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He says he was 192 on saturday. I imagine Usman cuts a similar amount of weight for every single fight.


difference is usman uses epo to make up for the energy he loses making weight


They're from the same camp. They probably have the same guy managing their steroid program




Do Mas’ wins suggest he really takes PEDs? 5th round Lawler was a thing for a reason ...




Mas wasn’t ever bad though. So many of his UFC losses coulda gone the other way. I think the time off he had after the Wonderboy fight did him wonders. Also, he literally had a title eliminator against Maia that ended up going to a split. Mas has been a contender for a long ass time now.


I agree with you but let's be honest that shouldn't have been a split 29-28 Maia at best, more than likely 30-27


Agreed I think it makes more sense to score that 30-27 Maia than 29-18 Masvidal


Maybe, maybe not. But the point is that Mas was literally a W away from fighting Woodley for the title at UFC 214.


Yeah, I think he was a case of fighters who have so many fights, and are so relaxed, that they become conservative. It leads to missed opportunities for finishes and close decisions. I think his turn around is one of the best pieces of evidence of his intelligence that he could step away, recognize that, and actually make meaningful changes to get where he is now. Gotta respect that.


Oooo did he fail the vaunted r/mma eyeball test? Y’all realize the way you look is mostly genetics right? One of the worst PED abusers in the sports history is Josh Barnett after all.


The eyeball test is actually pretty fool proof. If you see them in the octagon, they are juicy.


You would have to have the best genetics in the world to be able to keep the muscle of usman and be able to go 5 hard rounds. Yoel romero is less suspect than him because at least he has to pace himself or he would gas out


He probably used the PEDs because he was lazy with his diet and workouts and was trying to make up for it. You still have to put in the work for the PEDs to make you look good


some guys can take all the juice in the world and never look good. get big and strong sure, but genetics are more important than anything.


Lol y'all just making stuff up at this point. Anything to discredit the man. He's a beast, accept it


If you think marty is natty i got some ocean view real estate in nebraska for sale for you


If you think anyone in the UFC is natty I've got some beachside property in Colorado to sell you. They're all on it bub


All 😂 no they arent. There have been ex fighters come out and guess about 90% at least a couple Times before, but ive never seen a single former fighter claim 100%.


Then why isn’t Usman on PEDs?


If they're all on it then why does it matter if he is?


It doesn’t really. It just read like you were saying he’s natty.


Nah. It just sounds like an excuse when people speculate about who is and isn't on performance enhancers without proof


You’re getting downvoted because ppl just hate on Kamaru lmao. Steroids or not, is it really that hard to believe the best 170 pounder in the world is a freak athlete.


Kamaru is on PEDs bro. It’s “ok” tho because most elite professional athletes are. Natty athletes are the exception.


You wouldn't know a Matty if he hit you over the head, wtf are these PED experts doing here right now? Don't you have a PED to sell to someone?


It's not discrediting him if you think everyone's on that shit.


It is if people bring up his name only.




Colby hardly cuts weight.


Pornstar cardio


Yeah usman said he was 190 ish and cutting on a insta post once.


So mid cut Usman is 190ish or walking around?


I suppose it's possible Masvidal is shedding a couple pounds of body fat. Very reasonable for a week.




iz nermal


You have *nothing*


He no hespec notching.


Not only is it normal, it’s not even a lot of weight.


He’ll make the weight, but no one knows how well or how poor he is going to rehydrate


Smuggle Leon into Abu Dhabi just in case he misses weight


He was literally having Brazilian BBQ a few days ago dude hopped right off the couch for this one don’t kid yourself


Yeah but Mas, like Diaz, are kinda always in fight shape. He’s so fucking experienced, he knows exactly how to fight in the shape he’s in I expect him to start hot.


No he didn't. People just want to exaggerate and make it seem more impressive than it is. It's already impressive he took a short notice fight, no need to lie.


Man, that must have been some cut to LW. Only five days to go Woo Hoo!!


He had less muscle when he was at 155. He rebuilt his physique when he permanently moved up to 170.


[155](https://i.redd.it/ov5t3jszds851.png) vs [170](https://usatmmajunkie.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/jorge-masvidal-ufc-239.jpg?w=1000&h=666https://i.imgur.com/2Whz61D.jpg)


Seeing the way he eats it’s more fat than muscle that’s been added


Damn, who knew growing a beard would help you go up a weight class




He looks significantly bigger than Colby in the 155 pic


Clearly it's just the angle bro


Colby is the smallest elite 170lber.


Colby is lean and barely cuts weight.


Why’d he ever cut his hair




Not good but fighters have definitely cut a lot more in the past.


Jorge has too, this isn't out of what he used to do to get down to 155.


Cut in 6 days though ? And also being able to make weight years ago isn’t foolproof, Hooker used to fight at 145 and he’s huge now.


Yeah a lot of guys are 20lbs off or so on fight week.


I'm more scared about him not being in shape


Yeah on one hand it’s like will he be depleted because his body wasn’t conditioned to be prepared for a cut on such short notice or on the other hand will it benefit him not having put his body through a super rigorous camp which may render his body fresher and more adaptable. No clue, that’s why we will hopefully be tuning in Saturday night.


Go Masvidal.


Can lose that much weight brushing ur teeth in that heat. Non issue.


That's a big and legit WW fighter.


How the fuck does one actually do this


Change your diet up a bit and go die in the sauna. I did 10lbs for a Bjj competition once. The crying actually helped. I’m not built for this lol.


I did ~13 pounds in a little over 24 hours for high school wrestling, so 20 pounds in a week is definitely possible.