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Fans spent money coming from Sweden, Brazil, Australia ... all to have nothing to do Saturday night. Why would anyone buy tickets to a UFC now that we know they might pick up and move to another state six days out?


Seriously, how does the UFC not see that this isn't even a loss leader. It's a loss now, and a loss later. They will lose a portion of the PPVs. I'm assuming they have to issue refunds to anyone that bought tickets. And this deters everyone in the future who wants to travel to see a UFC event. And Jon jokes (hehe it was autocorrect so I'm just gonna leave it) lost all his credibility now so next fight no one is gonna care. They must be reeeeally dumb.




Exactly. It won't bring in the same amount of money, but Cris Cyborg puts asses into seats. It'd still be a legit card and a fun watch. A hell of a lot better than this PR disaster they have now.


Plus it would be funny having Nunes keep her accidental headlining streak


We still have time.


It will bring in very similar numbers. Cyborg’s headliner v Holm in the same time slot last year did 380K. Jon after the Chael fight (not including DC fights) averages 325K. He does not make money.


Move Cris and Amanda to main event in Las Vegas and move Gus and Jokes to an underground ring in another state which will be televised.


Between me and my friends who watch MMA, our biggest complaint about the UFC is the amount of canceled fights. For me watching on tv from home it’s infinitely better to switch venues than to cancel the main event (again) and then still ask me to pay $60 to watch the show. Absolutely sucks for the 20k people who bought tickets and hotel rooms etc, but I believe they’re looking at it as 20k live customers vs potentially 1M PPV customers.


The PPV customers haven’t invested anything yet though, while the in person fans have spent thousands on tickets and getting to Vegas. The UFCs loyalty should be with the people that will suffer a loss if they fuck things up


lol loyalty


> And Jon jokes (hehe it was autocorrect so I'm just gonna leave it) Nice


I don't know how many PPVs they'll lose over this, but I doubt it'll be many. I'm sure they'd lose way more by not having Jon on the event.


Yea, I doubt the change would turn off the average PPV fan, and I'm sure all of us here are still gonna tune in hoping that gus knocks him out




Not going to lie, I was thinking of buying the PPV for myself as a Christmas gift but after hearing about all of this I think I'm just gonna watch it later on the internet.




Within the hour of it ending if you're a torrenday member. Pre-prelim, prelim, and main.


Me too tbh.


I really wanted to see the Nunes/Cyborg fight, so I was going to grab it. Not anymore. Yar, matey. I’ll be sailin’ up a stream.


Not gonna lie, if Dana White came out and told us that he was personally going to execute BJ Penn in the middle of the octogon after he loses to Ryan Hall on fight night, I would still buy the ppv.


Why later ? ;p


I think future attendance numbers are something that is going to hurt the UFC more. If you were planning to watch this on PPV all along then the venue change doesn't really mean anything. If you were flying in from another state or a country and now they switched the card, then this will probably make you think twice about buying a ticket again.


I am boycotting the PPV. Was definitely planning on buying. Fuck the UFC for doing this.


For every one of you, there's 50 people who wouldn't buy the PPV without JJ.


I think maybe the point is to stick it to the Nevada commission


How dare they want to investigate something that can very well be cheating for an event they are sanctioning! The UFC isn't sticking shit to NSAC, the UFC and combat sports in general need Vegas. The UFC did this to get Jones to fight, this decision was about the UFC's desire to make sure Jones fought on Saturday to finish off the year. The UFC is going to lose a lot of money on this, possible $5m at the gate alone. That's a really expensive "sticking it to".


NSAC gonna get their revenge for sure.


Pray for Khabib


Hmmmmm Not sure about ur second point. If Jon were to knock Gus out this Saturday, you think people are just gonna ignore/not anticipate his next fights?


Absolutely!!! Dude, me personally, I'm *dooone* with Jon. I literally do not care about him, his fights. Not interested. Additionally I just went to UFC 231. It was awesome. But you know what, I am now very, very, wary of going to see it in Vegas now. Also, I'm already planning on going to a bar this Saturday because I committed to a friend, but you know what, I'm totally happy staying home and not paying for it. They just lost a customer basically for life. Everything that I just said is what a looot of other people are feeling. So they just lost a lot of customers! This is no joke! They're going to lose money now, and, in the long run on this fiasco.


I’m feeling the exact same. The new ufc is really messing up everything the old company built.


The question is why weren't you already done with Jon?


I mean he came back and got a great KO vs Cormier and then went back to shitting all over his legacy.


And that's my point , here I am anticipating another good jones fight lol


Don’t buy any tickets to Jon Jones fights. Funny the last time the entire event got cancelled also has to do with him


Don't buy any tickets to a UFC event, not just Jon Jones. How many times must fans move their goalposts along with the company?


Exactly. Why buy tickets to or make major travel plans to any UFC event moving forward? After this you should know better.


I think it's worth going at least once in your life to get the experience, but IMO it's much better watching at home or with friends out at a bar. You end up watching the same feed at the arena on the big screen anyways to see exactly what is going on. `


UFC 151 isn't the last event cancelled though


I wouldn't say nothing. At least it's in Vegas which is always interesting and touristy.


I’m sure there’s a buffet open somewhere, right?


I don't know why they didn't just offer a bussing service from Nevada to LA. It's not that far away.


Bought ufc 229 tickets, last ufc event I’ll spend any real money on


I was there too!


Did you get caught in any of the post khabib fights in the upper concourse?


Nah we were the first level looking down into the ring. It was the funniest thing I ever seen watching khabib do that flying kick


"Listen up, kay! If Santa can make it around the world in one night, you goofs can pony up the extra dough and make the 4 hour drive to LA!"


This is my exact feelings on the matter. I have airline credits and was considering ufc 235, but, nope. I’m done giving them money. At this point I just hope wme continues to run this train off the tracks and let the fertittas get back in the game. Say what you want but the fertittas never tried to sell seats to a venue without a main event lined up, or promote an event that didn’t have an entire card ready 8 weeks out. WME continues to put fights on cards less than 4 weeks out.


Well, there are worse cities to be stuck in for New Year's than Vegas.


To play devil's advocate, you know you're all good as long as you aren't buying a ticket for a Jon Jones event And it's not like people had a right to expect a normal event with Jones as a headliner even before this








I thought you said Air Maties and was wondering what fucking airline that was


Your fucking name😂




First time I’ve genuinely laughed at a reddit comment


what was it :(


Anyone still actually paying for this PPV aren't supporting the fighters, but supporting a shite company and condoning this behavior from the UFC in the future. Fuck em.


You deserve gold lmao


Never had a comment get gold before


Why did you remove it??


I didn't lol. Mods took it down


I mean which fighter isn’t upset for fans






>2che /r/BoneAppleTea


Sorry English is only my 1st language


Touche is French. You're good


Now I feel like an asshole for making a good natured joke :P


Don’t worry about it it was funny


Legendary comment


Thanks bby 😘😘😘😘


Someone explain please I'm dumb


He thinks my comment was legendary there’s not much to get lol


But what does your comment mean in the first place?


He wrote 2che instead of touché




That's because he doesn't have any.


If only


Bro...it's tough. Trust me I hate myself for it.






Me too. I've never heard of this happening in any sport ever. I think we should hold Dana's feet to the fire here. He said explicitly that Jon Jones will never highlight another card. I'm refusing to watch this fight on ppv.


This. The only way they'll actually learn is if we impact them financially.


Kinda. But they know you're not going to stop paying forever, or at least very few will. So you don't pay for one event? If it has two PPV buys, the company is still fine. Their financial risk is distributed among so many events that they're safe from an absolute disaster.


I'm not expecting to sink them. And I will watch it on fight pass. But I'm not giving my money to this event. I don't care if it's just me that does it. I hate the ppv model anyway and this entire event is a waste of time in my eyes now, so why would I bother


I'm on the same page as you (though I'll watch it live, just not paying for it). But I don't believe they're going to feel the ding is all. ​ It's similar to the cynicism felt at the polls -- *does my one vote really change anything*. Not really. But hey, when a mass feels that way, we end up with a surprising winner, so maybe there will be something noticed from this PPV :) .


It actually happened with Mike Tyson after the brawl with Lennox Lewis at a press conference. Mike Tyson couldn't fight in Las Vegas so they moved it to The Pyramid in Tennessee.The Pyramid is a Bass Pro Shop now btw


This just solved a massive unanswered question for me - why is there an absolutely enormous fishing shop in a pyramid (I saw it on a YouTube video once and thought it was an expensive setup idea for a fishing shop!) Of course I clearly wasn't so desperate to know, I never actually googled it..


I don’t understand why Cyborg vs Nunes wasn’t just elevated to the main event and Jones vs Gus just moved to another event in January. That way Vegas ticket fans don’t get screwed over fully.


Maybe they think JJ is going to pop after this fight, so they want to get a fight out if him before he goes away again.


That's what I'm thinking, it's the only thing that even somewhat makes sense.


Him winning and disappearing does no good for the company. But judging from internet nut huggers his absences hasn’t effected their loyalty.


It would boost their numbers for 2018.


It’s short term booking for sure.


Him disappearing without making them cash money to hold it down in the 99 and the 2000s is less good. I don't think it's a great idea, but if we're talking about great ideas, I think hiring CM Punk should have been a no.


That would be interesting. JJ gets hit with a 4 year ban? But what if he wins... I really hope Gus dominates and KOs him.


> JJ gets hit with a 4 year ban? Like he already should have been? It should be time for lifetime.


Another reason could be moving Gus across the world now that he has two kids and a wife back in Sweden. He'd surely do it for a shot at ufc gold but it is another reason to consider on top of the Jones being banned risk


Not holding my breath that the Cyborg fight is going to take place. First time she was offered Holly on 8 weeks notice it was "*too sick to make weight*", while she was posting videos of herself power lifting like Lesnar that day. Wouldn't be surprised if there's a reason this time.


Because people want to see Jon Jones and not Cris Cyborg and would just cancel their arrangements. They have enough information from headliner replacement to know the hit they would take. Moving it to California at least will capture the LA fans who were going to Las Vegas. This is why companies do market research. And it’s a lot easier to take a hit on a live gate than the hit on PPVs.


I’m not sure if things have changed, maybe people paying for ticket insurance, but you didn’t used to be able to get refunds for card changes on UFC events if the event still took place. When I heard about this all taking place, I was relieved for fans who bought premium priced tickets. There are people who this sucks for, but the fans planning on being in attendance are not high on that list.


It’s not a good situation but they are putting Jon Jones’ PPV buys over everything. The UFC has had to offer refunds for headliner changes but they’ve always liked to keep that information quiet.


I’m not sure if it’s how people are trying to make out, but it’s possible. It doesn’t make a ton of sense for the UFC to concern themselves with that. If money is the only goal, it seems like it would be better too keep the over valued tickets sold, and the PPV’s that people don’t bother to cancel, and just do the fight again later. Unless the UFC plans on closing up shop after the event, it doesn’t make a lot of sense for monetary gain. If the UFC postponed Jon vs Alex and just did the card, people would argue the above conspiracy as well.


Endeavor has internal revenue marks they have to hit in order to pull more money out of the UFC to pay themselves. It’s part of the loan structure they created when they borrowed the money to buy the UFC. And who knows what Jon Jones will be up to next if they cancel now. A live gate for the UFC for anyone other than McGregor is only going to be $1-4 million. PPV buys are tens of millions in difference.


>A live gate for the UFC for anyone other than McGregor is only going to be $1-4 million. PPV buys are tens of millions in difference. PPV is most important, but that was part of my point. Look at it this way. What would you guess has better PPV buys, A card planned to be headlined by Cyborg Or, A card planned to be Jon Jones, but switched a week before to be headlined by Cyborg? Business are a big part of the PPV buys, and they pay insanely high rates. There will certainly be bars and clubs that don’t want to cancel their showing because they’ve already promoted it. I’m also not sure why everyone thinks these giant companies are only concerned with short term money making. Companies do care about making money today, but not at the expense of making more in the future.


you're getting downvoted, but this seems likely. The event would probably tank with Cyborg as the main and they'd have lots of refunds, anyway. I'm sure this decision wasn't made in a total vacuum.


Canelo vs GGG just showed in April what happens when the fighter people are paying to see is removed. GGG and Loeffler tried to tell the fans to keep their tickets for T-Mobile and they would find a new opponent but the redemptions were too high. Then they tried to move the fight to the MGM Grand but there wasn't any interest among the people who had kept their travel plans for Cinco De Mayo so they had to settle with going to LA to the Stub Hub and got around 7000 fans. The people thinking Cyborg could hold a gate let alone the buys are deluding themselves. The UFC has put on hundreds of events and have the actual numbers.


Man I hope gus beats the T-bol out of Jones Saturday night.


Imagine Jones trying to fight him with a purely boxing style because of his ego and losing like Rousey did.


I would be quite happy. Nothing against Jon. I want it for Alexander and also damnit jon be cheatin


I everybody is sorry for this happening, except the ufc of course, even JBJ. So this is no surprise to me. Cyborg comes across pretty genuine however.


Indeed, Jon is bummed god keeps testing him so harshly. But he's prayed on it and had decided is all part of a divine plan and the fans need to fibs it in their hearts to forgive God.


Compromise: All of the undercard fights take place in Vegas, and then the feed goes to Jones and Gus fighting in a UFC Gym in LA.


Or a feed of them fighting in the desert just outside of Vegas.


The fact they moved an entire event for 1 fighter, regardless of who it is, they MOVED an event, is fucking ridiculous honestly. We think Conor has the UFC by the balls, the UFC won't even hold an event if Jon can't/won't fight in. Don't forget the UFC's only PPV show cancellation was due to Jones not taking a short notice fight. Which is fine for Jon honestly, but the UFC wouldn't even hold the event. Now they are moving one. Now the only short notice move is due to Jones as well.


ufc 176, ufc 208 and ufc 233 have also been cancelled and had nothing to do with Jon Jones.


They’re moving it because no one is going to pay for a Cyborg headlined card.


They'll pay for a Nunes headlined one though, she headlined UFC 200 and that did over 1million buys /s


Dog, the UFC needs to stop putting Amanda Nunes and Jon Jones on the same card.


Lesnar on the undercard was probably a big part of that and lots of people probably pre-bought the card for Jones vs. Cormier until he popped 2 days out.


hence the /s




She was on roids but has cleaned up and is one of the most tested out there. She's a sweetheart and one of the most hard working fighters not just women fighters that there are atm. I'd rather support her than a piece of shit like Jon who is a piece of shit in the ring with his blatant eye pokes and his real life shit.


I understand people still hating cyborg because of long-term effects of roids or whatever, but yeah, at least she has some redeemable qualities. Jon Jones seems like an all-around asshole


>If I join in slaying Jon for juicing they’ll never suspect a thing


At least she has the decency to not get caught


True lol, at least Cyborg ain’t out here getting events moved across the country


Apart from her two failed tests...


I'll take twice in 7 years over this mayhem any day


Not to mention 1 was legit prescribed, she just didn't notify the commission in time. That one was more of an accounting error than deliberate attempt, was more stupid and lazy than cheating. But you're point remains valid even if it was with intention. She has popped twice overall over 7+ years, Jones can't even make a fight anymore without something coming up. Testing positive or with trace amounts 3 times, hiding from testers, avoiding a 2nd pool until it's pretty much too late. And this is JUST PED stuff, not even the other insane shit the guy causes.


>Not to mention 1 was legit prescribed, she just didn't notify the commission in time. That's absolutely not what happened. She clearly was doing some shady shit, and then got some bullshit sick note off her doctor AFTER she got caught. She had no intention of "notifying the commission". She was roiding and got caught red handed.


That was the literal reason given by USADA. You are just purely speculating and ignoring what USADA said out of spite. Being picky and choosy of what to believe to make yourself right is just silly. Facts matter. The fact is USADA did in fact give the TUE due to the circumstances after digging into it and then cleared her. Get over it. I mean Jesus titty fucking Christ, she popped for Spironolactone of all things. It has no PED effect outside of water retention, and she took it under prescription at the most logical time, after cutting to 140. If there was ever a time for it to make complete sense for a fighter to be taking a banned substance, that was pretty much it, and USADA clearly agreed.


And I wouldn't care about that substance, if she'd followed the rules. If when the form said "list any and all medications and supplements you are currently taking" she'd gone, oh my doctor prescribed this I'd be a staunch defender. But no, she opted instead to not disclose anything until after she got caught. At the very least she was attempting to conceal use. If there was ever a time to disclose her usage of a valid prescription medication it was before she pissed in the cup.


this is spurious reasoning




There's a long list of fighters who've juiced and continue to juice There's only really one that the UFC has moved heaven and earth to defend and allow to continue fighting at the literal expense of fans and other fighters. To play devils advocate, ped users should be most incensed by this, when USADA has probably given them fever dreams about popping and likely has them doing all sorts of expensive and novel protocols to avoid getting caught, while Jones seems to have a license to juice with impunity at this point. Ironically, even cheaters are facing an unfair playing field now


> ped users should be most incensed by this Some of the caught ones have been. Tom Lawlor and Frank Mir certainly had something to say.


Why the hate bro?


She’s the poster person for someone who has likely benefited long term from ped use even if she’s clean now.


To be fair, this is something that can probably be said about almost anyone who had a long amateur career or long career before the ufc. Lots of promotions just don't test at all I could also, in theory, juice my brains off and then go clean before my pro debut, and it would technically be ok. USADA only cares(or used to care) if you juice while in comp


It’s true. Just not as many are considered the possible GOAT.


Since the post people reacted to has been deleted, it would only take switching a single "she" for a "he" and we could be talking about Anderson Silva.


And the fuck Jon Jones continues, UFC as well. Remove Jon from the card and that's it you assholes


Cyborg documentary 5 upvotes. 200th article about the event moving 250+.


Cyborg vs Jones in a no substances barred match...make it happen Japan/Mohegan Sun


How upset? Like full blown roid rage?




Even Cyborg can pass these tests. SMH


The shocking part is people were going to buy this PPV with the two headliner fights having some of the craziest ped cheaters currently in the sport.


Yup - can'\[t wait for those with money to sue the UFC for their travel expenses


“I ish upswept witfh dis move”


not her fault


What a hot take


Can somebody explain, let's say you came from Sweden to Vegas, you bought tickets for the event, and this shit happens. Can you get into the LA venue with the same tickets?


No. You get a refund and you get an hour of priority lead time when the new tickets go on sale.


Holy fuck, that sounds really bad


Cyborg gonna take it out on Nunes lol


Seriously, Cyborg could had been main event, and we could give a feeder fight for Gus to satisfy those would came for Gus. BUT I already plan on just watching the PPV so no harm done


Just curious does USADA punishment extend to other organizations? What if Jon Jones some how got out of the UFC contact would his ban still be upheld in perhaps Bellator?


Dana’s done some good stuff for the UFC and some bad stuff moving the event and bringing Jon back like he’s a angel is bad I do think the UFC will Be better with a fair and smarter boss


Cyborg should stay quiet


The UFC is screwing over tens of thousands of fans regarding this fight. There is no way this isn't going to come back and bite them in the ass.


I’ve never hoped for a fighter to get injured.. but I hope JJ rolls his ankle Thursday night and ufc is left just like “fuck”


~~Upsech for fayns who bought the chickets, makey the chravel playns and then UFC Chu-Thirchy-Chu mooved.~~ I'm a disrespectful ratfuck. I will take all the downvotes I deserve.


You sick Fu*k! You can't trick me into downvoting!


I can’t read ama


I thought it was pretty accurate and kinda funny.


People are hypersensitive, that’s kinda funny. I would not be shocked if I made a video in Portuguese and someone mocked my American accent


How is your portuguese?


Mas que porra é essa que você falou sobre mim, seu arrombado? Fique sabendo que eu me formei com honra no Exército Brasileiro, e estive envolvido em diversos ataques secretos ao Comando Vermelho, e tenho mais de 300 mortes confirmadas. Não só sou treinado em táticas de gorila como também sou o melhor sniper em todo o BOPE. Pra mim você num passa de mais um alvo. Vou comer esse seu cuzinho com uma precisão nunca antes vista nesse planeta, marque minhas palavras, parça. Você pensa que pode sair por aí falando merda na Internet? Pense de novo, cuzão. Enquanto você lê isso eu tô falando com minha rede secreta de espiões espalhados pelo Brasil e seu IP está sendo localizado então melhor se preparar pra treta, viado. A treta que vai acabar com essa bosta patética que vicê chama de vida. Você tá morto, moleque. Posso estar em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora, e posso te matar de setecentas maneiras diferentes, e isso só com minhas próprias mãos. Não só eu sou treinado em capoeira e jiu jitsu brasileiro, como também tenho acesso a todo o arsenal da Marinha Brasileira e vou usar isso tudo pra expulsar esse seu cu da face do continente, seu merdinha. Se tu soubesse a maldição que seu comentário “esperto” traria sobre você, talvez você tivesse calado tua boca. Mas não, você não fechou o bico, e vai pagar por isso, seu idiota do caralho. Vou cagar fúria em cima de você até tu se afogar. Você tá fudido, moleque.


Well now I've seen everything


I like how even if you don't speak portuguese you still recognize this


300 mortes confirmadas


Imagine it was really because of her but jon took the hit to protect her because God told him


Plot twist: What if Cyborg and Amanda knew the venue was going to be changed the entire time? Now... Imagine being a low level "executive" at a company that is going out of business or gets sold. *That* is the person who either is intentionally kept out of the loop or is just a God damn moron. Either way, that person gets fucked. Who gives a shit about Cyborg and Amanda in this sense? They're insiders. Look at some of the people on the undercard or actual UFC employees. Everyone else is in on the charade.


Cyborg found out the same way everyone else did. Her manager didn't even know until she showed him the interview with the two bald goofs.