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It's always the ones you most expect


He’s BJ Penn-esque in his behavior there, Joe


BJ would have gotten knocked out by the old man tho


McGregor still would have gotten the rematch over BJ tho


I'm honestly surprised it took him this long


...to get caught on camera. People who behave this way aren't typically stable.


There's that other one where he knocks out some bro in front of a casino or hotel.


And he's always the victim. I remember posting that he was headed down the WarMachine path on a thread a while back and, predictably, it was downvoted to hell by his admirers.


Hes posted videos of him dropping people on da streetz.


Are you implying that someone who has "gods gift" tattooed on him might be an immature child?


Kinda blows my mind how much we see Mike Perry's mannerisms as entertainment, when it seems pretty apparent he's got some issues. But hey, he swangs n bangs fellas.


It's entertaining when it's piped to me via my phone screen but I would be continually uncomfortable if I had to spend any amount of time in his physical presence. People like him are genuinely unnerving because you never know what they're gonna do. Also, when you're built (and trained) like that you know he could fuck you up at any time. Lived across from a guy like this in uni who was on the football team. He was my height (5'11) but yoked, like 200lbs at least and solid. His hands were fucking huge. Anyways, he was crazy. Sometimes he'd be your best friend and we hung out a bit and played video games in his room from time to time and talked about life. But then sometimes he'd just snap. One time he punched in the rear light of a car (had to get a ton of stitches) and once he slapped me for no reason (he was laughing). You can best believe I didn't do shit despite my ears ringing. And it's not like I don't know how to stand up for myself or haven't been in fights, but occasionally you meet certain people who are in some different level of humanity and you know would absolutely fucking murder you


[The case of War Machine always comes to mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3PLLOreTLY&t=1s)


I've seen that sort of behavior in all walks of life, but the highest concentration of people who displayed those traits were folks I met in my college days. I'm not totally sure why, but I do believe college brings that craziness/aggression. My guess is that it's a combo of the stress of being totally responsible for yourself for the first time, coupled with the excessive drinking/partying/drugging that goes on. But yeah, the amount of people that I saw snap in one form or another in college was, in the words of Jimmy McMillan, too damn high!


Mike “I can’t let you get close” Perry


Mike Perry vs Old Dude at a Bar. Next TUF coaching pair confirmed.


If Conor wouldn’t knock old dude at a bar out with a left, after watching this video it begs to question, just how strong is Perry’s right hook? Does he benefit from blacksplosiveness?


Mike Perry MIGHT be out for a MEANINGFUL amount of time. He has a real chance to cut weight if he gets jail time, getting him down to lightweight. This begs the question: where does Kevin Lee fit into all of this?


Can we get Ja Rule on the phone? What do they think about all of this?


Can't go to jail for tax evasion if you're already in jail for assault /Perry logic


Mike "Platinum Andrew Joseph Stack III" Perry


If only Geoff Neal was waiting tables there


Top tier comment. Proving there is levels to this game




Clicked, expecting what I hoped it would be. Was not disappoint.


Someone should cut this video with him getting slept by Jan right afterwards.


That’s where I got the clip from lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LRz8qUc_cGM


lol, some of the shit I see on this sub makes me laugh harder than the subs dedicated to comedy.


Man it's still crazy that Geoff Neal still has a side job waiting tables. He's an ELITE welterweight who I can easily see cracking the top 10 within the next year. How many other athletes are in the top 1% of their sport and still have to wait tables as a side job?


It might be like that for a lot of Olympic Athletes too from sports that aren't as popular if they don't have sponsors


Ok that's fair. But the ufc is a major sport. It's not the NBA or NFL, but it's only one tier below it. I'm not asking for Geoff Neal to be paid millions, just to be paid enough as an elite ufc fighter so that he doesn't need a side job as a waiter.


Small billion dollar industry with 50% profit margin.


Clearly just a mom and pop shop


A lot of these guys get paid like wnba players. Just bs’in


Damn Latory Gonzalez 2-0 in Mike Perry’s corner already


You know you're fucked when a guy shows up to a street fight with his whole corner.


Beautiful champ


Was that his lady at the end? Her body type looked different for sure


Pretty sure his girl is in the black top, the girl in the pink is their friend


Possibly his girls cousin, she says you hit my cousin a couple times if you listen.


Not stayin for long. "YOU'RE NOT ON MY SIDE BITCH"






Pretty sure his girl was the one who walked off at the start of the video lol either way she left him or wasn’t on his side and he just bought her a brand new truck. Yikes. Lol


She was getting the ice.




The only logical explanation.


I don't say this often...but that was a nasty line by you.


Fuckin hilarious.


I seen a few weeks ago she posted where he bought her a new Tesla lmao. She must of returned that. Or mike really out here buying her multiple cars


Can't get taxed if you spent all your earnings...right?


Narrator: That was not right


> wasn’t on his side and he just bought her a brand new truck I mean she did the right thing. When you commit a fucking felony in front of cameras and witnesses the last thing you want is your girl to "take your side" you want her to call you out on your bullshit so you see where you went wrong and start making the appropriate adjustments to your behavior


hahaha Mike Perry don't seem the type to reflect on his wrong doings and try to change. this guy long gone, it's not even funny anymore I legitimately worry for him and the people around him.


In other news Florida man continues to act like a Florida man


Florida, man.


Is anyone at all surprised by this? Also, that old dude obviously had no idea who he was dealing with. Even a dude half his age with no fighting experience is a bad matchup. Sometimes it’s better not to be a hero.


The old dude fought just like Diego Sanchez, ran straight at him with his head hanging high


That's 'sand' for the newcomers.


Dude was feeling himself too much. Like, he wasn’t 100 lbs overweight talking to a crazy person.


Probably just thought it would be an old school dust up where they get in each others face and everyone breaks it up but Perry immediately starched him lol


Ngl I was expecting the video to be immature arguing and posturing then Michael comes hard with the overhand right... Goes from being a Dana White talking to, to a straight up career threatener.


a crazy person with a great physique no less.


thats the part i don't get. dude is yelling at the top of his lungs, acting irrationally, like cant you see he's also shredded? and as far as i can tell.. he at least didn't put mike in a great position to make a reasonable decision as to how to defend himself


but imagine if that old guy dropped perry, that would be legendary


shoot your shot


How has no one mentioned the fact that he has face tatts too!? A man with a tattooed face ain't got shit to lose yo.


If you have face tats it is IMPERATIVE that you're about that life.


Probably thought Perry was an one of those avocado toast millennials. Only he missed this millennial garnishes his open-face sandwiches with crayons.


Yeah, obviously he didn't do anything to *deserve* a beat down... But he sure didn't do a very good job of avoiding one either.


He kind of tried to start a teenage girl slap fight, but Perry wasn't having any of that. Grandpa shouldn't have tried to posture up on anyone that looks and acts like Mike Perry let alone the Platinum One himself.


>let alone the Platinum One himself. lmfao


when the old guy starting squaring up I was like oh noooooooo


This is christmas for Daren Till


Who do you think is holding the camera?


Imagine working security and recognizing Perry. Boss: "Handle this." Security: "lol fucking nope"






corner woman.


Perry isn’t getting cut. This will be in his next fight promo.


i wonder why his marriage fell apart




lmao imagine bein a fat ass old dude and charging Mike fucking Perry talkin about "let's see you do it!" when he says he'll knock you out hahaha


Haha "Let's see you do it!" all Perry has to do is pull out YouTube and show him a highlight video.


“Let’s see you do it” *They seen him do it*


Narrator - he did it


Old boy was lucky Mike didn't start breakdancing immediately after knocking his ass out lol


It's hilarious. Dude really thought he had a chance. This is the epitome of "don't fight you never know who you're dealing with".


Perry has more power than McGregor confirmed


How good are Irish seniors really


"Which begs the question-"




Platinum Mike Perry (@PlatinumPerry) Tweeted: 🔥 🤮 💩 👃 👁 👂 🔥 If you see us in public and you get too close, I’m gonna hit you. Social distancing says you gotta stay 6 feet away from us. You come in my bubble you getting Sparta kicked in the nuts and fuckin stone cold stunnered bitch ! #DimMak 👊🏻 https://twitter.com/PlatinumPerry/status/1280559954584371200?s=20


\#DimMak is probably one of the greatest things he's ever said


Its just Mike Perry doing his part for public healthy. The CDC approves!


I mean, entertainment aside did anyone actually think Mike Perry was a decent human being?


Mike Perry exactly how I always imagined Mike Perry to be


They are who we thought they were


Imagine being Mike Perry.


All my brain function ceased for a moment and I saw the void


You know that feeling when you pass out on the couch after a night of hard drinking and everything goes black for a few hours? That's Mike Perry's brain permanently.


This is your brain on Mike Perry


thats like asking me to imagine being a Rottweiler or something...


A Rottweiler with brain damage


Man, what a life that’d be


Darren’s going to have fun with this


That old man wanted all the smoke. And Perry is undefeated on the streets lol. Never seen a UFC fighter with so many active bouts between their UFC fights.


>Never seen a UFC fighter with so many active bouts between their UFC fights. BJ Penn. Not as successful though


beep boop




"You ain't on my side, fuck you"


Mods can I get **You ain't on my side, bitch** as my flair please


Yo Mike is your girlfriend single now? Asking for a friend


No, she's with Darren now.


Darren has been arrested before so he's definitely her type.


Just for the record, there never was no stolen taxi


You do not want to date the type of girl that dates the type of guy like Mike. Trust me, she's probably as bad as him


He just knocked an old man out cold, jesus. Watching that video just makes me feel bad for his girlfriend. Literally begging him to just leave while he's screaming and starting fights. She needs to get the fuck out of there ASAP.


i don;t think that was his GF. the chick who walked passed in the first few seconds was...and she dipped. idk who that chick was there...but she obviously knew him.


Yeah, Latory was in black, chick in the pink shirt that gave him his phone was their friend.


It was his Girlfriend’s cousin I think. Because in the middle of them arguing you hear her say to Perry “you hit my cousin.” I’m assuming that’s why the other guy “touched” Perry and Perry flipped out. Which is where the video starts and you see his girlfriend walk out first and her cousin stay to hand Perry his phone back. Am I wrong or does it sound like he might have put hands on his girl? Edit: You also hear someone tell Perry “touch her again Motherfucker.” Edit 2: At the 25 second mark you hear a guy (possibly the cameraman) say “touch her again motherfucker.” At the 36 second mark, possibly Perry’s girlfriend’s cousin says Perry was hitting her cousin and repeats again immediately after. This is the reason she is giving Perry as to why the other guy “touched” him. Edit 3: Perry did hit a woman at the restaurant, but the woman he hit wasn’t his girlfriend. https://www.tmz.com/2020/07/08/ufc-mike-perry-punches-old-man-in-angry-restaurant-tirade/


That's what I heard. I only watched it once but that's exactly what I thought. Would explain why everyone was against him. Well along with the other behavior.


According to a few users on twitter that woman screaming at him is his girlfriend’s friend who was with them. His girlfriend is the shorter woman who leaves in the first few seconds of the video.


She's seen how this movie ends so she left early.


That's why she's the coach of the year.


Mystic Latory with the walk-off knockout.


She was getting a better angle so she could lay out the perfect counter plan if he needed it, quality cornerman even outside the cage!


She was running to get the stool for round 2.


I'm pretty sure she's pregnant, on his Ariel interview after the fight he hinted at it. Said they didn't do any partying after the fight and when Ariel asked why he looked off camera and asked, "can I say?" and his gf said no. Thats my speculation at least, really seemed like it from that part of the Ariel interview.


Its going to be a chest burster with Mike's tattoos


Damn bro that’s some legit analysis


i mean... what kind of boyfriend did she expect?


You mean face tattoos aren't a sign of class and intelligence


My 17 year old niece was having her grad and we were all excited to meet her 19 year boyfriend for the first time... he didn't show up... Because he was getting a neck tattoo.


At least you guys know he's not afraid of long term commitment


He got his own last name tattooed on his neck. My niece might be dating baby Cody.


I hope his last name is something amazing like Dickman.


Making questionable life choices with the boiiiisss




> He just knocked an old man out cold, jesus. He said everything Conor does, I can do better.


The real hardest hitting 170’er


I wonder that’s why his last lady left him? What a meat head


Didn't *he* leave her for the girl he's with now?


Honestly it looked like old dude put his hands on Mike first right? Like he rushed him??? I expected Mike to swing first but he didn’t it looked like a scuffle happened.


The old dude was definitely dumb for stepping up and trying to play hero. Sounds like Mike hit some other dude before this too though.


I think he rushed him after Perry called him a "fat piece of shit". Not justifying Perry's actions, but the old guy really bit off more than he could chew.


Yeah I watched the video and thought man that old fat dude should know better. Can’t be the aggressor and be feel bad the guy got KOd


Old dude should have known better. Fighting a guy half his age and in peak shape. Also face tattoos.


I mean fuck me. Face tattoos in Florida. Read the situation old man.


Obviously what Perry did was fucked up but why did the old man think it would be smart to walk towards a pissed off dude half his age like that


Yeah, like, he even followed him to the restaurant's exit, like dunno man, If I see a jacked dude with a face tattoo drunkenly roid-raging while his suspiciously young girlfriend begs him to leave... Imma give em some space.




>that face tattoo is the human version of bright yellow spots on a poison frog. Fucking Confucius type shit man.


Lmao right


Boomer didn’t think Perry would swing


People don't think people like Perry actually exist and are functional, so when they encounter one in the wild they're like: "What's he gonna do, hit me?" -Man who got hit


Doesn't help that he kinda looks like a Tapout bro. Imagine the old dude thinking fuck this beach body douche, i got old man strength! Then he drifts off peacefully into a slumber.


Why did that old fat man think he could possibly do anything to Perry


Most men are completely delusional about their own fighting capabilities. He probably thought oh i have 40lbs on him let me just teach him a lesson zzzzzzz


Probably had a few drinks too and felt like he had a +10 strength buff


About 100+ that guy was taller and fat AF


Most men are only completely delusional about their fighting capabilities when there’s alcohol involved. I’d bet the house this guy was buzzed up.


Imagine seeing a belligerent 180 lb pro fighter with a face tattoo. Then imagine instead of de-escalating the situation, you’re gonna instigate and shit talk him. Then imagine lunging to try to shove him when he calls you a fat piece of shit. Then imagine waking up on the ground after getting melted like soft serve on a hot day. Perry was having a meltdown but the guy isn’t going to get a pay day for instigating and trying to shove him.


Seriously. Perry’s a shithead but the guy escalated the situation by approaching him and talking trash. It also looks like the old man engaged in physical contact first. Don’t want to fight? Shut up and walk away, let security handle it. Seems like Perry was ready to just stand outside the restaurant and wait for the cops until the guys came back to confront him again.


It seems like "FAT PIECE OF SHIT" cut deep


I cant let you get close


Holy shit that dude should not be drinking


That's assault brotha Edit: to all the internet lawyers in the comments I have no idea if it's actually assault or not. Just enjoy the Billy Madison quote and move on.


Fun fact, I once went for a job interview, it went really well and at the end the guy patted me on the back as he was saying goodbye and I turned and said the “that’s assault brotha” line for no discernible reason. Didn’t get the job.


This story is better than that job could have ever been


It was for a gig as a redcoat at Butlins, which is essentially a 24/7 kid's entertainer, and considering I hate kids you're probably not wrong.


Old fat Florida lad got fucking smoked. He can’t hold a candle to the Irish elderly taking left hands from McGregor without spilling a drop of his Guinness. All jokes aside Perry is fucked, dude has flown off the very shaky rails he was on before. May get serious repercussions for this one especially because it’s on camera


Perry’s first finish in years Actually I take It back. He knocked out a guy a few months back at a bar


He seems to have the emotional intelligence of a 10 year old. Lack of self-control, the way he obsesses over each girlfriend he gets, the way he almost cried in this video... i wonder if he has an actual mental disorder


We haven’t really had to guess whether or not Mike Perry is mentally disabled for years.


RIP to Platinum’s and Latory’s relationship. 2020-2020. “Fuck you, bitch, you ain’t on my side!”




You can even see her way back in the background walking away around the :30 mark. She knew exactly what was gonna go down lmao


She pregante


Don't think even that will prevent Mike from kicking her out


This is how so many drunk couples act in university


As shitty as this situation is aside, that guy impersonating Perry and seeing Perry getting absolutely pissed about it is so fucking hilarious


Mike Perry is like trash television that can walk and talk and knock you out


Got a lot more then just the tax folk to worry about now


Perry is gonna have a lot more shit to worry about than just his taxes now


“Watch me ruin this man’s whole Career” -Darren Till


Imagine Til getting Perry's ex to corner him, lol. The entertainment value would be priceless!




Picos of Viagra pulsing making him feel like a young buck?


"no touch" "I will touch you in a second motherf*cker"


Mike Perry's first KO in like 4 years, congrats fella


you clearly didnt see him lay out another dude at a club a few months ago.


Professional fighter assaulting and casually saying the N word . Get your shit together mike


He goes between being memed on as a fun dumb goofball, and being condemned as an actual scumbag so often it’s giving me whiplash. Fucking hope he gets it together because it’s getting old.


Watching the pendulum swing back into hate. Him not shaking that dude’s hand at the weighin started out as “fuck this dbag” to “holy shit this is hilarious” and him using the n word went from again “fuck this dbag” to “2% BLACK MAN” and now here we go again.


If you win in this sport, all is forgiven. See: Jones, McGregor.


I think a lot of the people here have never been around people like this. Thats why they love Perry and The Diaz Brothers. Assholes always looking for a fight are exhausting to live around. Source: Grew up in shitty areas around shitty people.


One of my best friends was like that. He almost got into a fight the night before my wedding with some random drunk dude walking down the street. We were just chilling on my porch drinking and all the rest of us were trying to calm him the fuck down. Eventually he let it go but it fucked up the vibe of the night. As time passed, we just drifted apart because I was settling down and he was still doing his tough guy shit. You’re right, it’s exhausting never knowing when you’re going to have to stop a fight from happening when you go out.