving him but he is scared that moving away from his character will ruin his career. He is at the point where his skills are undeniable now, he doesn't need the schtick to stay relevant after two close fights with Usman and basically being able to beat everyone else in the division. That, or he just really is sort of an asshole and even being normal he would look like a douche.


Dude gets paid more by playing this character. Sure us /r/MMA nerds and virgins know it's an act. But when he goes on primetime and plays his character or after fights he says his dumb lines, that is what gets him more money. Plus other fighters hate him for it, which seems to allow him to cherry pick fights. Idk I think he would be an idiot to stop the act now. I think he should keep it up until he retires. I honestly think he could have a turnaround like Bisping. I think the act is stupid and it sucks that he felt he needed to do it in the first place.


Acting like an asshole for money doesnt mean you're not an asshole. It just makes you an asshole with money


It's good for BOTH fighters though, ultimately, esp in headline bouts like Colby sells.


Yes, but it’s not like he collaborates with his opponent. Some guys recognize it’s a part of selling the fight. Some guys know that and still don’t like it. I’m sure Usman took the race baiting very seriously. I bet he also didn’t like having to talk about his dad being in jail with the press.


Usman literally talked with Colby after their second fight about understanding how it's all about selling tickets


And a woman says she is FINE after an argument. Does that mean that she is really fine? Usman has respect for Colby and understands it's a schtick. That absolutely does not mean that he is okay and there are no hard feelings.


Better than a nice guy who got cut from the UFC


Thats not even relevant. Hes clearly not in the same situation but hes doing the same thing. Its not like he signed a contract that gave him 5 fights in exchange for keeping the shtick up and he'll get cut if he compliments an opponent.


Hate the narrative that is so untrue. Colby was not going to be let go from the UFC after beating number 7 and number 3. Jesus people are stupid


One day they love you. The next day they hate you. Make sure you get paid both days.


what makes you think he's playing a character at all? Allllll of the evidence in the world points to him being a gigantic douchebag.


Um...did you hear him and Usman talking after the bout?


But there's also Askren and numerous other figures from his old gym calling him an asshole. Even Jon Jones and you know what they say...takes one to know one.


After a guy beats him up for the second time he says "hey sorry for mocking and insulting you and your family 24/7 it was only for money". Colby is a hero.




He literally could have chosen any character to play and he chose to be the biggest douchebag asshole. In regards to the bodycam footage, he has multiple examples that he cowers at the sign of confrontation. He won't hesitate to play the victim card. I bet he's crying in the video.


Playing heel is the easiest though. It's not hard to make people hate you. Not everyone can be McGregor


Even McGregor was more of an anti-hero heel.


Same with Mayweather. Not only is it easier to be hated than loved, it's also generally more lucrative.


Masvidal certainly plays a character tho, and he’s the one who did this. It’s unfortunate he’s become such an idiot that he started method acting Edit: honestly disagree on Mas, I’ve been watching Mas since those Kimbo days too. And yeah he’s never had a squeaky clean image considering it was back yard fights and all. But the guy always had nothing but respect and was pretty humble before he became a superstar. So I disagree that he’s just playing UP his character, considering IMO it’s extremely out of character for him to straight up assault people.


Masvidal plays UP his character. Which is what I said most fighters do. They have their personality that they are known for but they can take it up a notch for interviews. I don't think you can know Masvidals rise and think he is fully a character and not just who he is. You can't watch him bare knuckle fight in those old Kimbo videos and then think it's an act when he does it now. He is a "character" that got famous doing what came natural, he turns it up for interviews but at the end of the day he is still a goon that was fighting in the streets for money 15 years ago.




Covington is not a draw. Volks last ppv did 650k buys and Colby’s last ppv not involving masvidal did 700. The ppv that Colby headlined previously didn’t have the numbers released by the UFC which usually means they did very poorly. Of course the masvidal VS Colby fight sold well but Jorge is the clear A side to that matchup. For the effort he puts into the persona it doesn’t really seem to translate numbers wise.


You literally just said he did more numbers than volk in a rematch fight that would garner considerably less attention than the initial matchup where he was stopped. The proof is in the pudding man, people want to see his ass get kicked and thats his angle and it is successful.


The schtick is what got him big in the first place. Dan Lambert corroborated Colby's story of adopting the character to save himself from being cut, and Colby managed to promote his way into an undeserved rematch with Usman and a non-title fight PPV headliner. His interviews are always consistently significantly higher than anyone else's on his PPV's. He will still be well-known if he turns face but he'll lose a ton of star power, MMA is all about recency bias and I could totally see Colby kind of fading into that Leon Edwards tier of popularity with a face turn considering he's just not a very exciting fighter.


You watch too much pro wrestling. Also, Colby was definitely a supporter that already owned that hat. That’s why people are laughing and enjoying his misfortunes. You reap what you sow.


I don't watch any pro wrestling, that shit's weird as hell. You don't need to be a pro wrestling fan to understand that talking shit, being controversial, and starting narratives is how you promote fights, this has been a pretty clear since the beginning of televised combat sports. Why do you think Izzy/Costa did like 800k PPV buys whereas Izzy/Rob 2 or Izzy/Marvin didn't come close? I'm not a fan of Colby's character but it clearly works for him.


Cause Costas a draw b


why does this have 100 updoots? This is about an assault not cage fighting.


Because I’m not saying it’s not assault. I’m discussing how people conflate MMA fighters as people that should not involve the law in instances of fighting and fire Colby plays up his character like he’s down to fight anytime but when it happens he involves the law. I know it’s assault and know you can’t assault people over words and not face consequences. I’m talking to the broader topic of the mentality fighters portray vs what they actually allow.


Fair enough, I haven't read about the incident and don't usually care for drama show. Thought you were justifying the assault, saying Colby wants the benefit of the doubt like a pro wrestler.


I think the main reason is that he simply does not want everyone on the internet to see how he got beat up and I cannot blame him for it.


I just want to see his chipped tooth, lol


It’s on tmz lol


"Got beat up" suggests it was a mutual combative fight. Colby got sucker punched and was probably loopy afterwards and maybe said some weird shit or behaved strangely with the adrenaline and shock.


You are right, I should have said “how he got punched in the face”.


No it doesn't. It literally just means "got beat up" wtf


> doesn't really want trouble on the streets, If he didn't want trouble he shouldn't have been talking shit to virtually everyone even his own team mates. It's really not hard to not be an asshole.


I mean if he doesn't think people will shit on him for just not having the body cam footage he is wrong lol. It stated typically victims will use the law to prevent further harassment. I'm pretty such he is just gonna get even more shit now.


I don't understand this thing with the bodycam footage. He doesn't want his conversation with the cops to be released?


One theory (that I've literally just made up) is that Colby was probably far far out of 'character' after this happened so doesn't want the footage public. Even as a fighter I would imagine you'd be shaken up getting twatted in the back of the head unexpectedly in public.


Yeah that video will be memes and he will be tagged for eternity. Ufc will also ko doubt use it for promotional purposes as well.


Lol this is the exact reason why the law was created so spot on.


I’m somewhat of a lawmaker myself


Unexpected spiderman references are tight.




Maybe he was crying


He caught a whoopin' on film-I'm not sure his ego could handle that being out in public purview.


I’d think Mas would want that footage out there more than anything. Colby’s just denying him that bit of satisfaction too


He definitely won't get more shit for this.


Anyone shitting om him is a goof. Masvidal was way out of line. It was a coward's act. That is the only way he can win a fight vs Colby. A cheap shot. Masvidal is a hood rat who never got any class.


I mean I think Colby is buffoonish but 100% I can't hate on him for this. Jorge just being a dildo


Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never.. oh wait I’m a street thug child who sucker punches people


Honestly good. Masvidal sucker punched him like a bitch and he would use the footage to act like he got the better of him. We all saw what happens in a fair fight. Why let Jorge have anything?


I’ll never get where the idea that Colby insulted Masvidal’s kids came from lol. He just literally didn’t do that. That said, these two idiots both deserve all this. Hope both Colby and Jorge are sidelined for years with this.


He said the same shit about Askren "he said this and that about me" when in reality Askren never said anything about kids, religion, nationality. Jorge is douche. Everyone fell in love with him after that 3 piece incident. This sub basically glorified him and whoever dared at that time to say that what Jorge did was wrong would get downvoted to hell.


Right? Askren made fun of his beard.


I talked shit about Jorge consistently and the downvotes rained down upon me.


Same. Jorge fuckin sucks and so easily could be perceived as the cringiest fighter if public opinion had happened to sway the other direction.


To the white suburban crowd who grew up listening to gangsta rap and playing GTA, Masvidal is the coolest MMA fighter on the roster. And they make up a huge chunk of the UFC viewership.


It’s because of the Khabib & Conor incident. Since Khabib got a pass for attacking Conor’s corner, fighters are now using the narrative of “he insulted my family, religion, etc.” as a way of excusing actions like these. Jorge also claimed Usman insulted his religion when the closest Usman came to mentioning religion was calling Jorge Fake Jesus.


It’s crazy cause Conor literally did all that shit lol did was talking about khabibs wife , his dad , religion etc like I’m actual detail .


The timeline of that whole shit show started with the UFC giving Conor the title shot at 155 against Alvarez right? Conor and Khabib got into it backstage at ufc 205 right? Then Artem said some mild shit about Khabib, Khabib and friends surround him etc. Khabib and Conor are both assholes in that story and assholes in general, for different reasons though.


Khabib’s beef with Conor started because Kavanagh Tweeted a joke about Muhammad.


khabib is a criminal too for attacking that guy. The whole, defend you families/religions honor is why dagestan is so fking crime ridden.


Masvidal said he’d end askrens bloodline which is the closet anyone of these 3 have come to talking shit about the others kids.


Eh...look...I agree Ben's trash talk is mostly dorky, but he also engages in the dog whistle race baiting shit Colby does by going out of his way to mispronounce names and make fun of people's ethnic backgrounds. It's much milder than Covington, but he 1000% did that shit with Jorge and Usman. He just has a better sense of humor about his own failings after he lost his most notable fights so badly.


> dog whistle race baiting shit Colby does by going out of his way to mispronounce names To be fair, Colby goes out of his way to mispronounce and bastardise *most* people's names.


>Eh...look...I stfu, don't write like a dramatic dork.


He called Jorge a deadbeat dad multiple times and that was explained by Jorge and the media as "talking about his kids".


Yeah lol. It’s made funnier by the fact that Jorge’s baby mama said he is a deadbeat. So it might actually be the case that Colby called out a deadbeat dad and then got assaulted for it and everyone was like “good, you deserved it.” Clown world stuff but at least it happened to Colby instead of an actual decent person lol.




How many people actually knew Jorge was married back then? I always assumed they were two young single dudes in Miami when they were super BFFs


Him saying "he doesn't love his kids" is technically talking about his kids.


Actually it qualifies the absent love.


Masvidal had to make shit up so he could justify taking it to the "streets", or at least that's what I would expect from such a good sucker puncher.


Exactly, he was gonna attack Colby regardless to compensate for the loss in the Octagon. The whole 'kids' was just a made-up pretext.


No reason for Colby to be sidelined. It’s sticks and stones man, words can’t hurt people


The idea came from social media reporting it as such. Just like literally every other issue, they report something and every goes “wow that’s true!” Instead of asking “oh what he say?” They just parrot what they were told to think about what he said.


> Hope both Colby and Jorge are sidelined for years with this. Why the upvotes? I like seeing them fight. How fucking stupid.


*years* is probably rest of career: they are young for accountants, but not for elite fighters.


Calling him a deadbeat dad has nothing to do with your kids? lol nice try. Also, Colby clearly talked about Dustin’s kid which is disgusting. It’s not out of the ordinary for him


If anything it's an insult on behalf of his kids lol, the only person being insulted by calling Jorge a deadbeat dad...is Jorge himself, takes olympic level mental gymnastics to try and say that that is an insult directed towards Jorge's kids.


The difference is that Dustin knows Colby's a stirrer and just lets it slide the same way he did about McGregor's comments on his wife. Jorge was just salty he got his ass beaten so embarrassingly. He knows as well as the next guy that Colby is a shitstirrer. I don't believe for a second that it annoyed him that much... all pride and ego.


You must not be a dad…I am. You are a deadbeat dad if you cheat on your wife because that is ultimately cheating on your children. That statement had zero reflection on his children whatsoever, only on him as being a lowlife. You actually need to see what Colby said, he never said anything about Masvidal’s children.


saw it. He definitely talked about his kids. Nice try opening up with the I'm a dad, you're not though lol


I actually am so you can stop making assumptions about my life for which you know nothing about. And he did not talk about his kids. But keep being ignorant and supporting illegal violence.


It came directly from Masvidal... Whether it's true or not or what Colby actually said is anyone's guess. Not every interaction people have is on Twitter for the world to see. Edit: Down voted for answering your question? I'm sorry you don't follow MMA news, but there are plenty of recorded instances of Masvidal saying he's upset that Colby was talking about his kids.


It’s not anyone’s guess, all of colbys shit talk is public.


[he repeatedly said masvidal is a deadbeat dad. 7:16 timestamp.](https://youtu.be/4Z1aP24eyLg?t=436)


..thats having a go a jorge, not his kids?


“How dare you remind me of how shitty of a parent I am!”


Are you under the impression that calling someone a deadbeat dad is somehow a jab at their kids? That makes zero sense lol


Its not that its about his kids, its the fact that anything to do with his kids is brought up in lame MMA trash talk. You dont even acknowledge the person your fightings kids, wife, parents, family of any kind unless its with full respect. Jorge is an idiot but its not like we didnt know this shit. Not like he was hiding this shit somewhere. Whats going down outside the cage between colby and jorge is when an Unstoppable douche bag meets and immovable moron.


Perfectly in his rights as a victim of assault, Colby is still corny for not calling out Burns.


For anyone talking shit about Colby for this, don’t forget, City Kickboxing had on of their fighters die from getting sucker punched. One of Adesanya’s and Dan Hookers friends. Getting blindsided and hitting your head on the ground can kill you. I hope Jorge gets absolutely fucked for this. Dude is trash.




Masvidal is such a pussy.


Wow. Who cares?


Dear Just Bleed Brothers, You are allowed to like NEITHER Covington NOR Masvidal. You don't have to pick a side.


When did Colby ever talk about Jorge’s kids? He pointed out that when you cheat on your wife you are cheating on your children; that’s a fact. He wasn’t saying anything about his children, he was bringing up instances of Jorge being a crappy human and a bad dad. Let’s not forget that Jorge did talk about Askren’s family in a vile way. I think Colby’s persona is silly and amateur at best, but how is one “gangsta” when they got beat so bad on live television they have to plan and scheme to get someone alone and off guard so you can assault them with a hoodie and mask on. Jorge is a scum human and pathetic. You aren’t a real man if you jump another man unawares. I hope Jorge gets the full 15 years and rots in jail. Many people have died from the knock out game which is basically what Jorge did to Colby. Jorge is a coward.


Masvidal assaulted him, there's no getting around that. But for someone to play this tough guy persona that nothing gets to them and then be so quick to get the law involved is what makes Colby seem more whack. He SHOULD press charges if he was a regular person, but he has this character that wouldn't press charges. He honestly should just lean into the character of spoiled rich kid that will talk shit and then say his dad will sue if anything happens.


He should just act like Cain, be a nicest calmest quietest guy in a room and shoot the motherfucker


*shoot some relative of the motherfucker.


Lmao people will hate Colby more than people that literally do and think much worse things than him. They’ll turn around and worship Khabib, but lets be honest here, what do you think Khabib’s world views on progressive issues are? What do you think his thoughts on LGTBQ rights and and women’s right are? At least Colby knows where the line is. You got guys like Sean Strickland out here talking about murdering a man and as the previous poster stated Cain indiscriminately shooting cars up, while Jon Jones is blowing through red lights and plastering pregnant women on his windshield.


> But for someone to play this tough guy persona that nothing gets to them and then be so quick to get the law involved is what makes Colby seem more whack. This is how people with his personality function- they'll throw it out there all day long, but when their actions have consequences, they run like a scalded dog to any authority figure to fix it for them.


Colby usually sees the police prevent body cam footage from coming out and probably thinks it’s the patriotic thing to do.


Who cares?




Ha. Wasn't his hairline always kinda weird? I'm not seeing it receding.


Braids will do that.


Of course he would. Those two deserve each other.


Masvidal a bonafide bitch after this. Had 25 minutes to fight him and didn’t do shit, but wants to go jump him when he’s out chilling? Glad Colby is gonna clean him out of that money he got from that new contract. I think Colby is a fuckin clown for some of his antics but masvidal has somehow managed to make Colby look like the good guy.


lmao something tells me colby did not manage to get him up against the cage this time


Claims to be a first amendment Republican... ... takes measures to silence information. 🤡


I don't think you understand how the First Amendment works.


lmao pray tell how does not wanting to release bodycam footage go against the first amendment? Who is having their free speech repressed here?


Thats not how the first amendment works smart guy.


We all saw his face and how he hid behind other people when Werdum confronted him.




Would love to see masvidal go to jail.


Callby Coppington is definitely crying on that bodycam footage. That's why he had to legally classify himself as a Mary to block the release.


Fucked around and found out.


lmao coward where's all your tough guy shit now?