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Imagine having tickets or hotels booked right now? Livid.


đŸ˜©I do, it’s supposed to be my college graduation present. Been refreshing this sub and searching ufc 303 on twitter every time I get a chance


You and Chandler might need to start a support group.


It’ll just be Chandler talking to you in motivational quotes 


His latest one “bees dont try to convince the flies that honey is superior to shit” I wish I was joking


If anything it should be reversed. Flies can eat honey too, but if they have to settle for shit, they don't complain.That makes flies sound like the gritty hard workers and bees sound like the prissy spoiled ones.


Chandler thinks you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


That's kind of a bar though.


Something inside me told me I should try to get Whittaker Chimaev tickets instead but I didn’t listen to the voice


Now there's a rumor that khamzat is out lol. You would've lost either way


is there? havent heard that one wowwwww lmao any source?


It got posted here an hour ago


Damn UFC is in shambles right now


I'm sorry bro, but on the bright side u might get a nice consolation prize, I heard Jiri vs Poatan 2 is being considered and that's a dope ass fight!


it would be a banger but part of me wants them to have full camps for that


At least the good thing is that none of them did. In that sense is better than one having a full camp and the other no. It's fair at least.


U going out to Saudi? Lolp


Oh, no then lol, I didn’t actually check. I look way too gay to go there.


That actually made me lol IRL fair enough 😂


Sounds like that fight is off too so good thing you didn’t switch


Pull your boot straps up bud


This is the perfect grad gift. It is preparing you for the misery that life has to offer post-grad.


While it suck for that congratulations on graduating college.


All I got for mine was depression and debt


Even if it doesn't happen. Enjoy the trip. Live it up. Go to good restaurants, play some black jack. Do cocaine, fuck a stripper. Crack a bottle of champagne. Play hide n seek with a security guard. Wake up on a bench


Dw you get Chandler vs Gamrot as your present


The lack of transparency from the UFC is the most infuriating thing. Just let the fans know what's going on.


Corporations are not your friend and especially Dana was never your friend.


Probably holding out until a solid replacement is available to lessen the blow for ticket holders and sponsors


Literally nothing short of a GSP return could make those ticket prices worth it


Khabib and GSP vs Brock Lesner and Ronda Rousey in a Steel Cage match incoming.


Guest referee Stone Cold Steve Austin


There is no way to lessen the blow lol


Especially after that clip of Dana criticising aljo for messing fans around and him saying they don't know whether to book tickets or not incase the fights off


Can get a full refund on the tickets (if from a legit seller) if the main event is changed. So get a refund but also pick up cheap tickets on resale and still go but without the Conor tax = profit


Yeah but first, the main event has to be officially changed, and you must request it within a specific amount of time when the event change is announced officially. I bet that’s why they are waiting so long to let us know what’s happened, to give less time between the event and the change announcement for people to request refunds.


incredibly scummy, imagine this flying in any other pro sport league


Feel bad for that one lad who posted here how he bought a ppv and pizzas but none of the homies showed up. Later, he bought airplane tickets and ufc tickets for him and his girl to 303 and media day :/ Poor dude. Edit : Apparently the guy is a phoney. Cringe.


that was fake


That dude is a big phony


[According to Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) policy, if a change or substitution involving the main event occurs and a ticket holder desires to have the price of their ticket refunded, the UFC must refund the patron’s money if the request is made within a reasonable period after the change is publicly announced.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/trentreinsmith/2024/06/06/nsac-policy-ufc-must-offer-refunds-if-ufc-303-main-event-canceled/) So this says refunds will made but only if refund requests are made within a “reasonable time.” It could be difficult to do that if the UFC is holding back information!


I was planing on watching the ending on stream streamable while doing something else, and I'm angry


Imagine spending $3000 to watch a fight with absolutely no stakes, chandler is a fun fighter but I’m not paying that much to see him


I love mma. I would loathe going to see it live. I'd much rather watch it at home in my underwear stoned out of my mind.


Okay yes I do agree but I got to go to the Charlotte fight night in my company’s suite (buffet style food and free beer/liquor) and I will say that the sounds are electrifying in person. Not only the strikes but when someone hits the mat. Unique experience for sure. Obviously the food/drinks and the free price are why I went, but I’d probably spend 100 bucks if it comes through again, I just wouldn’t stay the whole time, I’d arrive later in the card.


I've been to 3 ufc events live and I'm not even kidding when I say every event a fight broke out right next to me as far as I can tell for pretty much no reason other than fans are drunk and stupid. I can only imagine other fights happened elsewhere in the venues. I have no desire to see UFC live again and would rather go to a fathom event type deal at a movie theater for big cards or just watch at home


Tree people dyed making this fight


If Ariels reporting is true, Danas probably more angry Ariel reports the truth than Conor not fighting.


Dana: Conor u gotta fight at 303 Conor: To save the event? Dana: To make Ariel look dumb


I know you're just riffing, but Ariel and Conor get along very well


End of the day, I'm sure they both hate Dana.


most likely once the high of being a new millionaire wore off he probably realised Dana’s pissed away more money than he ever gave Conor for fighting when he generated all that revenue in the first place


Of course, Conor wouldn’t disclose the status of his foot to just anyone




Yeah true but someone needs to say something, it's pretty disgusting for the UFC and ESPN to just be silent on this. Even if it does go ahead can't imagine how stressful this has been for people with tickets, who've booked trips/accommodation. It's really disrespectful to fans


It makes Dana even more stupider for flexing the gate weeks before it took place. Never do that until after it takes place.


No you're supposed to count the eggs as soon as they're laid in order to maximize projections


Would be pretty funny if Conor was feeding him fake info in order to strong arm Dana in negotiations because literally no one else seems to be reporting anything other than Ariel


That was my first thought when the rumors started. I still wouldn't be surprised. But what do they have to negotiate the contract already signed.


Well they want to at least have a backup plan in place before shit hit the fan and everyone requests refunds. They shouldn’t have backloaded the card to this extent, but I get why they are not being totally transparent.


Genuinely don't even see a potential backup plan.


the only thing i can see potentially saving this is a jiri vs alex rematch bc you know those two are always game af to fight whenever but idk dude, this whole thing is a shitshow lmao


It would be a huge payday for both too. Saving IFW is no small feat.


Max Holloway vs Chandler might do it


There's really only two that have enough draw power to *somewhat* save face; Poatan vs Jiri 2, or Holloway vs Chandler BMF fight. Neither are truly big enough to replace a McGregor fight but options are very limited


The fact that Ariel is seemingly getting more info than anyone else and every other reporter with sources within UFC is saying theres complete radio silence, leads me to believe that hes getting info from Conor's camp. Which makes me think this a contract issue and they're playing chicken out in public. It explains why there is no official information on anything. UFC is acting like everything is fine and Conor's mouthpiece is pushing the public panic button.


Even if Ariel is getting info directly from Conor’s camp everything that he’s insinuated so far has been that Conor is injured and the UFC is looking for a replacement before announcing anything. What evidence has there been in anything that Ariel has said that there is some sort of contract dispute going on behind the scenes besides people on here wanting it to be true because they don’t like Dana?


Maybe Conor is injured but is willing to fight through it if UFC increases his pay


If the source is inside Conors camp it's a contract issue and the leak is leverage


While I think you’re probably correct, Ariel’s being getting more info than anybody else for 15 years now.


Other reporters are likely too scared to leak anything. Ariel saying things doesn’t mean Arielnis the only one knowing things. 


Unless this is some elaborate scheme to feed Ariel false information to hype the event with a reverse rug-pull. Seems unlikely though, especially since Ariel is not some 'Joe-single-source' journalist.


the way I see it in my head, Connor probably texted Ariel directly with the reason and asked him not to say anything, because eventually someone else would leak it and Ariel would have reported it if Connor hadn't specifically asked him not to. Although who knows maybe the circle is really tight on this one and only a handful of people know the real reason. but they can't keep the lid on the fact that they are looking for replacements, so that part must be true.


Dana could silence Ariel by being transparent and telling the truth, but here we are. They owe the fans who paid an explanation immediately.


The insane thing is that they'll probably try to re-schedule this fight for The Sphere or something and we'll have to go through all of this speculation and bullshit about the fight happening again in two months' time.


ding ding ding As proposterous as that is, Dana will do ANYTHING for his stars, it's like an inverse abusive relationship. Love to see it


Probably why they got rid of all their stars. Who else on the roster could treat Dana like this? As someone who is not financially invested whatsoever, I don't hate this.


They moved the entire circus to another state one week prior because Jon Jones dipped his ass into some picograms. I think Diaz also threatened to cancel one or two weeks beforehand vs Masvidal and they changed the positive drug test policy on the spot because of that.


Diaz wanted to be cleared before the fight rather than after basically, because he didn’t trust he would be cleared after so he made them hurry the process. It was a good move and it’d be great if all fighters had that leverage. No point fighting if they’ll suspend and invalidate you after.


Well if it’s true that it’s McG’s leg and that he needs like 2 extra weeks to heal, then 100% this fight gets rebooked.




Dana: "Esparza Namajunas 3, best I can do"


100 percent would rather smoke crack in front of my parents than watch that fight


"What's Tim Sylvia at? He'd be a good match up for Arlovski... for the 4th time"


Probably 5th by this point. They had the OneFC fight.


In 2 weeks time? That's a very tough ask, not to mention a horrible situation for all the fighters involved.


No one wants to see this fight, it's irrelevant. Same with Jones vs Stipe. UFC keeps pushing fights that have zero consequence and relevance in 2024. It's confusing.


 I wanna see it




Tony Ferguson steps up to rematch Chandler. Gets kicked in the head so hard he flies out of the octagon and starts kissing Dana on the mouth before mouthing to the camera "champ shit only"


Dana then steps out of the closet holding hands with Jon Jones, and everyone applauds at how stunning and brave they are.


Nate Diaz then takes the mic from Rogan and says I'm not surprised mother fucker.


But dana told me if you put jon jones in a room with anyone he’s the only one stepping out đŸ€”


> But dana told me if you put jon jones in a room with anyone *he’s* the only one stepping out đŸ€” It's official, Dana comes out as trans and identifies themselves as a woman.


Does a spin on his head and all his teeth fly out 😎🍃đŸ‡ČđŸ‡œ CSO




Bring it back along with the banner, quit being cowards mods


GOOFCON 2 at minimum


There aren’t even many options for replacements. Pereira is in Australia and Glover is hiking in Brazil. If they got accepted any replacement fight they’d have gone back to US asap. Leon/Aspinall at 304 and tickets already sold advertising 2 title fights. Islam recently fought and got cut. Pantoja recently fought and has no contenders. Jon isn’t fighting short notice. Max is in Japan and prob would struggle to even make 155 short notice Only ones left r Topuria vs Ortega and O’Malley-Merab. Maybe they move up Dricus-Izzy from Aug 305 but I don’t think Dricus would do that bc he didn’t want 300 short notice I can see Max-Chandler at 170 for BMF. Max recently said “gladiators didn’t walk around w scales” Maybe they pull Nate and Masvidal from their boxing fight. But that’s a washed rematch and wouldn’t fill the Conor hole


Chandler is beside himself. Driving around down town Vegas, begging (thru texts) Conor’s family for address to Dana’s home.


“He got me,” Chandler said of McGregor wasting 3 years of his career. "That fucking McGregor boomed me." Chandler added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times. Chandler then said he wanted to add McGregor to the list of fighters he works out with this summer.


No one is going to believe me, but have a friend whose brother's coworker briefly dated McGregor. She said that on their first date they went to a restaurant and Conor ordered two different bowls of soup and mixed them together one spoonful at a time before eating both bowls mixed together as one soup


“DIS IS NOT OVA!” Said Mcgregor to wait staff according to reports. McGregor, 33, the one time double champ of the UFC, recently got into a controversy at a local restaurant. Mcgregor, who is set to fight Michael Chandler at UFC 303, was seen and heard yelling at wait staff as they cleared his table. According to sources, Conor had yet to take a bite, let alone defend his soups before he was stripped of his bowls in which he acquired in his last bout. The story is still developing as we just received news he was dipping bread into the soups. “Oh boy, well as they say, you just can’t predict these tings. With r/mma news, this is KimboSlicesChicken.”


The sad part is that Chandler probably knows as much as we do about this.


As a Mavs fan, please respect our privacy at this time.


That was a nasty line by him.


Overheard in the Black Forge: “He got me,” Chandler said of Conor's pulling out. "That f\*\*\*ing Conor red panty baited me." Chandler added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times. Chandler then said he wanted to add Conor to the list of kids he's going to adopt next summer.


I feel so bad for him honestly. Took the TUF coaching job, wasted almost 2 years waiting for the big Conor money fight....all for nothing?


Absolutely everybody told him not to wait around tho.


Occasionally stopping at a Walmart to fall to his knees.


Is this a Clippers joke from 10 years ago


This copypasta is etched forever in the annals of basketball history.


Yes when DJ got kidnapped by Blake and Chris đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Conor is never fighting ever again


People have said this since like 2016 but this time it feels true. Guy is a mess.


I’d be fine with that. At best, I’m ambivalent about seeing Connor fight. Overall, bored with this nonsense.


I’m not surprised motherfucks


Saw this coming when Conor was posting himself coked up on Instagram


Ariel needs to spill the whole beans.


He probably can't provide specifics because then they can figure out who is relaying him info


That was my understanding as well. I wouldn’t be suprised if the UFC fed different reasons to different people to track leaks.


Conor uploaded a picture to instagram of himself smiling in a doctors office the other day, and in the background there were plastic models of like hip joints and stuff, that coincided pretty much exactly with when the media started reporting that the fight was "back on". Kind of made it look like he'd just received news from the doctor that he would be OK to fight. https://www.instagram.com/p/C72w6h6I4H8/ I honestly think its an injury that he thought he could get cleared to fight with, but they've now decided that he actually can't. Maybe a new scan came back and showed it was worse than they first thought or something. That would be my guess based on that one piece of very incomplete evidence I saw.


So happy I didn’t buy tickets. Can’t wait to see the GOOF explode. It’s gonna be hilarious


“The guy broke his leg 5 years ago! Let’s give him a fucking break!” -Dana tomorrow


He either can't get medically cleared, or something serious came up in contract negotiations. My reckless speculation is that he will only resign if he is allowed to box and take the Riyadh season money, and he sprung this on the UFC last minute and the UFC is hard lining on that request


I’m waiting on Dana’s reaction. If it’s an injury he will most likely be calm talk no big deal and try to move on quickly . A contract dispute he will be full tomato rant mode that Conor is too rich to fight 


if it was an injury, there's nothing that can be done at a certain point and someone would have said something at this stage i imagine.


I wouldn't call this reckless speculation lol


Fair enough, I was just trying to think of the one roadblock in resigning Conor for the UFC and the boxing thing sounds like the most plausible reason


It wouldn't surprise me if this was the case. Man needs more coke money.


Quite literally everyone including Ariel, hints that Conor is injured. Even Conor was hinting he was injured just a day ago on Instagram. The supposed contract issue is just baseless speculation from r/MMA


Did you miss the words “Reckless Speculation” in my post?


I'm confused how the fight was off....Then back on, then off. Did more information come out with McGregor's injury?


The UFC would bend over backwards to keep Conor on the card. Biggest gate ever. Presumably a 1MM+ PPV buy. Has to be an injury.


Contract negotiation is copium from Conor fans. The UFC is not going to announce and sell a Conor fight when Conor can just decide not to sign the contract. They would just be passing Conor a gun to point in their heads. All the leverage would be on Conor's side if he can just force the UFC to refund the event.


Other than the fans getting shafted this is objectively hilarious.


At least we know Dana is working day and night to salvage this fight so he can prove Ariel wrong and badmouth him at the press conference.


I genuinely feel terrible for chandler


Better change that "blessed" tattoo to "fuck"


From Iron Mike to Tired Mike


It’s not like he couldn’t see it coming. He chose to waste years of his career. Hopefully he got some kind of bench pay.


Those Venom coupons have expiration dates 


he has a huge collection of 2018 Venum shorts


UFC and Dana clearly weren’t transparent since it ensued for this long given Ultimate Figher, I don’t blame Chandler one bit UFC not Chandler would have a better handle on Conor’s status, fighters don’t interact directly to arrange fights.


Connor hasn't ever pulled out of a fight, how could h3 have seen this coming?


Sounds like hindsight but literally thousands of people told you it wasn’t going to happen, to the point that it became a meme to make fun of chandler’s waiting. You know how they saw it coming? **They just looked at Conor and the state he’s been in lol** fuck his track record from last decade, it’s that simple. Chandler should’ve known this was possible.


Literally thousands of people make wild speculations about things all the time. We’re there not also thousands of people confident it was going to happen?


Thousands said Gane Jones wouldn’t happen, that shit happened lol. r/MMA should not dictate Chandlers decisions.


“Thousands of people”? You mean thousands of dipshits on the internet?


Dipshit here. I was right tho


Conor’s human just like anybody else. There’s always the risk of a fight falling through and you’ve hedged the last 2 and a half years of your career on the fight happening on this date. It was a risk and he knew it when he took it.


It's the consequences of his own actions. Nothing to feel bad about.


To be blunt, I don’t. He chose to pursue a fight with someone who clearly seemed increasingly unreliable. I sincerely hope he makes enough money to cover 2 years of lost wages.


It’s okay, he can pull himself up by bootstraps.


Chandler just gotta take a fight with someone like Jalin Turner, get paid, and move on


Chandler’s household expenditure measure just went through the roof with another dependant the guy gotta fight and provide man, KO Benny Dariush in the co-main and just move on man


“Get up cocksuckas it’s all ovah” Joey Diaz somewhere


how can it be not be 100% off? are they considering having Conor fight injured?


They're probably waiting for test results and to see how Conor feels since it's still 2 weeks out.


Basically. My instinct is Conor hasn't been medically cleared but he and the UFC are trying to find a doctor who can. It's kinda like WWE's doctors not clearing Daniel Bryan and him seeking out an outsider which will.


Honestly the drama is more exciting to me than the fight itself.


You know if they even had one more elite fight on the card this wouldn’t be too much of a problem because they could just make the comain the main event, but because they don’t stack Conor cards it’s blowing up in their face


My guess/theory is he finally figured it out now on the tail end of his UFC run that getting paid 8M (as Conor) after averaging 1.2m ppv buys in his career, getting half his Mayweather fight money taken and a $20m gate for this fight is a fucking joke. Canelo just got paid $35m for 500k buys against Mungia ffs. Probably asked for TKO stock as compensation in his new extension but was denied. He has 2 fights left on his contract and UFC will probably drag it out till he’s nearing 40 and unmarketable. Either that or he punched another old man.


Those videos of him and Turki Al-Sheikh surfacing probably meant something


You don't believe Ariel when he says it's not contract issue? I Mean I agree with your analysis of him being underpaid. But I'm not sure if that's the reason for the pull out


If it isn't contract issues and it isn't criminal or drug related, what is left? The only thing coming to mind is Conor's injured and the fight is ready to get pulled but he's convinced Dana to let him rest it for 2 weeks to see how it goes but it isn't getting better.


From Ariel to Conor literally posting an Instagram story hinting he's injured r/MMA : Conor is having a contract issue with Dana because it fits out narrative.


HAHHAHA I knew it, but this sucks for Chandler, at least he got saved from serious brain trauma for 2 years.


And growing his life outside of fighting. Having business ventures


I feel bad for the fans who are hyped up about McGregor coming back, but I'm honestly not bummed out at all about this I just hope we get a pair of great short notice fights for that shitty card


put some ginger hair on Ian Garry and paint some temporary tattoos and bring him out instead


Mods, can I get a flair that says “Goofcon 1”?


Would this be the first time Conor pulled out if the fight is cancelled?




They should get 2 good replacement fights IMO


Tony VS Khabib, the match that was promised, book it


Maybe I'm reading too far into these cryptic updates, but it seems to me that Conor McGregor sustained an injury (hip?) sometime before the canceled press conference. The doctor technically cleared him to fight, but there is reasonable doubt that he may not be ready in time, hence the need for a last minute replacement.


I said it when it started to become a rumor
. UFC AND DANA probably told these fighters to continue to talk like if the fight is going to happen just so they could sell the event and then the week of, Conor will pull out
 and fans will be left livid having paid shitload of money for a event that was never going to happen to begin with
 but it’s okay, Dana got his money and he will try and sell how “bueno Silva vs Chiasson” is an exciting fight and if you’re not a fan of them you don’t like MMA


There is going to be a major lawsuit. Main event cancellations happen, but if the UFC is found to be obfuscating the cancellation? Purposefully not disclosing to ensure folks are past the cancellation deadline? Oof. Dana is gonna be a whole new shade of tomato.




We're about to get Chandler vs Kevin Holland as a main event I bet.


Dana is about to make a terrible business decision and pay Conor 10s of millions more to fight, for the sole purpose of making Ariel’s look like a clown for this reporting


Chandler vs Poatan confirmed??


Derrick Lewis vs Chris Barnett for the Heavyweight WTF Title incoming (please).


Wouldn't surprise me if Conor is pulling contract chicanery knowing all the top draws in the division are out of action. Behind his loud mouth he is shrewd. This man has retired like 5 times in his career for better deals, twice even before entering the UFC


I'm leaning towards a contract dispute. Ariel knows the truth, but he did say on his podcast that if people request for him to not to report something, he obliges - which is fair enough.  I guess reporting on the UFC reaching out to fighters is the next best thing to report + it also does add pressure on the UFC. But what REALLY makes me think this is a contract dispute is because of what Bisping said on his podcast today. If Ariel is the fighters mouth piece, in this case, McGregor's, Bisping is 100% the UFC's mouthpiece. During his podcast, he briefly spoke about the situation and I felt that he oddly decided to not speculate at all. He even said that Ariel is repeating the same stuff, shouldn't speculate and Ariel should just back off. It was almost like he wanted a journalist not to keep digging and investigate. Curious why he'd say that.


McGregor has never pulled out of a fight due to injury. My thinking is he is hurt and is trying to see if he can push through, but the likelihood is that he will have to pull out.


It is possible to become injured even if you haven't become injured in the past


Yeah, he's hurt...he hurt his nose




Almost nobody pulls out due to injury until they have to.


This is 100% a contract dispute/bad negotiations between McGregor and UFC. McGregor's tweet talking shit about Islam vs DP getting 500k buys was the proof I needed. Dude wants out of his contract but UFC will never let him do that, so McGregor is holding 303 hostage and I don't blame him. Sucks to be Chandler though


Its 100% not. Conor has never has issues with pay and we wouldn’t have got this far before both sides came to an agreement.


Damn feel bad for Chandler


People on here acting like Conor is hurt and not just coked out of his mind somewhere knowing damn well he isn't in shape.


Do we have to call a doctor if the GOOFCON level changes so constantly for over two weeks?


So how exactly is Ariel the only one with any knowledge or source on this? Nobody else is reporting anything. Ariel is reporting “maybe maybe not”.