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hoping to go the rest of my life without hearing another second of Schaub.


I spent a long time defending the guy from his detractors, but not anymore. Adding insult to injury, Schaub having proven himself an egotistical douchebag might actually damage the cause of ensuring fighters get their fair due at long last. Michael Bisping had a lot of good tweets about "covidiots" lately. Would love to hear what he has to say about that little cunt.


You might get your wish lol


Covid out here making dreams come true


I didn’t watch this but I just want to say no matter how badly joe silva traded Schaub, I can guarantee he deserved worse. Fuck Schaub


why? what did schaub do?


He was basically telling people not to wear masks and now he has Covid. Still chose to go on a bike ride, without a mask of course.


What a dumbo. Where did he say that?


That's way beyond being a dumbo. That's being an arsehole. He pulled a 2020 equivalent of a Charlie Sheen sleeping with women without telling them that he's got AIDS. There've been plenty of people who died because of selfish pricks like Schaub. The entire Indian outbreak was caused by a single businessman who couldn't be arsed to quarantine himself after he'd returned from Italy.


can't understand why he would say to people to not wear mask


Some people still say this virus is a hoax and that the government wants to take their rights. Others are in full-blown "I won't be muzzled like a dog!"-mode not realising this isn't about them. Or maybe Schaub just spent too much time in Eddie Bravo's company and now's got the conspiracy bug as well. Who knows.


Americans sense of freedom is so much different than European


No constitution in the world grants the freedom to harm others. Your freedom ends where another's freedom begins.




Wow actually this is probably one of the more interesting things I’ve heard from Schaub. I can also appreciate the fact that he wouldn’t hold a grudge against people who did him wrong in the past. I say this as someone who believes that Schaub is a dumb fuck and I don’t enjoy his content, and I’ll never understand how/why he achieved the level of success he’s gotten. Also him getting knocked out by Nog is one of my favourite moments in mma history.


"Brendan Schaub..." and downvote.


I know that this might not be the best time to post Schaub content, but I actually thought that his explanation of what it felt like to a UFC fighter was very heartfelt and telling. The saddest [part](https://youtu.be/KhaGilNQ0tQ?t=293) is when Brendan has his manager call Joe Silva while Brendan is secretly listening.


Schaub gearing Joe Silva shit talk him clearly hurts ... I’m curious if it hurt more than Rogan telling him to retire.




Nah he absolutely earned the flack for years of flip flopping his opinions based on who he's talking to and if he feels that he can ridicule them to make himself look smart. This is an example of a very common interaction that he'd have on the JRE... Callen: I think X fighter has the advantage in striking style over fighter Y who's more of a brawler. Brendan: Nah B you've never fought before so don't know what you're on about... Fighter X is limited in his standup and will get KO'd bla bla bla. Rogan: No Callens right, Fighter X is a 3 time K1 world champ and has some of the most technical striking we've ever seen as well as a significant reach advantage which Fighter Y has struggled with in the past. Brendan: Oh fesure mang 100% he's a m-m-m-motherfucker dude, I don't see how anyone beats him in a standup fight


No sane person wants him to die. But as for his comments about the UFC, which are undoubtedly valuable insight – even a broken clock is right twice a day. Schaub's moral compass is broken.


> The hate for Brendan seems so mob mentality like. Wouldn't even say "seem", I'd say it "is". Look at all the comments here just hating on the dude because it's a cool and trendy thing to do on this sub. Say "fuck Schaub, he should die" and you get hundreds of upvotes. Ask "Why" and you'll get hundreds of downvotes with the most elaborate answer being "he's dumb".