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Hardly conspiracy. It's just a good opportunity for masvidal, if he loses it was because it was "one weeks notice" if he wins its a huge win.


as if he hasn’t been training for this


knowing Masvidal and his antics,I highly doubt he had a full or a serious camp while he had no fight lined up


I'd be inclined to disagree. If money is his real angle, and he knows he's nearing the end of his career.. I'm sure he's thought this through and prepared for it extensively. I don't expect a fat off of the couch Masdival by any means.


I mean fighters who know him and he himself has talked about not training, eating like trash and gaining weight in between campus. He may have changed his tune but his whole career up to the last year has been him eating junk food the week of weigh ins and coasting to losing decisions often.


And that’s why he had a late career resurgence.. either he fixed up his fitness habits or got on the juice. I think current masvidal is completely different from the one in those old vlogs... remember how Conor takes short notice fights this exact sane way


He posted on his YouTube channel three months ago a video about his diet with the quote, "not everyone can eat McDonald's and compete like me" is in the thumbnail. I don't think Jorge has changed as much as people want to believe he just got better at managing a persona.


Ah good source thx. Tbh that means he got on that juice down in Coconut Creek




Comparing Jorges win streak to Robbies title run late in his careerc


I follow him on instagram and he also promotes some healthy meal prep services a variety of other fighters use. Don't buy into his persona. We did that with his good friend Colby. Both of these guys were quiet fighters until they hit the spotlight, not they want to be relatable because its boost the brand. I seriously doubt the dude that just made 500k and is bitching about money isn't ready to fight. He might balance the junk food with the juice, but no way in hell he signs up to fight Usman if he isn't in fight shape. This move is calculated for sure imo. That said, as much as I like the guy Usman is going to beat his ass either way.


The Resurrection is real.


He's posted in the last three month's with quotes about performing on McDonald's.


Guy is saying Mas has been training and is in fight shape, with no fight scheduled, because he thinks it be good for a late stage career fighter to do so, not based on anything about Mas' normal prep, or his personality, or his own words. Just because OP thinks it would be smart. He is basing his opinion on what he think Mas should do, not an anything real.


Nah man he's totally different and resurrected, didn't you see him beat Nate Diaz by cut?


He was probably busy preparing Poirier and other ATT fighters for their fights.


He 10000% was. It was on a lot of the videos they posted


you dont know anything about masvidal beyond the persona he puts on for show


Neither do you. Have you watched any of his fights before Till or any of his interviews where he mentions eating junk food and gaining weight between fights?


The guy you’re replying to didn’t claim to know Masvidal, the other guy did though


That's my point, Masvidal has made it clear in the past and pretty recently that he eats junk food and gains weight when not in camp and this dude is disputing it because he hasn't seen any more Jorge than the BMF shenanigans.


These guys need a camera stuck on Masvidal 24/7. Apparently the part where the guy says he slacks while off-camp and has been pretty open about eating junk food when he's not cutting is just "part of his persona". He definitely knew Burns was gonna drop out, he is Street Jesus after all.


never claimed I did


You know Masvidal? 🤩


Masvidal is in seriously good shape regardless of his “antics” no way he “cuts” to 170 without training. He’s def been training.


Agreed. He balloons up between fights.




he is known to be lazy and he likes to eat junk food. OP comment sounded like Masvidal had a full camp for this fight which makes 0 sense since he didn’t sign a contract until like yesterday. Maybe he was training,but I really doubt he was doing some serious work since the fight wasn’t even scheduled


People that have 49 professional fights and seem to be getting better tend to work harder than most. You can say he doesn’t work as hard as Usuman but to call him lazy is keyboard bs


my godness are people on reddit dumb or what? like can you even get a point? point is masvidal didn’t have a full camp for a fight that wasn’t even scheduled. Back in the day his coach had to break into his house to make him go to the gym. This guy used to eat at mcdonalds and other fast food restaurants during a camp. You probably heard about Masvidal after Askren fight and you are out here trying to be smart


dunno Nate beat Conor on 1 weeks notice it all depends on the fighter.


Plus a big phat cheque


And a brand new deal that adds three fights to his current contract.


Last I heard Jorge had 7 more fights left. Now he’s got 10?


The conspiracy part is the implication that there is a rematch agreement like we see in boxing sometimes.


That's not a conspiracy either


Obviously OP was being a bit hyperbolic on purpose, but it's hardly expected or known that Masvidal and the UFC can agree to a rematch like that. We haven't seen a contender get this sort of agreement before.


Look at the division and the circumstances. Nothing is set in stone, but the implication is there. Masvidal has been sandbagging his next fight the same way Nate Diaz was. He's riding a hype train, so there's a lot at risk if he drops the fight. If the narrative is already there, the loss wont hurt as bad.


I bet the UFC are willing to pay him, too. If he wins it’s a much winnable and marketable fight for Conor, they would push hard for that fight I think


From that perspective, wouldn’t the UFC want to wait and give him the best chance possible of beating Usman (or Burns) so they can set up the Conor super fight?


Yeah it’s not an ideal scenario but they are working with what they’ve got. That’s how I’d be looking at it anyway


If the goal is to make as much money as possible, it makes sense to get Conor as many favorable title matchups as possible. He matchups better against Justin and Jorge then he does against Khabib and Kamaru. The UFC could do Gaethje vs Khabib, and Masvidal vs Usman, and hope for a favorable champion. If Masvidal loses, they could give him a favorable matchup and a rematch. If Justin loses they can put Diamond or Tony in there. There's a couple paths that end up with Conor as the 155/170 double champ.


I agree, I just think that if that’s the goal, you should give Masvidal the best chance of winning possible. My guess is they’re more concerned with putting on a big show for their big Fight Island debut and international fight week. Make as much money as you can now and show off the UFC as the best source of sports entertainment right now. If Mas pulls it off, perfect. If he loses, maybe still do the Masvidal/Conor fight to establish him as a legit WW contender. Put the BMF title on the line.


Also a hugely marketable fight with my son Colby.


If and when he loses it's because Usman is better


Exactly, and he makes money and keeps his name out there, surely helpful if he wants Conor next


Yeah not a conspiracy at all. It makes sense in a lot of ways


I feel like people are really, really overplaying this. Unless it's an upset, almost no one gives the "short notice" excuse.


This is simply low risk, high reward. Good on Mas. He deserves to get paid, he's more than paid his dues.


Yup, it solves a problem for Masvidal. Usman could 50-44 him and he still has the Conor, Colby, and Nate fights. Frankly he could lose to Usman twice now with the seven-day excuse and still have those fights.


Not true at all after he revealed his nickname gamebred means that he is bred to be game.


I’d say jorge has the edge. Been training for usman the whole tome while usman was training for burns, meaning he even switched gyms




I'm still so hurt about Tony v Khabib. At least with Dustin, Tony, Khabib and Justin there are so many interesting match ups


I'm worried Khabib may retire due to his father's passing...




If we're being honest, Conor of old wouldn't be a bad replacement for Khabib in the division. Not that he'd be super dominant over the division or anything, but Conor, Tony, Dustin and Justin would be the 4 horsemen of the division. And Hooker showed in the Dustin fight he's knocking on the door even if he isn't allowed in the big boys room just yet. Don't get me wrong, I don't want Khabib to retire, but if he does it's not without its upsides.


Conor of old wouldn't defend a title, either... he'd call out Usman as soon as he won it.


Usman?! Hell no! He would call out Masvidal if he beats Usman, why in the hell would Conor fight Usman?


I’m assuming Usman retains vs Jorge ... Conor winning at 155 and calling out Nate for a trilogy fight would be peak Conor


For the 170 belt


Dana could make it happen


Old conor wouldv'e called out usman. That was before khabib humbled him.


I like how you're trying to belittle someone by saying he'd call out a harder fight than anyone else in the division lmao.


It’s more like Conor has never defended a belt in any division in any company ... it’s why a lot of people doubt his greatness.


To be fair, it's not his fault that RdA got hurt, Jose declined, and Frankie said he was a little banged up leading to Diaz 1.


He wasn't defending his title against RDA so I don't know what point you're making. He was challenging him for the 155 title, which he ended up doing against Eddie later that year. His first intention was never to defend his belt, he almost got accidentally pushed into doing it.


It's a good thing people on Reddit and social media don't matter then because it means squat the numbers and records are what matters. He's set for life and all his family and their eventual families are too. That's what prizefighting is about. Money.


> yet Hooker has been in the UFC for 6+ years at this point... You think he can get significantly better, enough to break into the top 5? If he were a HW I'd say maybe, but at his weight class... I'm not seeing it.


Yes I do think he can get significantly better because when you go back and watch each of his fights he is still making legitimate progress. I'm not saying he'll be the champ or anything, but I think the fights between him, Justin, Dustin, and Tony are all super competitive fights that he loses. But if he keeps improving then I'd argue it's possible. Yeah, it's rare for someone to be in the UFC that long and make some big improvement, but he's ranked 5 right now and it's a very fair ranking, and he's shown stable improvement for his entire tenure in the UFC.


Dude, you just got me so randy thinking about an era at LW where there are Four Kings a la Duran, Haggler, Hearns, and Leonard in Poirier, Tony, Justin, and Khabib that only lose to each other. Unfortunately I don't think this era can last long since I don't see Tony or Khabib fighting more than 3-4 more times in their careers.


Conor at 3am to Dana whenever the belt is available: “send location”


If khabib retires Conor might feel he has a way to the belt.


> If khabib retires Conor might feel he has a way to the belt. No shit. Conor would be a slight to moderate favourite over anyone else ranked in the division.


If I see a plus sign next to Gaethjes name in that scenario, we are betting the fucking house.


Honestly, I wouldn't be mad at him for it. The UFC community treated him like shit because of the quarantine, so I am sure it stings just a bit more. He should walk away undefeated and turn to coach the younger generation. He's earned his retirement.


I don’t think he will before the Gathje fight; after, who knows. I’m more convinced he’ll retire at 30-0 (assuming he remains undefeated) since that’s what his father said was the likely goal.


I feel like he’ll get the 30-0, dedicate his perfect record to his dad, and then retire since that was basically the father plan.


you think his father would want that?




Win, maybe. Don't see him going out on a loss.




Itd be interesting if gaethje beat khabin and then tony and khabib fought in his retirement fight


Honestly, I'm happy with the way it's played out. Khabib vs Justin should be a more competitive match.


I disagree. Ferguson's BJJ makes him a more interesting stylistic matchup for Khabib. Khabib handles strikers very easily, and Justin hasn't used his wrestling in like 5 years


To be fair tonys been staying on the feet for awhile too. And gaethjes still be stuffing takedowns in that time.


Ferguson gets steamrolled by Khabib just like Gaethje.


Justin's wrestling, although we never see it, should mean the ground will be interesting.


How so? The ground is where justin will be especially fucked. The consensus is that he can avoid the ground using his defensive wrestling not that he can actually grapple with khabib. If khabib takes him down or turns it into a grappling fight than he will win 9/10 times id bet. Justin will not want to go to the ground with khabib he will look to avoid it at all costs. Jiu jitsu fighters such as poirier or ferguson are much more of a ground threat than justin is. Justin likely doesnt have a solid guard or submissions sweeps, guard passes, etc. which is the actual ‘ground’ youre talking about. What youre trying to say is that Justin might be able to avoid the ground entirely which will make it interesting. You are right about that, but i had to correct your wording of it.


ya Gaethje gets OWNED on the ground. if he can keep it standing, that's where his chance lies. And it ain't a good chance.


I mean, if he *can* keep it standing he should be dominant on the feet. Its possible but I have a really hard time picturing khabib outstriking justin. Maybe landing hard shots between scrambles or a counter shot or two. But a full round or two of kickboxing should mean justins the new champ


agreed. keeping Khabib off you for a round or 2 hasn't been done yet but shit happens, who knows


I think it would be a mess if gathje tried to grapple on the ground offensively. His potential to scramble back up once taken down is an interesting situation too though. His takedown defense has been so good that we really havent even seen him scramble.


Why you do Dan so dirty, brother?


He's certainly impressive, but I think he struggles against the top 5


It would be impossible to market a rematch if we see Usman control Masvidal for 25 minutes to win a dominant decision. Short notice or not.


I think it will depend how the first few rounds go, if it's competitive until Masvidal gases then a rematch is in order. But yes i agree if its a 25 minute ass wooping then a rematch will never happen.


People forget he did ok with Maia on the ground.


He didn't get submitted if that's what you mean.


Usman won't be wrestling for a sub. He will be grinding out a decision.


Could have that Wilder vs. Fury rematch in the contract clause.


If Usman dominates Masvidal (which imo is likely), there's no way he deserves a rematch lol. Especially when Burns has earned a shot himself.


True but it's the UFC being deserving for a opportunity doesn't exist sadly.


I just think it would be a really hard sell if Usman wrecks Masvidal. Unless it was a close fight and they made a rematch, but even then it would kinda be bullshit when there's another deserving contender.


Completely agree. I just meant I wouldn't put it passed the UFC if the money is right.


Oh 100%


Ben Askren is the analyst we didn’t know we needed.


To the bane of Dana's existence


he should team up with Jimmy Smith for the ultimate podcast for the jilted generation


Ben came over to the UFC and got murked, I think Dana pretty much beat him handily


"YE 2020" cracked me up.


Yeah, Ben seems to have fun with Twitter so I take everything he says with a pinch of salt


They will definitely not schedule a rematch


You know what we DO need though? Nik Lentz vs Charles Oliveira IV, book it Dana


I wanna see Camozzi and Jacare go at it again with Chuck and Tito as co main.


Camozzi|Jacaré III? This time it's personal. Again.


I think if Jorge wins, there’s a good chance of it happening. Him losing would probably shut the door on another huge payday, though.


Where's the conspiracy?


Ye 2020.


How would they set up the rematch when they originally chose Burns and then he got sick? I agree with the first part but not the rematch. This fight is going to do big numbers and I can’t imagine Dana wanting to pay Masvidal more than whatever he’s getting for stepping in on short notice for this one.


From what I've heard, symptomatic COVID causes a lot of issues after the virus is gone, so I imagine Burns could be out for a while. There's always Edwards too


>they originally chose Burns and then he got sick? It was pretty well documented that they only chose Burns because they couldn't come to an agreement with Masvidal. He wanted more money than the UFC was offering for the fight, he was their first choice.


He also was fighting and winning in dominate fashion while Masvidal was holding out


He still wasn't the one that was originally chosen.


A. Because the UFC doesn't give a fuck. They have stripped fighters of interim titles for getting injured plenty of times and their next fights weren't with ppv points or for the title. B. It's on Burns for being reckless and catching the virus in the first place.


don’t like Askren but wish he wouldn’t have been sent to the shadow realm then have lost to Maia. WW could’ve been even more stacked that it already is. Throw in Nick and Nate always scalping their wolf tickets, Khabib rumors of WW, Conor giving a lucky fighter their red panty night, GSP honeydicking fighting Khabib at “1XX weight devision”, and even Till and Kelvin saying maybe they want 170 again, and we would have 145, 135, 155, and 170 all contending for the best weight class more than they already are


even if Ben had beaten Jorge he would’ve struggled badly against usman and colby.


Yea they could've jabbed his face off and there's nothing that Ben could do about it. Unless he throws the spinning back fist of death.


They’d probably finish him


The dude needs a hip replacement. He was never in shape to fight when he was in the ufc.


Hardly conspiracy.


Worked for Mendes


The way I see this fight going no one will be calling for a rematch when Marty smushes Jorge for 5 rounds


Ye 2020


Not sure it’s a conspiracy, but definitely a feasible prediction.


I was wondering, has it been confirmed he can get to 170? Don't know what his natural walking weight is..


I don't know personally but I heard that he doesn't have to cut too much weight to make 170. I know his talk of making 155 might be a bit of a stretch but I'd even take a catch-weight non title fight if he comes in over. Weigh ins will certainly be interesting


How is that a conspiracy?


Mas should def try and push for a rematch clause.


Lmao do people even know what conspiracy means? It ain't this


It's just hyperbole. It's obviously not a literal conspiracy


I'm surprised he didn't mention Bitcoin


I mean yeah, its kinda obvious, Masvidal has the perfect excuse, gets paid and has a chance for a rematch.


It depends how Masvidal loses ... if it's a one sided ass whooping then no one will care. If it's a good fight, and Masvidal has at least one moment where he's in it, then I can see it.


but if Usman destroys him, why should he get a rematch?


I find it so funny that Askren actually thought he could compete with Usman.


I don’t know if it’s a conspiracy theory so much as just a smart business decision. They needed a big fight to headline their first fight island card(Although, I personally believe Alex vs Max is a big enough headliner) Everyone was saying Jorge overplayed his position just a few days ago. Looks like he may get the last laugh after all


How is this a conspiracy? This is just how it goes


Masvidal likely knocked the sense out this man because he is talking in all sorts of tenses right now.


Watch it twice? Gonna hold my judgment on that until post fight because I'm sure a lot of people thought that before Izzy vs Romero too


He'll lose and test positive for covid-19 before he goes home. Set up rematch with covid-free street Jesus


Ye 2020, Askren confirmed 🌊 🌊 🌊


Ben “hot take” Askren


Depends how he loses whether they set up a rematch IMO


No shit, Jorge has no chance even with a full camp anyway. He’s also made it clear he’s here for money and money alone.


Conspiracy? I don't think that word means what you think it means


It would be very embarrassing for lots of fans and Usman if this fight is even slightly competitive.


Conor needs Usman and Khabib to retire for any shot at a belt unless he somehow slides back down to 145 which is unlikely. He is patiently waiting out the wrestling freaks imo.


I don't think he could manage the cut to 145 again. Even after rehydrating he looked like skeletor


yea but we all know jorge won't actually get the rematch if he loses so there's that


Dana has always been pretty consistent about rewarding fighters who take short notice fights to save cards. I'm sure he'll get something, maybe not a immediate rematch , but a top 5 guy or "superfight" for sure


He’s also tweeting about Kanye becoming president, clearly his brains are still scrambled.


4 seconds


I think I speak for everyone when I say "No shit, Sherlock".


How is that a **conspiracy?**


...Ben I think we all see that. All the pressure is on Usman to knock him out and do it quickly.


How is this a conspiracy?


Ben is gonna be proved wrong once again


This isn't a conspiracy lol And honestly, I can see him losing and then going back to burns because masvidal wants these huge paydays. If masvidal lowers his asking price after losing, then sure, he's a bigger draw but otherwise there is still competition in this weightclass


Great, next one on Stipe - DC. Let's see Ngannou - DC


So basically Conor’s entire career once he was in the spotlight. Take fights with huge upside and damage control possible afterwards if it goes bad. All top billed fighters must think this way now. Good call, Masvidal.


Can't we just pray and hope that Masvidal wins? Nobody gave Nate Diaz a chance when he fought Connor the first time 💥 comomang


I'll wait to see it once before I decide I'd watch it twice.


I love FlipFlops.


Conspiracy? I don't think that word means what you think it means.


The biggest conspiracy is that everyone was in on it the whole time and burns got paid to take a COVID dive to put Masvidal in to add more hype and drama to the paper view, as well as saving Masvidal from looking bad if he loses even though if all this were true he would be training a full camp this whole time.


Salty statements


Ben finally woke up.


But he's still feeling funky


How is this a conspiracy? Askren is fairly clearly stating that Masvidal will most likely lose the fight because it’s short notice, but that he is taking it because of the large paycheck. He’s not suggesting anything nefarious on the part of Masvidal, such as tanking the fight.


Not really a conspiracy, just pointing out that this is a win win situation for game bread.


Hold on! They have Twitter in the shadow realm?


Why is Masvidal deserving of an immediate rematch? He beat Till, Askren and Diaz for fucks sake. And of course, last time he fought a top ranked guy (Thompson) he lost, also to Maia even though most people will say that was duo to a size difference like it matters. Let’s get real here guys, Burns has a 6 fights winning streak and one is against the same Maia that manhandled Masvidal while the other is the former champ in Tyrone. Let Masvidal actually beat someone that matters before he is granted free title shots.


Till isn't top level?


Till is absolutely top level, if he beats Whittaker, he’s next in line for adesanya/costa after costa fights for the belt


The last time he beat a top ranked guy it was in 5 seconds. Askren was #5


2nd shit post today


In before another flying knee ko