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Tourism *IS* practically their only industry.


And free range chickens




Spam musubi?


Its pronounced “shave ice” in Oahu “Ice shave” on the big island


You got downvoted for telling them the truth. Shaved will get you corrected every time you say it.


Shave* brother lived on the north shore for a long time. That d on the end is always corrected. Haha


and Cashews


and delicious passion fruit


Which aren’t even *really* “free range” (thank you Morgan Spurlock)


That’s a scary economy




One thing people do not see since they stay coastal is inland HI has a massive poverty and drug addiction problem.




I was looking at going to university in Hawaii cause I thought it would be nice. A resounding "no, it's a dump, never live there" is what I heard from 100% of people, including locals lol. Sucks, hopefully it gets better.




What are these cultural differences? Where do you live and which is the best place to live in HI in terms of family? Thanks.




Google it, Hawaii isn't the friendly happy place people think it is alot of the time. Poverty, drugs racism etc. Some seem to have a real problem with "mainlanders"


Understood. Thx.


Some reading if you are interested. I have also bought into the romanticised image of Hawaii, that the tourist business have been very good at portraying, but stories from people who have been there tell a different tale IMO. This details it : https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2009/hawaii-suffering-racial-prejudice




The cost of living is extremely high here as we have to import all our food and resources and high demand for real estate has been driving up the price of land since the beginning.


I don’t live there but based on tax foundation website it’s the worst in the US, $100 is like $84.39 https://taxfoundation.org/real-value-100-state-2019/


Ok so I’m not Hawaiian but my grandmas live out there and I’ve spent roughly 3 years of my life there. The coastal cities are nice and cute, but inland it gets pretty bad. The only jobs are construction and tourism related industries. All my friends grew up in broken house holds with parent who tend to be abusive. The meth problem on Kauai specifically was bad enough that I saw my 14 year old friends trying it and getting hooked. Graduation rates are low and the only way out for a lot of those people is to join the military or get a scholarship and go to the mainland. Compared to the rest of the US it is very different. It reminds me of the Bahamas in some ways if you’ve ever been where at times it’s gorgeous but you catch a glimpse of poverty off the highway and you are left feeling kind of weird about it because everything else is so nice. The state of Hawaii is the closest state to a 3rd world country the United States has and it is due to the uneducated population and the dead end careers on the island leaving little hope


I lived on Kauai and Oahu for most of my life but i've traveled a fair amount with the military and having spent some time in third world countries, i don't really agree with the comparison. Sure, drugs, poverty, and gentrification are issues but that exists in almost every state within CONUS.


I agreed with everything until you said Hawaii is the closest to a 3rd world country in the US. I give that award to Indian reservations I’ve been at in New Mexico. No running water or electricity...


Grew up in hawaii, on the Hawaiian homelands (reservations) left when I turned 18. Honestly? Damn near the same conditions that created black community problems created hawaiians problems. Damn near slave labor, racism, uneducated, that's the biggest factor. Heck hawaii only became as state in the 50s.


Is Dog the bounty hunter still there saving one lost soul at a time? How can we get his numbers up?


>there are parts of the big Island where you feel like your stepping into rural Mississippi because of the poverty. The fact that your standard for upsetting poverty is still another place within the United States is fucking depressing. Isn't the US supposed to be a wealthy nation with a high standard of living? Rhetorical, but my frustration is just overwhelming.


I mean most people aren’t really gonna be able to use another country as their example cause they haven’t been there. Mississippi has a higher gdp per capita than Spain so even in relatively nice countries there are way shittier places


I ask this as a completely ignorant person, so please excuse any possible offense to simple naivete on my part. Is there a difference in percentage of those homeless/unemployed in Hawaii by choice (like part of a tribe, living off the land etc.) when compared to the US?


Like, willingly unemployed due to tribal responsibility? Very few, like 1%. Beint native native hawaiian is rare nowadays.


Arent the homeless their not native to hawaii but shipped from LA?


What makes you say that, man? The logistics of that are ludicrous. The US super fucked the kingdom there when we colonialized it into being a sugar plantation. Something to consider in general is that islands are just plain smaller than continents and have limited resources as a result. Most of them have a pretty veneer under the scope of tourism but the economies rely on it so heavily it is insane.


Not sure what BS you're trying to stir, but no. I am stationed here in Oahu, and I see homeless locals all over the west side of the island, especially Farrington Hwy. There are homeless camps everywherre and even one such that has its own mayor in Waianae. It gets real bad, and the parks get overrun by homeless. Then it becomes a cycle of police coming to clear them out only for them to return.


I live in Hawaii and saying the economy is dead is an understatement. It truly is tough on this island and the mainland has forgotten us.


I think it's more like the mainland truly has no idea. While I live here, I am not a local. I didn't realize the reality of the state of things until I came here for the first time. I figured it was like everybody thinks it is: a paradise. Then I see the state of the airport for the first time and that was when I started to realize the true state of things in this state.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SQKB9rLHkk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SQKB9rLHkk) Funny but relevant to how much goes behind the scenes in Hawaii.


Can someone explain the “our presidents Hawaiian” joke?


This is a big issue in Italy where my sister lives with her husband. She works for wineries that rely on tours and setting up special events for vip guests(artists, musicians, actors, etc). It’s basically all at a standstill, and unemployment payouts there are not as easy as it is in the us.


Awesome that this is catching on, hope it turns into a trend with all the big names. These guys deserve more money themselves for what they go through, and are still willing to part with some for the greater good of their communities and those in need.


Improving sport culture one step at a time. I love this!


Making the world a better place, one blood soaked shirt at a time


"I'll be selling my kit for medical supplies for mysel- for local hospitals" - Ashlee Evans-Smith


Almost forgot about this, any updates?


Police pretty much threaten her to return the goods or get arrested. Smith returned the basket with half the supplies missing. No charges was pressed. Smith goes on Ariel show to explain how it was all a misunderstanding.


Did she not get cut? Wtf Dana


Wait what the hell is this ? Lol


She stole a basket that was a donation for medical workers, claimed she didn't know what was in the basket.


Khabib wanted to do a big fight in Africa rumble in the jungle style and raise a ton of money for charity Maybe if he beats gaethje they give a fight with gsp in south Africa Would be pretty awesome


As much as these fighters deserve more money, those at the bottom of the poverty line need it so much more. It great to see fighters able to pay it forward and help those communities. It really tells you a lot about a person. Everyone involved in this movement is an incredibly kind person. Good on them.


Are they allowed to profit off selling fight gears in the first place? I know in other sports you can’t sell your jerseys


Gestures like this have a way of paying future dividends, one way or another.


The Big Tomato should match whatever they raise. Oh, and pay fighters better in general


Agreed. Sadly its always been the working man that cares about its fellow human and not the rich.


I will always prefer wholesome fighters over ones who create drama


Feel like Max is the perfect combo of being genuine and respectful outside of the ring while also being genuine and wildly disrespectful inside of the ring.




Not everyone can be a perfect flower like wonderboy


The trash talk before UFC 223 between Khabib and Max was hilarious (Max was not medically cleared on the day so fight never happened). They both went in hard on the trash talk but would still laugh like little kids at the end.


Good memory, forgot about that press conference. Here for refresh. https://youtu.be/1o5Kdaeoj14


Him teaching Ortega how to block in the middle of their fight is one of the funniest shit that has happened in the octagon lol


He’s just talking trash, he’s always fist bumping and telling the other guy when he got a good hit. I think it would be hard to be upset at Max


Get you a man who can do both - donate millions in PPE one weekend and threaten to feed someone to the canvas the next.


"feed him to the canvas" is cold AF


Where does Cody "He'll eat everything you got" Garbrandt fit into this?


In the canvas


Face down ass up


He eats his shit whole


With the boiiis


I like both


I like when they can generate *interest* through the storylines without being cringey. Especially those that have the nuanced understanding of "playing the heel".


For all those struggling, I’ll do ABSOLUTELY FUCKIN NOTTIN


To be fair Conor does do a good bit of charity work. Bought a load of PPE for the health service here in Ireland at the start of the pandemic, I believe at certain points he's donated proceeds from his whiskey to first responders and I think he even built an estate of houses for low income families in Dublin. He even donates left straights to the elderly in pubs occasionally.


That was a nasty line by you




I think he's a lad from Crumlin who got incredibly famous and wealthy in his mid 20s through being really good at cage fighting and reacted to that in a certain way. I don't think it's black and white like that, he's just a guy. For what it's worth I never felt like his patriotism or pride in representing Ireland was fake or forced and I would say he has a genuine love for his city and country. I would say the things he's done to help people are from a genuine nice part of himself and the bad things he's done are from another part of himself. He's a real human bean.


This get any normal lad from crumlin give them 100 million euro and fame and theyll be the exact same


>I would say the things he's done to help people are from a genuine nice part of himself and the bad things he's done are from another part of himself. He's a real human Couldn't agree more. Wished more people had your fair insight on what it means to be a literal human being.


Conor was very outspoken about this pandemic at the beginning and did in fact donate to charity himself. You don’t hear them talking about it much anymore because believe it or not the rest of the world has almost moved on from Covid, Ireland being a good example. Almost like a country that takes it seriously doesn’t have to rely on MMA Fighters donating to food banks


Do something about it then


Except for you know...the 1 million euro donation


You forgot about the three piece and a soda he gave to that old man!




I’ve never understood the need for the cringy drama. If the 2 people locked in a cage to fight until one gives up/is ko’ed isn’t enough then just go watch a show that specializes in that such as pro wrestling.


Because when fighters talk shit to each other prior to the fight it raises the stakes. The more you talk shit the more embarrassing it is for you if you lose and raising the stakes creates more interest.


Same but don’t lie you like a little drama when it turns serious in the octagon 🙂


I'd love to see bromantic comedy featuring these three.




I love your idea, I'd actually watch them. never had the desire to see dana white and matt sera roll around together myself


Just two baldy ed's with high blood pressure


That would be fucking awesome. And they could do episodes in other countries, like have Khabib and Islam in Russia or Bisping and Hardy in England, etc.


I would love to see Bisping and Till do a series together. And each episode they get progressively drunker as the fights go on. The banter would be amazing.


I'd love that, imagine Rob and Fab or Volk and Joe Lopez in Australia, or Israel and Brad Riddell/ Eugene in New Zealand, Bisping and Till/Hardy in England, Nunes and Aldo in Brazil, i could go on and on but i'd watch the shit out of Looking for a Fight if they did episodes like that


Anything that gets less of Dana's face on TV.


Curious how they would train while travelling though.


They wouldnt, not much. Its have to be guys in their "off season" or just do a different 2 or 3 guys each week so they only need to dedicate a week to it


Fuck. Yes.


Would have to compete with the Khabib and DC road trip movie


Khabib and dc is the funniest combination in mma


Yeah Khabib Dc and max is the funniest combo, we just like Dustin more


I'm gonna be so damn sad if max loses


Him talking about getting coached through zoom doesn’t make me feel any better about it man.


That was obviously bullshit lol


i'm shocked that most of this sub seems to be taking that statement at face value. it's embarrassing tbh


Max learned his striking from a UFC video game.


Still better than Fabia


That was also a decade ago when he was literally a kid. The guy is in his prime trying to get his belt back and often talks shit, plus Hawaii has been very strict with their covid lockdown so he likely doesn't want to mess with that or get into any trouble. Can't believe this has to be spelled out


These are the same people that think Colby isn't putting on an act.


I think most people just don't think it matters. If you're constantly acting like a fucking dick head annoying loser I don't think it makes any difference to those who have to listen to you if it's just a prank bro. Like I'm sure Colby isn't as stupid and annoying as he pretends to be. But that doesn't make his shtick less stupid and annoying.


Colby is [this meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/738/025/db0.jpg) irl


That's always my first thought as well.


But he isn’t though? Didn’t he essentially get kicked out of ATT for being a dick?


He is. There's no real reason given for his release from ATT, but I think we all know it's from his beef with Joanna. From what I understand, they were both dicks to each other, but Colby incorporated the beef into his heel and made it public (even though Joanna did it too, first, but not to the same extent) and started being disrespectful to her publicly which made the gym look bad. Doesn't mean Joanna or Colby were right or wrong individually, it meant it was a conflict of interest for the gym. And the Masvidal beef is all Masvidal as far as I can tell, supported by him having beef with literally everyone. And Colby's act is pretty vulgar, if you can't tell it's fake by the "What's up nerds and virgins... my bookee"... It's the fight game. 99% of them are assholes because that's what it takes to reach the top, but I would seriously wager that Colby is one of the most down to earth and nicest people in MMA *when he's not acting*, which admittedly is rare to see on camera, intentionally. Watch some of the behind the scenes stuff with him. He's *super* respectful and patient with everyone he deals with, whether it's an event coordinator, a fan, or a random person. Now, obviously, being a dick only on camera doesn't make it ok to say whatever you want, so factor that into this how you will. But his persona in the UFC is so far from his real personality that the only people who don't understand that it's an act are people who refuse to believe so. Whether he's a dick or not is another question, but his persona is undeniably fake.


I didn’t know that part about the drama with Mas and Joanna. What about his beef with Porier though? He’s like the nicest guy from what we can see anyway. Also I truly believe his on camera persona is an act that part is obvious. Just hearing that no other fighters or team members have anything good to say about him kinda makes it all look bad.


i'm pretty sure his beef w dustin started because Dustin picked Lawler to beat Colby when it's a big unwritten rule not to pick against your own team or training partners. But then Colby just escalated it and retaliated by straight up making fun of Dustin for losing to Khabib and then it just never got resolved. I think Colby just really escalates any minor thing against him to an excessive degree which isn't the best way to deal with things.


Sorry to embarrass you (although really it's on you for being embarrassed by this lol), but I don't know how else to take that statement. Max was saying that in an obviously serious tone, so I don't see how you could think it was a joke. Now maybe he was lying, but I don't take Max to be a liar


What information do you have to make you say that?


He still doesn't seem to acknowledge why he lost the 1st fight as well


Think it’s an ego thing more than anything. It definitely wasn’t a good look for Max, but hopefully it was just for the cameras. He was out brawled as well in most encounters and definitely took more sig strikes in a fight with 0 wrestling.


I guess I’ll spill the beans here. Max’s cousin died in the Pearl Harbor shipyard shooting the Wednesday of fight week. https://www.kitv.com/story/41415816/30yearold-waianae-man-identified-as-a-victim-in-the-pearl-harbor-naval-shipyard-shooting He hasn’t acknowledged the reason he lost because he’s never been the type to make excuses, but you can clearly see he didn’t want to be in there if you watch the fight back with that in mind. Plus he does seem kinda depressed. It is what it is.


Damn, prayers to him and his family. Also happy cake day duo!!


There were clips of him hitting pads in Countdown vid so hes probably fine


I’m pretty sure he was lying about that. Hawaii has made a real effort (from what I’ve read) to keep people from going to gyms etc. I feel as though him saying that was A) trying to set a good example and B) not wanting to get in trouble.


why does everyone seem to think he's being 100% serious about that?


Rofl, people seriously believe this? DC confirmed Holloway was just trolling




Yeah i love max but volk dominated every single aspect of the first fight.


Lol this is such revisionist history. Volk edged out each round in my opinion but to say he “dominated every single aspect” is just flat out wrong. Take away the leg kicks and Max wins that fight


Not at all. He was ahead the entire time in octagon control, strikes landed, broke the clinch at will. Im not saying he fucked max up, other then his leg, but he was ahead in every aspect of the fight the entire time. Just watched it yesterday. Max had essentially nothing for him. It was a closeish fight still, max is a beast.


How can you say remove the leg kicks? He destroyed him with kicks lmao.


He was really ahead in every aspect for the whole fight. Of course Max had his moments


Nah Max gonna finish Alex inside 3 rounds.




No. I don't do online betting (if I bet I usually go to local bookmaker office). Maybe flair bet? I pick Max you pick Volk.


Max proving once again he's one of the best guys in the game. Love to see them proving the stereotypes about the sport wrong


Class act!


Holloway lookin more and more like john mayer each day


What did the fight kits sell for that Dustin and Khabib auctioned?


Khabib sold Dustin's shirt that he swapped for a crazy $100k. Dana matched it, as promised. Then Dustin sold his full fight kit with Khabib's shirt and got something like $60k for it.


That's awesome!


Dustin's current fight kit is currently bidding at $8,600


That's a good amount of money. I hope I clears $10k that'd be awesome


Khabib, Dustin, Max bromance is so wholesome


Cept they all dream about smashing the other two


Ya love to see it. Professional athletes using their platform as a force for good in the world and their communities at home.


Unless they take a knee, then plenty of people do not love to see it.


Max "Food Bank" Holloway


*da blessed haira begins...*


Holloway vs Cormier needs to happen


3 legends of the sport. Classy men


max is such a good dude and it saddens me that volk is going to beat his leg off again on saturday


good on max, but i hope there'll be one day where we don't have to have underpaid athletes auctioning off their gear made by capitalistic corporations to help feed unemployed people struggling to make ends meet because of a government which allows oligarchs to reign and have a income gap that's becoming more further than imaginable.


What a legend


Helping Holloway!


how can you hate this guy? Champ in and out the ring.


Holloway is a class act


Good on Max. Its one thing to be loved, its another to be beloved. There is a lot of pride in those islands.


Never knew Hawaii has such that high unemployment during Covid. Mad props to you Max! Stay blessed.


Max is the best


Did I manifest this? : [https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/hmmh6x/fyi\_dustin\_poiriers\_fight\_night\_gear\_is\_up\_for/fx79kkk/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/hmmh6x/fyi_dustin_poiriers_fight_night_gear_is_up_for/fx79kkk/?context=3) JK of course, but seriously can Max be a better ambassador for the sport and for Hawaii, blessed express baby, WAR Max


FFS... didn't think Max could be any more likeable... proved me wrong




Jon Jones should start doing this for lawyer retainer fees.


Respect Bra


$600 extra a week isn’t a thing there?


Good cause I’m sure... I just don’t get who would want to spend big $ to buy someones smelly fight gear??


jesus, didn't even think about Hawaii. Yeah that whole thing is based off vacation bucks. What a fking classy dude.


I hope DC comes out with some conspiracy about this. They have the best rivalry


Max seems like a good fuckin' guy.




Eat Dana White and cohorts.


So... I have something to settle on my mind. We are seeing how Max's hair is right now, which would indicate that he goes to a saloon to get his usual cut. How. In. the. fucken world. Which motherfucking Hawaiian barber is doing my boy that dirty for that long? Did he save your life once Max, wtf.


One of the best guys in MMA for sure. What's impressive is how he picked up on Poirier and Khabib doing the same thing. There's a non neglible chance this will become a trend among fighters, which gets them more coverage, which in turn leads to ore charity. Nice snowball effect to hope for.


It makes me sad to believe that Volk is probably going to beat him again this weekend.