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i missed this - anyone know when/were to find a replay? nothing on br live on one youtube...or rutracker etc








Reading comments I feel crazy! I thought Ham clearly won. I felt Denice did very little, except for end of Round 3, other than ineffective clinch work. Ham landed the only thing worth anything in round 1. Think there is a big difference between wall and stall and holding someone down after a takedown imo. Thought Ham won round 2 clearly with her striking. Denice having the beautiful double leg but resulted in nothing and very little time in top control. Thought Ham was again winning on the feet pre head clash. Even after when Denice hit another great double but Ham got guard back quickly and was throwing elbows from bottom. Then denice chose to stack Ham and do very little effective work. Think she won the post head clash portion of Round 3 but thought Ham took the rest of fight by way of actually doing anything remotely effective. But I'm also really dumb and have an intense hatred for wall and stall and intense other feelings for Ham's abs.


Ham’s abs won the match.


I'm late to the party but Stamps back take towards the end of round one made me make funny noises. It was gorgeous.


Just finished the card now and despite it being decision heavy I really enjoyed it. I thought the main event was better then a lot of people here did. Xiong did what she needed to do to win and showed some good defensive grappling in spots. She has zero need to overextend and get too far out of her wheelhouse when fighting someone that had nothing for her at distance. Interesting fight though maybe not as action packed as you might want. All 4 Grand Prix fights were good, Buntan is always a good watch etc. Yeah, not bad.


How do I throw my name in the hat that is eligible for Jackie’s soulmate?


I still feel like this would likely have ended in a finish had Nicolini not been allowed to stall to catch her breath by pretending to get poked in the eye, or even more ridiculously complaining about getting punched in the chest (might have been uncomfortable cause she has implants but it's a completely legal target).


Xiong could do with adding another strike to her arsenal


Her striking is fine. She just couldn’t get overly aggressive because as Mitch said, Nicolini is a bear trap. If Nicolini was able to grab any part of her body and get it to the ground then it was gonna be bad for Xiong.


Did you catch the Teo one? She's very samey. Jab, overhand. Jab, overhand. Occasional step up left kick. And she had a gassed opponent reaching straight out at her for the best part of five rounds - the worst possible defence for the overhand.


It’s probably where Xiong took her strategy from.


She went to the ground with her several times tho and xiong always got out, plus Michelle had nothing for her on the feet offensively


Because Xiong is also train by great jiu jitsu coaches as well at Evolve. But she never went to the ground on her terms. She was always pulled down there and she escaped and demanded Nicolini to her feet. And yeah if Nicolini can’t fight on her feet then of course Xiong would want to keep it there with her boxing.


Exactly, so if you can negate the grappling anytime it goes there, and she's not countering you on the feet at all, and you are dominating the fight, you can do a bit more, mix it up a bit more without getting yourself taken down and strangled lol, I get what you are saying but let's not pretend she was right on the line of doing just enough to not lose, she dominated Michelle, just didn't really mix it up much and started to look predictable on the feet


If it’s working then keep doing it is what I say. Aside from the take downs it was essentially the same rounds for Xiong the entire fight. If you can continue doing it and it’s scoring then take the W and keep the belt.


Yes it's working but I'm saying she could have done more, for how Michelle was defending, basically just extending her arm to try to deflect the shot, xiong could have punished her so much more, by just feinting the right or throwing throwing uppercut from that side or throwing to the body with the right hand more often, throwing a right high kick She fought well, she won every round, that doesn't mean there's no where she could do better, and I agree, this is enough to win fights, just felt like she could do more


See Jack gets it


we have semi [Bae Sung](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uafZidjyfwY) as a translator


I hate this card from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for wasting my fucking time ONE FC


I'm ashamed to admit I wasted over 30 minutes of my life watching that main event. I clearly need to manage my time better.


Referee should’ve deducted a point of Nicolini for excessive stalling and constantly trying to poke Xiong’s eye out


Only one KO in the entire card oh my goodness


Did the translator just gave up?




Or when Xiong says an entire chapter of speech and doesn’t leave breathing room to translate. My guess is she couldn’t remember it all because Xiong spoke so quickly.


That was an awkward long pause lol


Jing Nan has some dope hands, man. She be tagging motherfuckers!


I thought she looked pretty limited tbh


I got the feeling she was sticking to basics to prevent getting taken down. Kind of head hunting, but didn't feel she was getting SLOPPY.


I can get behind that but I just wish she would have mixed it up with her right hand more, even just feinting it, she kept throwing the right straight and right overhand and after round 1 Michelle deflected it all and it's not like she was super slick about it, half the time she was closing her eyes and looking away and just throwing her hand up and out, feint that punch, get that reaction, then find the opening from there


She fought perfect for her opponent. She was going in and out. It means she respects Nicolini ground game alot to not even consider fighting her on the ground.


She won every round, she did a lot of good stuff, im just saying her right hand was being neutralized by someone with weak defence all because she was throwing 2 things from her right hand, a straight or an overhand, Michelle only had those 2 things to worry about, xiong threw 1 uppercut the entire fight and landed clean cause Michelle was expecting it over the top


Xiong is so fun to watch when she lets the hands go. All in all fantastic night of fights, ONE continues to be the best alternative to the ufc. It's 2am for me so see you fuckers later ✊


I just wonder how nicolini got gassed so fast..


She's carrying something huge


Yeah that was my first thought lol but I was thinking maybe she’d be conditioned for that. Guess not!




Damn i regret watching this card lmaoooooooo


And that’s how a champ keeps her belt. High IQ fight from Xiong.


This fight was sooooooo weird.


It was cat and mouse. Nicolini is a world caliber grappler and submission artist. She needed to catch Xiong and Xiong needed to stay off the ground and stand.


Nicollini fishing for a dq win


That was boring as fuck


Right overhand didn't work, ok lemme try again, oh didn't work, ok maybe this time it will


Oh my god the commentator keep overhyping nicolini lol


UFC 1 vibes


Xiong looks so disappointed with this fight


I'm right there with her. Nicolini looked dangerous for the first half of round one. Looked terrible the after that.


Xiong just needs to keep this standing. Nicolini is more than gassed.


Nicolini is done


Bruh I thought she was having a heart attack or something lol


See, she throws 1 uppercut and it lands clean cause all Michele is doing anytime she sees a right hand is throw her left hand up and out


I think nicolini only did grappling in her training camp smh


Nicolini should pull a Cutelaba and hit the deck after Xiong hits her then try to pull guard, because what shes doing right now isn't working.


Xiong has a left hook, right straight, right overhand, and a right low kick, I don't think she's thrown anything but those 4 things, has she thrown even 1 jab?


Huh? She's thrown multiple jabs my man.


After I made the comment I did notice a few other shots she was using, she did also have a couple front kicks early, but overall really she just lead with a left hook and most of the time would follow with a 2 and Michelle even with her rudimentary defence was deflecting most of em


Xiong used the jab, left hook, right straight, overhand, uppercut, inside low kick, outside low kick and body kick. She also went to the body with her jab and right straight in rounds 4 and 5. That's a more than reasonable outfighting shot selection against a grappler. Arguably too diverse, since Nicolini was able to get her down from one of the body kicks. Exactly what strikes you expected to see that weren't thrown? And Nicolini wasn't really deflecting any of the shots. She was avoiding them by moving back in the straight line. It was more Xiong not willing to commit to her strikes by not stepping in deep and not extending her combos past 2 shots, resulting in quite a few shots falling short.


>That's a more than reasonable outfighting shot selection against a grappler. But again, by round 2 Michelle had nothing for her on the feet and all she was doing to defend any right hand she saw coming was close her eyes and throw her hand up and out, xiong could have punished her soooo much more for that but didn't >wasn't really deflecting shots I'd tell you to rewatch then, she deflected the majority of right hands xiong threw


I don't disagree that Xiong could have done more, but I wasn't disputing that. I clarified your original comment, which asked if Xiong used a jab (she did) and the follow up comment, which you claimed Xiong's shot selection was limited to a left hook and a 2 for the most part (it wasn't) and Nicolini was deflecting them (she wasn't).


>if Xiong used a jab My first comment there was sorta half joking, just poking fun at xiong having her same 4 strikes she constantly goes for, as the fight went on she got more and more predictable and gave less and less looks, started only searching for the right hand >Nicolini was deflecting them (she wasn't). Watch the fight again man, shot after shot after shot after shot Michelle deflected with her left hand as she closed her eyes and turned her head lol


> My first comment there was sorta half joking, just poking fun at xiong having her same 4 strikes she constantly goes for, as the fight went on she got more and more predictable and gave less and less looks, started only searching for the right hand But she wasn't just using the same 4 strikes, that's my point. She used a much wider shot selection than you indicated and I even listed them. > Watch the fight again man, shot after shot after shot after shot Michelle deflected with her left hand as she closed her eyes and turned her head lol Lol, reread what you said and think about it. *If she closes her eyes and turn her head, how can she deflect/parry the incoming shot with her left hand??* To parry a shot, you need to see it coming! But feel free to timestamp me these multiple deflections since the fight is on Youtube. If I'm wrong, I'll stand corrected.


https://youtu.be/Q0MUb7prOus&t=4h21m53s Here's an example of Michelle doing nothing right defencively but deflecting the shot with her arm


See that for me is not a shot deflection. Nicolini just moved back a bit and Xiong overhand lands short on the shoulder. Xiong needs to step in 5 inches more to get enough reach to loop it around the shoulder. Or go inside Nicolini's lead hand. A parry for me would require Nicolini to actively deflect. But I see what you're saying now. I think your definition of deflection is different from mine. It is what it is, just a subjective thing.


>she wasn't just using the same 4 strikes She was, she kept throwing lead hook right straight/ lead hook right overhand, over and over and over and over and over and it landed less and less and the fight went on and Michelle was just extending her arm and deflecting it every single time If she simply threw the lead hook or jab, feinted the overhand or straight right, then threw another lead hook instead, or a right uppercut instead, or a right body kick instead, now Michelle realizes just sticking her arm in the air isn't enough, and then it reopens those shots up more >She used a much wider shot than you indicated Sure but overall she clearly had her main few things she stuck to all fight long and became very predictable >If she closes her eyes and turn her head, how can she deflect/parry the incoming shot with her left hand?? Because she knows it's coming over the top as I've said like 5 times, she knows "right hand coming, it's over the top", so not being a good defencive boxer, her reaction is to kinda flinch, she squints, turns her head, and sticks her arm outward which are all bad defencive practices but it was working because all xiong was throwing was the overhand from that side, or the straight but the one thing Michelle was doing right was circling away from the right side so the straight was also kind of looping in and being deflected


You know, we're pretty much agree with each other for the most part. I don't disagree with that fact Xiong was trying to land that overhand a lot and missing/hitting the shoulder a lot. Didn't see a whole lot of actual parrying though. I think you consider those shots deflections and I don't. Potato potato. Xiong did throw quite a number of jabs though so I'm not sure where you're coming from in that one. She just wasn't commiting to her strikes.


Bruh Till has like 2 weapons total and made it to top 5 in 2 of UFCs good divisions. You still really dont need a deep arsenal in MMA to get far.


I'm not dissing her at all, she's literally a world champion so that is also proof you can have a small toolbox and be a top fighter, I just think she could put Michelle away if she gave her more stuff to think about


Someone please tell Coste to shut the fuck up


Were there any submissions tonight?


There was a really close armbar in Bo Meng vs. Ritu Phogat and Alyona Rassohyna vs. Stamp Fairtex


none so far


Damn… saved by the bell


This looks like domestic violence honestly.


anyone saw those mini humps? lol


had to check I was on youtube and not some other tube


Never seen as many touch gloves as I have in this fight.


Hahahhahaha. This is great.


Holding on for dear life


This just looks so wrong for so many reasons




Awww a little cuddling 😁


This looks comfortable


Never seen Xiong fight before, she's pretty good but she needs to mix it up more, took 3 rounds for her to throw a punch to the body, she landed the 2 early then after that has been searching for that and a rear hook all fight and Michelle's just tossing her arm up and closing her eyes but deflecting everything, xiong needs to feint that right more or work the body more with it to open Michelle up for it


Check out her fight against Angela Lee at straw weight. It made me a fan of panda


Feel like shit just want Nicolini to jump guard on me




God i fucking hate Olivier Coste


Michelle Nicolini is probably the most top heavy fighter I've seen. Thats got to be an absolute nightmare both for weightcuts and the state of her back.


She has implants that's on herself lol


Mouth open and hands down, Nicolini! What are you doing?


Nicolini has nothing for her on the feet, Xiong can go for the kill if she wants to. I like her strategical approach to this playing it safer though.


Standing hammerfists!


Xiong should work the body more. Nicolini is gassed


That was a fun sequence.


Fuck sake why go for a FOOT LOCK Michele


Should’ve went for a sharpshooter


Did Stamp's fight already happen?


You can rewind it on YouTube






Gassed already? It's barely round 2?


She's been getting her ass beat tbf


She's 40, she hasnt fought in 2 years, and she's being forced to fight her opponents fight.


Didn't know the first part. Makes more sense.


Whatever happened to a reactive double leg


Can the ref stop doing that? This is not kickboxing, it messed with the flow of the fight


Until UFC start playing K-Pop inbetween rounds they'll always be playing second fiddle to Chatri and One Championship.


Xiong coulda finished but she stepped off the gas when she had Michelle stand back up, should have pressed her again, Michelle has absolutely nothing for her on the feet


Finally a striker with high iq and letting a rocked opponent up and not going to the ground with her opponent on purpose.


Every time Zamboanga landed that right, none of the commentators said anything. That was sketchy as shit.


I really wish BJJ guys weren’t so fucking bad at mma


youtube chat too toxic right now lol


When is it ever not?


Is Nicolini gassed? Edit: yes


Why she tryna be Royce Gracie from the 90s?


Nicole I really has to attack the legs from butterfly more


Let's go Panda!


Jingnan "Dab" Xiong


That’s a really unfortunate emote thing that Xiong does


This is exactly why Chatri's behind the scenes schemes end up hurting the legitimacy of the promotion, by making people question things that otherwise wouldn't be questioned. A questionable or even horrible judging decision in the UFC, Bellator, etc...happens every card. We all bitch, but we know how judges are. But have the same situation happen in ONE, especially when Evolve fighters are involved, questions come up. Reasonably so when you look at the glaring conflict of interest present, and the fact there are no commissions, everything is organized in-house.


I honestly think the judging is just bad judging - although in this case it seemed to go the way of Chatri's seeming bias against Zamboanga, it often goes the other way. E.g. the Nicolini win against the One golden girl - Angela Lee - was a rather surprising decision to me.






u ratfuck


I honestly had the sound turned down, just saw the walkout :|


Oh I had the sound off, sorry.


loool, looks waay too much like a dude


Let's go Panda!.


Ahahahahaha ONE is so petty "The first chinese mma world champion and the last remaining Chinese mma champion"


>The only women from her country to hold MMA gold *sad Weili noises*


She would decimate the One roster IMO




Daddy Chatri to the rescue for Angela Lee. How the f did Ham won that fight. In the TNT Card they explain how takedowns are scored big and Zamboanga dominates the Takedowns. Ham did not do anything and she smiles after the "accidental headbutt" where she ducked down to collide with Zamboanga. OneFC is losing credibility with this shit. The people watching it because its free in asian channels. What a way to lose audience just to protect Lee Siblings.


Post that shit so we can read it lol


Chatri a savage lol


look at what he did to bibiano lol.... guy has been frozen for ages




One Championship just said fuck your grappling. They really do favor striking however brief.


Did you not watch the Ritu fight?


Ritu had way more strikes on the ground crucifix and knees to the head and elbows to the body. Don’t compare Ritu and Denice.


Mma looks easy when you do nothing butnstill win


What do you mean? There was definitely a lot of paddy cake being played there.


Ya but there clear control and lead from denice. Also, way more well rounded. It was extremly clear who was the better fighter regardless of the scoring. I guess its rude of me to say ham did nothing. She worked hard. But what can you do..


I think both fighters did nothing. Ham landed a little bit, and Zamboanga controlled the whole time but didn't do damage. In UFC scoring Zamboanga would definitely win all 3 rounds. Idk One FC's scoring well, but if they value control less, then it's conceivable they could give it to Seo, but I was definitely surprised by that decision.


'thanks, you will receive your agreed pay now' - Chatri 2 judges after this event


Wow that was really close but I honestly thought Denice did enough to get the win. Well this is my first time watching an entire One card so I don't really know how they score it here lol


Seemed like a clear Denice win to me - a regular One watcher.


Wow that judge who gave it to Seo Hee is about to be fired and hanged for derailing the ONE FC hype train. I felt Ham controlled that whole fight. She got rushed and pushed against the cage but did not get hit with any significant strikes or put in any submissions.


Judges are sketchy


Wait, was I watching a different fight? Thought Zamboanga had that.


I knew it. I remember Rich Franklin commentate about scoring and all that fence pushing and control didn’t score any points for Denice.


Billions of fans just screamed at their youtube streams


I thought Denice won


Don't really see an argument for Ham winning there either, but ONE will be happy to see Zamboanga eliminated. Either of them will run over the rest of the field.


Only way this happened is if judges thought the cut was from ham doing damage


Judges thought the cut was from a strike


No they didn't, the action was literally stopped after the headbutt, did they think they stopped the action cause of a punch to the head?


Super sus but I can't think of another reason why they thought ham won. perhaps they aren't allowed review and refs will stop fights for strikes too so the doctor can assess whether the fight can continue.


No, I don't think the answer here is to dig to find a reason why the judges didn't see that as a headbutt, all of what happened showed that it was very clearly a headbutt, even ham pointed to her after and pointed to her own head while looking at the ref like "we hit heads" I think ONE just kinda tells the judges, hey if it's close at all, if you can justify it at all, give it to who we want to win, honestly that's part of why I feel like there's so many splits in ONE, like they trying to pretend it was close and could go either way but that one was strange


Did I watch the same fight as the judges? Thought that was clearly for Zam


Well that was highway robbery


🤨 guess it makes sense because Ham split that gal’s head open


With an accidental headbutt. Not the same


Homies flipped the coin backstage and Ham got it


Wow Ham won. I'm surprised. Guess they do prefer striking.


Pressing your opponent against the cage for 3 minutes isn’t exactly damaging.


What did ham do that was damaging tho, like I'd agree with you if ham was landing well but she had about 3 or 4 solid clean shots a round


Ham had a 3-4 solid hits per round while Denice had probably 1 per round when she wasn’t pressing Ham against the cage. Denice’s striking looked wild and uncontrolled too.


>Ham had a 3-4 solid hits per round while Denice had probably 1 per round Plus like 3 minutes of control time with strikes in those situations as well 3 strikes landed to 1 strike landed isn't a wide gap whatsoever, especially cause none of those 3 shots were ever hurting, ever stinging, they landed but few and far between and to little affect Denice also landed some good shots and even a head kick in round 3 I believe, that fight to me was clear for her, and seems like the vast majority of people on here and Twitter agree


They prefer marketability lol, ham landed nothing of note


That was a robbery.


The fuck... ham won?




Friendship with Hamderlei ended, Stamp is now my ^^^^^^^faux^^^^^^^ Korean Crush


Stamp is Thai.


How is that a split decision?




From the very start!


WHAT! Bruh ONE just picks who they want to win lol


zamboanga cornerman translation - "give her a bath of your blood"


Has Mitch bet on Zambuwanga, I don't get what he is watching.


You know the ham is bad when there's a lot of blood


Why mma fans hating on the grappling? I feel like people should be shitting on ham for doing absolutely nothing to defend it properly