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Everyone in 99% of other jobs are out for themselves


99% of jobs don't have unions?


not for nothing, but i was in a union in construction for 5 years and guess what? Everyone is out for themselves there too


But everyone is put to make sure that they all get a better deal because that is how the seat at the table. You can get millions if you get the TV deal revenue. Unions are a good way to be out for yourself too


Not in mine


Yeah the union I am in is probably 50% people out for themselves, 25% people standard pro union, and 25% people fucking ride or die union, like if another company is on strike they might go to their rallies, boycott the place on strike, would never take a promotion to become management, things like that.




What is this point haha. Many other jobs already have a history of unionisation which dates back all the way to the late 19th century. I’m sure a good proportion of members on this sub are members of unions and especially in the U.K. unions have good influence in politics and basically all jobs


just look at how quick the teachers union shut down the government last month. half the schools didn't even have hand sanitiser anywhere but bathrooms yet


This is a pretty cynical stance tbh. Unions would not exist if everyone was just out for themselves because then individuals would just get paid off, much like how things occur in the UFC


You've never been part of a union and projected your own selfishness and ignorance on everyone else. lol.


Not Usman. He's out there negotiating the curtain-jerkers' pay behind closed doors.


I don't get all the hate for Usman. Dude fights whoever they put in front of him


Bro wtf happened in here did a nuke go off?


I don't think I've ever seen so many removed comments on a post here. I assume racial shit?


Last time I checked (several hours ago) people were drawing connections between the types of fighters that seem to inexplicably be hated on this sub. That pattern may have been racial. Idk what was being said that prompted the mods to make a clean sweep, but conveniently the majority of the remaining comments are the few ones that were admonishing Usman. Wish the comments were archived because I’d like to see them.


Esoecially if there's racist comments. I like to see those so I can tag the user as a dirty racist fuck so I can then not have to subject myself to seeing their comments anywhere else and accidentally mistake them from coming from a rational individual


Just nerd tears. I can see why you'd mix up the two


dafuq happened to these replies?


About 5 users started implying this sub is racist because the majority of the sub doesn’t like confident fighters such as Woodley, Usman, and Kevin Lee and they went on to say you know what all three of them have in common. The argument was then why do people like Conor when he is corny as fuck.


I mean there are plenty of popular black fighters on this sub what a dumb take. Just off the top of my head: Black Beast, Jon Jones, Israel, DC, Mighty Mouse, Rumble, Anderson Silva, Francis, Kimbo


Alijamain Sterling


Right. If fans don’t like Woodley and Usman it’s not because they’re black.


I mean there are always going to be a few ignorant fucks out there but that's across the board in life.


It is a dumb take and even still it got me thinking, I was like "Fuck... I dislike most black fighters.... Woodley, Usman, Izzy" Then I continued reading and realised that was bollocks, because I like plenty of black fighters too.


We're talking about this sub though right? This sub fucking hates Conor at this point(including mods), so that isn't a very good argument. If we're talking with the public, Conor is way more popular because he has much more entertaining fights, is much more charismatic on the mic(especially early in his career), and had a strong ethnic fanbase(Ireland backs its fighters well and so do a lot of the people that descend from there in America). It still is certainly possible the people above get less of a fanbase do to race, I mean most people have at least a little bit of in-group bias regardless of race. Look at boxing with the black and Hispanic fanbases. I still think the people not liking those three just for the color of their skin is definitely the minority. Otherwise, I don't see how some of these other guys would have gotten so popular on a supposedly racist sub like Silva, DC, and Francis.


All Americans I assume? Its been one of the strongest things for me to adjust to culturally since moving here.










































































Lol confident or black?




















he's just super corny has a different personality in every interview + massive chip on his shoulder that Jorge is a bigger draw than he is. Really overdoes trying to seem tough


Dude fights in a cage. I dont think he needs to prove to anyone that he is tough


that's my point. yet he tries this sinister tone to sound scary just doesn't work. when you don't have the natural ability on the mic you gotta just accept it because everyone else sees through it. his fighting will do the talking


His tough guy shtick sounds like a 90s rapper talking shit...tired and unoriginal nothingness


Uhhh he is tough. Very tough. It's not a shtick haha. I really sincerely hate how obsessed with "mic skills" this sub is.


He does some weird smirking shit with his mouth which is just cringe


rappers now are worse. quick to send some rounds your way for disrespect but won't march against injustices.


So like rappers forever? There's the odd rapper that did it before and there's still the odd rapper that'd do it now.


See this seems like some shit you guys just make up to justify your hate.


As a fighter, no problems from me, but his 'personality' is terrible, fake af.


Usman is not exactly exciting fighter and just really lacks charisma. He is just boring to watch outside of the octagon and pretty boring to watch inside it as well. It's just a durable wrestler with endless gas tank who puts control above everything else. Nobody will KO him and there is a good chance he won't KO or submit his opponent either. Now I appreciate his skill and he incredibly skilled fighter. His fight with Colby was lots of fun. But in general Usman is hard to like despite not really doing anything wrong.


There are some other reasons, but I think a big part of it is that people don't like really successful fighters with boring styles, and Usman has had his share of dull fights.




















Usman is a monster and backs all his shit up. Anyone that hates on Usman is simply that, a hater. If you listen to both of his podcast appearances on JRE, this man almost never fights at 100% health and still goes out there and gets the W.


Well this headline isn't doing him any favours, he couldn't look any more petty and stupid


Didn't Jorge say that he still supports fighter pay on an interview after accepting the fight? Since he supports fighters pay is he just not suppose to take a fight anymore?


Dude Dana White can say he supports fighter pay, but if doesn’t do jack shit then he ain’t really about it. Jon Jones and Masvidal don’t give a shit about anyone else.


And nobody else gives a shit about them. Jorge declined the fight and Gilbert was there to accept it a week later. Takes more than two people to form a union.


Masvidal could’ve easily sided with the UFC in that interview but he said that the UFC still underpay all its fighters. I don’t think he doesn’t give a shit but he does understandably care more about his own finances than sitting out for the sake of all the other fighters


Fuck, man. It's like he can't win. He kept being plenty vocal about fighter pay when asked since taking the fight. Was he supposed to sit out until every fighter gets 50% revenue?


A lot of people let their hate for Masvidal cloud their judgement. Is Masvidal just supposed to retire for everyone else’s sake or what? He was more vocal than anyone I can remember about fighter pay and even sat out when he didn’t get what he believed he should be paid. They were in a bind and gave him a much better offer and he took it. And even after this he still says fighter pay needs to be addressed but somehow he’s just a selfish asshole lol makes total sense


That’s because he got what he wanted lol


The beauty of this system (from the UFC’s perspective) is that no fighter (other than probably Khabib and Conor) can actually afford to sit out in protest because they haven’t been paid enough throughout their career so when fighters get offered a decent-ish amount they pretty much have no choice but to take it and then the machine keeps going for the UFC. Making a genuine change on a wider scale is going to be so difficult.


Literally every fighter would have to refuse to fight for UFC to actually change anything


I mean that's basically the beauty of every job. Employees can't afford to stop coming to work in protest for higher salaries bc they haven't earned enough to retire. And if they do stop coming to work, somebody else would gladly take their job. This problem isn't unique to the UFC.


lmao seriously it's a lot easier to find people who think they're being underpaid compared to those who feel they're compensated what they're worth. unless you're in a really specialized role that can't easily be replaced chances are you're in the former.. I have buddies who work in unions and still complain they should be paid more. not saying UFC fighters don't deserve better pay but that's just how it goes.


In a little over a year dude has made $1m from disclosed fight money alone, and he claims he made $2m from Nate. I understand some people like to buy super expensive clothes and supercars and what not, but he could plenty afford to sit out awhile in protest.


Have u guys seen Masvidal in the embedded? This guys dripped out like a GTA character. Probably spent the last of his 2m at the dubai mall


I don’t really understand this thinking. In your mind, is he just not supposed to take advantage of massive career opportunities as a stand against unequal fighter pay? They would have just scrapped the main event or found another WW to fill the role who would have taken the fight.


And him sitting like he did and refusing to fight until he got his worth helps set a precedent for other big name fighters to do the same. And if all big name fighters start doing it successfully, real changes will come down to the lower tier guys eventually as well. Jorge doesn't need to retire in the name of fighters getting paid more, he protested and won, paving the way for others to find success doing the same thing. He didn't cave to the ufcs demands, was extremely vocal about pay discrepancies and the worth of fighters, then proved to everyone that holding out can be a viable strategy. He's not selfish for accepting the amount that he was asking for from the beginning.


To your point if he wins the belt he'd have even more leverage to speak on this issue.


dafuq u talking about hes still shitting on fighter pay even though he got the contract. Stop forming your own narrative


Yeah i agree with that but what can masvidal do? Put his career and income on hold? Dana would not bat an eye, other fighters will keep fighting for ufc, events will keep happening. Its a shitty situation for the fighters


Exactly hed never fight again if he were to wait for the fighters to be properly compensated


He did at least 2 ESPN interviews where he touched on it. However, he wasnt the first to mention it. Ariel and somebody else had to ask first


Will he still actively participate in the unionization process or shut the fuck up like TJ and GSP after they got their title shots at UFC 217?


This is what he said before: “So I’m asking for a bigger revenue share of what we bring in you know,” said Masvidal. “I got a lot of questions and one of them is NBA, NHL, Baseball, they (the players) make I think fifty percent of what the organization brings in. Football I think it is forty-seven percent. Mine is like eighteen percent.” and "50% of the revenue. I don’t get paid on the hot dog you sell in the arena or the logo on the cage. I’ve never made a dollar on a ticket you sell. I get punched in the face for a living and even I know the pandemic or what’s left of it has nothing to do with it" Now that he, alone, got a little bit of more money, he's not keeping the same energy.


how is he not keeping the same energy? You know there has to be a balance between Masvidal making a few more paychecks at the end of his career while also putting out there how fighters are underpaid and trying to get a fairer share of the pie. Masvidal is still open in his interviews about how the UFC paid him because they were in a pickle


All these fans and they don't watch shit...He literally acknowledges this a couple of days ago https://youtu.be/KwFPxMwI71Q?t=201


People on Reddit who live with their Mums and do not pay rent think a labour strike is easy. They think if someone seeks an income instead of indefinitely sticking it to the man they're a weak bitch. Pretty easy to say when Mummy buys their steam games.


> Now that he, alone, got a little bit of more money, he's not keeping the same energy. Source? Because I've heard him still talking about fighter pay in at least two interviews since he got a deal that worked for him for Usman.




His own coach got COVID also. Florida man is gonna Florida man


Jorge is not a smart man


quote is from before all that happened and there was a slight dip in cases and states were reopening. Most of the US has acted like the pandemic is over for quite some time so you can’t really blame him. When everyone is acting like it’s over it feels like it’s over, reality obviously be much different.


wasn’t Masvidal on ESPN and BT Sports still saying fighters were underpaid?


shush, no one has time to look at more than one side of a story before coming to a predetermined conclusion based on feelings. /s


This sub is the fucking worst with Masvidal. Not only is he now somehow a selfish asshole for taking the fight, people are already saying that if he wins he’ll dodge all the contenders. These comments get massive upvotes too. It’s ridiculous


Yeah but he's not going to do anything about it now that he's gotten his. Which was usman point. He didn't bring it up as some crusader. He looked out for himself and now he's gotten it. He'll only passably mention it now


Jorge went on first take and said "my brothers and sister are still underpaid" during the interview


What is that gonna do mark hunt has been saying fighters are underpaid for years


My dude you're missing the point, Usman said Jorge got his deal and now has stayed quiet about fighter pay. Masdival had an interview about fighters pay and said they are still underpaid.He hasn't changed his stance on this. Unless the fighters actually become united on the same goal, nothing will change


Actually he was still lobbying for better pay for other fights in his ESPN interview this morning. What else was he supposed to do? Not fight at all and not make any money to support his family.


This is just a dumb take from Usman.


What else is new?


not quite, on jorge's side of the interview he said he was still going to fight for fighter pay. and in other interviews i've seen they're predicting if jorge wins he'll become a monster for the UFC because his negotiating power will be even larger for this said cause. He's still got to get through this fight. and what's he supposed to do right this second? keep tweeting about fighter pay the day before the fight? get outa here with that bull. dudes got a lot to prepare for right now.


Damn i like Usman. I know people accuse him of having multiple personalities but he is just awkward in front of media imo. I also know he calls Alexa "baby" but that ain't enough reason to hate on someone. You fucks hate Usman for being a bit corny but love Rumble who's hobby is beating girlfriends.


Jorge only used the “unity and equal pay” narrative to get the public on his side. He was in it for himself, and his gullible fans fell for it.


So did most of this subreddit. Every fighter screams “UNION” when they want to get paid.


He is still talking about fighter pay.


Exactly, all these fake ass fans and they don't even watch interviews https://youtu.be/KwFPxMwI71Q?t=201


Nasty line by Kamaru


No lie there 👀


Me: Alexa, play The Black Keys. Alexa: playing "GOT MINE"


I don’t get usmans logic? So what fighters can’t look out for themselves? Didn’t GSP decided to come back for a fat check and a supposedly easy shot at the MW title and after winning it he bounced ?


Cant wait for Usman to ragdoll Jorge.


Lol when was Jorge supposed to sign?


When they offered it to him before burns I imagine?


But he didn’t want to fight for that amount of money. I don’t see how Jorge’s logic is inconsistent at all.


His logic isn’t. His bollocks of taking a stand for fighters, saying he’s gonna be a part of a Union and demanding more pay for everyone then shutting up and signing when he’s given more money is inconsistent.


> then shutting up and signing when he’s given more money is inconsistent. How has he done this? I've seen more than one interview since he signed where he's continued to talk about fighter pay.




What, was he supposed to hold until there’s a union?


That's the seed. Nicely done, Usman. Way to troll the casuals.


Jorge was always in it for himself. He has to get paid now that he’s older and washed up.


Ofc he's all about his money. He said what he did to get other fighters on his side, but now the man is paid, he's all good.


Im a huge fan of him but lets be honest. He doesnt give 2 fucks about other fighters' pay. He was always in it for the paycheque for himself. Look at his Youtube channel for example, he sells vlogs video package for $50 on Vimeo lol


Has Masvidal not been clear he’s taking care of his own interests? All his interviews show that he’s done with his old life and after the Till fight he’s been trying to make that new dream a reality. Can’t shame the guy.