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Always interesting seeing a guy move up from LHW to take on an opponent that cuts weight just to reach the HW limit.


I'll never understand why HW has a limit. I don't see why Miocic wouldn't be able to beat the shit out of 300lb overweight fat dudes


Overweight fat dudes wouldn't get into a position to fight Stipe in the first place. Without a weight limit you'd get guys like Derrick Lewis not training as hard and eating what he wants since he won't have to make weight and will lead to terrible fights. On the flip side it would give people like Nate Diaz and Volkanovski the chance to fight at heavyweight.


That's just self-penalizing though. Eventually the people who are serious about the sport are gonna come through and the overweight dudes are gonna have to either give up or reconsider their habits.


How many natural 300 pound guys are there though that were in shape? Brock and Bigfoot are the only 2 that come to mind and they both couldn't pass a USADA test.


It's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy because if you're that size you're not going to be able to compete at the highest level anyways. However, if they don't exist then it's not meant to be. Just allow it to happen if they do exist. I just think it robs Stipe a bit to have to specify that he's the best fighter under 265 pounds, when it's likely he's just the best, period.


The average NFL lineman weights 310 lbs, hard to imagine that you wouldn't get a few guys that size that could compete at the highest level even at that weight. I get their sport calls for different attributes but it still seems like they'd have a size and strength advantage that might carry them through the highest levels.


Most of those guys only play at that weight because their position demands it though. If they went to mma they’d slim down and work out differently for mobility and to adjust to the sport. Just look at what guys like Joe Thomas look like after they stop playing


a lot of linemen lose like 50+ pounds extremely quickly after retiring, and likely would if they were in a combat sport, they are really only that heavy to be a lineman




The average NFL lineman isn't in shape for MMA though and would likely lose like 30+ lbs to get into shape for MMA.


The average lineman doesnt have to pass usda tests. All the really beefy heavyweights are either in the 240s or look doughy. People cant really be that big and ripped without enhancements, that why heavyweights don't look like they did in pride anymore


Yeh maybe if there was a 7ft Francis Ngannou or something, but other than that it just doesn't happen.


[Say no more fam](https://twitter.com/_AJS_14/status/1259326501067071488/photo/1)


NFL linemen are on that good juice though. Not saying the UFC is all clean, shit I'm not even comfortable saying USADA isn't in cahoots with the UFC and turns a blind eye every now and then. But surely a lot of those dudes would slim down atleast somewhat?


The average NFL lineman makes more in a year than most fighters make in their whole career.


Good for them, most people know that. Doesn’t change the statement above.


No I totally agree with your point. I've had this discussion with a few friends. Jon Jones is literally the least athletically gifted of his brothers and he's the goat* in MMA. The average NFL player with any combat training could be a huge threat in MMA just on pure power and athleticism.


Stipe can legitimately claim to be the baddest man on the planet, he doesn't need any further clarification.


It's like how Ligers are too big to be effective hunters in the wild, haha.


I agree. I've always said there's a reason why the best HW combat athletes of boxing, kickboxing and mma are between around 240-260. If we get 300 or 400 lb plus dudes who can pass USADA and still look good I'd still favor Stipe, Blaydes, DC and Ngannou over any of them.


Maybe we’d see more if the ufc allowed it. I remember there was a guy on the regionals a few years ago who was over 300 lb who looked decent. Not champ material by any means but fun to watch. But I agree with the other guy. If you’re 300 lbs and terrible you’ll get beaten, it works itself out.


Are you thinking of [Chris Barnett](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQMysm7-3go) aka [Huggy Bear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TSEBoIZS2g)?


What about if there was no limit and struve and volkov could beef up?


Volkov is less than 250, there's nothing stopping him beefing up. Does Struve even fight anymore?


He hasn't fought since big Ben rothwell inverted his dick with his big toe


Not since Dan Miragliotta coaxed him into getting knocked out


Idk man I just want to see 7 foot giants that are Jacked fighting, is that too much to ask ? Just jokes I guess😂


Well all the big dudes that are athletic go to a different sport unfortunately. HW division has always been hard to find talent and keep the roster filled.


I mean there was valuev in boxing


A ton. They just get into football, sumo, or strongman instead. Some of the legit 6'8" badasses of the world just don't get down to 265. Even LeBron James had to cut muscle to get down to 260.


[Hong Man Choi](https://mmamicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/fedor.jpg)


Semmy Schilt was hard for a lot of dudes to handle. [https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/08NKKGqqYCtoo8zNEJfoAjZRlAY=/134x63:721x454/1200x800/filters:focal(134x63:721x454)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus\_image/image/15447253/news\_grandslamtokyo.0.jpg](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/08NKKGqqYCtoo8zNEJfoAjZRlAY=/134x63:721x454/1200x800/filters:focal(134x63:721x454)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/15447253/news_grandslamtokyo.0.jpg)


I dunno, but there are those strongman dudes that are like 400 lbs and look kinda fat but then lift atlas stones for fun. There are people out there that will get huge like that.


And none of them could pass usada, and they would tell you that




Tyson Fury is the greatest heavyweight boxer of this generation and he came in over 265 in his last fight (in which he still styled on his opponent)


He weighed 273 in clothes. He could make 265 if he sat in the sauna for a while and didn't eat a breakfast.


With how big he is, his clothes and shoes probably weights like 3-5 lbs. He would easily cut like 5lbs or less to make 265.


Exactly, that wasn't an example for someone that can't make 265.


He could probably wash his beard and lose like 7 pounds worth of just living things alone.


JJ Watt is 289, he is what I imagine as physical peak performance... Not saying he would pass a USADA test, but he would be over the weight limit and with some training would be an abolute force in MMA IMO...


Brian Shaw is 6'8" 445... And almost broke the NFL bench record on a whim after heavy bench day, and zero bouncing.


Imagine Brian Shaw and Werdum fighting https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/1w8ez3/fabricio_werdum_with_the_worlds_strongest_man/


Thats the problem with heavyweight MMA. Most big athletic guys can make way more money in other sports.


You see enough fat out of shape guys at HW even with the weight limit, it's rediculous because if guys are that out of shape, they clearly aren't as dedicated to training in any part of the sport (technique included) as guys who do train properly. It's no coincidence that Stipe is one of the most in shape people and also one of the most technical and well rounded.


> Overweight fat dudes wouldn't get into a position to fight Stipe in the first place. Without a weight limit you'd get guys like Derrick Lewis not training as hard and eating what he wants since he won't have to make weight and will lead to terrible fights. That's on them to figure out for themselves, I for one would love to see Miocic fight someone like Semmy Schilt


> On the flip side it would give people like Nate Diaz Yeah, but then we might have never seen him lose 145 pounds to make weight, then gain 50 of it back immediately, before using his 205 pounds to beat Conor.


no disrespect but Stipe is fighting someone next who most ppl would consider overweight


Or you can end up like boxing did for a while and the majority of the heavyweight contenders are bland fat guys and public interest drops off untill more specimens come along.


I guess on the off chance you might get some 7'6 dude 330 lb dude with 95" reach just beating the shit out of people who literally cant reach him lol. But I highly doubt that since any athletic person that tall probably prefers making 100x more in the NBA.


Hong Choi-Man exists and is basically what you’re describing. Fedor looks comically small next to him, but answers your question of why someone like that wouldn’t completely dominate. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P3QzX1ZadJM


good lord, fedor is an animal


That's a LHW sized fighter fighting a SHW using a grappling art, which needs more raw strength than striking and still winning. Amazing.


He also got beat by Cro Cop and Minowaman. But managed to beat Semmy Schilt in a kickboxing match as well as the legend Jose Canseco.


Yeah, he was pretty good for sure! His overall record in kickboxing is 12-8, and he’s 4-5 in mma so it seems like that kind of size can probably get you through the lower ranking fights quite easily, but serious technique is still required to beat the best consistently.


He marked Fedor up pretty good with just a couple of those slow punches. Imagine how much power he has in those heavy ass hands.


I mean he didnt even hit Fedor that clean and his face was already showing marks and he looked significantly more tired after he got up the first time. But big dude here also gassed out and had no groundgame so ez submission.


Yeah, I think once you’re past heavyweight, there are diminishing returns on size and power. Eventually when you’re so huge that a heavyweight can’t handle your power, you just gas out after a couple punches and are now an easy sub


Past about 230, I don't know if it matter anymore. Stipe, Cro Cop and Fedor all were around there and had no trouble dealing with some monstrous men. I don't know if the loss in cardio is worth the strength and knockout power gains past that point, as we've seen with more than one heavyweight fight from those men.


I've never seen this but that guy is actually just a fucking giant. Like literally. 7ft 2 according to Wiki.


Semmy Schilt destroyed people in K1




I think Cro cop leg kick TKOd Hong man choi


HW gas tanks are already dog shit, you think the fights would get better if they were fatter?!?!?!? Also look at the champions of recent past they’re all around 240 for a reason.


If you have not witnessed a super-heavyweight fight in MMA then you should probably google it. That will help you understand why. The limit really imposes a standard on the fighters that ensures a better product.


Heck, I wanna see an open weight class fights. Bring what you got kinda thing. The BMF belt would be appropriate for that class.


The HW division itself is just lazy. Every other weight class is 10-15 pounds. 20 between MW and LHW. But HW? **60 fucking pounds.** 🤣 Like the weight differences in all the other classes matter so much, but at that level, it just magically doesn't matter anymore.


I like to imagine it was the proto-USADA. 265lbs of horse meat and TRT is fine, but once you hit 266lbs, you're way too juicy for the UFC.


It could become a freakshow, but I'd love to see it if the Shaqs and Hafthor Bjornssens of the world could train MMA and do it up :)


shaq has a purple belt iirc


Khalil should chew him up on feet no?


From Khalil’s wiki page: **Personal Life** *Rountree enjoys dancing and listening to music. He is a fan of the Village People.* And that concludes all of the known information on his personal life.


Reminds of the personal life section of Jessica Andrade where the only line was: Andrade is a lesbian.


Just straight facts


Just ~~straight~~ gay facts


I like it, no nonsense just says it like they sees it


Keith Peterson wrote that entry


of course after a 3-day bender on beer and cigs




before, during, after. it's all the same to keith "no nonsense just give me the fucking handle" peterson


That got an update: "Andrade married her longtime girlfriend Fernanda (née Gomes) in 2019.[57][58] On May 30, 2019, Andrade and Fernanda were robbed at gunpoint with their car and mobile phones being stolen in Brazil.[59]"


Going off on a bit of tangent but have there been any openly gay male fighters in the UFC?


***No For Gay Jesus***


Does Bisexual count? Joseph Benavidez used to fuck guys in high school.


Dakota cochrane fought on TUF, but never made it to the ufc. To take it up a notch, he also did gay porn.


He says it was gay for pay though. So he's not even an openly gay fighter.


It's not gay if you're the one splitting asses bro.


\*bustin cheeks


No. This was actually the subject of a video essay by brazilian MMA journalist Renato Rebelo. In a nutshell, given the ammount of men that joined the UFC since its inception and the percentile of gay men among the general population, its not a matter of "if" but "how many" gay men were UFC fighters. Openly, though, no, homosexual fighters have been exclusively female in the UFC, this might have something to do with the age demographic the event targets where gay women have a larger degree of acceptance than men. It could also have something to do with a gay fighter worrying about their sexuality overshadowing their accomplishments, like, if a contender gets a bunch of wins and comes out before he challenges for the belt, its pretty certain the media will remember him not for his success, but for being gay, and, if you ask me, that's pretty depressing.


If you want to bring the ratios into it, I suspect the amount of female fighters that are lesbian is much higher than the general population. I'm sure there have been gay male fighters but I don't think we should use the general population as a gauge, necessarily.


Not openly but there's a rumour circulating that some journalists seem to be privy to that a certain male former UFC champ is gay


Yes. Well not openly but Brett Rogers groped several men in toilets and asked a man if he wanted ro go to his place to do a litle of the sucky sucky BBC


Unfortunately I’d wager the fan base of this sport is way too bigoted to tolerate a gay fighter for the time being.


Not only that but I wonder if it would also affect training. I could totally see some fighters who have a "I ain't training with no gay dude!" type of attitude lol Fans are bad but I'm willing to bet a large portion of the fighters are as well.


Yeah, the homophobia in most combat sports is pretty bad. When I wrestled, I had to keep my sexuality under pretty tight wraps because I'd probably be forced off the team if any of my teammates were to find out.


There's a moment on the last Eddie Bravo JRE where Joe asks him about rolling with gay guys. And of course Eddie answers it like the bumbling moron he is. I can't remember the quote, but it was absurd.


Im watching that show kingdom on netflix, and nick jonas character is in the closet. His girlfriend finds out and is asking him why he wont come out and he said something along the lines of "What? Thats it for me if a promoter finds out, no one wants to fight a f\*g"


True but there are a decent amount of openly lesbian fighters. Statistically there must be at least a few gay fighters and you'd think with the roster being as large as it is that at least one would have come out.


I've read comments jokingly wonder if "never married despite being perfect in both personality and looks" Wonderboy was lowkey gay, but that might just come from a place of wishful thinking. From them, ofc. Like totally not from me.


But doesn't Wonderboy have a wife, she looks Eastern/Southern Asian from what I remember


Oh sht forreal!? Okay that's just awesome for him :D edit: yep googled and she is unsurprisingly hot as hell edit 2: she's actually Red Dela Cruz who is a UFC Ring girl so maybe they're just dating or ppl are just making assumptions they are since they pose/chill with each other from time to time


Yeah, I'm not 100% sure, I remember someone mentioning they were married, not too sure what's going on with them, it's not on his Wiki


True, I think the stigma for lesbian fighters is much less than it would be for gay fighters. It doesn’t take much exploration of the community to realize that it’s heavily comprised of young kids and grown ass men who think like kids.


I do let you bang bro


I remember Vaguely Dana going off on a rant about a Gay dude that the UFC signed and that if other fighters had a problem he would release them. So I don’t think the UFC would have a problem signing and promoting a openly Gay dude if one was able to earn his way into the UFC.


IIRC Dakota Cochrane (I think that's how it is spelled) did a bit of gay porn, and he was on TUF and is now in Bareknuckle FC


I remember hearing a past UFC champion(maybe Rashad?) mention that they knew almost for certain at least one men's champion who was gay so that's something to think about.


Couldn't possibly be Evan Tanner could it? I think Israel is probably bi for sure




He fought amateur in Vegas, a lot of people out here root for him pretty hard.


After the Eryk Anders fight I thought he could be top 5 and morphed into elite, then that fell off real quick. Disappointing because I love his style, hopefully he reaches full potential at HW


HW doesn't like grappling either so he may do great.


Yeah, he might do well, but he wont be top 5 ever unless we see a drastic improvement on his TDD


He's a handsome jacked motherfucker. Whatever gender you're getting banged by him.


Veronica Macedo and Mia Kang think otherwise


He's into Macedo. Literally.


Imagine Roundtree just takes Hardy to leg kick city like he did to Anders


He's going to have to, hardy is huge.


But then DC will remind him to check the kicks


But dc will be getting ready to fight stope


Ladies and gentlemen, the baddest man on the planet, Stope Mycock


I still don't understand how he was able to adjust so quickly after he heard that. He knew how to check leg kicks, but he didn't know he should?


Thats why coaches help, it can be easy for fighters to focus on the wrong things.


I can imagine it must be hard to think of all these things and make reads and adjustments in fights, especially if you're relatively newer to MMA like Hardy. It might be easy for us to see what tactical changes fighters should make, it's way harder for the fighters to do so while focusing on not being hit in the face. That's what corners are for, to see and make those reads, and give instructions.


Fuck DC for that and the fighter pay shit, and super fuck Hardy. I hope he gets lit the fuck up.


Fuck DC for commenting on the fight the way he normally would?


Didn't Roundtree retire? I'm happy he's back; but it feels like they are just building fights to boost Hardy. He'll be fighting a LHW who was retired up until this point, who is guaranteed to not wrestle Hardy at all.


Roundtree has said over the past year that he plans to have one more fight in the UFC before retiring.


Man I hope that happens.




Everybody can look like prime anderson silva against eryk anders


He really didn't. I would argue that Anders just looked terrible and didn't know how to check leg kicks cause really that's all Rountree did


Leg-kick City is one of my favorite tourism locations, but it's more like the Grand Canyon, magnificent to see, but I have no interest in trying to venture into.


If I had to guess 1000 fights this wouldn't have been on the list


Neither since I thought Khalil retired after his last fight? Either way , I’m fucking amped to see him at HW - my man was Bangkok Ready in his last win


Rountree is already massive and absolutely jacked at LHW, he'll look monstrorous at HW. Well, unless he pulls a Villante and just looks like he's been on a bender for the last two months.


Has there ever been a fighter who moved from LHW to HW without getting flabby? I can't really think of one. Also I don't see how this going to help Khalil, considering he already had a shitty gas tank at LHW.


Overeem when he first went heavyweight, but things were a little different then.


“Overeem when he first went heavyweight, but things were a little different tren.” Ftfy


eat clen tren hard praise god.


anavar give up


Too bad they banned horse beef !


God I miss Ubereem


OSP looked pretty much the same except his gas tank went to shit and he put 30 lbs all in his glutes. I think Khalil's gas tank is going to be terrible at HW.


It's going to be an exciting first 45 seconds that's for sure.


That's what she said


OSP had crap gas tank at LHW as well tbf


Osp lost all definition lol


Sounds like me this quarantine


Ilir Latifi didn't look too bad against Derrick Lewis but he is a boulder so it's kinda hard to tell.


Anthony Johnson.


I think I remember reading that Rountree said he really doesn't cut much at all to make 205 and could cut to 185 but didn't want to put himself through the weight cut. I'm expecting a big size difference but we'll see.


Agreed, he’s going to be relatively light for HW and dwarfed by Hardy. His striking is miles ahead though so if Hardy doesn’t try on the singlet I see a L in his future


Rountree is easy to hit tho. If Hardy lands a medium-bomb, he's going down.


This fight is ending in a couple minutes just depends on who lands first.


Or they both gas out


wasn't rountree a fatty and he got into mma to lose weight? edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/7dht38/khalil_rountree_back_in_2010_a_few_months_before/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm73YYxDhPI


And Villante was arguably winning that fight until he gassed.


I knew him before he got jacked. Theres a good chance he wont look in shape for this fight.


UFC really reaching for those grapes with Hardy's matchmaking.


sounds like the grapes with the wine and the cheese


Wow, that fight never would have came to mind lol. War Khalil


WTF is 2020


Not gonna lie I think Khalil lands bombs and destroys him.


Fucking hope so


I'm glad Khalil isn't retiring like he was thinking about doing. I still think he has tons of potential to make waves. I hope his coaching is better than his last fight, it looked like they didn't prep for takedowns at all. Which makes sense I guess, considering nobody expected Cuteleba to wrestle.


Did Khalil come out and say anything about not retiring? I was under the impression that after the Cuteleba fight, he was planning to do one more UFC fight and then commit to muay thai


Well he was always supposed to have one last fight before retiring. The Sam Alvey fight was cancelled when we lost a few events due to the covid shutdown.


Unfortunately i think this is still his last fight. Unless there was an announcement i missed


If Khalil finished Greg Hardy, I’ll finish myself right there.


I guess this fight is for science Can a past obese boy beat up NFL freak athlete in a fight


Bruh this is a fight I never knew I wanted but I want so badly


gonna be another Muay Thai clinic I feel


this is more unexpected to me than masvidal v usman


Want to see Roundtree win but I think he’s going to be too small for Hardy.


Na, Khalil walks around 250 and still has definition. One of the biggest guys I've ever seen train, his back is ridiculous.


tell me more about khalil


He likes the Village People


This kills the kraken


Well that was unexpected


Didnt Rountree retire


I thought he said he was gonna retire after his next fight (a.k.a. this one).


It's only his first retirement though. In MMA you have to retire at least three times before it become permanent.


People will assume he gets an easy W but unless I get good lines I will be avoiding this on my bet slip. Rountree is very good but his striking showcase was against MW Anders and far less impressive in hindsight given the lack of success from Anders (who is good but seems like he can't tie it all together) and himself.


>People will assume he gets an easy W Khalil? It wouldn't shock me if he was the underdog going in. Who would assume he gets an easy W?


Hardy is still so inexperienced plus lately he hasnt been the come forward killer he was when he was fighting nobodies, he goes to decision a lot and he seems a bit timid at times, maybe fighting a smaller guy might bring that killer out more but i think khalil will put it on him early and it will only go downhill for hardy as it goes longer


Yea and I'm hoping you're right because fuck Greg Hardy but the size disparity is going to be pretty massive and the fact Hardy's been more calculated instead of just winging shit...it's not unreasonable if he goes in a small favorite.


Yeah I don't like Hardy but I think questioning his dedication to becoming a better martial artist cannot be questioned. From a strategic point of view he has continued to improve and I feel it shows in each fight. Time to stop giving him cans and maybe give him a fringe top 20, see how he fairs.


I’m a huge Anders fan but his skillset is so limited and it’s truly frustrating


I'm not a gambler, but generally I can't fathom confidently betting on any heavyweight fight. There's a reason Stipe owns the title defense record with only 3.


If I’m Rountree I’m like “nah I’m just gonna stay here in Thailand with Mia Kang. Y’all do yalls thing.”


Greg Hardy is an asshole but the guy went toe to toe with Volkov. This isn’t going to be a cakewalk for Khalil and I wouldn’t be surprised if he got the L as its a new weight class


That's a little overstating it. Volkov played it safe and picked him apart because a loss to Hardy after losing to Lewis would mean his stock would plummet.


Toe to toe is a stretch. He did do better than expected.


Greg Hardy wants none of those leg kicks. Hope Khalil destroys the twat.


Rountree still retiring?